Daniel Pomp

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nat Genet 2004 9.37
2 Individuality in gut microbiota composition is a complex polygenic trait shaped by multiple environmental and host genetic factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 6.10
3 The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community's view. Nat Rev Genet 2003 3.96
4 Genetic analysis of complex traits in the emerging Collaborative Cross. Genome Res 2011 3.25
5 Bayesian model selection for genome-wide epistatic quantitative trait loci analysis. Genetics 2005 3.10
6 Collateral density, remodeling, and VEGF-A expression differ widely between mouse strains. Physiol Genomics 2007 2.46
7 Strain screen and haplotype association mapping of wheel running in inbred mouse strains. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2010 1.88
8 An efficient Bayesian model selection approach for interacting quantitative trait loci models with many effects. Genetics 2007 1.82
9 Multi-tissue coexpression networks reveal unexpected subnetworks associated with disease. Genome Biol 2009 1.77
10 Pleiotropy of quantitative trait loci for organ weights and limb bone lengths in mice. Physiol Genomics 2002 1.57
11 Quantitative trait loci for physical activity traits in mice. Physiol Genomics 2008 1.45
12 A large-sample QTL study in mice: I. Growth. Mamm Genome 2004 1.43
13 Quantitative trait loci for bone mineral density and femoral morphology in an advanced intercross population of mice. Bone 2013 1.40
14 A large-sample QTL study in mice: II. Body composition. Mamm Genome 2004 1.31
15 Genetic architecture of voluntary exercise in an advanced intercross line of mice. Physiol Genomics 2010 1.30
16 Bayesian analyses of multiple epistatic QTL models for body weight and body composition in mice. Genet Res 2006 1.24
17 Architecture of energy balance traits in emerging lines of the Collaborative Cross. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2011 1.20
18 Fine mapping of a QTL region with large effects on growth and fatness on mouse chromosome 2. Physiol Genomics 2005 1.19
19 An epistatic genetic basis for physical activity traits in mice. J Hered 2008 1.19
20 Bayesian mapping of genomewide interacting quantitative trait loci for ordinal traits. Genetics 2007 1.17
21 Dopaminergic dysregulation in mice selectively bred for excessive exercise or obesity. Behav Brain Res 2010 1.14
22 QTL underlying voluntary exercise in mice: interactions with the "mini muscle" locus and sex. J Hered 2009 1.12
23 Host genetics and diet, but not immunoglobulin A expression, converge to shape compositional features of the gut microbiome in an advanced intercross population of mice. Genome Biol 2014 1.10
24 The contribution of epistatic pleiotropy to the genetic architecture of covariation among polygenic traits in mice. Evol Dev 2006 1.10
25 A large-sample QTL study in mice: III. Reproduction. Mamm Genome 2004 1.08
26 Genomic mapping of direct and correlated responses to long-term selection for rapid growth rate in mice. Genetics 2005 1.08
27 Importance of randomization in microarray experimental designs with Illumina platforms. Nucleic Acids Res 2009 1.06
28 Genetic variation in the pleiotropic association between physical activity and body weight in mice. Genet Sel Evol 2009 1.05
29 Parent-of-origin effects on voluntary exercise levels and body composition in mice. Physiol Genomics 2009 1.02
30 Voluntary exercise and its effects on body composition depend on genetic selection history. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2009 0.99
31 EST-based gene discovery in pig: virtual expression patterns and comparative mapping to human. Mamm Genome 2003 0.98
32 Characterization of QTL with major effects on fatness and growth on mouse chromosome 2. Obes Res 2004 0.96
33 Fine mapping of "mini-muscle," a recessive mutation causing reduced hindlimb muscle mass in mice. J Hered 2008 0.95
34 The M16 mouse: an outbred animal model of early onset polygenic obesity and diabesity. Obes Res 2004 0.95
35 Functional genomic architecture of predisposition to voluntary exercise in mice: expression QTL in the brain. Genetics 2012 0.93
