Published in J Neurosci on November 01, 1995
Are the dorsal and ventral hippocampus functionally distinct structures? Neuron (2010) 6.74
The contextual brain: implications for fear conditioning, extinction and psychopathology. Nat Rev Neurosci (2013) 3.36
Neural circuits and mechanisms involved in Pavlovian fear conditioning: a critical review. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2005) 2.91
Contextual and auditory fear conditioning are mediated by the lateral, basal, and central amygdaloid nuclei in rats. Learn Mem (2001) 2.38
Involvement of the amygdala in memory storage: interaction with other brain systems. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1996) 2.27
Bidirectional switch of the valence associated with a hippocampal contextual memory engram. Nature (2014) 2.26
Neurogenesis and generalization: a new approach to stratify and treat anxiety disorders. Nat Neurosci (2012) 2.15
Memory consolidation for contextual and auditory fear conditioning is dependent on protein synthesis, PKA, and MAP kinase. Learn Mem (1999) 2.06
Gating of fear in prelimbic cortex by hippocampal and amygdala inputs. Neuron (2012) 2.06
Neural and cellular mechanisms of fear and extinction memory formation. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2012) 1.94
Dendritic inhibition in the hippocampus supports fear learning. Science (2014) 1.92
Contextual fear conditioning in humans: cortical-hippocampal and amygdala contributions. J Neurosci (2008) 1.72
MeCP2-mediated transcription repression in the basolateral amygdala may underlie heightened anxiety in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. J Neurosci (2009) 1.50
Distinct Hippocampal Pathways Mediate Dissociable Roles of Context in Memory Retrieval. Cell (2016) 1.47
Hippocampal regulation of context-dependent neuronal activity in the lateral amygdala. Learn Mem (2007) 1.42
Cerebral blood flow in immediate and sustained anxiety. J Neurosci (2007) 1.38
Cell-type-specific recruitment of amygdala interneurons to hippocampal theta rhythm and noxious stimuli in vivo. Neuron (2012) 1.36
From contextual fear to a dynamic view of memory systems. Trends Cogn Sci (2009) 1.34
Emotional learning and glutamate: translational perspectives. CNS Spectr (2005) 1.23
Emotional memory and psychopathology. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (1997) 1.17
NMDA receptor blockade in the basolateral amygdala disrupts consolidation of stimulus-reward memory and extinction learning during reinstatement of cocaine-seeking in an animal model of relapse. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2007) 1.17
A different recruitment of the lateral and basolateral amygdala promotes contextual or elemental conditioned association in Pavlovian fear conditioning. Learn Mem (2005) 1.14
Characterizing cognitive aging of spatial and contextual memory in animal models. Front Aging Neurosci (2012) 1.12
Hippocampal train stimulation modulates recall of fear extinction independently of prefrontal cortex synaptic plasticity and lesions. Learn Mem (2006) 1.11
Chemogenetic inactivation of ventral hippocampal glutamatergic neurons disrupts consolidation of contextual fear memory. Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) 1.10
Amygdala infusions of an NR2B-selective or an NR2A-preferring NMDA receptor antagonist differentially influence fear conditioning and expression in the fear-potentiated startle test. Learn Mem (2008) 1.10
Role of amygdala and hippocampus in the neural circuit subserving conditioned defeat in Syrian hamsters. Learn Mem (2010) 1.09
Amygdala-dependent and amygdala-independent pathways for contextual fear conditioning. Neuroscience (2007) 1.08
Functional imaging of stimulus convergence in amygdalar neurons during Pavlovian fear conditioning. PLoS One (2009) 1.08
The basolateral amygdala is necessary for learning but not relearning extinction of context conditioned fear. Learn Mem (2008) 1.07
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in trace fear conditioning. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2010) 1.07
Compensation in the neural circuitry of fear conditioning awakens learning circuits in the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.05
Responses of amygdala neurons to positive reward-predicting stimuli depend on background reward (contingency) rather than stimulus-reward pairing (contiguity). J Neurophysiol (2009) 1.02
Deficient long-term memory and long-lasting long-term potentiation in mice with a targeted deletion of neurotrophin-4 gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 1.01
Behavioral analysis of NR2C knockout mouse reveals deficit in acquisition of conditioned fear and working memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2011) 1.01
The accurate measurement of fear memory in Pavlovian conditioning: Resolving the baseline issue. J Neurosci Methods (2010) 0.99
The alpha1 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor modulates fear learning and plasticity in the lateral amygdala. Front Behav Neurosci (2009) 0.99
Stress and Fear Extinction. Neuropsychopharmacology (2015) 0.98
Dorsal periaqueductal gray-amygdala pathway conveys both innate and learned fear responses in rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 0.96
Context-dependent encoding of fear and extinction memories in a large-scale network model of the basal amygdala. PLoS Comput Biol (2011) 0.95
