Published in J Biol Chem on January 03, 2012
Rapid structural changes and acidification of guard cell vacuoles during stomatal closure require phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate. Plant Cell (2013) 1.01
RNAi-directed downregulation of vacuolar H(+) -ATPase subunit a results in enhanced stomatal aperture and density in rice. PLoS One (2013) 0.83
Regulation of Vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) Reassembly by Glycolysis Flow in 6-Phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK-1)-deficient Yeast Cells. J Biol Chem (2016) 0.75
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mTORC1 senses lysosomal amino acids through an inside-out mechanism that requires the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. Science (2011) 7.55
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Torque generation and elastic power transmission in the rotary F(O)F(1)-ATPase. Nature (2009) 2.72
The vacuolar Ca2+-activated channel TPC1 regulates germination and stomatal movement. Nature (2005) 2.67
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Arabidopsis V-ATPase activity at the tonoplast is required for efficient nutrient storage but not for sodium accumulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.73
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V-ATPase of Thermus thermophilus is inactivated during ATP hydrolysis but can synthesize ATP. J Biol Chem (1998) 1.41
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TPC1-SV channels gain shape. Mol Plant (2011) 1.29
Structure and regulation of the vacuolar ATPases. Biochim Biophys Acta (2008) 1.29
The fou2 mutation in the major vacuolar cation channel TPC1 confers tolerance to inhibitory luminal calcium. Plant J (2009) 1.19
Proton-driven sucrose symport and antiport are provided by the vacuolar transporters SUC4 and TMT1/2. Plant J (2011) 1.19
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A novel calcium binding site in the slow vacuolar cation channel TPC1 senses luminal calcium levels. Plant Cell (2011) 1.06
Malate transport by the vacuolar AtALMT6 channel in guard cells is subject to multiple regulation. Plant J (2011) 1.05
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Vacuolar H+-ATPase activity is required for endocytic and secretory trafficking in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2006) 4.41
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Activity of guard cell anion channel SLAC1 is controlled by drought-stress signaling kinase-phosphatase pair. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 3.05
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Pausing of Golgi bodies on microtubules regulates secretion of cellulose synthase complexes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2009) 2.64
Interactions among PIN-FORMED and P-glycoprotein auxin transporters in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2007) 2.52
In the light of stomatal opening: new insights into 'the Watergate'. New Phytol (2005) 2.41
Endocytic and secretory traffic in Arabidopsis merge in the trans-Golgi network/early endosome, an independent and highly dynamic organelle. Plant Cell (2010) 2.14
Cluster roots--an underground adaptation for survival in extreme environments. Trends Plant Sci (2002) 2.03
Identification of a vacuolar sucrose transporter in barley and Arabidopsis mesophyll cells by a tonoplast proteomic approach. Plant Physiol (2006) 2.02
The endosomal system of plants: charting new and familiar territories. Plant Physiol (2008) 2.01
PDR-type ABC transporter mediates cellular uptake of the phytohormone abscisic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.94
Arabidopsis protein kinase PKS5 inhibits the plasma membrane H+ -ATPase by preventing interaction with 14-3-3 protein. Plant Cell (2007) 1.93
The Arabidopsis outward K+ channel GORK is involved in regulation of stomatal movements and plant transpiration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.82
NRT/PTR transporters are essential for translocation of glucosinolate defence compounds to seeds. Nature (2012) 1.77
A ubiquitin-10 promoter-based vector set for fluorescent protein tagging facilitates temporal stability and native protein distribution in transient and stable expression studies. Plant J (2010) 1.75
The ABC transporter AtPDR8 is a cadmium extrusion pump conferring heavy metal resistance. Plant J (2007) 1.75
