Published in Brain Res on August 26, 1982
Conditioning-specific membrane changes of rabbit hippocampal neurons measured in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.57
Training to improve hearing speech in noise: biological mechanisms. Cereb Cortex (2011) 1.25
Bilateral ablation of auditory cortex in Mongolian gerbil affects discrimination of frequency modulated tones but not of pure tones. Learn Mem (1999) 1.18
Spectral and temporal processing in rat posterior auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex (2007) 0.95
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of delay and trace eyeblink conditioning in the primary visual cortex of the rabbit. J Neurosci (2008) 0.89
Unraveling the Biology of Auditory Learning: A Cognitive-Sensorimotor-Reward Framework. Trends Cogn Sci (2015) 0.89
Auditory Training: Evidence for Neural Plasticity in Older Adults. Perspect Hear Hear Disord Res Res Diagn (2013) 0.84
Infragranular barrel cortex activity is enhanced with learning. J Neurophysiol (2012) 0.83
Modulation of auditory evoked responses to spectral and temporal changes by behavioral discrimination training. BMC Neurosci (2009) 0.80
Metabolic mapping of rat forebrain and midbrain during delay and trace eyeblink conditioning. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2009) 0.80
Processing of communication sounds: contributions of learning, memory, and experience. Hear Res (2013) 0.78
Visual cortical contributions to associative cerebellar learning. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2013) 0.78
Associative learning and sensory neuroplasticity: how does it happen and what is it good for? Learn Mem (2015) 0.77
Amygdala's involvement in facilitating associative learning-induced plasticity: a promiscuous role for the amygdala in memory acquisition. Front Integr Neurosci (2012) 0.76
Forebrain-Cerebellar Interactions During Learning. Cellscience (2006) 0.76
Air traffic controllers' long-term speech-in-noise training effects: A control group study. Noise Health (2016) 0.75
Hippocampectomy disrupts trace eye-blink conditioning in rabbits. Behav Neurosci (1990) 2.91
Neurobiologic responses to speech in noise in children with learning problems: deficits and strategies for improvement. Clin Neurophysiol (2001) 2.39
Hippocampectomy disrupts auditory trace fear conditioning and contextual fear conditioning in the rat. Hippocampus (1998) 2.19
Trace eyeblink conditioning increases CA1 excitability in a transient and learning-specific manner. J Neurosci (1996) 2.13
Deficient brainstem encoding of pitch in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Clin Neurophysiol (2008) 2.09
Central auditory plasticity: changes in the N1-P2 complex after speech-sound training. Ear Hear (2001) 1.99
Cortical involvement in acquisition and extinction of trace eyeblink conditioning. Behav Neurosci (2000) 1.78
Developmental changes in P1 and N1 central auditory responses elicited by consonant-vowel syllables. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1997) 1.70
Associative learning elicits the formation of multiple-synapse boutons. J Neurosci (2001) 1.68
Lesions of the caudal area of rabbit medial prefrontal cortex impair trace eyeblink conditioning. Neurobiol Learn Mem (1998) 1.68
Hippocampal lesions prevent trace eyeblink conditioning in the freely moving rat. Behav Brain Res (1999) 1.67
The time course of auditory perceptual learning: neurophysiological changes during speech-sound training. Neuroreport (1998) 1.66
Abnormal neural encoding of repeated speech stimuli in noise in children with learning problems. Clin Neurophysiol (2002) 1.66
Conditioning-specific membrane changes of rabbit hippocampal neurons measured in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.57
Nimodipine increases excitability of rabbit CA1 pyramidal neurons in an age- and concentration-dependent manner. J Neurophysiol (1992) 1.56
Sequence of single neuron changes in CA1 hippocampus of rabbits during acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioned responses. J Neurophysiol (1997) 1.48
Central auditory system plasticity: generalization to novel stimuli following listening training. J Acoust Soc Am (1997) 1.47
What's in a name. Defining the profession of midwifery. J Nurse Midwifery (1997) 1.39
Central auditory system plasticity associated with speech discrimination training. J Cogn Neurosci (1995) 1.35
Nimodipine facilitates associative learning in aging rabbits. Science (1989) 1.32
Increased excitability of aged rabbit CA1 neurons after trace eyeblink conditioning. J Neurosci (2000) 1.31
Intact delay-eyeblink classical conditioning in amnesia. Behav Neurosci (1995) 1.30
Transient changes in excitability of rabbit CA3 neurons with a time course appropriate to support memory consolidation. J Neurophysiol (1996) 1.30
Impaired trace eyeblink conditioning in bilateral, medial-temporal lobe amnesia. Behav Neurosci (1997) 1.29
