Published in Environ Health Perspect on February 01, 2002
Neurotoxic effects and biomarkers of lead exposure: a review. Rev Environ Health (2009) 1.74
Mechanisms of lead-induced hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2008) 1.41
Adult lead exposure: time for change. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.20
Differential effects of lead exposure on components of verbal memory. Occup Environ Med (2005) 0.86
Lead-induced accumulation of beta-amyloid in the choroid plexus: role of low density lipoprotein receptor protein-1 and protein kinase C. Neurotoxicology (2010) 0.86
Reconsideration of the WHO NCTB strategy and test selection. Neurotoxicology (2014) 0.77
Defining potential roles of Pb(2+) in neurotoxicity from a calciomics approach. Metallomics (2016) 0.75
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem (1976) 903.81
The preparation and chemical characteristics of hemoglobin-free ghosts of human erythrocytes. Arch Biochem Biophys (1963) 20.43
The molecular heterogeneity of protein kinase C and its implications for cellular regulation. Nature (1988) 14.43
Intracellular signaling by hydrolysis of phospholipids and activation of protein kinase C. Science (1992) 12.18
Abnormal phosphorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau (tau) in Alzheimer cytoskeletal pathology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 10.13
The membrane skeleton of human erythrocytes and its implications for more complex cells. Annu Rev Biochem (1985) 4.36
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Dimensional analysis of psychomotor abilities. J Exp Psychol (1954) 2.06
Psychological performance of subjects with low exposure to lead. J Occup Med (1978) 2.05
Picomolar concentrations of lead stimulate brain protein kinase C. Nature (1988) 2.02
Behavioral indicators of lead neurotoxicity: results of a clinical field survey. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (1978) 1.75
Translocation of protein kinase C activity may mediate hippocampal long-term potentiation. Science (1986) 1.61
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Associations of blood lead, dimercaptosuccinic acid-chelatable lead, and tibia lead with neurobehavioral test scores in South Korean lead workers. Am J Epidemiol (2001) 1.46
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Cognitive functioning in lead workers. Br J Ind Med (1989) 1.44
Cumulative exposure to inorganic lead and neurobehavioural test performance in adults: an epidemiological review. Occup Environ Med (1995) 1.43
Determinants of PKC-dependent modulation of a family of neuronal calcium channels. Neuron (1995) 1.34
Down regulation of protein kinase C in neuronal cells: effects on neurotransmitter release. J Neurosci (1987) 1.29
Hippocampal protein kinase C activity is reduced in poor spatial learners. Brain Res (1990) 1.15
Age-related alteration of PKC, a key enzyme in memory processes: physiological and pathological examples. Mol Neurobiol (1998) 1.01
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Lead activates calmodulin sensitive processes. Life Sci (1983) 0.93
Protein kinase C-dependent and -independent effects of phorbol esters on hippocampal calcium channel current. J Neurosci (1990) 0.92
Lead enters bovine adrenal medullary cells through calcium channels. J Neurochem (1987) 0.90
Inhibition of astroglia-induced endothelial differentiation by inorganic lead: a role for protein kinase C. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992) 0.90
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Associations of subtypes of hemoglobin with delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase genotype and dimercaptosuccinic acid-chelatable lead levels. Arch Environ Health (1997) 0.86
Inorganic lead may inhibit neurite development in cultured rat hippocampal neurons through hyperphosphorylation. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol (1995) 0.85
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Motor performance after unilateral hemisphere damage in patients with tumor. Arch Neurol (1977) 0.83
Multisite interactions between Pb2+ and protein kinase C and its role in norepinephrine release from bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. J Neurochem (1995) 0.83
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Protein kinase C in rat brain is altered by developmental lead exposure. Neurochem Res (1999) 0.78
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The built environment and obesity: a systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence. Health Place (2009) 3.98
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Recommendations for medical management of adult lead exposure. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 3.38
Screening for dementia by telephone using the memory impairment screen. J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 2.92
Arsenic exposure and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review of the epidemiologic evidence. Am J Epidemiol (2005) 2.90
Cutaneous allodynia in the migraine population. Ann Neurol (2008) 2.75
