Published in Mol Genet Genomics on December 09, 2008
The angiosperm gibberellin-GID1-DELLA growth regulatory mechanism: how an "inhibitor of an inhibitor" enables flexible response to fluctuating environments. Plant Cell (2009) 1.94
Molecular characterization of Rht-1 dwarfing genes in hexaploid wheat. Plant Physiol (2011) 1.29
Characterization of the molecular mechanism underlying gibberellin perception complex formation in rice. Plant Cell (2010) 1.25
New approach to increasing rice lodging resistance and biomass yield through the use of high gibberellin producing varieties. PLoS One (2014) 1.17
Gibberellin signaling: a theme and variations on DELLA repression. Plant Physiol (2012) 1.10
Brassinosteroids antagonize gibberellin- and salicylate-mediated root immunity in rice. Plant Physiol (2012) 1.02
Hd16, a gene for casein kinase I, is involved in the control of rice flowering time by modulating the day-length response. Plant J (2013) 1.01
The WRKY transcription factor OsWRKY78 regulates stem elongation and seed development in rice. Planta (2011) 0.90
Gibberellin biosynthesis and signal transduction is essential for internode elongation in deepwater rice. Plant Cell Environ (2014) 0.87
SSD1, which encodes a plant-specific novel protein, controls plant elongation by regulating cell division in rice. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci (2010) 0.87
Reduction of gibberellin by low temperature disrupts pollen development in rice. Plant Physiol (2014) 0.87
'Overgrowth' mutants in barley and wheat: new alleles and phenotypes of the 'Green Revolution' DELLA gene. J Exp Bot (2013) 0.87
High-throughput discovery of mutations in tef semi-dwarfing genes by next-generation sequencing analysis. Genetics (2012) 0.85
OsWOX3A is involved in negative feedback regulation of the gibberellic acid biosynthetic pathway in rice (Oryza sativa). J Exp Bot (2016) 0.84
Inter- and intra-molecular interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana DELLA protein RGL1. Biochem J (2011) 0.83
Rice PLASTOCHRON genes regulate leaf maturation downstream of the gibberellin signal transduction pathway. Planta (2012) 0.78
The rice semi-dwarf mutant sd37, caused by a mutation in CYP96B4, plays an important role in the fine-tuning of plant growth. PLoS One (2014) 0.78
Novel genetic variants of GA-insensitive Rht-1 genes in hexaploid wheat and their potential agronomic value. PLoS One (2013) 0.77
Mapping of a Cellulose-Deficient Mutant Named dwarf1-1 in Sorghum bicolor to the Green Revolution Gene gibberellin20-oxidase Reveals a Positive Regulatory Association between Gibberellin and Cellulose Biosynthesis. Plant Physiol (2015) 0.76
The DELLA Protein SLR1 Integrates and Amplifies Salicylic Acid- and Jasmonic Acid-Dependent Innate Immunity in Rice. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.76
Isolation and characterization of a dominant dwarf gene, d-h, in rice. PLoS One (2014) 0.75
Gibberellins Regulate Ovule Integument Development by Interfering with the Transcription Factor ATS. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.75
Plum Fruit Development Occurs via Gibberellin-Sensitive and -Insensitive DELLA Repressors. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Screening of rice mutants with improved saccharification efficiency results in the identification of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 and GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1. Planta (2017) 0.75
Efficient transformation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) mediated by Agrobacterium and sequence analysis of the boundaries of the T-DNA. Plant J (1994) 12.49
'Green revolution' genes encode mutant gibberellin response modulators. Nature (1999) 8.87
The Arabidopsis GAI gene defines a signaling pathway that negatively regulates gibberellin responses. Genes Dev (1997) 7.30
Green revolution: a mutant gibberellin-synthesis gene in rice. Nature (2002) 5.84
GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1 encodes a soluble receptor for gibberellin. Nature (2005) 5.60
Accumulation of phosphorylated repressor for gibberellin signaling in an F-box mutant. Science (2003) 4.44
The hypervirulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens A281 is encoded in a region of pTiBo542 outside of T-DNA. J Bacteriol (1986) 4.27
The Rice Annotation Project Database (RAP-DB): 2008 update. Nucleic Acids Res (2007) 4.23
Loss of function of a rice brassinosteroid insensitive1 homolog prevents internode elongation and bending of the lamina joint. Plant Cell (2000) 3.56