Aging, spatial learning, and total synapse number in the rat CA1 stratum radiatum. Neurobiol Aging (2004) 1.29
Mismatch negativity (MMN) as a tool for investigating auditory discrimination and sensory memory in infants and children. Clin Neurophysiol (2000) 1.28
Absent auditory brain stem response: peripheral hearing loss or brain stem dysfunction? Laryngoscope (1984) 1.23
Perceived risk, stigma, and potential economic impacts of a high-level nuclear waste repository in Nevada. Risk Anal (1991) 1.22
Hippocampal encoding of non-spatial trace conditioning. Hippocampus (1999) 1.20
On the relationship between speech- and nonspeech-evoked auditory brainstem responses. Audiol Neurootol (2006) 1.18
Trace eyeblink conditioning is hippocampally dependent in mice. Hippocampus (2004) 1.17
Awareness in classical differential eyeblink conditioning in young and aging humans. Behav Neurosci (2001) 1.17
Functional mapping of human learning: a positron emission tomography activation study of eyeblink conditioning. J Neurosci (1996) 1.15
Hippocampus-dependent learning facilitated by a monoclonal antibody or D-cycloserine. Nature (1992) 1.13
A system for quantitative analysis of associative learning. Part 1. Hardware interfaces with cross-species applications. J Neurosci Methods (1994) 1.12
Context-dependent encoding in the auditory brainstem subserves enhanced speech-in-noise perception in musicians. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.11
fMRI of visual system activation in the conscious rabbit. Magn Reson Med (2000) 1.11
Aging affects hemispheric asymmetry in the neural representation of speech sounds. J Neurosci (2000) 1.10
Age- and dose-dependent facilitation of associative eyeblink conditioning by D-cycloserine in rabbits. Behav Neurosci (1997) 1.10
Musicians have fine-tuned neural distinction of speech syllables. Neuroscience (2012) 1.10
Auditory brain stem and middle latency responses in a patient with cortical deafness. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1982) 1.09
Activity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons during trace eyeblink conditioning. Hippocampus (1996) 1.09
Legislation and nurse-midwifery practice in the USA. J Nurse Midwifery (1984) 1.08
Age-related effects on eyeblink conditioning in the F344 x BN F1 hybrid rat. Neurobiol Aging (2001) 1.08
Trace eyeblink conditioning in the freely moving rat: optimizing the conditioning parameters. Behav Neurosci (1999) 1.08
Comparisons of dorsal and ventral hippocampus cornu ammonis region 1 pyramidal neuron activity during trace eye-blink conditioning in the rabbit. Neuroscience (2006) 1.07
Remodeling of hippocampal synapses after hippocampus-dependent associative learning. J Comp Neurol (2000) 1.07
Speech-evoked neurophysiologic responses in children with learning problems: development and behavioral correlates of perception. Ear Hear (2000) 1.07
The M1 muscarinic agonist CI-1017 facilitates trace eyeblink conditioning in aging rabbits and increases the excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons. J Neurosci (2000) 1.06
Mechanisms underlying basal and learning-related intrinsic excitability in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (2009) 1.06
Learning centers of rat brain mapped by measuring latencies of conditioned unit responses. J Neurophysiol (1972) 1.05
Conditioning, awareness, and the hippocampus. Hippocampus (1998) 1.04
Connections of the caudal anterior cingulate cortex in rabbit: neural circuitry participating in the acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning. Neuroscience (2007) 1.04
Neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus disrupt auditory-cued trace heart rate (fear) conditioning in rabbits. Hippocampus (2000) 1.03
Eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with stimulation of the mystacial vibrissae as a conditioned stimulus. Behav Neurosci (2001) 1.03
Behavioral deficits associated with fetal alcohol exposure are reversed by prenatal thyroid hormone treatment: a role for maternal thyroid hormone deficiency in FAE. Mol Psychiatry (2005) 1.02
Differential development of conditioned unit changes in thalamus and cortex of rat. J Neurophysiol (1972) 1.00
Classical conditioning reduces amplitude and duration of calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarization in rabbit hippocampal pyramidal cells. J Neurophysiol (1989) 1.00
Auditory middle-latency responses in humans. Audiology (1983) 0.99
Aging and learning-specific changes in single-neuron activity in CA1 hippocampus during rabbit trace eyeblink conditioning. J Neurophysiol (2001) 0.99
Enhanced synaptic transmission in CA1 hippocampus after eyeblink conditioning. J Neurophysiol (1997) 0.98
Positive emotional learning is regulated in the medial prefrontal cortex by GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors. Neuroscience (2011) 0.98
