Published in Cancer Prev Res (Phila) on May 01, 2011
Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2011) 6.77
Aspirin in the chemoprevention of colorectal neoplasia: an overview. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2011) 2.03
Molecular pathways involved in colorectal cancer: implications for disease behavior and prevention. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 2.00
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Lynch Syndrome. J Natl Cancer Inst (2015) 1.77
Chemoprevention in familial adenomatous polyposis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol (2011) 1.17
Familial colon cancer syndromes: an update of a rapidly evolving field. Curr Gastroenterol Rep (2012) 1.16
An inflammatory mediator, prostaglandin E2, in colorectal cancer. Cancer J (2013) 1.01
Aspirin for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol (2011) 0.96
Mechanistic aspects of COX-2 expression in colorectal neoplasia. Recent Results Cancer Res (2013) 0.95
Potential targets for colorectal cancer prevention. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 0.89
Are we ready to recommend aspirin for cancer prevention? Lancet (2012) 0.88
Identification of putative immunologic targets for colon cancer prevention based on conserved gene upregulation from preinvasive to malignant lesions. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2013) 0.88
Inflammatory networks underlying colorectal cancer. Nat Immunol (2016) 0.88
A multi-targeted approach to suppress tumor-promoting inflammation. Semin Cancer Biol (2015) 0.87
Thymoquinone attenuates tumor growth in ApcMin mice by interference with Wnt-signaling. Mol Cancer (2013) 0.87
Molecular cancer prevention: Current status and future directions. CA Cancer J Clin (2015) 0.86
Chemoprevention in Lynch syndrome. Fam Cancer (2013) 0.86
Role of inflammation and inflammatory mediators in colorectal cancer. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc (2014) 0.85
Preventive effects of low-dose aspirin on colorectal adenoma growth in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis: double-blind, randomized clinical trial. Cancer Med (2013) 0.84
Mechanistic and pharmacological issues of aspirin as an anticancer agent. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) (2012) 0.84
Repurposing the FDA-approved pinworm drug pyrvinium as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for intestinal polyposis. PLoS One (2014) 0.83
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs use is associated with reduced risk of inflammation-associated cancers: NIH-AARP study. PLoS One (2014) 0.82
The impact of aspirin, statins and ACE-inhibitors on the presentation of colorectal neoplasia in a colorectal cancer screening programme. Br J Cancer (2013) 0.82
Colorectal cancer chemoprevention: is this the future of colorectal cancer prevention? ScientificWorldJournal (2012) 0.81
Chemoprevention of gastrointestinal cancer: the reality and the dream. Gut Liver (2013) 0.81
Aspirin and Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Treatment: Is It for Everyone? Curr Colorectal Cancer Rep (2016) 0.81
Aspirin blocks growth of breast tumor cells and tumor-initiating cells and induces reprogramming factors of mesenchymal to epithelial transition. Lab Invest (2015) 0.81
Aspirin and familial adenomatous polyposis: coming full circle. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2011) 0.80
Chemoprevention of hereditary colon cancers: time for new strategies. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol (2016) 0.80
Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis manifests as autosomal dominant late-onset colorectal cancer. Eur J Hum Genet (2014) 0.79
PPARδ and PGE2 signaling pathways communicate and connect inflammation to colorectal cancer. Inflamm Cell Signal (2014) 0.79
The evolving role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in colon cancer prevention: a cause for optimism. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (2015) 0.78
A systematic review of aspirin in primary prevention: is it time for a new approach? Am J Cardiovasc Drugs (2015) 0.78
NSAIDs and Colorectal Cancer Control: Promise and Challenges. Curr Pharmacol Rep (2015) 0.77
Screening and Health Behaviors among Persons Diagnosed with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and Their Relatives. J Cancer Epidemiol (2012) 0.77
