Published in Am J Clin Nutr on October 01, 1978
Primary prevention of colorectal cancer. The WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer. Bull World Health Organ (1990) 1.40
Physical activity in the prevention and treatment of colorectal carcinoma. Dtsch Arztebl Int (2009) 0.90
Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer--collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 58,515 women with breast cancer and 95,067 women without the disease. Br J Cancer (2002) 5.83
[Esophageal cancer in Ille-et-Vilaine in relation to levels of alcohol and tobacco consumption. Risks are multiplying]. Bull Cancer (1977) 2.34
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. II. Importance of UV-light exposure. Int J Cancer (1988) 2.26
Trends in malignant melanoma of the skin. World Health Stat Q (1980) 2.09
Prevalence of polyps in an autopsy series from areas with varying incidence of large-bowel cancer. Int J Cancer (1985) 2.08
Immunization against neonatal tetanus in New Guinea. Antitoxin response of pregnant women to adjuvant and plain toxoids. Bull World Health Organ (1965) 2.05
How accurate is self-reported family history of colorectal cancer? Am J Epidemiol (1995) 1.86
The use of automated health information systems in the management and planning of health services. Public Health (1977) 1.80
Common acquired naevi and the risk of malignant melanoma. Int J Cancer (1985) 1.76
Different age and sex relationship for cancer of subsites of the large bowel. Br J Cancer (1984) 1.70
Validation of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire developed in Denmark. Int J Epidemiol (1991) 1.68
Pernicious anaemia as a risk factor in gastric cancer. Acta Med Scand (1979) 1.62
Slaked lime and betel nut cancer in Papua New Guinea. Lancet (1992) 1.59
Changing mortality from esophageal cancer in males in Denmark and other European countries, in relation to changing levels of alcohol consumption. Cancer Causes Control (1990) 1.57
Risk factors for lung cancer in Singapore Chinese, a population with high female incidence rates. Int J Cancer (1977) 1.56
Incidence of childhood cancer in Denmark 1943-1984. Int J Epidemiol (1989) 1.54
The bone-marrow infiltration pattern in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia is not an important prognostic factor. Danish CLL Study Group. Eur J Haematol (1996) 1.45
Dietary and endogenous cholesterol and human cancer. Epidemiol Rev (1984) 1.44
Hypoxia in human soft tissue sarcomas: adverse impact on survival and no association with p53 mutations. Br J Cancer (2001) 1.42
Intradermal and subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma: a clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study of 41 cases. J Cutan Pathol (1996) 1.40
Diagnostic reliability of combined physical examination, mammography, and fine-needle puncture ("triple-test") in breast tumors. A prospective study. Cancer (1987) 1.39
Analgesic ingestion and chronic peptic ulcer. Gastroenterology (1981) 1.39
Morbidity of pernicious anaemia. Incidence, prevalence, and treatment in a Danish county. Acta Med Scand (1969) 1.38
Development of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess food, energy and nutrient intake in Denmark. Int J Epidemiol (1991) 1.34
Cancer registration in Denmark and the study of multiple primary cancers, 1943-80. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 1.31
The Queensland Familial Melanoma Project: study design and characteristics of participants. Melanoma Res (1996) 1.31
Parental employment at time of conception and risk of cancer in offspring. Eur J Cancer (1991) 1.29
Registration of diagnoses in the Danish National Registry of Patients. Methods Inf Med (1986) 1.27
The reliability of questionnaire-derived historical dietary information and temporal stability of food habits in individuals. Am J Epidemiol (1984) 1.26
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. I. Importance of host factors. Int J Cancer (1988) 1.25
Testicular cancer risk in boys with maldescended testis: a cohort study. J Urol (1987) 1.25
Privacy, confidentiality and automated health information systems. J Med Ethics (1977) 1.23
Summary: multiple primary cancers in Denmark, 1943-80. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 1.23
Trends in the incidence of leukemia in Denmark, 1943-77: an epidemiologic study of 14,000 patients. J Natl Cancer Inst (1983) 1.22
Site distribution of cutaneous melanoma in Queensland. Int J Cancer (1993) 1.22
Occupational formaldehyde exposure and increased nasal cancer risk in man. Int J Cancer (1984) 1.20
Lung cancer in Hong Kong Chinese: mortality and histological types, 1960-1972. Br J Cancer (1977) 1.20
Increasing incidence of trunk melanoma in young Danish women. Br J Cancer (1987) 1.19
Interactions between Yersinia enterocolitica and rabbit ileal mucus: growth, adhesion, penetration, and subsequent changes in surface hydrophobicity and ability to adhere to ileal brush border membrane vesicles. Infect Immun (1991) 1.18
Diet, bowel function, fecal characteristics, and large bowel cancer in Denmark and Finland. Nutr Cancer (1982) 1.18
Genital anomalies and risk for testicular cancer in Danish men. Epidemiology (1996) 1.18
Occupation and risk of cancer in Denmark. An analysis of 93,810 cancer cases, 1970-1979. Scand J Work Environ Health (1987) 1.16
Cancer morbidity and causes of death among Danish brewery workers. Int J Cancer (1979) 1.15
Sun exposure and melanocytic naevi in young Australian children. Lancet (1994) 1.15
Primary health care in Europe--problems and solutions. Community Med (1984) 1.15
Case-control study of risk factors for cervical neoplasia in Denmark. I: Role of the "male factor" in women with one lifetime sexual partner. Int J Cancer (1991) 1.15