Histone acetylation rescues contextual fear conditioning in nNOS KO mice and accelerates extinction of cued fear conditioning in wild type mice. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2012) 0.92
Nicotine ameliorates NMDA receptor antagonist-induced deficits in contextual fear conditioning through high-affinity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the hippocampus. Neuropharmacology (2010) 0.91
Pharmacological enhancement of drug cue extinction learning: translational challenges. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2011) 0.90
Neurobehavioral perspectives on the distinction between fear and anxiety. Learn Mem (2015) 0.89
Dendritic morphology of amygdala and hippocampal neurons in more and less predator stress responsive rats and more and less spontaneously anxious handled controls. Behav Brain Res (2011) 0.89
Lesions of the entorhinal cortex or fornix disrupt the context-dependence of fear extinction in rats. Behav Brain Res (2008) 0.88
Characterization of NMDAR-Independent Learning in the Hippocampus. Front Behav Neurosci (2011) 0.87
Ephrin-B3 coordinates timed axon targeting and amygdala spinogenesis for innate fear behaviour. Nat Commun (2016) 0.85
A Bayesian context fear learning algorithm/automaton. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.84
Hippocampal neurogenesis protects against cocaine-primed relapse. Addict Biol (2012) 0.84
Phosphorylation of ERK/MAP kinase is required for long-term potentiation in anatomically restricted regions of the lateral amygdala in vivo. Learn Mem (2008) 0.84
Sensitive periods in affective development: nonlinear maturation of fear learning. Neuropsychopharmacology (2014) 0.84
Behavioral pharmacogenetic analysis on the role of the α4 GABA(A) receptor subunit in the ethanol-mediated impairment of hippocampus-dependent contextual learning. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2011) 0.83
Revisiting the hippocampal-amygdala pathway in primates: association with immature-appearing neurons. Neuroscience (2012) 0.83
Long-term memory of visually cued fear conditioning: roles of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene and cyclic AMP response element-binding protein. Neuroscience (2010) 0.83
Muscarinic cholinergic receptor M1 in the rat basolateral amygdala: ultrastructural localization and synaptic relationships to cholinergic axons. J Comp Neurol (2013) 0.82
Bcl-2 immunoreactive neurons are differentially distributed in subregions of the amygdala and hippocampus of the adult macaque. Neuroscience (2004) 0.82
Behavioral and synaptic circuit features in a zebrafish model of fragile X syndrome. PLoS One (2013) 0.81
Amygdalar GABAergic-rich neural grafts attenuate anxiety-like behavior in rats. Behav Brain Res (2009) 0.81
Functional neuroanatomy of amygdalohippocampal interconnections and their role in learning and memory. J Neurosci Res (2016) 0.81
Hippocampal Theta Input to the Amygdala Shapes Feedforward Inhibition to Gate Heterosynaptic Plasticity. Neuron (2015) 0.80
Complex effects of NMDA receptor antagonist APV in the basolateral amygdala on acquisition of two-way avoidance reaction and long-term fear memory. Learn Mem (2003) 0.80
Hemispheric differences in protein kinase C betaII levels in the rat amygdala: baseline asymmetry and lateralized changes associated with cue and context in a classical fear conditioning paradigm. Neuroscience (2006) 0.80
Effects of stressor predictability on escape learning and sleep in mice. Sleep (2013) 0.79
Origin and properties of striatal local field potential responses to cortical stimulation: temporal regulation by fast inhibitory connections. PLoS One (2011) 0.79
A review of the neural and behavioral consequences for unitizing emotional and neutral information. Front Behav Neurosci (2013) 0.78
Regional changes in gene expression after limbic kindling. Cell Mol Neurobiol (2011) 0.78
Isomorphisms between psychological processes and neural mechanisms: from stimulus elements to genetic markers of activity. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2013) 0.78
Impaired Functional Connectivity in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Mechanism for Chronic Stress-Induced Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Neural Plast (2016) 0.78
The prelimbic cortex is critical for context-dependent fear expression. Front Behav Neurosci (2013) 0.78
Overexpression of Protein Kinase Mζ in the Hippocampus Enhances Long-Term Potentiation and Long-Term Contextual But Not Cued Fear Memory in Rats. J Neurosci (2016) 0.78
Out with the old and in with the new: Synaptic mechanisms of extinction in the amygdala. Brain Res (2014) 0.77
Stimulation of perforant path fibers induces LTP concurrently in amygdala and hippocampus in awake freely behaving rats. Neural Plast (2013) 0.77
Limbic system development underlies the emergence of classical fear conditioning during the third and fourth weeks of life in the rat. Behav Neurosci (2016) 0.76
Neural changes in extinction recall following prolonged exposure treatment for PTSD: A longitudinal fMRI study. Neuroimage Clin (2016) 0.76
Dorsal periaqueductal gray simultaneously modulates ventral subiculum induced-plasticity in the basolateral amygdala and the nucleus accumbens. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.76
Conditioned fear in adult rats is facilitated by the prior acquisition of a classically conditioned motor response. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2010) 0.76
