Published in J Cell Sci on November 01, 2001
Analysis of binding reactions by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Biophys J (2004) 5.12
Myosin II activity regulates vinculin recruitment to focal adhesions through FAK-mediated paxillin phosphorylation. J Cell Biol (2010) 3.56
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Desmoplakin: an unexpected regulator of microtubule organization in the epidermis. J Cell Biol (2007) 2.16
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MARK/PAR1 kinase is a regulator of microtubule-dependent transport in axons. J Cell Biol (2004) 1.49
Forchlorfenuron alters mammalian septin assembly, organization, and dynamics. J Biol Chem (2008) 1.43
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Interactions between CLIP-170, tubulin, and microtubules: implications for the mechanism of Clip-170 plus-end tracking behavior. Mol Biol Cell (2005) 1.29
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Reversible binding and rapid diffusion of proteins in complex with inositol lipids serves to coordinate free movement with spatial information. J Cell Biol (2009) 1.27
The C-terminal variable region specifies the dynamic properties of Arabidopsis microtubule-associated protein MAP65 isotypes. Plant Cell (2008) 1.16
Dynamic partitioning of mitotic kinesin-5 cross-linkers between microtubule-bound and freely diffusing states. J Cell Biol (2008) 1.15
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Mechanical forces regulate elastase activity and binding site availability in lung elastin. Biophys J (2010) 1.06
Fluorescence recovery kinetic analysis of gamma-tubulin binding to the mitotic spindle. Biophys J (2008) 1.02
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A microtubule-destabilizing kinesin motor regulates spindle length and anchoring in oocytes. J Cell Biol (2008) 0.93
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Multisite phosphorylation of the NDC80 complex gradually tunes its microtubule-binding affinity. Mol Biol Cell (2015) 0.89
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Defining the subcellular interface of nanoparticles by live-cell imaging. PLoS One (2013) 0.85
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GEF-H1 controls focal adhesion signaling that regulates mesenchymal stem cell lineage commitment. J Cell Sci (2014) 0.81
Suppression of microtubule assembly kinetics by the mitotic protein TPX2. J Cell Sci (2016) 0.80
The kinesin-13 KLP10A motor regulates oocyte spindle length and affects EB1 binding without altering microtubule growth rates. Biol Open (2014) 0.78
Specific in vivo labeling of tyrosinated α-tubulin and measurement of microtubule dynamics using a GFP tagged, cytoplasmically expressed recombinant antibody. PLoS One (2013) 0.78
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Periodic patterns of actin turnover in lamellipodia and lamellae of migrating epithelial cells analyzed by quantitative Fluorescent Speckle Microscopy. Biophys J (2005) 2.11
Recovery, visualization, and analysis of actin and tubulin polymer flow in live cells: a fluorescent speckle microscopy study. Biophys J (2003) 1.80
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