TWISTED DWARF1, a unique plasma membrane-anchored immunophilin-like protein, interacts with Arabidopsis multidrug resistance-like transporters AtPGP1 and AtPGP19. Mol Biol Cell (2003) 1.74
Perception of the Arabidopsis danger signal peptide 1 involves the pattern recognition receptor AtPEPR1 and its close homologue AtPEPR2. J Biol Chem (2010) 1.74
Arabidopsis V-ATPase activity at the tonoplast is required for efficient nutrient storage but not for sodium accumulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.73
Arsenic tolerance in Arabidopsis is mediated by two ABCC-type phytochelatin transporters. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.70
Knock-out of Arabidopsis metal transporter gene IRT1 results in iron deficiency accompanied by cell differentiation defects. Plant Mol Biol (2002) 1.68
Plant cytokinesis requires de novo secretory trafficking but not endocytosis. Curr Biol (2007) 1.67
Plant proton pumps. FEBS Lett (2007) 1.63
Degradation of the antiviral component ARGONAUTE1 by the autophagy pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.62
Phloem-localized, proton-coupled sucrose carrier ZmSUT1 mediates sucrose efflux under the control of the sucrose gradient and the proton motive force. J Biol Chem (2005) 1.59
AtKC1, a silent Arabidopsis potassium channel alpha -subunit modulates root hair K+ influx. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 1.55
Physiological and molecular evidence for Pi uptake via the symbiotic pathway in a reduced mycorrhizal colonization mutant in tomato associated with a compatible fungus. New Phytol (2005) 1.54
Stomatal closure by fast abscisic acid signaling is mediated by the guard cell anion channel SLAH3 and the receptor RCAR1. Sci Signal (2011) 1.53
Phytoplasmas and their interactions with hosts. Trends Plant Sci (2005) 1.52
The Dionaea muscipula ammonium channel DmAMT1 provides NH₄⁺ uptake associated with Venus flytrap's prey digestion. Curr Biol (2013) 1.51
Identification of Arabidopsis thaliana phloem RNAs provides a search criterion for phloem-based transcripts hidden in complex datasets of microarray experiments. Plant J (2008) 1.50
Phosphate systemically inhibits development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in Petunia hybrida and represses genes involved in mycorrhizal functioning. Plant J (2010) 1.50
The stomatal response to reduced relative humidity requires guard cell-autonomous ABA synthesis. Curr Biol (2012) 1.48
Multivesicular bodies mature from the trans-Golgi network/early endosome in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2011) 1.47
MDR-like ABC transporter AtPGP4 is involved in auxin-mediated lateral root and root hair development. FEBS Lett (2005) 1.47
AtALMT12 represents an R-type anion channel required for stomatal movement in Arabidopsis guard cells. Plant J (2010) 1.47
Loss of AtPDR8, a plasma membrane ABC transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana, causes hypersensitive cell death upon pathogen infection. Plant Cell Physiol (2006) 1.47
The multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP/ABCC) subfamily of ATP-binding cassette transporters in plants. FEBS Lett (2005) 1.45
A simple nomenclature for a complex proton pump: VHA genes encode the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. Trends Plant Sci (2002) 1.45
Protein-protein interactions between sucrose transporters of different affinities colocalized in the same enucleate sieve element. Plant Cell (2002) 1.45
Plasma membrane aquaporins in the motor cells of Samanea saman: diurnal and circadian regulation. Plant Cell (2002) 1.45
A petunia ABC protein controls strigolactone-dependent symbiotic signalling and branching. Nature (2012) 1.44
Reduced V-ATPase activity in the trans-Golgi network causes oxylipin-dependent hypocotyl growth Inhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2008) 1.42
The ABC transporter AtABCB14 is a malate importer and modulates stomatal response to CO2. Nat Cell Biol (2008) 1.42
Ca2+-mediated remote control of reversible sieve tube occlusion in Vicia faba. J Exp Bot (2007) 1.42
Loss of the AKT2/3 potassium channel affects sugar loading into the phloem of Arabidopsis. Planta (2002) 1.42
A gain-of-function allele of TPC1 activates oxylipin biogenesis after leaf wounding in Arabidopsis. Plant J (2007) 1.40
Essential role of the V-ATPase in male gametophyte development. Plant J (2005) 1.40
The Arabidopsis vacuolar malate channel is a member of the ALMT family. Plant J (2007) 1.40
