Published in J Steroid Biochem on December 01, 1980
The effects of testosterone on the cavernous tissue and erectile function. World J Urol (1997) 0.91
Androgen and estrogen receptors in the human corpus cavernosum penis: immunohistochemical and cell culture results. World J Urol (2003) 0.90
Estrogen-induced developmental disorders of the rat penis involve both estrogen receptor (ESR)- and androgen receptor (AR)-mediated pathways. Biol Reprod (2009) 0.85
Noninvasive analytical estimation of endogenous GnRH drive: analysis using graded competitive GnRH-receptor antagonism and a calibrating pulse of exogenous GnRH. Endocrinology (2011) 0.83
Age disrupts androgen receptor-modulated negative feedback in the gonadal axis in healthy men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2010) 0.81
Estrogen-induced maldevelopment of the penis involves down-regulation of myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) expression, a biomarker for smooth muscle cell differentiation. Biol Reprod (2012) 0.80
Changes in amount and intracellular distribution of androgen receptor in human foreskin as a function of age. J Clin Invest (1987) 0.76
Distinct roles of age and abdominal visceral fat in reducing androgen receptor-dependent negative feedback on LH secretion in healthy men. Andrology (2014) 0.75
Sildenafil for treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Sildenafil Diabetes Study Group. JAMA (1999) 3.74
Nitric oxide and cyclic GMP formation upon electrical field stimulation cause relaxation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1990) 2.55
Helical CT angiography for examination of living renal donors. AJR Am J Roentgenol (1997) 1.58
The evolving role of testosterone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Int J Clin Pract (2006) 1.56
Quercetin in men with category III chronic prostatitis: a preliminary prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Urology (1999) 1.53
Effects of long-term oral administration of L-arginine on the rat erectile response. J Urol (1997) 1.48
Obstructive uropathy secondary to ureteroinguinal herniation. Rev Urol (2001) 1.33
Fibrin as an inducer of fibrosis in the tunica albuginea of the rat: a new animal model of Peyronie's disease. BJU Int (2003) 1.31
The incidence of intersexuality in patients with hypospadias and cryptorchidism. J Urol (1976) 1.31
Long-term continuous sildenafil treatment ameliorates corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction (CVOD) induced by cavernosal nerve resection in rats. Int J Impot Res (2007) 1.30
The efficacy and safety of tadalafil: an update. BJU Int (2004) 1.27
The amino acid sequence of the sex steroid-binding protein of rabbit serum. J Biol Chem (1989) 1.22
Technique of orchiopexy. Urol Clin North Am (1982) 1.21
Long-term continuous treatment with sildenafil ameliorates aging-related erectile dysfunction and the underlying corporal fibrosis in the rat. Biol Reprod (2007) 1.14
Role of the gubernaculum and intraabdominal pressure in the process of testicular descent. J Urol (1984) 1.14
Comparison of gene expression profiles between Peyronie's disease and Dupuytren's contracture. Urology (2004) 1.13
Nutritional and metabolic effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment for prostate cancer. Metabolism (1990) 1.13
Antifibrotic role of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Nitric Oxide (2002) 1.11
Amino acid sequence of the sex steroid binding protein of human blood plasma. Biochemistry (1986) 1.11
Hormonal therapy of cryptorchidism. A randomized, double-blind study comparing human chorionic gonadotropin and gonadotropin-releasing hormone. N Engl J Med (1986) 1.07
Crystal structure of glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Leishmania mexicana: implications for structure-based drug design and a new position for the inorganic phosphate binding site. Biochemistry (1995) 1.06
Reduction of penile nitric oxide synthase in diabetic BB/WORdp (type I) and BBZ/WORdp (type II) rats with erectile dysfunction. Endocrinology (1995) 1.06
Aging-related expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and markers of tissue damage in the rat penis. Biol Reprod (2001) 1.04
Nitric oxide is a potent relaxant of human and rabbit corpus cavernosum. J Urol (1992) 1.03