Resistant starch for modulation of gut microbiota: Promising adjuvant therapy for chronic kidney disease patients? Eur J Nutr (2016) 0.76
Chemoprevention of colorectal cancer. Dig Dis (2014) 0.76
Management of low-dose aspirin and clopidogrel in clinical practice: a gastrointestinal perspective. J Gastroenterol (2015) 0.76
Aspirin, salicylates and cancer: report of a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, 23 November 2010. Ecancermedicalscience (2011) 0.75
Cancer Prevention: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Trends Cancer (2016) 0.75
Chemoprevention of cancer: current evidence and future prospects. F1000Res (2015) 0.75
Effects of supplementation with nondigestible carbohydrates on fecal calprotectin and on epigenetic regulation of SFRP1 expression in the large-bowel mucosa of healthy individuals. Am J Clin Nutr (2017) 0.75
Chemoprevention in patients with genetic risk of colorectal cancers. Colorectal Cancer (2012) 0.75
Familial adenomatous polyposis in pediatrics: natural history, emerging surveillance and management protocols, chemopreventive strategies, and areas of ongoing debate. Fam Cancer (2016) 0.75
Chemoprevention of familial adenomatous polyposis. Fam Cancer (2016) 0.75
Long-term effect of aspirin on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality: 20-year follow-up of five randomised trials. Lancet (2010) 11.00
Aspirin and the risk of colorectal cancer in women. N Engl J Med (1995) 9.59
A randomized trial of aspirin to prevent colorectal adenomas. N Engl J Med (2003) 9.18
Celecoxib for the prevention of sporadic colorectal adenomas. N Engl J Med (2006) 7.62
The effect of celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, in familial adenomatous polyposis. N Engl J Med (2000) 7.54
A randomized trial of aspirin to prevent colorectal adenomas in patients with previous colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med (2003) 6.99
Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for cancer prevention: an international consensus statement. Lancet Oncol (2009) 5.05
Aspirin and folic acid for the prevention of recurrent colorectal adenomas. Gastroenterology (2007) 4.06
Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome. N Engl J Med (2008) 3.76
Dietary fibre in food and protection against colorectal cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC): an observational study. Lancet (2003) 3.53
Daily soluble aspirin and prevention of colorectal adenoma recurrence: one-year results of the APACC trial. Gastroenterology (2003) 2.96
Genetic reprogramming in pathways of colonic cell maturation induced by short chain fatty acids: comparison with trichostatin A, sulindac, and curcumin and implications for chemoprevention of colon cancer. Cancer Res (2000) 2.47
Five-year efficacy and safety analysis of the Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib Trial. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2009) 2.46
Effect of aspirin and NSAIDs on risk and survival from colorectal cancer. Gut (2010) 2.16
Sodium butyrate induces apoptosis in human colonic tumour cell lines in a p53-independent pathway: implications for the possible role of dietary fibre in the prevention of large-bowel cancer. Int J Cancer (1993) 1.94
Potentiation by specific short-chain fatty acids of differentiation and apoptosis in human colonic carcinoma cell lines. Cancer Res (1994) 1.85
Routine aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the primary prevention of colorectal cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med (2007) 1.71
Starch intake and colorectal cancer risk: an international comparison. Br J Cancer (1994) 1.29
Nucleolar sequestration of RelA (p65) regulates NF-kappaB-driven transcription and apoptosis. Mol Cell Biol (2005) 1.26
Morphometry and cell proliferation in endoscopic biopsies: evaluation of a technique. Gastroenterology (1991) 1.22
Therapeutic levels of aspirin and salicylate directly inhibit a model of angiogenesis through a Cox-independent mechanism. FASEB J (2006) 1.22
Colonic crypt cell proliferation state assessed by whole crypt microdissection in sporadic neoplasia and familial adenomatous polyposis. Gut (2001) 1.16
Butyrate enemas in experimental colitis and protection against large bowel cancer in a rat model. Gastroenterology (1996) 1.05
Effects of resistant starch on the colon in healthy volunteers: possible implications for cancer prevention. Am J Clin Nutr (1998) 1.02
