Published in Trials on June 19, 2013
Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900 000 adults: collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies. Lancet (2009) 26.09
Outcome criteria in smoking cessation trials: proposal for a common standard. Addiction (2005) 6.36
Smoking, smoking cessation, and risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med (2010) 4.24
Weight gain in smokers after quitting cigarettes: meta-analysis. BMJ (2012) 3.09
Smoking, body weight, and their effects on smoking behavior: a comprehensive review of the literature. Psychol Bull (1989) 2.73
Taking a spiritual history allows clinicians to understand patients more fully. J Palliat Med (2000) 2.24
Early and late weight gain following smoking cessation in the Lung Health Study. Am J Epidemiol (1998) 2.10
The WORD (wholeness, oneness, righteousness, deliverance): a faith-based weight-loss program utilizing a community-based participatory research approach. Health Educ Behav (2006) 2.06
Smoking cessation, lung function, and weight gain: a follow-up study. Lancet (2005) 2.01
Smoking as a modifiable risk factor for type 2 diabetes in middle-aged men. Diabetes Care (2001) 1.86
Religious coping and depression among elderly, hospitalized medically ill men. Am J Psychiatry (1992) 1.82
How much weight gain occurs following smoking cessation? A comparison of weight gain using both continuous and point prevalence abstinence. J Consult Clin Psychol (1997) 1.80
Evaluation of the mood and physical symptoms scale (MPSS) to assess cigarette withdrawal. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2004) 1.75
Incidence of type 2 diabetes in the randomized multiple risk factor intervention trial. Ann Intern Med (2005) 1.71
Weight gain prevention and smoking cessation: cautionary findings. Am J Public Health (1992) 1.61
Interventions for preventing weight gain after smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 1.52
Associations between weight change over 8 years and baseline body mass index in a cohort of continuing and quitting smokers. Addiction (2010) 1.25
Weight outcomes audit for 34,271 adults referred to a primary care/commercial weight management partnership scheme. Obes Facts (2011) 1.24
Sisters in motion: a randomized controlled trial of a faith-based physical activity intervention. J Am Geriatr Soc (2010) 1.22
A pilot trial of spirituality counseling for weight loss maintenance in African American breast cancer survivors. J Natl Med Assoc (2009) 1.09
Calorie restriction increases cigarette use in adult smokers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2004) 1.06
Nicotine and food deprivation decrease the ability to resist smoking. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2010) 1.01
The LIFE project: a community-based weight loss intervention program for rural African American women. Fam Community Health (2010) 0.97
Smoking cessation and change in diastolic blood pressure, body weight, and plasma lipids. MRFIT Research Group. Prev Med (1991) 0.96
Support for spirituality in smoking cessation: results of pilot survey. Nicotine Tob Res (2007) 0.96
"Prequit attrition" among weight-concerned women smokers. Eat Behav (2000) 0.90
Designing and evaluating complex interventions to improve health care. BMJ (2007) 9.78
Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ (2014) 5.33
Effectiveness and safety of nicotine replacement therapy assisted reduction to stop smoking: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ (2009) 4.28
Socioeconomic status and smoking: a review. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2011) 4.11
Taking healthcare interventions from trial to practice. BMJ (2010) 3.27
Weight gain in smokers after quitting cigarettes: meta-analysis. BMJ (2012) 3.09
Waterpipe smoking in students: prevalence, risk factors, symptoms of addiction, and smoke intake. Evidence from one British university. BMC Public Health (2008) 2.80
Deep impact: unintended consequences of journal rank. Front Hum Neurosci (2013) 2.78
An updated meta-analysis of nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: investigating mediators of the effect. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2011) 2.48
An integrated transcriptome atlas of the crop model Glycine max, and its use in comparative analyses in plants. Plant J (2010) 2.41
Implementing intensive control of blood glucose concentration and blood pressure in type 2 diabetes in England: cost analysis (UKPDS 63). BMJ (2002) 2.24
Gradual Versus Abrupt Smoking Cessation: A Randomized, Controlled Noninferiority Trial. Ann Intern Med (2016) 2.24
The partial smoking ban in licensed establishments and health inequalities in England: modelling study. BMJ (2005) 2.24
Canadian and English students' beliefs about waterpipe smoking: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health (2009) 2.13
Complete transcriptome of the soybean root hair cell, a single-cell model, and its alteration in response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum infection. Plant Physiol (2009) 2.00
Reduction versus abrupt cessation in smokers who want to quit. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2010) 1.86
Management of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Projects: Alpheus. J Comput Sci Syst Biol (2008) 1.85
Reduction versus abrupt cessation in smokers who want to quit. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 1.84