Semidwarf (sd-1), "green revolution" rice, contains a defective gibberellin 20-oxidase gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 3.51
Green revolution: the way forward. Nat Rev Genet (2001) 3.45
Genetic characterization and functional analysis of the GID1 gibberellin receptors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2006) 3.42
The gibberellin signaling pathway is regulated by the appearance and disappearance of SLENDER RICE1 in nuclei. Plant Cell (2002) 3.41
An overview of gibberellin metabolism enzyme genes and their related mutants in rice. Plant Physiol (2004) 3.32
The genes of the Green Revolution. Trends Genet (2003) 3.09
The Arabidopsis SLEEPY1 gene encodes a putative F-box subunit of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase. Plant Cell (2003) 3.09
Rice gibberellin-insensitive dwarf mutant gene Dwarf 1 encodes the alpha-subunit of GTP-binding protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 2.97
HOW GIBBERELLIN REGULATES PLANT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: A Molecular Genetic Analysis of Gibberellin Signaling. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol (2001) 2.90
Molecular mechanism of gibberellin signaling in plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2004) 2.84
Identification and characterization of Arabidopsis gibberellin receptors. Plant J (2006) 2.82
The DELLA motif is essential for gibberellin-induced degradation of RGA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 2.72
Green revolution: preparing for the 21st century. Genome (1999) 2.63
The DELLA domain of GA INSENSITIVE mediates the interaction with the GA INSENSITIVE DWARF1A gibberellin receptor of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2007) 2.60
Mutants at the Slender1 locus of barley cv Himalaya. Molecular and physiological characterization. Plant Physiol (2002) 2.34
Gibberellin signaling in barley aleurone cells. Control of SLN1 and GAMYB expression. Plant Physiol (2002) 2.25
Molecular interactions of a soluble gibberellin receptor, GID1, with a rice DELLA protein, SLR1, and gibberellin. Plant Cell (2007) 2.14
The rice HIGH-TILLERING DWARF1 encoding an ortholog of Arabidopsis MAX3 is required for negative regulation of the outgrowth of axillary buds. Plant J (2006) 1.85
MNU-induced mutant pools and high performance TILLING enable finding of any gene mutation in rice. Mol Genet Genomics (2007) 1.69
Expression of Arabidopsis GAI in transgenic rice represses multiple gibberellin responses. Plant Cell (2001) 1.48
Dissection of the phosphorylation of rice DELLA protein, SLENDER RICE1. Plant Cell Physiol (2005) 1.27
Analysis of the rice mutant dwarf and gladius leaf 1. Aberrant katanin-mediated microtubule organization causes up-regulation of gibberellin biosynthetic genes independently of gibberellin signaling. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.09
Gibberellin metabolism and signaling. Vitam Horm (2005) 1.01
GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1 encodes a soluble receptor for gibberellin. Nature (2005) 5.60
Cytokinin oxidase regulates rice grain production. Science (2005) 5.60
Accumulation of phosphorylated repressor for gibberellin signaling in an F-box mutant. Science (2003) 4.44
The ethylene response factors SNORKEL1 and SNORKEL2 allow rice to adapt to deep water. Nature (2009) 3.74
Rice plant development: from zygote to spikelet. Plant Cell Physiol (2005) 3.45
The gibberellin signaling pathway is regulated by the appearance and disappearance of SLENDER RICE1 in nuclei. Plant Cell (2002) 3.41
An overview of gibberellin metabolism enzyme genes and their related mutants in rice. Plant Physiol (2004) 3.32
OsSPL14 promotes panicle branching and higher grain productivity in rice. Nat Genet (2010) 3.23
Erect leaves caused by brassinosteroid deficiency increase biomass production and grain yield in rice. Nat Biotechnol (2005) 2.89
Six-rowed barley originated from a mutation in a homeodomain-leucine zipper I-class homeobox gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 2.82
Identification and characterization of Arabidopsis gibberellin receptors. Plant J (2006) 2.82
The OsTB1 gene negatively regulates lateral branching in rice. Plant J (2003) 2.69
A rice brassinosteroid-deficient mutant, ebisu dwarf (d2), is caused by a loss of function of a new member of cytochrome P450. Plant Cell (2003) 2.58
Crown rootless1, which is essential for crown root formation in rice, is a target of an AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR in auxin signaling. Plant Cell (2005) 2.56
