Published in N Engl J Med on March 28, 1996
Comparability of self rated health: cross sectional multi-country survey using anchoring vignettes. BMJ (2004) 3.94
Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal non-survival data: current methods and issues. Report of the DIA Bayesian joint modeling working group. Stat Med (2014) 3.22
Development of a disease specific questionnaire to measure health related quality of life in patients with chronic liver disease. Gut (1999) 2.98
Clinimetric evaluation of shoulder disability questionnaires: a systematic review of the literature. Ann Rheum Dis (2004) 2.97
A review of measures of quality of life for children with chronic illness. Arch Dis Child (2001) 2.82
Retest reliability of surveillance questions on health related quality of life. J Epidemiol Community Health (2003) 2.72
Major bile duct injuries associated with laparoscopic cholecystectomy: effect of surgical repair on quality of life. Ann Surg (2002) 2.09
Validation of a specific quality of life questionnaire for functional digestive disorders. Gut (1999) 1.93
Primary outcomes for resuscitation science studies: a consensus statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation (2011) 1.93
Assessing weight-related quality of life in adolescents. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2006) 1.85
The treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease with laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: prospective evaluation of 100 patients with "typical" symptoms. Ann Surg (1998) 1.81
Subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic cecoproctostomy for selected patients with slow transit constipation-from Chinese report. Int J Colorectal Dis (2008) 1.67
Health-related quality of life in men with erectile dysfunction. J Gen Intern Med (1998) 1.64
Don't wanna go through that madness no more: quality of life satisfaction as predictor of sustained remission from illicit drug misuse. Subst Use Misuse (2009) 1.63
Quality of life in rural and urban populations in Lebanon using SF-36 health survey. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2003) 1.61
The Pediatric Cancer Quality of Life Inventory (PCQL). I. Instrument development, descriptive statistics, and cross-informant variance. J Behav Med (1998) 1.60
Health-related quality of life in overweight and nonoverweight black and white adolescents. J Pediatr (2005) 1.60
Reliability, construct and criterion validity of the KIDSCREEN-10 score: a short measure for children and adolescents' well-being and health-related quality of life. Qual Life Res (2010) 1.58
Effect of hemodiafiltration on quality of life over time. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol (2012) 1.50
Quality of life in men undergoing active surveillance for localized prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (2012) 1.49
Beyond FEV₁ in COPD: a review of patient-reported outcomes and their measurement. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis (2012) 1.47
Neglect of quality-of-life considerations in intensive care unit family meetings for long-stay intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med (2012) 1.43
Clinical trial end points for high-grade glioma: the evolving landscape. Neuro Oncol (2011) 1.42
Using disablement models and clinical outcomes assessment to enable evidence-based athletic training practice, part I: disablement models. J Athl Train (2008) 1.40
Development of a disease specific quality of life questionnaire for patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy: the GO-QOL. Br J Ophthalmol (1998) 1.38
Health-related quality of life in urban African Americans with type 2 diabetes. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.29
The relationship between stroke and quality of life in Korean adults: based on the 2010 Korean community health survey. J Phys Ther Sci (2015) 1.26
Clinical review: Intensive care follow-up--what has it told us? Crit Care (2002) 1.25
Recent injury and health-related quality of life in adolescent athletes. J Athl Train (2009) 1.23
Health-related quality of life outcomes after kidney transplantation. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2004) 1.21
An assessment of the quality of life in hemodialysis patients using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Indian J Nephrol (2008) 1.20
Health-related quality of life in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis: comparison of generic and disease-specific instruments. Clin Rheumatol (2004) 1.20
Factors affecting quality of life in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Afr Health Sci (2011) 1.15
Effect of interferon-alpha treatment of chronic hepatitis C on health-related quality of life. Dig Dis Sci (1997) 1.15
Associates of poor physical and mental health-related quality of life in beta thalassemia-major/intermedia. J Res Med Sci (2009) 1.14
Health-related quality of life after different types of solid organ transplantation. Ann Surg (2000) 1.13
Patient-reported outcomes and survivorship in radiation oncology: overcoming the cons. J Clin Oncol (2014) 1.13
Problems and solutions in calculating quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). Health Qual Life Outcomes (2003) 1.13
Quality of Life in Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy. Oman Med J (2009) 1.12
A unique patient population? Health-related quality of life in adolescent athletes versus general, healthy adolescent individuals. J Athl Train (2013) 1.11
Correlation of quality of life with clinical symptoms and signs at the time of glaucoma diagnosis. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc (1998) 1.11
Health-related quality of life in patients with high-grade glioma. Neuro Oncol (2008) 1.10
Acne-specific quality of life questionnaire (Acne-QoL): translation, cultural adaptation and validation into Brazilian-Portuguese language. An Bras Dermatol (2014) 1.09
