Published in BMC Fam Pract on May 18, 2010
Structured self-monitoring of blood glucose significantly reduces A1C levels in poorly controlled, noninsulin-treated type 2 diabetes: results from the Structured Testing Program study. Diabetes Care (2011) 4.30
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in noninsulin-using type 2 diabetic patients: right answer, but wrong question: self-monitoring of blood glucose can be clinically valuable for noninsulin users. Diabetes Care (2013) 1.45
Prospective, randomized trial on intensive SMBG management added value in non-insulin-treated T2DM patients (PRISMA): a study to determine the effect of a structured SMBG intervention. Acta Diabetol (2011) 0.87
Changes in A1C levels are significantly associated with changes in levels of the cardiovascular risk biomarker hs-CRP: results from the SteP study. Diabetes Care (2013) 0.86
Effects of a structured self-monitoring of blood glucose method on patient self-management behavior and metabolic outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2011) 0.85
Effects of lifestyle education program for type 2 diabetes patients in clinics: study design of a cluster randomized trial. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.83
What do we need beyond hemoglobin A1c to get the complete picture of glycemia in people with diabetes? Int J Med Sci (2012) 0.82
Translating What Works: A New Approach to Improve Diabetes Management. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2015) 0.80
Evaluation of a Behavioral Mobile Phone App Intervention for the Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc (2016) 0.79
Self-monitoring of blood glucose and type 2 diabetes: new tricks for the old dog? J Diabetes Sci Technol (2011) 0.78
Association of self-monitoring of blood glucose use on glycated hemoglobin and weight in newly diagnosed, insulin-naïve adult patients with type 2 diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2013) 0.77
Actionable self-monitoring of blood glucose: redefining the role for patients using multiple daily injection therapy. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2011) 0.76
The effect of intensive treatment of diabetes on the development and progression of long-term complications in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. N Engl J Med (1993) 102.56
The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure. J Gen Intern Med (2001) 76.04
Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2000) 39.79
Standards of medical care in diabetes--2009. Diabetes Care (2009) 15.78
The summary of diabetes self-care activities measure: results from 7 studies and a revised scale. Diabetes Care (2000) 13.69
Impact of self monitoring of blood glucose in the management of patients with non-insulin treated diabetes: open parallel group randomised trial. BMJ (2007) 11.09
World Medical Association declaration of Helsinki. Recommendations guiding physicians in biomedical research involving human subjects. JAMA (1997) 9.54
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes who are not using insulin: a systematic review. Diabetes Care (2005) 8.94
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists medical guidelines for clinical practice for the management of diabetes mellitus. Endocr Pract (2007) 7.55
Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and glycemic control: the Northern California Kaiser Permanente Diabetes registry. Am J Med (2001) 5.68
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes and long-term outcome: an epidemiological cohort study. Diabetologia (2005) 5.47
Assessing psychosocial distress in diabetes: development of the diabetes distress scale. Diabetes Care (2005) 5.38
Efficacy of self monitoring of blood glucose in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (ESMON study): randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2008) 5.29
The effect of self monitoring of blood glucose concentrations on glycated hemoglobin levels in diabetic patients not taking insulin: a blinded, randomized trial. Am J Med (2005) 4.15
Global Guideline for Type 2 Diabetes: recommendations for standard, comprehensive, and minimal care. Diabet Med (2006) 3.60
Measuring well-being rather than the absence of distress symptoms: a comparison of the SF-36 Mental Health subscale and the WHO-Five Well-Being Scale. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2003) 3.43
Fruit and vegetable assessment: performance of 2 new short instruments and a food frequency questionnaire. J Am Diet Assoc (2002) 3.16
Self-monitoring of blood glucose significantly improves metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Auto-Surveillance Intervention Active (ASIA) study. Diabetes Metab (2003) 3.10
Tests of glycemia in diabetes. Diabetes Care (2004) 3.03
Meal-related structured self-monitoring of blood glucose: effect on diabetes control in non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care (2002) 2.96
Development and testing of the Hill-Bone Compliance to High Blood Pressure Therapy Scale. Prog Cardiovasc Nurs (2000) 2.89
Validating the theoretical structure of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ) across three different health behaviors. Health Educ Res (2006) 2.56
Longitudinal study of new and prevalent use of self-monitoring of blood glucose. Diabetes Care (2006) 2.44
Frequency of blood glucose monitoring in relation to glycaemic control: observational study with diabetes database. BMJ (1999) 2.14
Consensus report of the coalition for clinical research-self-monitoring of blood glucose. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2008) 1.81
The confidence in diabetes self-care scale: psychometric properties of a new measure of diabetes-specific self-efficacy in Dutch and US patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care (2003) 1.65
Intra-cluster correlation coefficients in adults with diabetes in primary care practices: the Vermont Diabetes Information System field survey. BMC Med Res Methodol (2006) 1.59
