Published in N Engl J Med on December 10, 1987
Health-related quality of life in breast cancer patients: a bibliographic review of the literature from 1974 to 2007. J Exp Clin Cancer Res (2008) 2.94
Quality of life data as prognostic indicators of survival in cancer patients: an overview of the literature from 1982 to 2008. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2009) 2.05
Cancer chemotherapy and quality of life. BMJ (1992) 1.97
Screening for psychiatric morbidity in patients with advanced breast cancer: validation of two self-report questionnaires. Br J Cancer (1991) 1.83
Quality of life: philosophical question or clinical reality? BMJ (1992) 1.68
Chemotherapy of advanced breast cancer: outcome and prognostic factors. Br J Cancer (1993) 1.45
New treatments for advanced cancer: an approach to prioritization. Br J Cancer (2000) 1.41
Discordance between physicians' estimations and breast cancer patients' self-assessment of side-effects of chemotherapy: an issue for quality of care. Br J Cancer (1997) 1.19
A randomised trial of planned versus as required chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer: a Cancer Research Campaign trial. Br J Cancer (1991) 1.19
Registration of drugs for treating cancer and HIV infection: a plea to carry out phase 3 trials before admission to the market. BMJ (1995) 1.14
Clinical relevance of single item quality of life indicators in cancer clinical trials. Br J Cancer (2001) 1.13
Cancer clinical outcomes for minority ethnic groups. Br J Cancer Suppl (1996) 1.05
A randomised trial comparing combination chemotherapy using mitomycin C, mitozantrone and methotrexate (3M) with vincristine, anthracycline and cyclophosphamide (VAC) in advanced breast cancer. Br J Cancer (1991) 1.02
Do patients with advanced breast cancer benefit from chemotherapy? Br J Cancer (1998) 1.01
Systemic therapy of advanced breast cancer. Drugs (1992) 0.99
Continuous chemotherapy in responsive metastatic breast cancer: a role for tumour markers? Br J Cancer (1993) 0.92
Maintenance hormonal treatment improves progression free survival after a first line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Int J Med Sci (2008) 0.91
Hemoglobin A1c improvements and better diabetes-specific quality of life among participants completing diabetes self-management programs: a nested cohort study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2012) 0.90
Self-reported health-related quality of life is an independent predictor of chemotherapy treatment benefit and toxicity in women with advanced breast cancer. Br J Cancer (2010) 0.89
Measuring the quality of later life. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1997) 0.88
A randomised comparative trial of mitozantrone/methotrexate/mitomycin C (MMM) and cyclophosphamide/methotrexate/5 FU (CMF) in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. Br J Cancer (1991) 0.87
Metronomic Chemotherapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer - a Systematic Review of the Literature. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd (2016) 0.86
Effect of Beta glucan on quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Adv Pharm Bull (2014) 0.85
Doxorubicin vs epirubicin, report of a second-line randomized phase II/III study in advanced breast cancer. EORTC Breast Cancer Cooperative Group. Br J Cancer (1998) 0.84
Factors affecting baseline quality of life in two international adjuvant breast cancer trials. International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG). Br J Cancer (1998) 0.83
The impact of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on the remodeling of acellular dermal matrices in staged, prosthetic breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg (2015) 0.82
Response to treatment of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat (1991) 0.82
Baseline quality of life factors predict long term survival after elective resection for colorectal cancer. Int J Surg Oncol (2013) 0.81
Initial prognostic factors in small-cell lung cancer patients predicting quality of life during chemotherapy. Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). Br J Cancer (1996) 0.81
Interferon plus tamoxifen treatment for advanced breast cancer: in vivo biologic effects of two growth modulators. Br J Cancer (1993) 0.81
Endocrine symptom assessment in women with breast cancer: what a simple "yes" means. Support Care Cancer (2007) 0.81
Combination or mild single agent chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer? CMF vs epirubicin measuring quality of life. Br J Cancer (1993) 0.80
Extending the duration of first-line chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer: a perspective review. Ther Adv Med Oncol (2011) 0.79
Current applications of health-related quality-of-life assessment in oncology. Support Care Cancer (1997) 0.78
Quality of life as an outcome in breast cancer. Clinical application. Pharmacoeconomics (1996) 0.77
A randomised study of bolus vs continuous pump infusion of ifosfamide and doxorubicin with oral etoposide for small cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer (1993) 0.77
Capecitabine maintenance therapy following docetaxel/capecitabine combination treatment in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Oncol Lett (2015) 0.75
Dose-intense weekly cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, vincristine and prednisolone (CMFP) in advanced breast cancer. Br J Cancer (1990) 0.75
Quality and cost in the palliative care of cancer. Br J Cancer (1992) 0.75
Reinduction therapy with the same cytostatic regimen in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer (1998) 0.75