Effect of resistant starch on colonic fermentation, bile acid metabolism, and mucosal proliferation. Dig Dis Sci (1994) 0.99
Anti-cancer effects of butyrate: use of micro-array technology to investigate mechanisms. Proc Nutr Soc (2003) 0.96
The effect of starch malabsorption on fecal short-chain fatty acid excretion in man. Scand J Gastroenterol (1988) 0.95
The fibre-folate debate in colo-rectal cancer. Proc Nutr Soc (2006) 0.89
Resistant starch and colorectal neoplasia. J AOAC Int (2004) 0.87
Nutritional implications of resistant starch. Nutr Res Rev (1996) 0.80
Effect of resistant starch on potential biomarkers for colonic cancer risk in patients with colonic adenomas: a controlled trial. Dig Dis Sci (2001) 0.80
Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nature (2007) 29.23
Revised Bethesda Guidelines for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome) and microsatellite instability. J Natl Cancer Inst (2004) 14.97
Genome-wide association study of CNVs in 16,000 cases of eight common diseases and 3,000 shared controls. Nature (2010) 12.27
Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 8q24. Nat Genet (2007) 9.88
Low-penetrance susceptibility to breast cancer due to CHEK2(*)1100delC in noncarriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Nat Genet (2002) 9.71
PALB2, which encodes a BRCA2-interacting protein, is a breast cancer susceptibility gene. Nat Genet (2006) 9.17
Association of risk-reducing surgery in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers with cancer risk and mortality. JAMA (2010) 8.93
Truncating mutations in the Fanconi anemia J gene BRIP1 are low-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility alleles. Nat Genet (2006) 7.72
Genome-wide association study identifies five new breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nat Genet (2010) 7.62
Newly discovered breast cancer susceptibility loci on 3p24 and 17q23.2. Nat Genet (2009) 7.30
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data identifies four new susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer. Nat Genet (2008) 6.97
Sequence variants at the TERT-CLPTM1L locus associate with many cancer types. Nat Genet (2009) 6.91
Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2011) 6.77
Genome-wide association scan identifies a colorectal cancer susceptibility locus on 11q23 and replicates risk loci at 8q24 and 18q21. Nat Genet (2008) 6.75
Sequence variant on 8q24 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet (2008) 6.69
ATM mutations that cause ataxia-telangiectasia are breast cancer susceptibility alleles. Nat Genet (2006) 6.67
Guidelines for colorectal cancer screening and surveillance in moderate and high risk groups (update from 2002). Gut (2010) 6.34
A genome-wide association study identifies colorectal cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 10p14 and 8q23.3. Nat Genet (2008) 6.26
Runs of homozygosity in European populations. Am J Hum Genet (2008) 5.34
A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in the general population. Nat Genet (2010) 4.96
Identification and survival of carriers of mutations in DNA mismatch-repair genes in colon cancer. N Engl J Med (2006) 4.95
KRAS and BRAF mutations in advanced colorectal cancer are associated with poor prognosis but do not preclude benefit from oxaliplatin or irinotecan: results from the MRC FOCUS trial. J Clin Oncol (2009) 4.94
Multiple colorectal adenomas, classic adenomatous polyposis, and germ-line mutations in MYH. N Engl J Med (2003) 4.88
HIF activation identifies early lesions in VHL kidneys: evidence for site-specific tumor suppressor function in the nephron. Cancer Cell (2002) 4.82
Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer. Nat Genet (2013) 4.35
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of individuals with neurofibromatosis 1. J Med Genet (2006) 4.23
Meta-analysis of three genome-wide association studies identifies susceptibility loci for colorectal cancer at 1q41, 3q26.2, 12q13.13 and 20q13.33. Nat Genet (2010) 4.20
Candidate exome capture identifies mutation of SDCCAG8 as the cause of a retinal-renal ciliopathy. Nat Genet (2010) 3.99
Assessing women at high risk of breast cancer: a review of risk assessment models. J Natl Cancer Inst (2010) 3.94
A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer at 2q31 and 8q24. Nat Genet (2010) 3.86
