Journal of structural and functional genomics (J Struct Funct Genomics)

Journal PubWeight™ 298.58‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 A test of enhancing model accuracy in high-throughput crystallography. 2005 5.96
2 Autofix for backward-fit sidechains: using MolProbity and real-space refinement to put misfits in their place. 2008 4.60
3 Calmodulin target database. 2000 3.20
4 The evolutionary demography of duplicate genes. 2003 2.87
5 SUMO fusions and SUMO-specific protease for efficient expression and purification of proteins. 2004 2.71
6 Project management system for structural and functional proteomics: Sesame. 2003 2.19
7 Automation of protein purification for structural genomics. 2004 2.17
8 Preparation of Escherichia coli cell extract for highly productive cell-free protein expression. 2004 2.14
9 The Protein Model Portal. 2008 2.01
10 RIKEN structural genomics beamlines at the SPring-8; high throughput protein crystallography with automated beamline operation. 2006 1.85
11 Identification of protein functions from a molecular surface database, eF-site. 2002 1.79
12 Structural genomics of highly conserved microbial genes of unknown function in search of new antibacterial targets. 2003 1.70
13 The Scottish Structural Proteomics Facility: targets, methods and outputs. 2010 1.66
14 High-throughput purification and quality assurance of Arabidopsis thaliana proteins for eukaryotic structural genomics. 2005 1.65
15 Results from high-throughput DNA cloning of Arabidopsis thaliana target genes using site-specific recombination. 2005 1.64
16 Maximum likelihood methods for detecting adaptive evolution after gene duplication. 2003 1.61
17 Integration of genomic datasets to predict protein complexes in yeast. 2002 1.58
18 From protein structure to biochemical function? 2003 1.54
19 phenix.mr_rosetta: molecular replacement and model rebuilding with Phenix and Rosetta. 2012 1.53
20 Structural genomics is the largest contributor of novel structural leverage. 2009 1.52
21 Accurate and scalable identification of functional sites by evolutionary tracing. 2003 1.44
22 Structural genomics of protein phosphatases. 2007 1.40
23 Investigating ancient duplication events in the Arabidopsis genome. 2003 1.38
24 High-throughput limited proteolysis/mass spectrometry for protein domain elucidation. 2005 1.36
25 The Structural Biology Knowledgebase: a portal to protein structures, sequences, functions, and methods. 2011 1.36
26 Are all fishes ancient polyploids? 2003 1.32
27 His tag effect on solubility of human proteins produced in Escherichia coli: a comparison between four expression vectors. 2004 1.31
28 Characterization of proteins with wide-angle X-ray solution scattering (WAXS). 2010 1.30
29 Heterologous expression of L. major proteins in S. cerevisiae: a test of solubility, purity, and gene recoding. 2009 1.28
30 Protein crystallization analysis on the World Community Grid. 2010 1.27
31 PSI:Biology-materials repository: a biologist's resource for protein expression plasmids. 2011 1.26
32 More genes in vertebrates? 2003 1.24
33 High-throughput production of prokaryotic membrane proteins. 2005 1.24
34 SAD phasing using iodide ions in a high-throughput structural genomics environment. 2011 1.23
35 Introns in, introns out in plant gene families: a genomic approach of the dynamics of gene structure. 2003 1.21
36 Improved scoring function for comparative modeling using the M4T method. 2008 1.19
37 Numerous groups of chromosomal regional paralogies strongly indicate two genome doublings at the root of the vertebrates. 2003 1.18
38 Recent advances in GFP folding reporter and split-GFP solubility reporter technologies. Application to improving the folding and solubility of recalcitrant proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2005 1.18
39 Functional evolution in the ancestral lineage of vertebrates or when genomic complexity was wagging its morphological tail. 2003 1.18
40 Automatic classification and pattern discovery in high-throughput protein crystallization trials. 2005 1.17
41 Selenomethionine incorporation into a protein by cell-free synthesis. 2002 1.17
42 Detection of gene duplications and block duplications in eukaryotic genomes. 2003 1.17
43 Large-scale transient transfection of mammalian cells: a newly emerging attractive option for recombinant protein production. 2005 1.16
44 Structural genomics of minimal organisms and protein fold space. 2005 1.16
45 Production of selenomethionine-labeled proteins in two-liter plastic bottles for structure determination. 2004 1.15
46 On-column protein refolding for crystallization. 2005 1.15
47 Structural genomics target selection for the New York consortium on membrane protein structure. 2009 1.14
48 Influence of the completeness of chemical shift assignments on NMR structures obtained with automated NOE assignment. 2003 1.14
49 Towards miniaturization of a structural genomics pipeline using micro-expression and microcoil NMR. 2005 1.13
50 A scaleable and integrated crystallization pipeline applied to mining the Thermotoga maritima proteome. 2004 1.13
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