Optimal duration of a first-line palliative chemotherapy in disseminated colorectal cancer - a review of the literature from a developing country perspective. Contemp Oncol (Pozn) (2016) 0.75
Patient perceptions of symptoms and concerns during cancer chemotherapy: 'affects my family' is the most important. Int J Clin Oncol (2017) 0.75
A virus similar to human hepatitis B virus associated with hepatitis and hepatoma in woodchucks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 8.92
Separation of DNA binding from the transcription-activating function of a eukaryotic regulatory protein. Science (1986) 6.79
Respiratory illness and antibiotic use in general practice. J R Coll Gen Pract (1971) 6.03
Molecular cloning and functional analysis of Drosophila TAF110 reveal properties expected of coactivators. Cell (1993) 5.91
Redressing the balance--the ethics of not entering an eligible patient on a randomised clinical trial. Ann Oncol (1992) 4.41
On the receiving end--patient perception of the side-effects of cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol (1983) 4.35
Superior efficacy of letrozole versus tamoxifen as first-line therapy for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: results of a phase III study of the International Letrozole Breast Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol (2001) 3.92
Factors affecting epirubicin pharmacokinetics and toxicity: evidence against using body-surface area for dose calculation. J Clin Oncol (1998) 3.81
Communicating prognosis in early breast cancer: do women understand the language used? Med J Aust (1999) 3.76
Randomised comparison of procedures for obtaining informed consent in clinical trials of treatment for cancer. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1986) 3.52
A study of general-practitioner consultations in North-east Scotland. J R Coll Gen Pract (1973) 3.51
The dynamics of change: cancer patients' preferences for information, involvement and support. Ann Oncol (1997) 3.50
The hPLIC proteins may provide a link between the ubiquitination machinery and the proteasome. Mol Cell (2000) 3.39
The prevalence of glaucoma in a population-based study of Hispanic subjects: Proyecto VER. Arch Ophthalmol (2001) 3.31
Body mass index as a prognostic feature in operable breast cancer: the International Breast Cancer Study Group experience. Ann Oncol (2004) 3.29
Serological relationship of woodchuck hepatitis virus to human hepatitis B virus. J Virol (1979) 3.05
Sharing decisions in cancer care. Soc Sci Med (2001) 2.70
Prognostic value of quality-of-life scores during chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer. Australian New Zealand Breast Cancer Trials Group. J Clin Oncol (1992) 2.67
Changing character of cervical cancer in young women. BMJ (1989) 2.66
Secondhand smoke exposure and risk following the Irish smoking ban: an assessment of salivary cotinine concentrations in hotel workers and air nicotine levels in bars. Tob Control (2005) 2.63
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Magnetic resonance imaging of brain in people at high risk of developing schizophrenia. Lancet (1999) 2.47
Immunological events in regressing genital warts. Am J Clin Pathol (1994) 2.37
Type III collagen is crucial for collagen I fibrillogenesis and for normal cardiovascular development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 2.37
Randomized clinical trials in oncology: understanding and attitudes predict willingness to participate. J Clin Oncol (2001) 2.34
A targeted mutation at the known collagenase cleavage site in mouse type I collagen impairs tissue remodeling. J Cell Biol (1995) 2.30
Tuberculosis of the cervix: case presentation and a review of the literature. Sex Transm Infect (2002) 2.27
Randomised trial of SIR-Spheres plus chemotherapy vs. chemotherapy alone for treating patients with liver metastases from primary large bowel cancer. Ann Oncol (2001) 2.20
Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy in a Mexican-American population: Proyecto VER. Diabetes Care (2001) 2.16
Promoting patient participation and shortening cancer consultations: a randomised trial. Br J Cancer (2001) 2.13
Patient participation in the cancer consultation: evaluation of a question prompt sheet. Ann Oncol (1994) 2.09
Effect of pregnancy on overall survival after the diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer. J Clin Oncol (2001) 2.05
Competing risks analysis of patients with osteosarcoma: a comparison of four different approaches. Stat Med (2001) 2.04
On the receiving end. V: Patient perceptions of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy in 1993. Ann Oncol (1996) 2.03
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The effect of waiting for radiotherapy for grade III/IV gliomas. Radiother Oncol (2000) 2.01
People at risk of schizophrenia. Sample characteristics of the first 100 cases in the Edinburgh High-Risk Study. Br J Psychiatry (1999) 1.98
Cancer chemotherapy and quality of life. BMJ (1992) 1.97
Initial therapy with combination of five antibiotics in febrile patients with leukaemia and neutropenia. Lancet (1972) 1.96
A new method for the concentration of Cryptosporidium oocysts from water. J Appl Bacteriol (1993) 1.95
The cAMP-regulated transcription factor CREB interacts with a component of the TFIID complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1994) 1.95
Computer-based interaction analysis of the cancer consultation. Br J Cancer (1995) 1.93
Three antibiotic regimens in the treatment of infection in febrile granulocytopenic patients with cancer. The EORTC international antimicrobial therapy project group. J Infect Dis (1978) 1.89
Degradation of alpha-synuclein by proteasome. J Biol Chem (1999) 1.87
