Published in Science on May 03, 1985
Characterization of inducible cyclooxygenase in rat brain. J Comp Neurol (1995) 1.94
Neuropsychological correlates of early symptoms of autism. Child Dev (1998) 1.81
Crossmodal binding of fear in voice and face. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.71
Hierarchical organization of cognitive memory. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1997) 1.66
Verbal novelty detection within the human hippocampus proper. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.24
Binding of movement, sound and touch: multimodal coordination dynamics. Exp Brain Res (2006) 1.12
A simple ordering of neocortical areas established by the compartmental organization of their striatal projections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.05
Fear recognition in the voice is modulated by unconsciously recognized facial expressions but not by unconsciously recognized affective pictures. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 1.03
The CRISP theory of hippocampal function in episodic memory. Front Neural Circuits (2013) 0.91
Advances in the behavioural testing and network imaging of rodent recognition memory. Behav Brain Res (2014) 0.84
The neural representation of 3-dimensional objects in rodent memory circuits. Behav Brain Res (2014) 0.78
Memory and temporal lobe surgery: a review. J R Soc Med (1990) 0.76
Acquisition order and resource value in Cuscuta attenuata. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 0.75
Klüver-Bucy syndrome associated with a recessive variant in HGSNAT in two siblings with Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC (Sanfilippo C). Eur J Hum Genet (2016) 0.75
Establishment and transfer of classical eyeblink conditioning using electrical microstimulation of the hippocampus as the conditioned stimulus. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Dual streams of auditory afferents target multiple domains in the primate prefrontal cortex. Nat Neurosci (1999) 6.37
Differential effects of early hippocampal pathology on episodic and semantic memory. Science (1997) 6.21
Massive cortical reorganization after sensory deafferentation in adult macaques. Science (1991) 5.05
Mechanisms of major biliary injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ann Surg (1992) 4.12
Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 3.15
Control of response selection by reinforcer value requires interaction of amygdala and orbital prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci (2000) 3.09
Effects on visual recognition of combined and separate ablations of the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex in rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci (1993) 3.07
Perseverative interference in monkeys following selective lesions of the inferior prefrontal convexity. Exp Brain Res (1970) 3.03
Limbic lesions and the problem of stimulus--reinforcement associations. Exp Neurol (1972) 2.65
Memory in monkeys severely impaired by combined but not by separate removal of amygdala and hippocampus. Nature (1978) 2.39
Object recognition and location memory in monkeys with excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala and hippocampus. J Neurosci (1998) 2.34
Excitotoxic lesions of the amygdala fail to produce impairment in visual learning for auditory secondary reinforcement but interfere with reinforcer devaluation effects in rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci (1997) 2.11
Contribution of striate inputs to the visuospatial functions of parieto-preoccipital cortex in monkeys. Behav Brain Res (1982) 2.07
Effects of orbital frontal and anterior cingulate lesions on object and spatial memory in rhesus monkeys. Neuropsychologia (1997) 2.04
MRI analysis of an inherited speech and language disorder: structural brain abnormalities. Brain (2002) 1.98
Serial and parallel processing in rhesus monkey auditory cortex. J Comp Neurol (1997) 1.88
Developmental amnesia associated with early hypoxic-ischaemic injury. Brain (2000) 1.85
The frontal cortex-basal ganglia system in primates. Crit Rev Neurobiol (1996) 1.83
The effects of bilateral hippocampal damage on fMRI regional activations and interactions during memory retrieval. Brain (2001) 1.82
Neural basis of an inherited speech and language disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.76
Cortical connections of the somatosensory fields of the lateral sulcus of macaques: evidence for a corticolimbic pathway for touch. J Comp Neurol (1986) 1.76