Quality of life in pancreatic cancer: analysis by stage and treatment. J Gastrointest Surg (2008) 1.07
Quality of life in atrial fibrillation: measurement tools and impact of interventions. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol (2008) 1.05
Heart failure and health related quality of life. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health (2005) 1.05
Case reports: treatment of subtrochanteric and ipsilateral femoral neck fractures in an adult with osteopetrosis. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2008) 1.03
Health-related quality of life and mental health in the medium-term aftermath of the Prestige oil spill in Galiza (Spain): a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (2007) 1.02
Health related quality of life in pregeriatric patients with chronic diseases at urban, public supported clinics. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2003) 1.02
Patient-reported outcomes following treatment with the human GLP-1 analogue liraglutide or glimepiride in monotherapy: results from a randomized controlled trial in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab (2010) 1.01
The health status of Q-fever patients after long-term follow-up. BMC Infect Dis (2011) 0.99
Temporal predictors of health-related quality of life in elderly people with diabetes: results of a German cohort study. PLoS One (2012) 0.98
The taxanes: toxicity and quality of life considerations in advanced ovarian cancer. Br J Cancer (2003) 0.98
Disability in activities of daily living, depression, and quality of life among older medical ICU survivors: a prospective cohort study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2011) 0.98
Assessment of health-related quality of life among primary caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 0.97
The Pediatric Cancer Quality of Life Inventory-32 (PCQL-32). II. Feasibility and range of measurement. J Behav Med (1999) 0.97
Association of changes in health-related quality of life in coronary heart disease with coronary procedures and sociodemographic characteristics. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2004) 0.97
Social and economic costs and health-related quality of life in stroke survivors in the Canary Islands, Spain. BMC Health Serv Res (2012) 0.97
Assessment of health-related quality of life in Chinese patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy. World J Gastroenterol (2007) 0.95
Interpreting and evaluating the CASP-19 quality of life measure in older people. Age Ageing (2012) 0.94
Reliability and validity of a Dutch version of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire. Cough (2007) 0.94
Further validation of the IBS-QOL: female Mexican IBS patients have poorer quality of life than females from North Carolina. Dig Dis Sci (2007) 0.93
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of Behçet's disease quality of life questionnaire. BMC Med Res Methodol (2011) 0.92
Comparison of health-related quality of life preferences between physicians and cirrhotic patients: implications for cost-utility analyses in chronic liver disease. Dig Dis Sci (2004) 0.92
Health-related quality of life of african american breast cancer survivors compared with healthy African American women. Cancer Nurs (2012) 0.92
Significant impairment of health-related quality of life in mainland Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B: a cross-sectional survey with pair-matched healthy controls. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2014) 0.91
Health related quality of life of Canary Island citizens. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.90
Mid term analysis of safety and quality of life after the laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hiatal hernia. Surg Endosc (2004) 0.90
CIS-based registration of quality of life in a single source approach. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak (2011) 0.90
Measuring health-related quality of life in children with cancer living in Mainland China: feasibility, reliability and validity of the Chinese Mandarin version of PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales and 3.0 Cancer Module. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2011) 0.90
Damage index assessment and quality of life in systemic lupus erythematosus patients (with long-term disease) in Northeastern Brazil. Clin Rheumatol (2007) 0.89
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. J Pediatr Health Care (2010) 0.89
Examination of the effect of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators on health-related quality of life: based on results from the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Trial-II. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs (2009) 0.89
Health-related quality of life in first-ever stroke patients. Ann Saudi Med (2009) 0.88
More immunotherapy for multiple sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1996) 0.88
Empirically derived dietary patterns and health-related quality of life in the SUN project. PLoS One (2013) 0.87
Quality of life for obese women and men in Turkey. Prev Chronic Dis (2007) 0.87
Temperament, personality, and quality of life in pediatric cancer patients. J Pediatr Psychol (2014) 0.87
Acceptability and outcomes of the Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement--patients' and care givers' perspectives. BMC Gastroenterol (2006) 0.87
Health-related quality of life: expanding a conceptual framework to include older adults who receive long-term services and supports. Gerontologist (2012) 0.87
Use of different subjective health indicators to assess health inequalities in an urban immigrant population in north-western Italy: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.87