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Flavone glucoside uptake into barley mesophyll and Arabidopsis cell culture vacuoles. Energization occurs by H(+)-antiport and ATP-binding cassette-type mechanisms. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.39
Cytosolic abscisic acid activates guard cell anion channels without preceding Ca2+ signals. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.37
An integrated view of gene expression and solute profiles of Arabidopsis tumors: a genome-wide approach. Plant Cell (2006) 1.37
The ATP-binding cassette transporters: structure, function, and gene family comparison between rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2003) 1.37
Engineering tolerance and accumulation of lead and cadmium in transgenic plants. Nat Biotechnol (2003) 1.37
Blue light activates calcium-permeable channels in Arabidopsis mesophyll cells via the phototropin signaling pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.35
Loss of the vacuolar cation channel, AtTPC1, does not impair Ca2+ signals induced by abiotic and biotic stresses. Plant J (2007) 1.34
A special pair of phytohormones controls excitability, slow closure, and external stomach formation in the Venus flytrap. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.34
The plant homolog to the human sodium/dicarboxylic cotransporter is the vacuolar malate carrier. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.33
Plant ABC Transporters. Arabidopsis Book (2011) 1.32
Molecular identification and physiological characterization of a novel monosaccharide transporter from Arabidopsis involved in vacuolar sugar transport. Plant Cell (2006) 1.31
Genome-wide analysis of ABA-responsive elements ABRE and CE3 reveals divergent patterns in Arabidopsis and rice. BMC Genomics (2007) 1.29
TPC1-SV channels gain shape. Mol Plant (2011) 1.29
Isolation and proteomic analysis of the SYP61 compartment reveal its role in exocytic trafficking in Arabidopsis. Cell Res (2011) 1.29
CO2 provides an intermediate link in the red light response of guard cells. Plant J (2002) 1.26
Disruption of AtMRP4, a guard cell plasma membrane ABCC-type ABC transporter, leads to deregulation of stomatal opening and increased drought susceptibility. Plant J (2004) 1.25
Arabidopsis vacuolar H-ATPase subunit E isoform 1 is required for Golgi organization and vacuole function in embryogenesis. Plant J (2005) 1.24
The plant multidrug resistance ABC transporter AtMRP5 is involved in guard cell hormonal signalling and water use. Plant J (2003) 1.24
Arabidopsis POLYOL TRANSPORTER5, a new member of the monosaccharide transporter-like superfamily, mediates H+-Symport of numerous substrates, including myo-inositol, glycerol, and ribose. Plant Cell (2004) 1.24
The Arabidopsis P4-ATPase ALA3 localizes to the golgi and requires a beta-subunit to function in lipid translocation and secretory vesicle formation. Plant Cell (2008) 1.23
AtABCG29 is a monolignol transporter involved in lignin biosynthesis. Curr Biol (2012) 1.23
The Arabidopsis ATP-binding cassette protein AtMRP5/AtABCC5 is a high affinity inositol hexakisphosphate transporter involved in guard cell signaling and phytate storage. J Biol Chem (2009) 1.22
Cold acclimation induces changes in Arabidopsis tonoplast protein abundance and activity and alters phosphorylation of tonoplast monosaccharide transporters. Plant J (2011) 1.21
A novel family of cys-rich membrane proteins mediates cadmium resistance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.21
White lupin has developed a complex strategy to limit microbial degradation of secreted citrate required for phosphate acquisition. Plant Cell Environ (2006) 1.20
Calcium-dependent modulation and plasma membrane targeting of the AKT2 potassium channel by the CBL4/CIPK6 calcium sensor/protein kinase complex. Cell Res (2011) 1.19
The fou2 mutation in the major vacuolar cation channel TPC1 confers tolerance to inhibitory luminal calcium. Plant J (2009) 1.19
Proton-driven sucrose symport and antiport are provided by the vacuolar transporters SUC4 and TMT1/2. Plant J (2011) 1.19
Vacuolar transporters in their physiological context. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2012) 1.18
Flavonoids redirect PIN-mediated polar auxin fluxes during root gravitropic responses. J Biol Chem (2008) 1.17
The phytochelatin transporters AtABCC1 and AtABCC2 mediate tolerance to cadmium and mercury. Plant J (2011) 1.17
Arabidopsis PIS1 encodes the ABCG37 transporter of auxinic compounds including the auxin precursor indole-3-butyric acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.17