Association between genetic variants on chromosome 15q25 locus and objective measures of tobacco exposure. J Natl Cancer Inst (2012) 1.83
Interoperability with Moby 1.0--it's better than sharing your toothbrush! Brief Bioinform (2008) 1.80
Placebo-controlled trial of cytisine for smoking cessation. N Engl J Med (2011) 1.76
Large-scale development of cost-effective SNP marker assays for diversity assessment and genetic mapping in chickpea and comparative mapping in legumes. Plant Biotechnol J (2012) 1.75
Large-scale transcriptome analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an orphan legume crop of the semi-arid tropics of Asia and Africa. Plant Biotechnol J (2011) 1.66
Late onset type 1 diabetes. BMJ (2012) 1.64
Genetic variation at CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 interacts with smoking status to influence body mass index. Int J Epidemiol (2011) 1.61
Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a single-arm intervention study assessing cessation and gaming. Addiction (2015) 1.58
Does electronic monitoring influence adherence to medication? Randomized controlled trial of measurement reactivity. Ann Behav Med (2014) 1.58
Childhood conduct disorder trajectories, prior risk factors and cannabis use at age 16: birth cohort study. Addiction (2013) 1.56
Point-of-care testing for Hb A1c in the management of diabetes: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Clin Chem (2011) 1.53
Interventions for preventing weight gain after smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2012) 1.52
Development and use of genic molecular markers (GMMs) for construction of a transcript map of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Theor Appl Genet (2011) 1.51
ABC of psychological medicine: Functional somatic symptoms and syndromes. BMJ (2002) 1.44
The Legume Information System (LIS): an integrated information resource for comparative legume biology. Nucleic Acids Res (2005) 1.43
Cost-effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: a literature review and a decision analytic analysis. Med Decis Making (2002) 1.41
Prediction of novel miRNAs and associated target genes in Glycine max. BMC Bioinformatics (2010) 1.39
A new theory of health promoting schools based on human functioning, school organisation and pedagogic practice. Soc Sci Med (2003) 1.33
Defining the transcriptome assembly and its use for genome dynamics and transcriptome profiling studies in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.). DNA Res (2011) 1.31
CHRNA3 rs1051730 genotype and short-term smoking cessation. Nicotine Tob Res (2011) 1.31
Interventions for preventing weight gain after smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2009) 1.28
Associations between weight change over 8 years and baseline body mass index in a cohort of continuing and quitting smokers. Addiction (2010) 1.25
Effectiveness of nicotine patches in relation to genotype in women versus men: randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2004) 1.15
Implementation of telehealth support for patients with type 2 diabetes using insulin treatment: an exploratory study. Inform Prim Care (2009) 1.15
Large-scale development of cost-effective single-nucleotide polymorphism marker assays for genetic mapping in pigeonpea and comparative mapping in legumes. DNA Res (2012) 1.15
Behavioural interventions to prevent weight gain on smoking cessation: a response. Addiction (2009) 1.12
Eating attentively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of food intake memory and awareness on eating. Am J Clin Nutr (2013) 1.10
Genome-wide association for smoking cessation success: participants in the Patch in Practice trial of nicotine replacement. Pharmacogenomics (2010) 1.10
German medical students lack knowledge of how to treat smoking and problem drinking. Addiction (2012) 1.08
Association of COMT Val108/158Met genotype with smoking cessation. Pharmacogenet Genomics (2008) 1.07
What everyone else is eating: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of informational eating norms on eating behavior. J Acad Nutr Diet (2013) 1.06
Article does not prove that smoking cessation has an "effect" on mental health. BMJ (2014) 1.06
Diet or exercise interventions vs combined behavioral weight management programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis of direct comparisons. J Acad Nutr Diet (2014) 1.05
Understanding the outcomes of multi-centre clinical trials: a qualitative study of health professional experiences and views. Soc Sci Med (2011) 1.04
The Diabetes Manual trial protocol - a cluster randomized controlled trial of a self-management intervention for type 2 diabetes [ISRCTN06315411]. BMC Fam Pract (2006) 1.03
School culture as an influencing factor on youth substance use. J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 1.01
Smoking cessation in adults with diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of data from randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open (2014) 1.01
A high-throughput SNP marker system for parental polymorphism screening, and diversity analysis in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theor Appl Genet (2012) 1.01
Predictors of suboptimal glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes patients: the role of medication adherence and body mass index in the relationship between glycaemia and age. Diabetes Res Clin Pract (2012) 1.01
