Published in J Toxicol Clin Toxicol on July 26, 1984
Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant outer surface protein A Lyme vaccine. JAMA (1994) 1.36
Safety and immunogenicity of NYVAC-JEV and ALVAC-JEV attenuated recombinant Japanese encephalitis virus--poxvirus vaccines in vaccinia-nonimmune and vaccinia-immune humans. Vaccine (2000) 1.15
Campylobacter pylori, NSAIDS, and smoking: risk factors for peptic ulcer disease. Am J Gastroenterol (1989) 1.04
Preparation of crystalline erythrocuprein and catalase from human erythrocytes. J Biol Chem (1965) 0.92
New concepts in triage. Ann Emerg Med (1986) 0.91
Cyanide poisoning. Clin Toxicol (1981) 0.90
Reduction of myocardial infarction after emergency coronary artery bypass grafting for failed coronary angioplasty with use of a normothermic reperfusion cardioplegia protocol. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg (1991) 0.88
Localized and systemic effects of environmental ammonia in rats. Lab Anim Sci (1983) 0.85
The levels of catalase and of erythrocuprein in human erythrocytes. Clin Chim Acta (1966) 0.83
Measurement of serum ionic calcium using a specific ion electrode. Am J Clin Pathol (1968) 0.81
Stripping the fetal membranes at term. Is the procedure safe and efficacious? J Reprod Med (1990) 0.80
Duration of amnesia associated with midazolam/fentanyl intravenous sedation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg (1989) 0.79
Effect of pyridoxalated stabilized stroma-free hemoglobin solution on the clearance of intravascular lipid by the reticuloendothelial system. Circ Shock (1985) 0.79
Aeromonas hydrophila in the coelomic cavity of the earthworms Lumbricus terrestris and Eisenia foetida. J Invertebr Pathol (1977) 0.78
Drug and chemical related deaths: incidence in the State of Maryland--1975 to 1980. J Forensic Sci (1985) 0.77
Physicochemical studies of crystalline human erythrocuprein. J Biol Chem (1965) 0.77
Determination of body water content using trace levels of deuterium oxide and infrared spectrophotometry. Clin Chem (1968) 0.76
Morbidity of Hurricane Frederic. Ann Emerg Med (1984) 0.76
Endocervical cell recovery. Mil Med (1992) 0.76
Ascorbate-2-phosphate in red cell preservation. Clinical trials and active components. Transfusion (1988) 0.76
Colon polyps in asymptomatic persons. Ann Intern Med (1989) 0.75
Removal of bacteria from blood. Mil Med (1987) 0.75
Cytobrush was superior to the standard cotton swab and spatula in sampling the endocervical canal. J Reprod Med (1992) 0.75
A discussion of creatinine analysis in single collection urine specimens. J Forensic Sci (1993) 0.75
Measurement of serum ionic calcium using a specific ion electrode. SAM-TR-67-43. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1967) 0.75
An automated, closed system for gas analysis. Assay of carbon monoxide in blood. SAM-TR-67-107. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1967) 0.75
A comparison of outcome criteria in the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension. Ann Vasc Surg (1996) 0.75
A primary intervention program (pilot study) for Mexican American children at risk for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Educ (1998) 0.75
Vascular symptomatic relief during administration of ethylchlorophenoxyisobutyrate (clofibrate). Metabolism (1969) 0.75
The effect of an air-powder abrasive instrument on composite resin. J Am Dent Assoc (1986) 0.75
Pyridoxalated polymerized stroma-free hemoglobin solution (SFHS-PP) as an oxygen-carrying fluid replacement for hemorrhagic shock in dogs. Mil Med (1987) 0.75
Control of red cell 2,3-DPG levels in vitro and a proposal for in vivo control in response to hypoxia and metabolic demand. Prog Clin Biol Res (1985) 0.75
Mechanical bull injuries: the empty saddle syndrome. Ann Emerg Med (1981) 0.75
Efficacy of antibacterial membrane and effect on blood components. Mil Med (1988) 0.75
Minimal resection for bronchogenic carcinoma. Should this be standard therapy? 1989. Chest (2009) 0.75
