Published in N Engl J Med on April 20, 1995
Health insurance coverage among foreign-born US residents: the impact of race, ethnicity, and length of residence. Am J Public Health (1997) 3.09
Effect of language barriers on follow-up appointments after an emergency department visit. J Gen Intern Med (2000) 2.17
Immigrants and tuberculosis control. N Engl J Med (1995) 1.79
Restrictions on undocumented immigrants' access to health services: the public health implications of welfare reform. Am J Public Health (2003) 1.71
Palliative care for Latino patients and their families: whenever we prayed, she wept. JAMA (2009) 1.61
Impact of U.S. citizenship status on cancer screening among immigrant women. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 1.55
The foreignness of germs: the persistent association of immigrants and disease in American society. Milbank Q (2002) 0.80
Environmental and occupational exposures in immigrant health. Environ Health Insights (2008) 0.77
Survey of illegal immigrants seen in an emergency department. West J Med (1996) 0.77
Ethical considerations about reporting research results with potential for further stigmatization of undocumented immigrants. Clin Infect Dis (2009) 0.75
Do patients want to participate in medical decision making? JAMA (1984) 6.40
Do house officers learn from their mistakes? JAMA (1991) 6.28
How strictly do dialysis patients want their advance directives followed? JAMA (1992) 4.69
To tell the truth: ethical and practical issues in disclosing medical mistakes to patients. J Gen Intern Med (1997) 4.46
The physician's responsibility toward hopelessly ill patients. A second look. N Engl J Med (1989) 4.20
Withholding and withdrawal of life support from the critically ill. N Engl J Med (1990) 3.73
The Oregon Medicaid Demonstration Project--will it provide adequate medical care? N Engl J Med (1992) 3.67
Attitudes of Japanese and Japanese-American physicians towards life-sustaining treatment. Lancet (1995) 3.48
Physician-assisted suicide in Oregon. A bold experiment. JAMA (1995) 3.38
Persons found in their homes helpless or dead. N Engl J Med (1996) 3.13
Mandatory reporting of HIV testing would deter men from being tested. JAMA (1989) 2.98
To redeem them from death. Reactions of family members to autopsy. Am J Med (1986) 2.84
Sensor positioning for activity recognition using wearable accelerometers. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst (2011) 2.68
When parents reject interventions to reduce postnatal human immunodeficiency virus transmission. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2001) 2.65
Community-acquired bacteremia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: clinical presentation, bacteriology, and outcome. Am J Med (1989) 2.58
Postexposure prophylaxis after nonoccupational HIV exposure: clinical, ethical, and policy considerations. JAMA (1998) 2.58
Increasing the completion of the durable power of attorney for health care. A randomized, controlled trial. JAMA (1994) 2.48
Decisions about resuscitation: inequities among patients with different diseases but similar prognoses. Ann Intern Med (1989) 2.25
How good is communication between primary care physicians and subspecialty consultants? Arch Intern Med (1984) 2.21
How do medical residents discuss resuscitation with patients? J Gen Intern Med (1995) 2.20
Is it justifiable to withhold treatment for hepatitis C from illicit-drug users? N Engl J Med (2001) 2.12
Ethics consultation: time to focus on patients. Am J Med (1992) 2.05
Value of long-term administration of acyclovir and similar agents for protecting against AIDS-related lymphoma: case-control and historical cohort studies. Clin Infect Dis (2000) 2.05
Medical ethics: an annotated bibliography. Ann Intern Med (1994) 2.03
Laws mandating reporting of domestic violence. Do they promote patient well-being? JAMA (1995) 2.03
Many people who seek anonymous HIV-antibody testing would avoid it under other circumstances. AIDS (1990) 1.86
Physician-patient sexual contact. Prevalence and problems. West J Med (1992) 1.82
Frequency of ethical dilemmas in a medical inpatient service. Arch Intern Med (1981) 1.72
Assessing decision-making capacity. Law Med Health Care (1990) 1.62
'Do not resuscitate' decisions. A prospective study at three teaching hospitals. Arch Intern Med (1985) 1.58
Primary care physicians should be coordinators, not gatekeepers. JAMA (1999) 1.56
Deciding whether to resuscitate. Arch Intern Med (1983) 1.51
When is CPR futile? JAMA (1995) 1.51
See one, do one, teach one? House staff experience discussing do-not-resuscitate orders. Arch Intern Med (1996) 1.50
Informing physicians about promising new treatments for severe illnesses. JAMA (1990) 1.50
Life-sustaining treatment for patients with AIDS. Chest (1989) 1.50
Improving care near the end of life. Why is it so hard? JAMA (1995) 1.49
Behind closed doors. Promises and pitfalls of ethics committees. N Engl J Med (1987) 1.44
Patient attitudes to discussing life-sustaining treatment. Arch Intern Med (1986) 1.42
Neonatal diabetes, with hypoplastic pancreas, intestinal atresia and gall bladder hypoplasia: search for the aetiology of a new autosomal recessive syndrome. Diabetologia (2004) 1.35
Detention of persistently nonadherent patients with tuberculosis. JAMA (1997) 1.28
Impact of a procedure-specific do not resuscitate order form on documentation of do not resuscitate orders. Arch Intern Med (1993) 1.26
AIDS antibody testing. Will it stop the AIDS epidemic? Will it help people infected with HIV? Am Psychol (1988) 1.25
Blurring the boundaries: scenario-based simulation in a clinical setting. Med Educ (2005) 1.22