A comparison of quality of life and travel-related factors between in-center and satellite-based hemodialysis patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol (2009) 0.86
Health-related quality of life in chinese patients with chronic liver disease. Gastroenterol Res Pract (2012) 0.86
The effect of physical exercise on physical and psychological problems. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res (2010) 0.85
Validity and reliability study of Turkish version on low vision with quality of life questionnaire. Int J Ophthalmol (2011) 0.85
Health and role functioning: the use of focus groups in the development of an item bank. Qual Life Res (2010) 0.85
Health-related quality of life and survival in Chinese patients with chronic liver disease. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2013) 0.85
Health-related quality of life is not impaired in children with undetected as well as diagnosed celiac disease: a large population based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.84
Importance of remission and residual somatic symptoms in health-related quality of life among outpatients with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2014) 0.84
Development of the Japanese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Brain Tumor Module. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2010) 0.84
SRH and HrQOL: does social position impact differently on their link with health status? BMC Public Health (2012) 0.84
Results of chemical pleurodesis with mitoxantrone in malignant pleural effusion from breast cancer. World J Surg Oncol (2004) 0.84
Change in quality of life after medical and surgical treatment of graves' ophthalmopathy. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol (2011) 0.84
Unbearability of suffering at the end of life: the development of a new measuring device, the SOS-V. BMC Palliat Care (2009) 0.84
Measuring subjective outcomes: rethinking reliability and validity. J Gen Intern Med (1998) 0.83
Health-related quality of life among people aged ≥65 years with self-reported visual impairment: findings from the 2006-2010 behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Ophthalmic Epidemiol (2014) 0.83
Association of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus with Health-Related Quality of Life: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. PLoS One (2015) 0.83
Health-related quality of life and health condition of community-dwelling populations with cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. J Phys Ther Sci (2015) 0.83
Health status and health dynamics in an empirical model of expected longevity. J Health Econ (2007) 0.83
Quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia: validation and psychometric properties of the German Quality of Life Scale (QOLS-G). Rheumatol Int (2011) 0.83
Impaired insulin action in puberty. A contributing factor to poor glycemic control in adolescents with diabetes. N Engl J Med (1986) 3.90
Body fat distribution and insulin resistance in healthy Asian Indians and Caucasians. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2001) 2.95
Acute hyperglycemia attenuates endothelium-dependent vasodilation in humans in vivo. Circulation (1998) 2.38
Defective glucose counterregulation after strict glycemic control of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med (1987) 2.30
Fasting hyperglycemia in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: contributions of excessive hepatic glucose production and impaired tissue glucose uptake. Metabolism (1989) 2.27
Retinal blood flow changes in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and no diabetic retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1996) 2.01
Effect of intensive insulin therapy on glycemic thresholds for counterregulatory hormone release. Diabetes (1988) 1.89
Effect of sustained physiologic hyperinsulinaemia and hyperglycaemia on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in man. Diabetologia (1994) 1.73
The disposal of an oral glucose load in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Metabolism (1988) 1.60
Effect of insulin and plasma amino acid concentrations on leucine metabolism in man. Role of substrate availability on estimates of whole body protein synthesis. J Clin Invest (1987) 1.54
Increased insulin secretion in puberty: a compensatory response to reductions in insulin sensitivity. J Pediatr (1989) 1.51
Mechanism of metformin action in obese and lean noninsulin-dependent diabetic subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1991) 1.38
Effect of insulin on oxidative and nonoxidative pathways of free fatty acid metabolism in human obesity. Am J Physiol (1992) 1.25
Intensive insulin therapy reduces counterregulatory hormone responses to hypoglycemia in patients with type I diabetes. Ann Intern Med (1985) 1.25
Rate of glucose fall does not affect counterregulatory hormone responses to hypoglycemia in normal and diabetic humans. Diabetes (1987) 1.24
Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in patients with thalassemia major treated by hypertransfusion. N Engl J Med (1988) 1.12
Glycemic control and neuropsychologic function during hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Intern Med (1990) 1.11
Intermittent hypoglycemia impairs glucose counterregulation. Diabetes (1992) 1.08
Comparison of thermogenic effect of fructose and glucose in normal humans. Am J Physiol (1986) 1.06
The perception of safe driving ability during hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Am J Med (1999) 1.05
Regional sensitivity and spatial summation in the warmth sense. Physiol Behav (1974) 1.04
Improved insulin sensitivity in patients with type I diabetes mellitus after CSII. Diabetes (1985) 1.02
Effect of sodium intake on insulin sensitivity. Am J Physiol (1993) 1.01