Therapeutic and toxic drug concentrations in post mortem blood: a six year study in the State of Maryland. J Anal Toxicol (1984) 0.75
Pelvic hematoma after intercourse while on chronic anticoagulation. Ann Emerg Med (1984) 0.75
Recurrent ischemia more than 1 year after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. An analysis of the extent and anatomic pattern of coronary disease. Circulation (1989) 0.75
Influenza-like syndrome following typhoid immunization. Mil Med (1984) 0.75
Portable self-powered system for the rapid measurement of blood electrolytes during aeromedical evacuation. Aerosp Med (1970) 0.75
Minimal resection for bronchogenic carcinoma. Should this be standard therapy? Chest (1989) 0.75
Graft rejection in earthworms: an electron microscopic study. Eur J Immunol (1977) 0.75
Conservative treatment for adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Mil Med (1989) 0.75
Earthworm coelomocytes in vitro. In Vitro (1977) 0.75
Female exposure to high G: echocardiographic evaluation for chronic changes in cardiac function. Aviat Space Environ Med (1998) 0.75
Effect of polymyxin B on hemoglobin-mediated hepatotoxicity. Mil Med (1989) 0.75
Comparison of nitrite treatment and stroma-free methemoglobin solution as antidotes for cyanide poisoning in a rat model. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol (1986) 0.75
Antibody response to transfusion with pyridoxalated polymerized hemoglobin solution. Mil Med (1987) 0.75
Electron-microscopic observations of normal coelomocytes from the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris. Cell Tissue Res (1977) 0.75
Minimal resection for bronchogenic carcinoma. An update. Chest (1991) 0.75
Deleterious effects of stroma-free hemoglobin used as resuscitative fluid for rats with ischemic intestinal shock. Crit Care Med (1988) 0.75
The effect of air abrasive polishing on blood pH and electrolyte concentrations in healthy mongrel dogs. J Periodontol (1990) 0.75
Effects of magnesium pemoline in dimethylsulfoxide on reversal learning, motor activity, and water intake. Psychol Rep (1971) 0.75
Quantitation of trace levels of deuterium oxide in water using infrared spectrophotometry. SAM-TR-67-13. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1966) 0.75
Accuracy of Papanicolaou smears. Art or science? J Reprod Med (1988) 0.75
Automated determination of hemoglobin in plasma. SAM-TR-68-11. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1968) 0.75
Chemotactic attraction of Lumbricus terrestris coelomocytes to foreign tissue. Dev Comp Immunol (1979) 0.75
Simplified body-composition analysis using deuterium dilution and deuteron photodisintegration. Aviat Space Environ Med (1976) 0.75
Immunochemical studies of human erythrocyte proteins: erythrocuprein and catalase. J Biol Chem (1966) 0.75
A model for family diagnostic procedures. Mil Med (1979) 0.75
Determination of body water content using trace levels of deuterium oxide and infrared spectrophotometry. SAM-TR-68-12. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1967) 0.75
Measurement of trace levels of deuterium oxide in biologic fluids using infrared spectrophotometry. SAM-TR-67-37. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1967) 0.75
Rat skeletal muscle phosphoglycerate kinase: purification, characterization and comparison with the enzyme from rabbit skeletal muscle and brewer's yeast. Comp Biochem Physiol B (1974) 0.75
Stroma-free methemoglobin solution: an effective antidote for acute cyanide poisoning. Am J Emerg Med (1985) 0.75
Pelvic endometriosis associated with infarctions of the colon in a rhesus monkey. Lab Anim Sci (1986) 0.75
A process for the continuous flow, in-line fractionation and exchange of volatile solvents in automated chemistry. SAM-TR-66-83. Tech Rep SAM-TR (1966) 0.75
Clinical investigation: USAF Medical Center Keesler's third mission element. Mil Med (1981) 0.75
Routine 36-week hemoglobin and hematocrits: are they necessary? Mil Med (1994) 0.75
Optimization and synthesis of pyridoxalated polymerized stroma-free hemoglobin solution. Mil Med (1988) 0.75