Published in Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol on November 21, 2012
Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance. BMJ (2008) 41.81
Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index. Nat Genet (2010) 23.08
Hundreds of variants clustered in genomic loci and biological pathways affect human height. Nature (2010) 20.01
Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs. Nat Genet (2013) 8.02
Meta-analysis identifies 13 new loci associated with waist-hip ratio and reveals sexual dimorphism in the genetic basis of fat distribution. Nat Genet (2010) 7.94
Sequence variants at CHRNB3-CHRNA6 and CYP2A6 affect smoking behavior. Nat Genet (2010) 6.49
Treatments of homosexuality in Britain since the 1950s--an oral history: the experience of patients. BMJ (2004) 6.19
National surveillance for asthma--United States, 1980-2004. MMWR Surveill Summ (2007) 6.05
A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people. BMC Psychiatry (2008) 5.82
Large-scale association analyses identify new loci influencing glycemic traits and provide insight into the underlying biological pathways. Nat Genet (2012) 4.73
A randomised controlled trial of the effect of educational outreach by community pharmacists on prescribing in UK general practice. Br J Gen Pract (2002) 4.37
Relative risk of cardiovascular and cancer mortality in people with severe mental illness from the United Kingdom's General Practice Rsearch Database. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2007) 4.26
Dietary intake of antioxidants and risk of Alzheimer disease. JAMA (2002) 4.01
Therapist-delivered Internet psychotherapy for depression in primary care: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2009) 3.90
Impact of participant and physician intervention preferences on randomized trials: a systematic review. JAMA (2005) 3.87
Genetic loci influencing kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet (2010) 3.75
Identification of common variants associated with human hippocampal and intracranial volumes. Nat Genet (2012) 3.73
Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in >80 000 subjects identifies multiple loci for C-reactive protein levels. Circulation (2011) 3.68
Randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment: 3-year outcomes. Br J Psychiatry (2009) 3.62
Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Nat Genet (2011) 3.40
Inflammatory proteins in plasma and the risk of dementia: the rotterdam study. Arch Neurol (2004) 3.38
Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing concentrations of liver enzymes in plasma. Nat Genet (2011) 3.18
Advance directives for patients compulsorily admitted to hospital with serious mental illness. Randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry (2002) 3.13
Added value of physical performance measures in predicting adverse health-related events: results from the Health, Aging And Body Composition Study. J Am Geriatr Soc (2009) 3.12
Cardiovascular events as a function of serum bilirubin levels in a large, statin-treated cohort. Circulation (2012) 3.11
Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations. Nat Genet (2012) 3.04
Hypercortisolemic depression is associated with the metabolic syndrome in late-life. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2007) 2.98
Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance. Int J Nurs Stud (2012) 2.80
Seventy-five genetic loci influencing the human red blood cell. Nature (2012) 2.77
Low levels of endogenous androgens increase the risk of atherosclerosis in elderly men: the Rotterdam study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2002) 2.76
Interventions for supporting informal caregivers of patients in the terminal phase of a disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2011) 2.76
Dementia in the acute hospital: prospective cohort study of prevalence and mortality. Br J Psychiatry (2009) 2.75
Estimating interaction on an additive scale between continuous determinants in a logistic regression model. Int J Epidemiol (2007) 2.54
When one depends on the other: reporting of interaction in case-control and cohort studies. Epidemiology (2009) 2.54
Problems with sexual function in people attending London general practitioners: cross sectional study. BMJ (2003) 2.53
Suicidal behavior and severe neuropsychiatric disorders following glucocorticoid therapy in primary care. Am J Psychiatry (2012) 2.47
Service quality and clinical outcomes: an example from mental health rehabilitation services in England. Br J Psychiatry (2012) 2.39
The prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Biol Psychiatry (2013) 2.31
Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume. Nat Genet (2009) 2.29
Reporting and methods in clinical prediction research: a systematic review. PLoS Med (2012) 2.26
Genome-wide association study of blood pressure extremes identifies variant near UMOD associated with hypertension. PLoS Genet (2010) 2.24
Childhood sexual abuse and psychosis: data from a cross-sectional national psychiatric survey in England. Br J Psychiatry (2011) 2.23
Stigma: the feelings and experiences of 46 people with mental illness. Qualitative study. Br J Psychiatry (2004) 2.22
The devil is in the detail: partnerships between psychiatry and faith-based organisations. Br J Psychiatry (2007) 2.18
Older adults' attitudes to death, palliative treatment and hospice care. Palliat Med (2005) 2.17
Group art therapy as an adjunctive treatment for people with schizophrenia: multicentre pragmatic randomised trial. BMJ (2012) 2.17
Survival of people with clinical diagnosis of dementia in primary care: cohort study. BMJ (2010) 2.15
Risk for coronary heart disease in people with severe mental illness: cross-sectional comparative study in primary care. Br J Psychiatry (2006) 2.14
Prevalence of common mental disorders in general practice attendees across Europe. Br J Psychiatry (2008) 2.12