Prevalence and socioeconomic impact of upper gastrointestinal disorders in the United States: results of the US Upper Gastrointestinal Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol (2005) 2.68
Texaco and its consultants. Int J Occup Environ Health (2005) 2.55
A population-based study of the incidence and molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus disease in San Francisco, 2004-2005. Clin Infect Dis (2008) 2.35
Hippocampal neurons in pre-clinical Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (2004) 2.31
High-density livestock operations, crop field application of manure, and risk of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in Pennsylvania. JAMA Intern Med (2013) 2.27
Associations of multiple metals with kidney outcomes in lead workers. Occup Environ Med (2012) 2.14
Prediction modeling using EHR data: challenges, strategies, and a comparison of machine learning approaches. Med Care (2010) 2.01
Neighborhoods and obesity in older adults: the Baltimore Memory Study. Am J Prev Med (2006) 1.96
Acute migraine medications and evolution from episodic to chronic migraine: a longitudinal population-based study. Headache (2008) 1.95
Risk factors for drug dependence among out-patients on opioid therapy in a large US health-care system. Addiction (2010) 1.95
Cumulative lead dose and cognitive function in adults: a review of studies that measured both blood lead and bone lead. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.94
The epidemiology of lead toxicity in adults: measuring dose and consideration of other methodologic issues. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.91
EHR safety: the way forward to safe and effective systems. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2008) 1.90
Frontal cortical tissue composition in abstinent cocaine abusers: a magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage (2003) 1.87
Lasagna plots: a saucy alternative to spaghetti plots. Epidemiology (2010) 1.83
Apolipoprotein e genotype, cortisol, and cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults. Am J Psychiatry (2008) 1.81
Disparities in cognitive functioning by race/ethnicity in the Baltimore Memory Study. Environ Health Perspect (2004) 1.77
Caffeine as a risk factor for chronic daily headache: a population-based study. Neurology (2004) 1.75
Abnormal brain activity in prefrontal brain regions in abstinent marijuana users. Neuroimage (2004) 1.74
Back pain exacerbations and lost productive time costs in United States workers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (2006) 1.72
Altered brain tissue composition in heavy marijuana users. Drug Alcohol Depend (2005) 1.71
Migraine and autonomic nervous system function: a population-based, case-control study. Neurology (2002) 1.71
Urinary incontinence in women: variation in prevalence estimates and risk factors. Obstet Gynecol (2008) 1.67
Associations of low-level urine cadmium with kidney function in lead workers. Occup Environ Med (2010) 1.67
Association of chromosome 9p21 SNPs with cardiovascular phenotypes in morbid obesity using electronic health record data. Genomic Med (2008) 1.65
Confounding of the relation between homocysteine and peripheral arterial disease by lead, cadmium, and renal function. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 1.59
Estimated economic costs of overactive bladder in the United States. Urology (2003) 1.58
The differential relationship between cocaine use and marijuana use on decision-making performance over repeat testing with the Iowa Gambling Task. Drug Alcohol Depend (2007) 1.54
Associations of salivary cortisol with cognitive function in the Baltimore memory study. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2007) 1.52
Global TravEpiNet: a national consortium of clinics providing care to international travelers--analysis of demographic characteristics, travel destinations, and pretravel healthcare of high-risk US international travelers, 2009-2011. Clin Infect Dis (2011) 1.51
Cannabis use before age 15 and subsequent executive functioning. Br J Psychiatry (2011) 1.50
Bone lead levels and blood pressure endpoints: a meta-analysis. Epidemiology (2008) 1.48
Modeling age and retest processes in longitudinal studies of cognitive abilities. Psychol Aging (2004) 1.48
Occupational lead exposure and longitudinal decline in neurobehavioral test scores. Epidemiology (2005) 1.47
Combining knowledge and data driven insights for identifying risk factors using electronic health records. AMIA Annu Symp Proc (2012) 1.46
ABCG2/BCRP expression modulates D-Luciferin based bioluminescence imaging. Cancer Res (2007) 1.45
Multivariate modeling of age and retest in longitudinal studies of cognitive abilities. Psychol Aging (2005) 1.45
Head or neck injury increases the risk of chronic daily headache: a population-based study. Neurology (2007) 1.43
Algorithms, clinical practice guidelines, and standardized clinical assessment and management plans: evidence-based patient management standards in evolution. Acad Med (2015) 1.39
Immune reactive cells in senile plaques and cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging (2002) 1.36