[Evaluation of cancer registration in Denmark in 1977. Preliminary evaluation of cancer registration by the Cancer Register and the National Patient Register]. Ugeskr Laeger (1985) 1.13
The Copenhagen case-referent study on bladder cancer. Risks among drivers, painters and certain other occupations. Scand J Work Environ Health (1987) 1.12
The relationship between tumor oxygenation and cell proliferation in human soft tissue sarcomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys (1996) 1.11
General practitioners: allies or enemies of primary health care. Scand J Prim Health Care (1984) 1.08
Causes of death of blue-collar workers at a Dublin brewery, 1954--73. Br J Cancer (1979) 1.08
Nitrate in drinking water and cancer in northern Jutland, Denmark, with special reference to stomach cancer. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (1982) 1.08
The World Health Organization and traditional medicine. Community Med (1982) 1.06
Cancer incidence of schizophrenic patients. Results of record linkage studies in three countries. Br J Psychiatry Suppl (1992) 1.06
Suicides among Danish patients with cancer: 1971 to 1986. Cancer (1992) 1.05
The classification of malignant melanoma, its histological reporting and registration: a revision of the 1972 Sydney classification. Pathology (1986) 1.05
Prognostic factors in soft tissue sarcomas: the Aarhus experience. Eur J Cancer (1998) 1.05
Budd-Chiari syndrome after taking oral contraceptives. Br Med J (1967) 1.04
Introduction to the study of multiple primary cancers. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 1.03
Risk of gastric cancer after Billroth II resection for duodenal ulcer. Br J Surg (1983) 1.01
Endogenous nitrosation in relation to nitrate exposure from drinking water and diet in a Danish rural population. Cancer Res (1989) 1.01
Nasal cancer in furniture-makers in Denmark. Dan Med Bull (1971) 1.01
Optimal and logical quality: two neglected aspects of the quality of health services. Med Care (1980) 1.01
Cancer occurrence in a cohort of patients treated with cimetidine. Gut (1989) 1.01
The relationship of sickle cell trait to variations in blood pressure. Am J Epidemiol (1968) 1.00
Cancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: relative frequencies. Br J Cancer (1977) 1.00
Accuracy of case-reported family history of melanoma in Queensland, Australia. Melanoma Res (1996) 0.99
Influence of individually estimated portion size data on the validity of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Int J Epidemiol (1992) 0.98
Validity and repeatability of self-reported occupational and industrial history from patients in EEC countries. Int J Epidemiol (1989) 0.98
Birth order and risk of testicular cancer. Cancer Causes Control (1992) 0.98
Long-term survival after myocardial infarction: a national follow-up study of 642 patients in Denmark. Int J Epidemiol (1973) 0.97
Heterogeneity of melanoma risk in families of melanoma patients. Am J Epidemiol (1994) 0.97
Sunlight: a major factor associated with the development of melanocytic nevi in Australian schoolchildren. J Am Acad Dermatol (1994) 0.97
Cancer in Cameroon: a relative frequency study. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique (1978) 0.96
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. IV. No association with nutritional factors, alcohol, smoking or hair dyes. Int J Cancer (1988) 0.96
Patient satisfaction--an attribute or indicator of the quality of care? QRB Qual Rev Bull (1987) 0.96
Trends in the mortality from peptic ulcer in Denmark. Scand J Gastroenterol (1973) 0.96
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. III. Hormonal and reproductive factors in women. Int J Cancer (1988) 0.96
Second cancer following cancer of the digestive system in Denmark, 1943-80. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 0.95
Solar UVR exposures of primary school children at three locations in Queensland. Photochem Photobiol (1998) 0.95
Effect of lime composition on the formation of reactive oxygen species from areca nut extract in vitro. Carcinogenesis (1990) 0.94
Cancer risk from formaldehyde. Lancet (1980) 0.94
Why do mothers still sun their infants? J Paediatr Child Health (1999) 0.93
Nutrients in diet and plasma and risk of in situ cervical cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst (1988) 0.92
The pattern of cancer in a large cohort of stroke patients. Int J Epidemiol (1990) 0.92
Frequency of cancer among insulin-treated diabetic patients in Denmark. Diabetologia (1985) 0.91
Changing indications for penetrating keratoplasty. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) (1994) 0.91
Prognostic factors in osteosarcomas. A regression analysis. Cancer (1988) 0.91
Risks for respiratory and gastric cancer in wood-working occupations in Denmark. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1988) 0.91
Mortality and cancer morbidity after heavy occupational fluoride exposure. Am J Epidemiol (1985) 0.90
Lung cancer risk from formaldehyde. Lancet (1982) 0.90
ABO blood groups in patients with gastric carcinoma associated with pernicious anaemia. Gut (1971) 0.89
Trends in the incidence of cancer of the corpus uteri in Denmark, 1943-1980. Am J Epidemiol (1984) 0.89
Cancer risk among Danish male Seventh-Day Adventists and other temperance society members. J Natl Cancer Inst (1983) 0.89
Case-control study of risk factors for cervical neoplasia in Denmark. II. Role of sexual activity, reproductive factors, and venereal infections. Cancer Causes Control (1992) 0.89
Biopsy and brush cytology in the diagnosis of gastric cancer. Scand J Gastroenterol (1979) 0.88