Association between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and survival in women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer. JAMA (2012) 3.85
Genome-wide association studies identify four ER negative-specific breast cancer risk loci. Nat Genet (2013) 3.81
Frequency and spectrum of cancers in the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Clin Cancer Res (2006) 3.81
Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome. N Engl J Med (2008) 3.76
Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome: diagnosis and management. Lancet Oncol (2009) 3.60
Apc modulates embryonic stem-cell differentiation by controlling the dosage of beta-catenin signaling. Nat Genet (2002) 3.60
Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for the prevention of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated breast and gynecologic cancer: a multicenter, prospective study. J Clin Oncol (2008) 3.54
MRI breast screening in high-risk women: cancer detection and survival analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2014) 3.46
GWAS meta-analysis and replication identifies three new susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer. Nat Genet (2013) 3.42
Common breast cancer-predisposition alleles are associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Am J Hum Genet (2008) 3.41
A common variant at the TERT-CLPTM1L locus is associated with estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. Nat Genet (2011) 3.37
Germline BHD-mutation spectrum and phenotype analysis of a large cohort of families with Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome. Am J Hum Genet (2005) 3.26
Autosomal recessive colorectal adenomatous polyposis due to inherited mutations of MYH. Lancet (2003) 3.24
New insights into the aetiology of colorectal cancer from genome-wide association studies. Nat Rev Genet (2009) 3.22
The transmembrane protein meckelin (MKS3) is mutated in Meckel-Gruber syndrome and the wpk rat. Nat Genet (2006) 3.19
TTC21B contributes both causal and modifying alleles across the ciliopathy spectrum. Nat Genet (2011) 3.06
An immunohistochemical procedure to detect patients with paraganglioma and phaeochromocytoma with germline SDHB, SDHC, or SDHD gene mutations: a retrospective and prospective analysis. Lancet Oncol (2009) 3.05
Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations. Nat Genet (2012) 3.04
Variants near DMRT1, TERT and ATF7IP are associated with testicular germ cell cancer. Nat Genet (2010) 2.99
PLA2G6, encoding a phospholipase A2, is mutated in neurodegenerative disorders with high brain iron. Nat Genet (2006) 2.97
A novel recurrent mutation in MITF predisposes to familial and sporadic melanoma. Nature (2011) 2.96
The risk of extra-colonic, extra-endometrial cancer in the Lynch syndrome. Int J Cancer (2008) 2.95
Cancer risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from prospective analysis of EMBRACE. J Natl Cancer Inst (2013) 2.93
Cancer risk in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer due to MSH6 mutations: impact on counseling and surveillance. Gastroenterology (2004) 2.90
Germline SDHB mutations and familial renal cell carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst (2008) 2.89
Genetic and epigenetic analysis of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene alterations and relationship with clinical variables in sporadic renal cancer. Cancer Res (2006) 2.87
Revised guidelines for the clinical management of Lynch syndrome (HNPCC): recommendations by a group of European experts. Gut (2013) 2.86
Health benefits and cost-effectiveness of primary genetic screening for Lynch syndrome in the general population. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2010) 2.86
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels are associated with breslow thickness at presentation and survival from melanoma. J Clin Oncol (2009) 2.85
A genome-wide association study of testicular germ cell tumor. Nat Genet (2009) 2.79
Genetic variation in the prostate stem cell antigen gene PSCA confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer. Nat Genet (2009) 2.76
Tumor risks and genotype-phenotype-proteotype analysis in 358 patients with germline mutations in SDHB and SDHD. Hum Mutat (2010) 2.75
Germline BRCA mutations are associated with higher risk of nodal involvement, distant metastasis, and poor survival outcomes in prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol (2013) 2.71