Published in J Infect Dis on December 01, 1987
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Draft genome sequencing of giardia intestinalis assemblage B isolate GS: is human giardiasis caused by two different species? PLoS Pathog (2009) 1.97
Persistent G. lamblia impairs growth in a murine malnutrition model. J Clin Invest (2013) 1.81
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High-throughput Giardia lamblia viability assay using bioluminescent ATP content measurements. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (2010) 1.05
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Α1-giardin based live heterologous vaccine protects against Giardia lamblia infection in a murine model. Vaccine (2011) 0.98
Adaptive immunity-dependent intestinal hypermotility contributes to host defense against Giardia spp. Infect Immun (2006) 0.96
Comparison of levels of inactivation of two isolates of Giardia lamblia cysts by UV light. Appl Environ Microbiol (2007) 0.95
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Genome sequencing of Giardia lamblia genotypes A2 and B isolates (DH and GS) and comparative analysis with the genomes of genotypes A1 and E (WB and Pig). Genome Biol Evol (2013) 0.93
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Human Memory CD4+ T Cell Immune Responses against Giardia lamblia. Clin Vaccine Immunol (2015) 0.88
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Antigenic switching of TSA 417, a trophozoite variable surface protein, following completion of the life cycle of Giardia lamblia. Infect Immun (1993) 0.87
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Inferences drawn from a risk assessment compared directly with a randomized trial of a home drinking water intervention. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 0.78
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