Dihydrotestosterone is the active androgen in the maintenance of nitric oxide-mediated penile erection in the rat. Endocrinology (1995) 1.02
Sex steroid imprinting of the immature prostate. Long-term effects. Invest Urol (1978) 1.01
Testicular descent. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser (1977) 1.00
Effects of neonatal steroids on male sex tissues. Invest Urol (1979) 0.98
Treatment with finasteride following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Urology (1995) 0.98
Effect of long-term passive smoking on erectile function and penile nitric oxide synthase in the rat. J Urol (1997) 0.97
Inhibition of testicular testosterone biosynthesis following experimental varicocele in rats. Biol Reprod (1987) 0.96
Cloning of rat and human inducible penile nitric oxide synthase. Application for gene therapy of erectile dysfunction. Biol Reprod (1997) 0.96
Silicate urolithiasis. J Urol (1984) 0.96
Rationale for phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor use post-radical prostatectomy: experimental and clinical review. Int J Impot Res (2007) 0.95
Nitric oxide and cGMP: mediators of pelvic nerve-stimulated erection in dogs. Am J Physiol (1993) 0.95
Protein crystallography and infectious diseases. Protein Sci (1994) 0.95
Management of the postpubertal cryptorchid testis: a statistical review. J Urol (1985) 0.95
Adrenal control of erectile function and nitric oxide synthase in the rat penis. Endocrinology (1997) 0.94
In vitro inhibition of testosterone biosynthesis by ketoconazole. Endocrinology (1985) 0.94
Effect of aging on nitric oxide-mediated penile erection in rats. Am J Physiol (1995) 0.93
Presence of NMDA receptor subunits in the male lower urogenital tract. J Androl (2000) 0.93
Androgen and pituitary control of penile nitric oxide synthase and erectile function in the rat. Biol Reprod (1996) 0.92
Modified venovenous bypass technique for resection of renal and adrenal carcinomas with involvement of the inferior vena cava. Eur J Surg (1996) 0.91
Isolation and characterization of the alkylated histidine from TLCK inhibited trypsin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1965) 0.90
Dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism. J Urol (1978) 0.90
Recurrent respiratory disease, azoospermia, and nasal polyposis. A syndrome that mimics cystic fibrosis and immotile cilia syndrome. Arch Intern Med (1985) 0.90
Acute bilateral renal cortical necrosis as a cause of postoperative renal failure. Urology (2001) 0.90
Corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction in aging rats: evaluation by cavernosometry and cavernosography. Urology (2004) 0.89
Gene expression in Peyronie's disease. Int J Impot Res (2002) 0.89
Fever and prostatic mass in a young man. J Urol (1978) 0.89
Molecular pathophysiology and gene therapy of aging-related erectile dysfunction. Exp Gerontol (2004) 0.88
Anatomy of penile venous drainage in potent and impotent men during cavernosography. J Urol (1989) 0.88
Hormonal regulation of testicular descent: experimental and clinical observations. J Urol (1977) 0.88
Mechanism of inhibition of human testicular steroidogenesis by oral ketoconazole. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1986) 0.87
The pleiotropic effects of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) on the physiology and pathology of penile erection. Curr Pharm Des (2005) 0.87
Pulmonary migration of coils inserted for treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by venous leakage. J Urol (1993) 0.87
Up-regulation of the levels of androgen receptor and its mRNA by androgens in smooth-muscle cells from rat penis. Mol Cell Endocrinol (1993) 0.87
Expression of penile neuronal nitric oxide synthase variants in the rat and mouse penile nerves. Biol Reprod (2000) 0.87
Direct effect of sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) of plasma on the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone in the rhesus macaque. J Steroid Biochem (1985) 0.86
Testosterone down-regulates the levels of androgen receptor mRNA in smooth muscle cells from the rat corpora cavernosa via aromatization to estrogens. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol (1993) 0.86