Absence of sensorineural hearing loss in treated infants and children with congenital toxoplasmosis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1992) 0.97
Learning-induced alterations in hippocampal PKC-immunoreactivity: a review and hypothesis of its functional significance. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (1997) 0.97
Trace eyeblink conditioning in rabbits demonstrates heterogeneity of learning ability both between and within age groups. Neurobiol Aging (1996) 0.96
Neural representation of consciously imperceptible speech sound differences. Percept Psychophys (2000) 0.96
Exploring the relationship between physiological measures of cochlear and brainstem function. Clin Neurophysiol (2009) 0.95
Effects of lengthened formant transition duration on discrimination and neural representation of synthetic CV syllables by normal and learning-disabled children. J Acoust Soc Am (1999) 0.95
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in associative eyeblink conditioning: both MK-801 and phencyclidine produce task- and dose-dependent impairments. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1997) 0.94
Auditory development reflected by middle latency response. Ear Hear (1996) 0.93
Spared discrimination and impaired reversal eyeblink conditioning in patients with temporal lobe amnesia. Behav Neurosci (2001) 0.92
Nictitating membrane conditioning to tone in the immobilized albino rabbit. Brain Res (1977) 0.92
Metrifonate increases neuronal excitability in CA1 pyramidal neurons from both young and aging rabbit hippocampus. J Neurosci (1999) 0.91
The hearing-impaired infant: patterns of identification and habilitation. Ear Hear (1983) 0.91
Metrifonate improves associative learning and retention in aging rabbits. Behav Neurosci (1997) 0.91
Nimodipine decreases calcium action potentials in rabbit hippocampal CA1 neurons in an age-dependent and concentration-dependent manner. Hippocampus (1994) 0.90
Thalamic asymmetry is related to acoustic signal complexity. Neurosci Lett (1999) 0.90
Trial sequence of changed unit activity in auditory system of alert rat during conditioned response acquisition and extinction. J Neurophysiol (1976) 0.89
Speech-evoked cognitive P300 potentials in cochlear implant recipients. Am J Otol (1995) 0.89
gamma Isoform-selective changes in PKC immunoreactivity after trace eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit hippocampus. Hippocampus (1997) 0.89
Impaired delay eyeblink conditioning in amnesic Korsakoff's patients and recovered alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (1995) 0.89
Learning and memory. FESN Study Group. Brain Res Brain Res Rev (1992) 0.89
Long-term habituation of the speech-elicited mismatch negativity. Psychophysiology (2001) 0.88
Hippocampal lesions impair memory of short-delay conditioned eye blink in rabbits. Behav Neurosci (1989) 0.88
Metrifonate decreases sI(AHP) in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vitro. J Neurophysiol (2001) 0.88
Hippocampal unit activity during classical aversive and appetitive conditioning. Science (1972) 0.88
Impaired eyeblink conditioning and decreased hippocampal volume in PDAPP V717F mice. Neurobiol Dis (2002) 0.88
The auditory brainstem is a barometer of rapid auditory learning. Neuroscience (2013) 0.87
A system for quantitative analysis of associative learning. Part 2. Real-time software for MS-DOS microcomputers. J Neurosci Methods (1994) 0.87
Auditory brainstem responses in infants recovering from bacterial meningitis. Audiologic evaluation. Arch Otolaryngol (1983) 0.86
Temporal discrimination learning in severe amnesic patients reveals an alteration in the timing of eyeblink conditioned responses. Behav Neurosci (1999) 0.86
Follow-up of infants screened by auditory brainstem response in the neonatal intensive care unit. J Pediatr (1983) 0.86
Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors induces long-term depression of GABAergic inhibition in hippocampus. J Neurophysiol (1993) 0.86
Auditory middle latency responses in children: effects of age and diagnostic category. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1985) 0.85
Age-related loss of calcium binding proteins in rabbit hippocampus. Neurobiol Aging (1996) 0.85
Acoustic versus phonetic representation of speech as reflected by the mismatch negativity event-related potential. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1993) 0.85
Acoustic features and acoustic changes are represented by different central pathways. Hear Res (1995) 0.85
Acoustic elements of speechlike stimuli are reflected in surface recorded responses over the guinea pig temporal lobe. J Acoust Soc Am (1996) 0.84
Electromyography as a recording system for eyeblink conditioning with functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage (2002) 0.84
Neuronal morphology of the rabbit cochlear nucleus. J Comp Neurol (1980) 0.83