Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome.

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Published in N Engl J Med on December 11, 2008


John Burn1, D Timothy Bishop, Jukka-Pekka Mecklin, Finlay Macrae, Gabriela Möslein, Sylviane Olschwang, Marie-Luise Bisgaard, Raj Ramesar, Diana Eccles, Eamonn R Maher, Lucio Bertario, Heikki J Jarvinen, Annika Lindblom, D Gareth Evans, Jan Lubinski, Patrick J Morrison, Judy W C Ho, Hans F A Vasen, Lucy Side, Huw J W Thomas, Rodney J Scott, Malcolm Dunlop, Gail Barker, Faye Elliott, Jeremy R Jass, Ricardo Fodde, Henry T Lynch, John C Mathers, CAPP2 Investigators

Author Affiliations

1: Institute of Human Genetics, Newcastle University, International Centre for Life, Central Pkwy., Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ, United Kingdom. john.burn@ncl.ac.uk.

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