Clinical decisions to limit treatment. Ann Intern Med (1980) 1.22
Water nitrates and CNS birth defects: a population-based case-control study. Arch Environ Health (1988) 1.22
Guiding the hand that feeds. Caring for the demented elderly. N Engl J Med (1984) 1.21
Unanswered questions about DNR orders. JAMA (1991) 1.21
Ethical decisions in the care of a patient terminally ill with metastatic cancer. Ann Intern Med (1980) 1.20
How house officers cope with their mistakes. West J Med (1993) 1.20
Preferences of homosexual men with AIDS for life-sustaining treatment. N Engl J Med (1986) 1.19
Resolving disagreements in the patient-physician relationship: tools for improving communication in managed care. JAMA (1999) 1.17
Patients' attitudes toward cost control bonuses for managed care physicians. Health Aff (Millwood) (2001) 1.16
Understanding the benefits and burdens of tube feedings. Arch Intern Med (1989) 1.12
Do house officers learn from their mistakes? Qual Saf Health Care (2003) 1.09
How do physicians respond to patient's requests for costly, unindicated services? J Gen Intern Med (1997) 1.09
Ethical dilemmas in caring for patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Ann Intern Med (1985) 1.08
PACS clinical experience at Georgetown University. Comput Med Imaging Graph (1991) 1.06
A pervasive body sensor network for measuring postoperative recovery at home. Surg Innov (2007) 1.05
The development and evaluation of a computer-aided diabetes education program. Aust J Adv Nurs (1996) 1.04
Care at the end of life: guiding practice where there are no easy answers. Ann Intern Med (1999) 1.02
How do patients view the role of the primary care physician in inpatient care? Am J Med (2001) 0.98
Practicing safer research: using the law to protect the confidentiality of sensitive research data. IRB (2003) 0.97
The ethics of medicine: an annotated bibliography of recent literature. Ann Intern Med (1980) 0.94
Effects of vaccine information pamphlets on parents' attitudes. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (1994) 0.93
To tell or not to tell: the ethical dilemmas of HIV test notification in epidemiologic research. Am J Public Health (1989) 0.88
PACS clinical experience at Georgetown University. Int J Biomed Comput (1992) 0.88
Parental consent for pediatric cadaveric organ donation. Transplant Proc (1997) 0.88
Functional studies of the rabbit intestinal Na+/glucose carrier (SGLT1) expressed in COS-7 cells: evaluation of the mutant A166C indicates this region is important for Na+-activation of the carrier. Biochem J (1998) 0.87
The case of Claire Conroy: will administrative review safeguard incompetent patients? Ann Intern Med (1986) 0.86
Artificial feeding--solid ground, not a slippery slope. N Engl J Med (1988) 0.86
The case of Elizabeth Bouvia. Starvation, suicide, or problem patient? Arch Intern Med (1986) 0.86
The death of Clarence Herbert: withdrawing care is not murder. Ann Intern Med (1984) 0.85
Knowledge and concerns about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and their relationship to behavior among adolescents with hemophilia. Pediatrics (1989) 0.85
Ethical dilemmas and the clinician. Ann Intern Med (1980) 0.84
The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome in adulthood: evaluation of a 24-year-old man with a rec(4) chromosome. Am J Med Genet (1996) 0.83
Decision making for incompetent patients by designated proxy. California's new law. N Engl J Med (1984) 0.82
Eye-gaze driven surgical workflow segmentation. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (2007) 0.81
Does it make clinical sense to equate terminally ill patients who require life-sustaining interventions with those who do not? JAMA (1997) 0.81
How do doctors discuss do-not-resuscitate orders? West J Med (1985) 0.81
What about the ethics? West J Med (2000) 0.81
[HIV sentinel surveillance of pregnant women in Mauritania from 2001 to 2007]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot (2010) 0.80
Cost containment confronts physicians. Ann Intern Med (1984) 0.80
Choice and use of blood lipid tests. An epidemiologic perspective. Arch Intern Med (1983) 0.79
Characterization of cimetidine transport in LLCPK1 cells. J Am Soc Nephrol (1994) 0.78
The Bartling case. Protecting patients from harm while respecting their wishes. J Am Geriatr Soc (1986) 0.78
Advance directives for patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Crit Care Clin (1993) 0.76
The diagnosis of pulmonary embolus. West J Med (1982) 0.76
Obligations to care for persons with human immunodeficiency virus. Issues Law Med (1988) 0.75
Euthanasia--the continuing debate. West J Med (1988) 0.75
Hyperuricemia and gout. West J Med (1985) 0.75
Beyond fear. Resolving ethical dilemmas regarding HIV infection. Chest (1989) 0.75
Activation of hemostasis is associated with early cognitive decline after off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thromb Haemost (2005) 0.75
Counseling patients seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus. An approach for medical practice. West J Med (1990) 0.75
Event-based progression detection strategies using scanning laser polarimetry images of the human retina. Comput Biol Med (2011) 0.75
Effect of incentives on the use of indicated services in managed care. West J Med (1999) 0.75
Advance planning for advance directives. J Gen Intern Med (1994) 0.75
Toxicity of the specific antimuscarinic agent methoctramine and other non-specific anticholinergic drugs in human neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro. Toxicol In Vitro (1993) 0.75
The effect of coffee on gastric emptying and oro-caecal transit time. Eur J Clin Invest (2000) 0.75