The efficacy of self-monitoring of blood glucose in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes treated with a gliclazide modified release-based regimen. A multicentre, randomized, parallel-group, 6-month evaluation (DINAMIC 1 study). Diabetes Obes Metab (2008) 1.59
Self-monitoring of glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a Bayesian meta-analysis of direct and indirect comparisons. Curr Med Res Opin (2006) 1.45
Does patient blood glucose monitoring improve diabetes control? A systematic review of the literature. Diabetes Educ (2007) 1.36
Primary care physicians identify and act upon glycemic abnormalities found in structured, episodic blood glucose monitoring data from non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther (2009) 1.33
Glycemic control in diabetes mellitus: have changes in therapy made a difference? Am J Med (1996) 1.26
Does self-monitoring of blood glucose improve outcome in type 2 diabetes? The Fremantle Diabetes Study. Diabetologia (2007) 1.16
Assessing psychosocial distress in diabetes: development of the diabetes distress scale. Diabetes Care (2005) 5.38
Structured self-monitoring of blood glucose significantly reduces A1C levels in poorly controlled, noninsulin-treated type 2 diabetes: results from the Structured Testing Program study. Diabetes Care (2011) 4.30
Development, Testing, and Implementation of the ACGME Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program. J Grad Med Educ (2012) 3.98
Psychological insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes: the scope of the problem. Diabetes Care (2005) 3.77
Is self-efficacy associated with diabetes self-management across race/ethnicity and health literacy? Diabetes Care (2006) 3.22
Clinical validation of cutoff target ranges in newborn screening of metabolic disorders by tandem mass spectrometry: a worldwide collaborative project. Genet Med (2011) 3.21
Recommendations for standardizing glucose reporting and analysis to optimize clinical decision making in diabetes: the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP). Diabetes Technol Ther (2013) 2.85
Importance of the Debye screening length on nanowire field effect transistor sensors. Nano Lett (2007) 2.04
A Web-based archive of systematic review data. Syst Rev (2012) 1.93
CLER Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an Optimal Clinical Learning Environment (Executive Summary). J Grad Med Educ (2014) 1.92
The association of vitamin D status with pediatric critical illness. Pediatrics (2012) 1.53
Depression in diabetes: have we been missing something important? Diabetes Care (2011) 1.51
Gene expression profiling of the androgen independent prostate cancer cells demonstrates complex mechanisms mediating resistance to docetaxel. Cancer Biol Ther (2011) 1.47
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in noninsulin-using type 2 diabetic patients: right answer, but wrong question: self-monitoring of blood glucose can be clinically valuable for noninsulin users. Diabetes Care (2013) 1.45
Advances in the ACGME Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Program. J Grad Med Educ (2013) 1.44
The Methodology for the CLER National Report of Findings 2016. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 1.39
A structured self-monitoring of blood glucose approach in type 2 diabetes encourages more frequent, intensive, and effective physician interventions: results from the STeP study. Diabetes Technol Ther (2011) 1.38
Use of an automated bolus calculator reduces fear of hypoglycemia and improves confidence in dosage accuracy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus treated with multiple daily insulin injections. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2012) 1.37
Primary care physicians identify and act upon glycemic abnormalities found in structured, episodic blood glucose monitoring data from non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther (2009) 1.33
The Overview of the CLER Program: CLER National Report of Findings 2016. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 1.31
Clinical performance of three bolus calculators in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a head-to-head-to-head comparison. Diabetes Technol Ther (2010) 1.27
Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 1.24
Family and disease management in African-American patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care (2004) 1.22
Daily negative mood affects fasting glucose in type 2 diabetes. Health Psychol (2009) 1.18
Early Impressions of the CLER Program: A Survey of the Designated Institutional Official Community. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 1.17
Reductions in regimen distress are associated with improved management and glycemic control over time. Diabetes Care (2013) 1.14
Innovations in data collection, management, and archiving for systematic reviews. Ann Intern Med (2015) 1.12
Problem solving and diabetes self-management: investigation in a large, multiracial sample. Diabetes Care (2007) 1.12
Hypoglycemia in insulin-treated diabetes: a case for increased vigilance. Postgrad Med (2011) 1.10
A survey of blood glucose monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes: are recommendations from health care professionals being followed? Curr Med Res Opin (2011) 1.06
Family predictors of disease management over one year in Latino and European American patients with type 2 diabetes. Fam Process (2003) 1.03
Patients with type 2 diabetes at risk for major depressive disorder over time. Ann Fam Med (2011) 1.02
Use of RE-AIM to develop a multi-media facilitation tool for the patient-centered medical home. Implement Sci (2011) 1.01
Patient age: a neglected factor when considering disease management in adults with type 2 diabetes. Patient Educ Couns (2010) 1.01
Introducing the CLER Pathways to Excellence: A New Way of Viewing Clinical Learning Environments. J Grad Med Educ (2014) 1.00
Practice facilitation to improve diabetes care in primary care: a report from the EPIC randomized clinical trial. Ann Fam Med (2014) 1.00