Depressive symptoms in subjects with diagnosed and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Psychosom Med (2007) 2.09
Interactive computer-based interventions for sexual health promotion. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2010) 2.04
The REACT study: cost-effectiveness analysis of assertive community treatment in north London. Psychiatr Serv (2009) 2.03
Genome-wide association and genetic functional studies identify autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene (AUTS2) in the regulation of alcohol consumption. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 2.01
Integrating evidence-based treatments for common mental disorders in routine primary care: feasibility and acceptability of the MANAS intervention in Goa, India. World Psychiatry (2008) 1.98
Prevalence of long-term oral glucocorticoid prescriptions in the UK over the past 20 years. Rheumatology (Oxford) (2011) 1.98
The REACT study: randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment in north London. BMJ (2006) 1.93
Depressive symptoms, health behaviors, and subsequent inflammation in patients with coronary heart disease: prospective findings from the heart and soul study. Am J Psychiatry (2011) 1.92
Incidence of maternal and paternal depression in primary care: a cohort study using a primary care database. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2010) 1.91
The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data. Brain Imaging Behav (2014) 1.90
Internet interventions for long-term conditions: patient and caregiver quality criteria. J Med Internet Res (2006) 1.89
Common mental disorders and ethnicity in England: the EMPIRIC study. Psychol Med (2004) 1.88
Genome-wide association study of smoking initiation and current smoking. Am J Hum Genet (2009) 1.87
Issues in multiple imputation of missing data for large general practice clinical databases. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf (2010) 1.85
Use of hippocampal and amygdalar volumes on magnetic resonance imaging to predict dementia in cognitively intact elderly people. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2006) 1.85
The strength of primary care in Europe: an international comparative study. Br J Gen Pract (2013) 1.85
Genome-wide association study of suicide attempts in mood disorder patients. Am J Psychiatry (2010) 1.85
Reliability of the 400-m usual-pace walk test as an assessment of mobility limitation in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2004) 1.84
Pregnancy as a major determinant for discontinuation of antidepressants: an analysis of data from The Health Improvement Network. J Clin Psychiatry (2011) 1.84
Recent trends in the incidence of recorded depression in primary care. Br J Psychiatry (2009) 1.83
Combined horizontal and vertical integration of care: a goal of practice-based commissioning. Qual Prim Care (2008) 1.78
QUALICOPC, a multi-country study evaluating quality, costs and equity in primary care. BMC Fam Pract (2011) 1.77
General practice east of Eden: an overview of general practice in Eastern Europe. Croat Med J (2004) 1.76
Self management of arthritis in primary care: randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2006) 1.74
Blood pressure, cerebral blood flow, and brain volumes. The SMART-MR study. J Hypertens (2010) 1.74
Gilbert's syndrome and the risk of death: a population-based cohort study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol (2013) 1.74
Diabetes mellitus, glycemic control, and incident depressive symptoms among 70- to 79-year-old persons: the health, aging, and body composition study. Arch Intern Med (2007) 1.73
Do men consult less than women? An analysis of routinely collected UK general practice data. BMJ Open (2013) 1.69
Risk of cardiovascular events in people prescribed glucocorticoids with iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome: cohort study. BMJ (2012) 1.69
Genome-wide association analysis identifies multiple loci related to resting heart rate. Hum Mol Genet (2010) 1.67
Lay health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety disorders in India: impact on clinical and disability outcomes over 12 months. Br J Psychiatry (2011) 1.61
Contribution of metabolic syndrome components to cognition in older individuals. Diabetes Care (2007) 1.61
Specialist training of Slovene family physicians. Eur J Gen Pract (2006) 1.59
Fibronectin protects prostate cancer cells from tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis via the AKT/survivin pathway. J Biol Chem (2003) 1.59
Strategies to improve retention in randomised trials. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2013) 1.58
Perspectives of family medicine in Central and Eastern Europe. Fam Pract (2008) 1.57
The European definitions of the key features of the discipline of general practice: the role of the GP and core competencies. Br J Gen Pract (2002) 1.56
Primary care mental health and Alma-Ata: from evidence to action. Ment Health Fam Med (2008) 1.55
Disseminating research findings: what should researchers do? A systematic scoping review of conceptual frameworks. Implement Sci (2010) 1.54
Self-reported long-term needs after stroke. Stroke (2011) 1.53
Relative risk of diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and the metabolic syndrome in people with severe mental illnesses: systematic review and metaanalysis. BMC Psychiatry (2008) 1.49
Applied behaviour analysis and standard treatment in intellectual disability: 2-year outcomes. Br J Psychiatry (2010) 1.45
Successful GP intervention with frequent attenders in primary care: randomised controlled trial. Br J Gen Pract (2008) 1.45
Clinical effectiveness of individual cognitive behavioral therapy for depressed older people in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2009) 1.43
Promoting self care for minor illness. BMJ (2010) 1.43