Association of blood lead and tibia lead with blood pressure and hypertension in a community sample of older adults. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 1.35
Predictors of Indoor Radon Concentrations in Pennsylvania, 1989-2013. Environ Health Perspect (2015) 1.34
Association of morbid obesity with FTO and INSIG2 allelic variants. Arch Surg (2008) 1.34
Functional principal component model for high-dimensional brain imaging. Neuroimage (2011) 1.28
Prevalence of prescription opioid-use disorder among chronic pain patients: comparison of the DSM-5 vs. DSM-4 diagnostic criteria. J Addict Dis (2011) 1.26
Body mass index and the built and social environments in children and adolescents using electronic health records. Am J Prev Med (2011) 1.26
How Geisinger's advanced medical home model argues the case for rapid-cycle innovation. Health Aff (Millwood) (2010) 1.25
Assessment of cytomegalovirus-specific cell-mediated immunity for the prediction of cytomegalovirus disease in high-risk solid-organ transplant recipients: a multicenter cohort study. Clin Infect Dis (2012) 1.25
Incidence and associated premorbid diagnoses of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2013) 1.24
The longitudinal association of lead with blood pressure. Epidemiology (2003) 1.24
Lead, genetic susceptibility, and risk of adult brain tumors. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2006) 1.23
Neighborhood psychosocial hazards and cardiovascular disease: the Baltimore Memory Study. Am J Public Health (2008) 1.22
The epidemiology and impact of migraine. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep (2004) 1.21
Homocysteine and cognitive function in a population-based study of older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2005) 1.21
ApoE genotype, past adult lead exposure, and neurobehavioral function. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 1.20
Inappropriate survey design analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey may produce biased results. J Prev Med Public Health (2013) 1.18
Predictors of first-fill adherence for patients with hypertension. Am J Hypertens (2009) 1.17
Effect of DMT1 knockdown on iron, cadmium, and lead uptake in Caco-2 cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2002) 1.15
Blood lead is a predictor of homocysteine levels in a population-based study of older adults. Environ Health Perspect (2005) 1.14
National estimates of blood lead, cadmium, and mercury levels in the Korean general adult population. Int Arch Occup Environ Health (2010) 1.14
Findings on brain MRI from research studies of occupational exposure to known neurotoxicants. AJR Am J Roentgenol (2006) 1.14
Soccer heading is associated with white matter microstructural and cognitive abnormalities. Radiology (2013) 1.12
Factors associated with first-fill adherence rates for diabetic medications: a cohort study. J Gen Intern Med (2008) 1.12
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes on chromosome 15q25.1 are associated with nicotine and opioid dependence severity. Hum Genet (2010) 1.12
Neighborhood-level cohesion and disorder: measurement and validation in two older adult urban populations. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (2009) 1.12
Relations of brain volumes with cognitive function in males 45 years and older with past lead exposure. Neuroimage (2007) 1.12
Association of FKBP5, COMT and CHRNA5 polymorphisms with PTSD among outpatients at risk for PTSD. Psychiatry Res (2011) 1.11
Cognitive dysfunctions in recreational and dependent cocaine users: role of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, craving and early age at onset. Br J Psychiatry (2013) 1.10
Are brain volumes based on magnetic resonance imaging mediators of the associations of cumulative lead dose with cognitive function? Am J Epidemiol (2007) 1.10
Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 and short-term recovery from predominantly mild brain injury. Neurology (2002) 1.10
Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in Koreans aged ≥ 50 years: results from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutr Res Pract (2012) 1.09
Postdischarge monitoring using interactive voice response system reduces 30-day readmission rates in a case-managed Medicare population. Med Care (2012) 1.09
Neurocognitive characterizations of Russian heroin addicts without a significant history of other drug use. Drug Alcohol Depend (2007) 1.08
Cumulative lead dose and cognitive function in older adults. Epidemiology (2009) 1.07
Neighborhood psychosocial hazards and the association of cumulative lead dose with cognitive function in older adults. Am J Epidemiol (2009) 1.06
Concurrent epidemics of skin and soft tissue infection and bloodstream infection due to community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Infect Dis (2012) 1.06
Gender and race/ethnicity differences in lead dose biomarkers. Am J Public Health (2008) 1.06
Adaptive control of the false discovery rate in voxel-based morphometry. Hum Brain Mapp (2009) 1.04
Changes in systolic blood pressure associated with lead in blood and bone. Epidemiology (2006) 1.03