Recommendations for standardizing glucose reporting and analysis to optimize clinical decision making in diabetes: the ambulatory glucose profile. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2013) 0.97
A call for more effectively integrating behavioral and social science principles into comprehensive diabetes care. Diabetes Care (2007) 0.97
Use of an automated decision support tool optimizes clinicians' ability to interpret and appropriately respond to structured self-monitoring of blood glucose data. Diabetes Care (2012) 0.95
Value and utility of structured self-monitoring of blood glucose in real world clinical practice: findings from a multinational observational study. Diabetes Technol Ther (2012) 0.95
The impact of structured blood glucose testing on attitudes toward self-management among poorly controlled, insulin-naïve patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract (2012) 0.93
The first three years of screening for medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) by newborn screening ontario. BMC Pediatr (2010) 0.93
Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do? J Am Board Fam Med (2013) 0.91
EZ-Viz, a tool for simplifying molecular viewing in PyMOL. Biochem Mol Biol Educ (2006) 0.91
Genes that contribute to cancer fusion genes are large and evolutionarily conserved. Cancer Genet Cytogenet (2009) 0.91
Detailed Findings from the CLER National Report of Findings 2016. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 0.88
Effective use of paired testing in type 2 diabetes: practical applications in clinical practice. Diabetes Educ (2009) 0.87
Prospective, randomized trial on intensive SMBG management added value in non-insulin-treated T2DM patients (PRISMA): a study to determine the effect of a structured SMBG intervention. Acta Diabetol (2011) 0.87
A digital microfluidic method for dried blood spot analysis. Lab Chip (2011) 0.87
Changes in A1C levels are significantly associated with changes in levels of the cardiovascular risk biomarker hs-CRP: results from the SteP study. Diabetes Care (2013) 0.86
A Mobile Health Intervention Supporting Heart Failure Patients and Their Informal Caregivers: A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial. J Med Internet Res (2015) 0.85
High-throughput and simultaneous measurement of homocysteine and cysteine in human plasma and urine by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Anal Biochem (2007) 0.85
Cord blood genomic analysis highlights the role of redox balance. Free Radic Biol Med (2010) 0.83
Aspects of culturally competent care are associated with less emotional burden among patients with diabetes. Med Care (2012) 0.81
Impact of anesthesia and surgery for congenital heart disease on the vitamin d status of infants and children: a prospective longitudinal study. Anesthesiology (2013) 0.80
Impact of remote management of diabetes via computer: the 360 study--a proof-of-concept randomized trial. Diabetes Technol Ther (2013) 0.79
Practice context affects efforts to improve diabetes care for primary care patients: a pragmatic cluster randomized trial. J Gen Intern Med (2014) 0.79
When does personalized feedback make a difference? A narrative review of recent findings and their implications for promoting better diabetes self-care. Curr Diab Rep (2015) 0.79
Performing discovery-driven neonatal research by transcriptomic analysis of routinely discarded biofluids. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med (2012) 0.78
Young adult African American patients with type 2 diabetes: a high risk patient sub-group with few supports for good diabetes management. J Health Psychol (2011) 0.77
American Board of Medical Specialties Maintenance of Certification: theory and evidence regarding the current framework. J Contin Educ Health Prof (2013) 0.77
Measurement of homocysteine and related metabolites in human plasma and urine by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci (2009) 0.77
Recognition, prevention, and proactive management of hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Postgrad Med (2011) 0.77
Building a pipeline of training for behavioral diabetes researchers and clinicians: a call for national dialogue. Curr Diab Rep (2011) 0.77
Age and glycemic control among low-income Latinos. J Immigr Minor Health (2013) 0.77
Lessons Learned and Future Directions: CLER National Report of Findings 2016. J Grad Med Educ (2016) 0.76
Diagnosis of glutaric aciduria type 1 by measuring 3-hydroxyglutaric acid in dried urine spots by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J Inherit Metab Dis (2010) 0.76
Short-term effects of nocturnal haemodialysis on carnitine metabolism. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2006) 0.76
Patient perspectives on the role of weight management in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract (2010) 0.76
New technologies to advance self-management support in diabetes: not just a bunch of cool apps! Diabetes Care (2011) 0.75
Use of structured self-monitoring of blood glucose improves glycemic control in real-world clinical practice: findings from a multinational and retrospectively controlled trial. J Diabetes Sci Technol (2013) 0.75
Are patients' initial experiences at the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes associated with attitudes and self-management over time? Diabetes Educ (2010) 0.75
Type 2 diabetes in adolescents. How to recognize and treat this growing problem. Postgrad Med (2005) 0.75
It's time to abandon the sliding scale. J Fam Pract (2011) 0.75
Cardiovascular event prevention in the person with type 2 diabetes: case examples for identifying and treating multiple risks. Diabetes Educ (2006) 0.75
Quantification of DNA in neonatal dried blood spots by adenine tandem mass spectrometry. Anal Chem (2017) 0.75
Identification of a neonate with hepatorenal tyrosinemia by combined routine newborn screening for succinylacetone, acylcarnitines and amino acids. Clin Biochem (2009) 0.75