Non-spatial memory after selective prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Brain Res (1978) 1.76
Opposite relationship of hippocampal and rhinal cortex damage to delayed nonmatching-to-sample deficits in monkeys. Hippocampus (2001) 1.76
Neural substrates of visual stimulus-stimulus association in rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci (1993) 1.76
A memory system in the monkey. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1982) 1.67
An analysis of short-term visual memory in the monkey. J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process (1975) 1.61
Arbitrary associations between antecedents and actions. Trends Neurosci (2000) 1.58
Visual recognition impairment follows ventromedial but not dorsolateral prefrontal lesions in monkeys. Behav Brain Res (1986) 1.58
Brain activity evidence for recognition without recollection after early hippocampal damage. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.56
Preserved recognition memory for small sets, and impaired stimulus identification for large sets, following rhinal cortex ablations in monkeys. Eur J Neurosci (1994) 1.55
Preserved recognition in a case of developmental amnesia: implications for the acquisition of semantic memory? J Cogn Neurosci (2001) 1.43
Effects of aspiration versus neurotoxic lesions of the amygdala on emotional responses in monkeys. Eur J Neurosci (1999) 1.42
Developmental amnesia: effect of age at injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.40
Visual habit formation in monkeys with neurotoxic lesions of the ventrocaudal neostriatum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.40
Brachial plexus injury following axillary artery puncture. Further comments on management. Radiology (1967) 1.38
Infective agents and chronic bronchitis. Thorax (1966) 1.36
Positive correlations between cerebral protein synthesis rates and deep sleep in Macaca mulatta. Eur J Neurosci (1997) 1.32
MRI-Based evaluation of locus and extent of neurotoxic lesions in monkeys. Hippocampus (2001) 1.32
The role of ventral and orbital prefrontal cortex in conditional visuomotor learning and strategy use in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Behav Neurosci (2001) 1.28
Physiological evidence for serial processing in somatosensory cortex. Science (1987) 1.27
Memory impairments following restricted medial thalamic lesions in monkeys. Exp Brain Res (1983) 1.25
Organization of the amygdalopetal projections from modality-specific cortical association areas in the monkey. J Comp Neurol (1980) 1.24
Serial and parallel processing of tactual information in somatosensory cortex of rhesus monkeys. J Neurophysiol (1992) 1.23
Role of the hippocampal system in associative learning beyond the spatial domain. Brain (2003) 1.23
Monkeys with combined amygdalo-hippocampal lesions succeed in object discrimination learning despite 24-hour intertrial intervals. Behav Neurosci (1984) 1.21
Aged monkeys exhibit behavioral deficits indicative of widespread cerebral dysfunction. Neurobiol Aging (1991) 1.20
Alimentary responses to forebrain stimulation in monkeys. Exp Brain Res (1968) 1.20
A modality-specific somatosensory area within the insula of the rhesus monkey. Brain Res (1993) 1.20
Developmental amnesia and its relationship to degree of hippocampal atrophy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.19
Effects of muscarinic blockade in perirhinal cortex during visual recognition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 1.19
A selective mnemonic role for the hippocampus in monkeys: memory for the location of objects. J Neurosci (1988) 1.18
Role of the hippocampal system in conditional motor learning: mapping antecedents to action. Hippocampus (1999) 1.18
Relative contributions of SII and area 5 to tactile discrimination in monkeys. Behav Brain Res (1984) 1.17
Visual recognition in monkeys following rhinal cortical ablations combined with either amygdalectomy or hippocampectomy. J Neurosci (1986) 1.17
Learning motivational significance of visual cues for reward schedules requires rhinal cortex. Nat Neurosci (2000) 1.16
Functional double dissociation between two inferior temporal cortical areas: perirhinal cortex versus middle temporal gyrus. J Neurophysiol (1997) 1.16
Subcortical projections of area MT in the macaque. J Comp Neurol (1984) 1.16
Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) with rhinal cortex ablations succeed in object discrimination learning despite 24-hr intertrial intervals and fail at matching to sample despite double sample presentations. Behav Neurosci (1992) 1.16
Stimulus recognition. Curr Opin Neurobiol (1994) 1.15
An early and a late developing system for learning and retention in infant monkeys. Behav Neurosci (1984) 1.15
The role of the inferior prefrontal convexity in performance of delayed nonmatching-to-sample. Neuropsychologia (1991) 1.15
The anatomy of memory. Sci Am (1987) 1.14
Analogous neural models for tactual and visual learning. Neuropsychologia (1979) 1.14
Neurotoxic lesions of perirhinal cortex impair visual recognition memory in rhesus monkeys. Neuroreport (2001) 1.14
Interaction of the amygdala with the frontal lobe in reward memory. Eur J Neurosci (1993) 1.13
Local cerebral glucose utilization in non-rapid eye movement sleep. Nature (1982) 1.11
The effects of physostigmine and scopolamine on recognition memory in monkeys. Behav Neural Biol (1986) 1.10
Severe tactual as well as visual memory deficits follow combined removal of the amygdala and hippocampus in monkeys. J Neurosci (1984) 1.09
Onset of speech after left hemispherectomy in a nine-year-old boy. Brain (1997) 1.09
Impairments in visual discrimination learning and recognition memory produced by neurotoxic lesions of rhinal cortex in rhesus monkeys. Eur J Neurosci (2001) 1.08
The origin, course, and termination of the hippocampothalamic projections in the macaque. J Comp Neurol (1986) 1.08
Cortical projections of area V2 in the macaque. Cereb Cortex (1997) 1.08
Amygdalar interaction with the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in stimulus-reward associative learning in the monkey. J Neurosci (1990) 1.07
Projections of the amygdala to the thalamus in the cynomolgus monkey. J Comp Neurol (1984) 1.06
The neuroanatomy of amnesia: amygdala-hippocampus versus temporal stem. Science (1982) 1.06
Rhesus monkeys with orbital prefrontal cortex lesions can learn to inhibit prepotent responses in the reversed reward contingency task. Cereb Cortex (2006) 1.05
Organization of corticospinal neurons in the monkey. J Comp Neurol (1981) 1.05
Effects of damage to the suprachiasmatic area of the anterior hypothalamus on the daily melatonin and cortisol rhythms in the rhesus monkey. J Neurosci (1981) 1.04
Dissociations in cognitive memory: the syndrome of developmental amnesia. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2001) 1.04
Functional development of the corticocortical pathway for motion analysis in the macaque monkey: a 14C-2-deoxyglucose study. Cereb Cortex (1996) 1.04
Functional Associations among Human Posterior Extrastriate Brain Regions during Object and Spatial Vision. J Cogn Neurosci (1992) 1.03
Lesion-induced plasticity in the second somatosensory cortex of adult macaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1988) 1.03
Comparison of the effects of scopolamine administered before and after acquisition in a test of visual recognition memory in monkeys. Behav Neural Biol (1991) 1.03
Thalamic connectivity of the second somatosensory area and neighboring somatosensory fields of the lateral sulcus of the macaque. J Comp Neurol (1986) 1.02
Learning increases stimulus salience in anterior inferior temporal cortex of the macaque. J Neurophysiol (2001) 1.02
Neither perirhinal/entorhinal nor hippocampal lesions impair short-term auditory recognition memory in dogs. Neuroscience (2001) 1.02
Neural substrates of crossmodal association memory in monkeys: the amygdala versus the anterior rhinal cortex. Behav Neurosci (2001) 1.02
Visual activation of neurons in inferotemporal cortex depends on striate cortex and forebrain commissures. J Neurophysiol (1975) 1.01
Age differences in recognition memory of the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Neurobiol Aging (1988) 1.01
Age and sex differences in the effects of selective temporal lobe lesion on the formation of visual discrimination habits in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Behav Neurosci (1990) 1.01
Effects of rhinal cortex lesions combined with hippocampectomy on visual recognition memory in rhesus monkeys. J Neurophysiol (1996) 1.01
Responses of cells in the tail of the caudate nucleus during visual discrimination learning. J Neurophysiol (1995) 1.00
The technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children. Ann Surg (1992) 0.99