Structural basis for gibberellin recognition by its receptor GID1. Nature (2008) 2.54
Mutations in mitochondrial carrier family gene SLC25A38 cause nonsyndromic autosomal recessive congenital sideroblastic anemia. Nat Genet (2009) 2.37
A novel cytochrome P450 is implicated in brassinosteroid biosynthesis via the characterization of a rice dwarf mutant, dwarf11, with reduced seed length. Plant Cell (2005) 2.30
Mutations in origin recognition complex gene ORC4 cause Meier-Gorlin syndrome. Nat Genet (2011) 2.18
Expression profiling of genes involved in starch synthesis in sink and source organs of rice. J Exp Bot (2005) 2.18
Molecular interactions of a soluble gibberellin receptor, GID1, with a rice DELLA protein, SLR1, and gibberellin. Plant Cell (2007) 2.14
Loss-of-function of a rice brassinosteroid biosynthetic enzyme, C-6 oxidase, prevents the organized arrangement and polar elongation of cells in the leaves and stem. Plant J (2002) 2.14
The YABBY gene DROOPING LEAF regulates carpel specification and midrib development in Oryza sativa. Plant Cell (2004) 2.08
Mutations in centrosomal protein CEP152 in primary microcephaly families linked to MCPH4. Am J Hum Genet (2010) 2.05
Gibberellin receptor and its role in gibberellin signaling in plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2007) 2.05
A rice semi-dwarf gene, Tan-Ginbozu (D35), encodes the gibberellin biosynthesis enzyme, ent-kaurene oxidase. Plant Mol Biol (2004) 2.00
Highly sensitive and high-throughput analysis of plant hormones using MS-probe modification and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: an application for hormone profiling in Oryza sativa. Plant Cell Physiol (2009) 1.99
SUPERWOMAN1 and DROOPING LEAF genes control floral organ identity in rice. Development (2003) 1.96
Where do gibberellin biosynthesis and gibberellin signaling occur in rice plants? Plant J (2003) 1.87
The heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit acts upstream of the small GTPase Rac in disease resistance of rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 1.86
Genetic manipulation of gibberellin metabolism in transgenic rice. Nat Biotechnol (2003) 1.83
OsLG1 regulates a closed panicle trait in domesticated rice. Nat Genet (2013) 1.82
The gene FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1 regulates floral meristem size in rice and encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase orthologous to Arabidopsis CLAVATA1. Development (2004) 1.82
Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling genes in microspore/pollen and tapetum of rice. Plant Cell Physiol (2008) 1.77
Characterization of SSIIIa-deficient mutants of rice: the function of SSIIIa and pleiotropic effects by SSIIIa deficiency in the rice endosperm. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.73
Loss-of-function mutations of the rice GAMYB gene impair alpha-amylase expression in aleurone and flower development. Plant Cell (2003) 1.71
MNU-induced mutant pools and high performance TILLING enable finding of any gene mutation in rice. Mol Genet Genomics (2007) 1.69
Gibberellin modulates anther development in rice via the transcriptional regulation of GAMYB. Plant Cell (2009) 1.65
Auxin biosynthesis by the YUCCA genes in rice. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.62
Identifying and exploiting grain yield genes in rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2008) 1.62
The rice mutant esp2 greatly accumulates the glutelin precursor and deletes the protein disulfide isomerase. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.52
The GID1-mediated gibberellin perception mechanism is conserved in the Lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii but not in the Bryophyte Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell (2007) 1.52
Identification, isolation and pyramiding of quantitative trait loci for rice breeding. Trends Plant Sci (2006) 1.51
White-core endosperm floury endosperm-4 in rice is generated by knockout mutations in the C-type pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase gene (OsPPDKB). Plant J (2005) 1.50
Artificial selection for a green revolution gene during japonica rice domestication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.50
The evolutionarily conserved OsPRR quintet: rice pseudo-response regulators implicated in circadian rhythm. Plant Cell Physiol (2003) 1.49
GAMYB controls different sets of genes and is differentially regulated by microRNA in aleurone cells and anthers. Plant J (2006) 1.48