36 The use of plasmodes as a supplement to simulations: A simple example evaluating individual admixture estimation methodologies. Comput Stat Data Anal 2009 0.92
37 Phenotypic effects of the "mini-muscle" allele in a large HR x C57BL/6J mouse backcross. J Hered 2008 0.91
38 Genetic determinants of voluntary exercise. Trends Genet 2013 0.90
39 Genetic variation for body weight change in mice in response to physical exercise. BMC Genet 2009 0.90
40 Exercise, weight loss, and changes in body composition in mice: phenotypic relationships and genetic architecture. Physiol Genomics 2010 0.89
41 Genotype X diet interactions in mice predisposed to mammary cancer. I. Body weight and fat. Mamm Genome 2008 0.89
42 A search for quantitative trait loci controlling within-individual variation of physical activity traits in mice. BMC Genet 2010 0.88
43 Dietary fat alters pulmonary metastasis of mammary cancers through cancer autonomous and non-autonomous changes in gene expression. Clin Exp Metastasis 2010 0.88
44 Genotype X diet interactions in mice predisposed to mammary cancer: II. Tumors and metastasis. Mamm Genome 2008 0.87
45 Exercise and diet affect quantitative trait loci for body weight and composition traits in an advanced intercross population of mice. Physiol Genomics 2012 0.86
46 Microarray profiling for differential gene expression in ovaries and ovarian follicles of pigs selected for increased ovulation rate. Genetics 2004 0.86
47 Evaluation of hypothalamic gene expression in mice divergently selected for heat loss. Physiol Genomics 2003 0.85
48 Dietary fat-dependent transcriptional architecture and copy number alterations associated with modifiers of mammary cancer metastasis. Clin Exp Metastasis 2010 0.85
49 Generation and sequence characterization of a normalized cDNA library from swine ovarian follicles. Mamm Genome 2003 0.84
50 Sex-, diet-, and cancer-dependent epistatic effects on complex traits in mice. Front Genet 2011 0.84
51 High-resolution comparative mapping of pig Chromosome 4, emphasizing the FAT1 region. Mamm Genome 2004 0.84
52 Dietary fat alters body composition, mammary development, and cytochrome p450 induction after maternal TCDD exposure in DBA/2J mice with low-responsive aryl hydrocarbon receptors. Environ Health Perspect 2009 0.84
53 Identification of quantitative trait loci influencing skeletal architecture in mice: emergence of Cdh11 as a primary candidate gene regulating femoral morphology. J Bone Miner Res 2011 0.83
54 Advances in comparative genetics: influence of genetics on obesity. Br J Nutr 2011 0.83
55 Mouse breast cancer model-dependent changes in metabolic syndrome-associated phenotypes caused by maternal dioxin exposure and dietary fat. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2008 0.82
56 Genomic mapping of social behavior traits in a F2 cross derived from mice selectively bred for high aggression. BMC Genet 2010 0.81
57 Epistatic interactions of genes influence within-individual variation of physical activity traits in mice. Genetica 2011 0.80
58 A novel intronic single nucleotide polymorphism in the myosin heavy polypeptide 4 gene is responsible for the mini-muscle phenotype characterized by major reduction in hind-limb muscle mass in mice. Genetics 2013 0.78
59 Genetic variance and covariance patterns for body weight and energy balance characters in an advanced intercross population of mice. Genet Sel Evol 2005 0.78
60 Fine mapping of mouse QTLs for fatness using SNP data. OMICS 2007 0.78
61 Patterns of cellular gene expression in cells infected with cytopathic or non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus. Anim Biotechnol 2003 0.77
62 Inferring genetic architecture of complex traits using Bayesian integrative analysis of genome and transcriptome data. BMC Genomics 2012 0.77
63 Rescue of the mouse DDK syndrome by parent-of-origin-dependent modifiers. Biol Reprod 2006 0.77
64 Mapping interacting QTL for count phenotypes using hierarchical Poisson and binomial models: an application to reproductive traits in mice. Genet Res (Camb) 2010 0.76
65 Differential expression of NAT1 translational repressor during development of bovine intramuscular adipocytes. Physiol Genomics 2002 0.75
66 QTL analysis in livestock. Methods Mol Biol 2002 0.75