Using the conditioned fear stress (CFS) animal model to understand the neurobiological mechanisms and pharmacological treatment of anxiety. Shanghai Arch Psychiatry (2012) 0.76
Emotional learning, stress, and development: An ever-changing landscape shaped by early-life experience. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2017) 0.75
Extended fear conditioning reveals a role for both N-methyl-D-aspartic acid and non-N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptors in the amygdala in the acquisition of conditioned fear. Neuroscience (2008) 0.75
Assigning Function to Adult-Born Neurons: A Theoretical Framework for Characterizing Neural Manipulation of Learning. Front Syst Neurosci (2016) 0.75
GABAergic Synapses at the Axon Initial Segment of Basolateral Amygdala Projection Neurons Modulate Fear Extinction. Neuropsychopharmacology (2016) 0.75
Anxious behavior induces elevated hippocampal Cb2 receptor gene expression. Neuroscience (2017) 0.75
Precondition of right frontal region with anodal tDCS can restore the fear memory impairment induced by ACPA in male mice. EXCLI J (2017) 0.75
Reactivations of emotional memory in the hippocampus-amygdala system during sleep. Nat Neurosci (2017) 0.75
Identification of an excitatory amino acid-mediated component of the ventral tegmental area local field potential response to medial prefrontal cortex stimulation: effect of acute d-amphetamine. J Neural Transm (Vienna) (2006) 0.75
Circadian Rhythms in Fear Conditioning: An Overview of Behavioral, Brain System, and Molecular Interactions. Neural Plast (2017) 0.75
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Conditioned and unconditional components of post-shock freezing. Pavlov J Biol Sci (1981) 4.20
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The neuroanatomical and neurochemical basis of conditioned fear. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (1999) 3.66
Neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus and Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats. Behav Brain Res (1997) 3.27
Temporally graded retrograde amnesia of contextual fear after hippocampal damage in rats: within-subjects examination. J Neurosci (1999) 2.92
Attenuated sensitivity to neuroactive steroids in gamma-aminobutyrate type A receptor delta subunit knockout mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 2.88
Effects of amygdala, hippocampus, and periaqueductal gray lesions on short- and long-term contextual fear. Behav Neurosci (1993) 2.78
Mice lacking the beta3 subunit of the GABAA receptor have the epilepsy phenotype and many of the behavioral characteristics of Angelman syndrome. J Neurosci (1998) 2.09
Mouse model of Sanfilippo syndrome type B produced by targeted disruption of the gene encoding alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 1.79
Retrograde abolition of conditional fear after excitotoxic lesions in the basolateral amygdala of rats: absence of a temporal gradient. Behav Neurosci (1996) 1.72
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the basolateral amygdala are required for both acquisition and expression of conditional fear in rats. Behav Neurosci (1996) 1.67
Electrolytic lesions of the fimbria/fornix, dorsal hippocampus, or entorhinal cortex produce anterograde deficits in contextual fear conditioning in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem (1997) 1.66
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Immediate-early gene expression in the amygdala following footshock stress and contextual fear conditioning. Brain Res (1998) 1.40
NMDA processes mediate anterograde amnesia of contextual fear conditioning induced by hippocampal damage: immunization against amnesia by context preexposure. Behav Neurosci (1994) 1.38
Scopolamine and Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats: dose-effect analysis. Neuropsychopharmacology (1999) 1.37
Selective enhancement of emotional, but not motor, learning in monoamine oxidase A-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 1.33
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Sex differences, context preexposure, and the immediate shock deficit in Pavlovian context conditioning with mice. Behav Neurosci (2001) 1.27
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Scopolamine selectively disrupts the acquisition of contextual fear conditioning in rats. Neurobiol Learn Mem (1995) 1.08
Amygdala-dependent and amygdala-independent pathways for contextual fear conditioning. Neuroscience (2007) 1.08
Properties and mechanisms of long-term synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain: relationships to learning and memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem (1995) 1.07
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Inhaled anesthetic responses of recombinant receptors and knockin mice harboring α2(S270H/L277A) GABA(A) receptor subunits that are resistant to isoflurane. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (2010) 1.01
Trace and contextual fear conditioning is enhanced in mice lacking the alpha4 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2009) 0.99
The concentration of isoflurane required to suppress learning depends on the type of learning. Anesthesiology (2001) 0.98
Parallel augmentation of hippocampal long-term potentiation, theta rhythm, and contextual fear conditioning in water-deprived rats. Behav Neurosci (1994) 0.94
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