Letters to patients: improving communication in cancer care. Lancet (1991) 1.83
When the diagnosis is cancer: patient communication experiences and preferences. Cancer (1996) 1.82
Who should treat cancer? Lancet (1981) 1.81
The importance of bleomycin in combination chemotherapy for good-prognosis germ cell carcinoma. Australasian Germ Cell Trial Group. J Clin Oncol (1993) 1.79
Proliferative and histologically malignant struma ovarii: a clinicopathologic study of 54 cases. Int J Gynecol Pathol (1993) 1.76
Effect of global system for mobile communication (gsm)-like radiofrequency fields on vascular permeability in mouse brain. Pathology (2001) 1.75
Driving and patients with brain tumours: a postal survey of neurosurgeons, neurologists and radiation oncologists. J Clin Neurosci (2004) 1.73
The misuse of mammography in the management of breast cancer revisited. Med J Aust (1989) 1.73
Promoting patient participation in the cancer consultation: evaluation of a prompt sheet and coaching in question-asking. Br J Cancer (1999) 1.63
Endocrine therapy for desmoid tumors. Cancer (1991) 1.61
Optimizing the erythromycin breath test for use in cancer patients. Clin Cancer Res (2000) 1.60
Markers of systemic inflammation predict survival in patients with advanced renal cell cancer. Br J Cancer (2013) 1.60
Influence of cellular DNA content on survival in advanced ovarian cancer. Cancer Res (1984) 1.58
Noncommunicable disease management in resource-poor settings: a primary care model from rural South Africa. Bull World Health Organ (1998) 1.56
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Neuropsychological change in young people at high risk for schizophrenia: results from the first two neuropsychological assessments of the Edinburgh High Risk Study. Psychol Med (2000) 1.52
General information tapes inhibit recall of the cancer consultation. J Clin Oncol (1993) 1.47
Risk factors of female HIV-seropositive patients attending the clinic for sexually transmitted diseases at St Mary's Hospital, London. Int J STD AIDS (1990) 1.46
Prognosis after breast recurrence following conservative surgery and radiotherapy in patients with node-negative breast cancer. Br J Surg (1999) 1.45
Assessing the health risks of benzene: a report on the benzene state-of-the-science workshop. J Toxicol Environ Health A (2000) 1.45
Red cell genetic abnormalities in Peninsular Arabs: sickle haemoglobin, G6PD deficiency, and alpha and beta thalassaemia. J Med Genet (1986) 1.44
Guidelines for the management of vulvodynia. Br J Dermatol (2010) 1.44
Increased plasma beta-thromboglobulin in patients with coronary artery vein graft occlusion: response to low dose aspirin. J Am Coll Cardiol (1990) 1.44
Accelerated BEP for metastatic germ cell tumours: a multicenter phase II trial by the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP). Ann Oncol (2014) 1.44
Effects of intravenous brain natriuretic peptide on regional sympathetic activity in patients with chronic heart failure as compared with healthy control subjects. J Am Coll Cardiol (2001) 1.44
What is the best formula for predicting osmolar gap? Ann Clin Biochem (1997) 1.43
Uteroplacental insufficiency affects epigenetic determinants of chromatin structure in brains of neonatal and juvenile IUGR rats. Physiol Genomics (2005) 1.43
Transient global amnesia after cerebral angiography with iohexol. Can Assoc Radiol J (1993) 1.42
Radiation therapy: are we getting value for money? Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) (1995) 1.42
The effect of adjuvant prednisone combined with CMF on patterns of relapse and occurrence of second malignancies in patients with breast cancer. International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group. Ann Oncol (1996) 1.41
Australian multicentre phase II trial of paclitaxel in women with metastatic breast cancer and prior chemotherapy. Med J Aust (1997) 1.40
An Australasian assessment of the basic treatment equivalent model derived from New South Wales data. Australas Radiol (1999) 1.39
Randomised, non-comparative phase II study of weekly docetaxel with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil or with capecitabine in oesophagogastric cancer: the AGITG ATTAX trial. Br J Cancer (2010) 1.39
Impact of source of drinking water on fluoride supplementation. J Pediatr (1990) 1.39
The roles of patient and observer assessments in anti-emetic trials. Eur J Cancer (1994) 1.39
Docetaxel and carboplatin is an active regimen in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase II study in Caucasian and Asian patients. Ann Oncol (2003) 1.38
Psychosocial implications of recurrent genital herpes simplex virus infection. Genitourin Med (1988) 1.37
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Ototoxicity in patients receiving cisplatin: importance of dose and method of drug administration. Cancer Treat Rep (1982) 1.37
Misunderstanding in cancer patients: why shoot the messenger? Ann Oncol (1999) 1.33
Extraovarian peritoneal serous papillary carcinoma. A clinicopathologic study of 31 cases. Cancer (1989) 1.33
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Investigation and management of severe hyponatraemia in a hospital setting. Postgrad Med J (2006) 1.31
Effect of iron deficiency and desferrioxamine on DNA synthesis in human cells. Br J Haematol (1976) 1.30
Thalassaemia trait and pregnancy. J Clin Pathol (1985) 1.30
Hearing the bad news of a cancer diagnosis: the Australian melanoma patient's perspective. Ann Oncol (2001) 1.30
A randomised trial of cisplatin and vindesine versus supportive care only in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer (1990) 1.28
Mechanisms of resistance of human acute leukaemia cells to cytosine arabinoside. Br J Haematol (1974) 1.28