Metabolic effects of sodium metavanadate in humans with insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in vivo and in vitro studies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1995) 1.01
Valuing quality of life and improvements in glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care (1998) 1.00
Cognitive function in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus during hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Am J Med (1995) 0.99
Oxidative and non-oxidative glucose metabolism in non-obese type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients. Diabetologia (1988) 0.96
Effect of beta and alpha adrenergic blockade on glucose-induced thermogenesis in man. J Clin Invest (1984) 0.94
Hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance following streptozotocin-induced insulin deficiency in the dog. Metabolism (1985) 0.94
Free fatty acid and glucose metabolism in human aging: evidence for operation of the Randle cycle. Am J Physiol (1994) 0.93
Menstrual cyclicity has a profound effect on glucose homeostasis. Fertil Steril (1989) 0.91
In vivo and in vitro studies of vanadate in human and rodent diabetes mellitus. Mol Cell Biochem (1996) 0.91
Alterations in glucose metabolism during menstrual cycle in women with IDDM. Diabetes Care (1992) 0.89
Leucine metabolism in IDDM. Role of insulin and substrate availability. Diabetes (1990) 0.88
Blood glucose awareness training and epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia during intensive treatment in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care (1999) 0.88
Exaggerated epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia in normal and insulin-dependent diabetic children. J Pediatr (1987) 0.88
Advantages of alpha-glucosidase inhibition as monotherapy in elderly type 2 diabetic patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1998) 0.88
Mechanism of improvement in glucose metabolism after chronic glyburide therapy. Diabetes (1984) 0.87
Hyperglucagonemia and insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. J Clin Invest (1987) 0.86
Measuring quality of life in hypertensive patients with diabetes. Postgrad Med J (1988) 0.85
Blood glucose estimation and symptoms during hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Am J Med (1995) 0.85
Insulin modulates circulating endothelin-1 levels in humans. Metabolism (1993) 0.84
Studies on the mass action effect of glucose in NIDDM and IDDM: evidence for glucose resistance. Diabetologia (1997) 0.84
Oral sulfonylurea agents suppress hepatic glucose production in non-insulin-dependent diabetic individuals. Diabetes Care (1984) 0.84
Differential regulation of counterregulatory hormone secretion and symptoms during hypoglycemia in IDDM. Effect of glycemic control. Diabetes Care (1995) 0.83
Clinical predictors of retinopathy and its progression in patients with type I diabetes during CSII or conventional insulin treatment. Diabetes (1985) 0.82
Effect of glycemic control on glucose counterregulation during hypoglycemia in NIDDM. Diabetes Care (1998) 0.82
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and elevated serum ferritin level. J Diabetes Complications (1993) 0.82
Stimulus specificity of defects in counterregulatory hormone secretion in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: effect of glycemic control. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1994) 0.80
Glucagon increases glutamine uptake without affecting glutamine release in humans. Metabolism (1998) 0.79
Effect of sulphonylurea on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in healthy and non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects: a dose-response study. Acta Diabetol (1991) 0.79
Effect of pioglitazone on insulin sensitivity, vascular function and cardiovascular inflammatory markers in insulin-resistant non-diabetic Asian Indians. Diabet Med (2006) 0.79
Relation of pressor responsiveness to angiotensin II and insulin resistance in hypertension. J Clin Invest (1994) 0.79
Effect of glyburide on glycemic control, insulin requirement, and glucose metabolism in insulin-treated diabetic patients. Diabetes (1987) 0.79
Quality of life and calcium channel blockade with nifedipine GITS versus amlodipine in hypertensive patients in Spain. Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System. J Hypertens (1998) 0.78
Adrenergic blockade alters glucose kinetics during exercise in insulin-dependent diabetics. J Clin Invest (1984) 0.78
Different effects of glyburide and glipizide on insulin secretion and hepatic glucose production in normal and NIDDM subjects. Diabetes (1987) 0.78
Evidence for a hypothalamic-pituitary versus adrenal cortical effect of glycemic control on counterregulatory hormone responses to hypoglycemia in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1996) 0.77
Disparate effects of weight loss on insulin sensitivity and erythrocyte sodium-lithium countertransport activity. Am J Hypertens (1992) 0.76
Glucagon physiology and aging: evidence for enhanced hepatic sensitivity. Diabetologia (1983) 0.76
Effect of glycemic control on the overnight dexamethasone suppression test in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (1992) 0.76
Adrenergic modulation of potassium metabolism during exercise in normal and diabetic humans. Am J Physiol (1987) 0.76
Prolactin and beta-endorphin responses to hypoglycemia are reduced in well-controlled insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Metabolism (1996) 0.75
The design and structure of clinical research information systems. Implications for data retrieval and statistical analyses. J Med Syst (1985) 0.75
The effect of selective beta adrenergic blockade on glucose-induced thermogenesis in man. Metabolism (1986) 0.75
Recurrent hypoglycemia does not impair the cortisol response to adrenocorticotropin infusion in healthy humans. Metabolism (1998) 0.75