Excess of high activity monoamine oxidase A gene promoter alleles in female patients with panic disorder.

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Published in Hum Mol Genet on April 01, 1999


J Deckert1, M Catalano, Y V Syagailo, M Bosi, O Okladnova, D Di Bella, M M Nöthen, P Maffei, P Franke, J Fritze, W Maier, P Propping, H Beckmann, L Bellodi, K P Lesch

Author Affiliations

1: Department of Psychiatry, University of Würzburg, Füchsleinstrasse 15, 97080 Würzburg, Germany, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico H San Raffaele, DSNP, Via Prinetti 29, 20127 Milan, Italy. deckert@rzbox.uni-wuerzberg.de

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