The serum sex steroid-binding protein. Purification, characterization and immunological properties of the human and rabbit proteins. J Steroid Biochem (1979) 0.86
Current status of the chemical structure of bovine pancreatic carboxypeptidase A. Brookhaven Symp Biol (1968) 0.86
Aging-related increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase and cytotoxicity markers in rat hypothalamic regions associated with male reproductive function. Neuroendocrinology (2001) 0.86
Stability of estrogen receptors in frozen human breast tumor tissue. Cancer Res (1979) 0.85
Effect of in vitro ketoconazole on steroid production in rat testis. Steroids (1986) 0.85
Neurotransmitter identity doubt. Nature (1990) 0.85
Protein inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor are expressed in the rat and mouse penile nerves and colocalize with penile neuronal NOS. Biol Reprod (2003) 0.85
Treatment of interstitial cystitis with a quercetin supplement. Tech Urol (2001) 0.85
The use of computerized tomography scanning to localize the impalpable testis. J Urol (1983) 0.85
Characterization of the sex steroid binding protein of human pregnancy serum. Improvements in the purification procedure. Biochemistry (1978) 0.84
Cloning of a novel neuronal nitric oxide synthase expressed in penis and lower urinary tract. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1996) 0.84
A kinetic analysis of the papain-catalyzed hydrolysis of alpha-N-benzoyl-L-citrulline methyl ester. Biochemistry (1967) 0.84
UCLA conference. Infertility in the male. Ann Intern Med (1985) 0.83
Cyclosporine inhibits testosterone biosynthesis in the rat testis. Endocrinology (1987) 0.83
Polyarteritis nodosa presenting as hematuria and a testicular mass. J Urol (2001) 0.83
Noninvasive radiological diagnosis of renal vein thrombosis in renal transplantation. J Urol (1991) 0.83
Molecular characterization of the sex steroid binding protein (SBP) of plasma. Re-examination of rabbit SBP and comparison with the human, macaque and baboon proteins. J Steroid Biochem (1986) 0.83
Restoration of normal adult penile erectile response in aged rats by long-term treatment with androgens. Biol Reprod (1995) 0.83
Recovery of testicular blood flow following ligation of testicular vessels. J Urol (1989) 0.83
Hyperprolactinemia and erectile dysfunction. Rev Urol (2000) 0.82
Current status of the molecular structure and function of the plasma sex steroid-binding protein (SBP). J Steroid Biochem (1983) 0.82
Effect of cyclosporine on steroidogenesis in rat Leydig cells. Transplantation (1988) 0.82
Fluorescence investigation of the sex steroid binding protein of rabbit serum: steroid binding and subunit dissociation. Biochemistry (1990) 0.82
Identification of lysine 134 in the steroid-binding site of the sex steroid-binding protein of human plasma. J Biol Chem (1990) 0.82
Direct effect of plasma sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) on the metabolic clearance rate of 17 beta-estradiol in the primate. J Steroid Biochem (1990) 0.82
Cavernosal nerve stimulation in the rat reverses castration-induced decrease in penile NOS activity. Am J Physiol (1996) 0.81
Hormonal effects of ketoconazole in vivo in the male rat: mechanism of action. Endocrinology (1986) 0.81
Immunocytochemical localization of the sex steroid-binding protein of plasma in tissues of the adult monkey Macaca nemestrina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 0.81
Localization of the steroid-binding site of the human sex steroid-binding protein of plasma (SBP or SHBG) by site-directed mutagenesis. FEBS Lett (1992) 0.81
Molecular organization of the sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) of human plasma. J Steroid Biochem (1986) 0.81
Monospecific antibodies to the sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) of human and rabbit sera: cross-reactivity with other species. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1978) 0.81
The effect of zanoterone, a steroidal androgen receptor antagonist, in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Zanoterone Study Group. J Urol (1995) 0.81
Synergy of abdominal pressure and androgens in testicular descent. Biol Reprod (1983) 0.81
Purification and characterization of the sex steroid binding protein from macaque serum. Comparison with the human protein. Biochemistry (1984) 0.80