Does stage-based smoking cessation advice in pregnancy result in long-term quitters? 18-month postpartum follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Addiction (2005) 1.00
Change in anxiety following successful and unsuccessful attempts at smoking cessation: cohort study. Br J Psychiatry (2013) 1.00
Physical activity as an aid to smoking cessation during pregnancy (LEAP) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials (2012) 1.00
Efficacy of a text messaging (SMS) based intervention for adults with hypertension: protocol for the StAR (SMS Text-message Adherence suppoRt trial) randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health (2014) 0.99
Ablating adult neurogenesis in the rat has no effect on spatial processing: evidence from a novel pharmacogenetic model. PLoS Genet (2013) 0.99
Weight change among people randomized to minimal intervention control groups in weight loss trials. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2016) 0.99
Telemedicine-supported insulin optimisation in primary care. J Telemed Telecare (2010) 0.98
What happens to women's self-reported cigarette consumption and urinary cotinine levels in pregnancy? Addiction (2003) 0.98
Smoking is associated with, but does not cause, depressed mood in pregnancy--a mendelian randomization study. PLoS One (2011) 0.98
A comparative transcriptomic study of an allotetraploid and its diploid progenitors illustrates the unique advantages and challenges of RNA-seq in plant species. Am J Bot (2012) 0.97
A randomised controlled trial to compare a range of commercial or primary care led weight reduction programmes with a minimal intervention control for weight loss in obesity: the Lighten Up trial. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.97
Association of genes coding for the alpha-4, alpha-5, beta-2 and beta-3 subunits of nicotinic receptors with cigarette smoking and nicotine dependence. Addict Behav (2009) 0.97
Promoting smoking cessation through smoking reduction during Ramadan. Addiction (2011) 0.97
Which weight-loss programmes are as effective as Weight Watchers(R)?: non-inferiority analysis. Br J Gen Pract (2014) 0.96
Financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: protocol for a single arm intervention study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2013) 0.96
Association between use of nicotine replacement therapy for harm reduction and smoking cessation: a prospective study of English smokers. Tob Control (2011) 0.95
Value-added education and smoking uptake in schools: a cohort study. Addiction (2008) 0.95
Development and feasibility testing of a smart phone based attentive eating intervention. BMC Public Health (2013) 0.94
Mining the human phenome using allelic scores that index biological intermediates. PLoS Genet (2013) 0.94
Phylogenetic signal variation in the genomes of Medicago (Fabaceae). Syst Biol (2013) 0.93
Promoting smoking cessation in Pakistani and Bangladeshi men in the UK: pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of trained community outreach workers. Trials (2011) 0.93
Does school ethos explain the relationship between value-added education and teenage substance use? A cohort study. Soc Sci Med (2012) 0.93
Protocol for a collaborative meta-analysis of 5-HTTLPR, stress, and depression. BMC Psychiatry (2013) 0.93
What determines future smoking intentions of 12- to 13-year-old UK African-Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and white young people? Health Educ Res (2004) 0.93
Factors associated with smoking cessation in early and late pregnancy in the smoking, nicotine, and pregnancy trial: a trial of nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine Tob Res (2013) 0.92
Diagnosis, classification, and treatment of diabetes. BMJ (2011) 0.92
In-fusion® cloning with vaccinia virus DNA polymerase. Methods Mol Biol (2012) 0.92
Effect on adherence to nicotine replacement therapy of informing smokers their dose is determined by their genotype: a randomised controlled trial. PLoS One (2012) 0.91
Preventing the link between SES and high-risk behaviors: "value-added" education, drug use and delinquency in high-risk, urban schools. Prev Sci (2011) 0.91
Systematic review and meta-analysis: influence of smoking cessation on incidence of pneumonia in HIV. BMC Med (2013) 0.91
Comparison of handheld rebound tonometry with Goldmann applanation tonometry in children with glaucoma: a cohort study. BMJ Open (2013) 0.91
Is attributing smoking to genetic causes associated with a reduced probability of quit attempt success? A cohort study. Addiction (2007) 0.90
Genome and secretome analysis of the hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen, Moniliophthora roreri, which causes frosty pod rot disease of cacao: mechanisms of the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases. BMC Genomics (2014) 0.90
The relationship between childhood depressive symptoms and problem alcohol use in early adolescence: findings from a large longitudinal population-based study. Addiction (2012) 0.90
Replication validity of genetic association studies of smoking behavior: what can meta-analytic techniques offer? Nicotine Tob Res (2004) 0.90
Phytophthora functional genomics database (PFGD): functional genomics of phytophthora-plant interactions. Nucleic Acids Res (2006) 0.89