Published in Am J Clin Nutr on August 01, 1985
Deficiency of MGAT2 increases energy expenditure without high-fat feeding and protects genetically obese mice from excessive weight gain. J Lipid Res (2011) 1.20
Thermic effect of food in lean and obese men. J Clin Invest (1988) 1.18
The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr (2014) 1.06
A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with a heavy resistance training program improves body composition in healthy trained men and women--a follow-up investigation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr (2015) 0.94
Extent and determinants of thermogenic responses to 24 hours of fasting, energy balance, and five different overfeeding diets in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013) 0.89
The effects of a high protein diet on indices of health and body composition - a crossover trial in resistance-trained men. J Int Soc Sports Nutr (2016) 0.89
Effect of dietary fatty acid composition on substrate utilization and body weight maintenance in humans. Eur J Nutr (2013) 0.85
Effect of diet composition and weight loss on resting energy expenditure in the POUNDS LOST study. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2012) 0.83
Intestinal triacylglycerol synthesis in fat absorption and systemic energy metabolism. J Lipid Res (2014) 0.82
Is Obesity Associated with Altered Energy Expenditure? Adv Nutr (2016) 0.76
Nutritional modulation of insulin resistance. Scientifica (Cairo) (2012) 0.76
Onset of the Thermic Effect of Feeding (TEF): a randomized cross-over trial. J Int Soc Sports Nutr (2007) 0.75
Association of missense and 5'-splice-site mutations in tau with the inherited dementia FTDP-17. Nature (1998) 15.24
Neurofibrillary tangles, amyotrophy and progressive motor disturbance in mice expressing mutant (P301L) tau protein. Nat Genet (2000) 6.12
Eijkman Relationships of the Coliform and Related Bacteria. J Bacteriol (1942) 4.94
Antigenic Relationships of the Coliform Bacteria. J Bacteriol (1940) 4.11
Enhancing the educational content of SHO posts. BMJ (1993) 3.75
Samarium-153-EDTMP biodistribution and dosimetry estimation. J Nucl Med (1993) 3.65
Effectiveness of sodium fluoride as a preservative of glucose in blood. Clin Chem (1989) 3.03
Treatment of established renal cancer by tumor cells engineered to secrete interleukin-4. Science (1991) 2.81
Reflux gastritis: distinct histopathological entity? J Clin Pathol (1986) 2.73
'Ending up a GP': a qualitative study of junior doctors' perceptions of general practice as a career. Fam Pract (1997) 2.70
Self-monitoring in Type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis. Diabet Med (2000) 2.62
Evidence for high-energy extraterrestrial neutrinos at the IceCube detector. Science (2013) 2.56
Retrofitting houses with insulation to reduce health inequalities: aims and methods of a clustered, randomised community-based trial. Soc Sci Med (2005) 2.54
Knemometry in assessment of linear growth. Arch Dis Child (1987) 2.39
Linkage of plasma Abeta42 to a quantitative locus on chromosome 10 in late-onset Alzheimer's disease pedigrees. Science (2000) 2.35
Mutations in the homeobox gene HESX1/Hesx1 associated with septo-optic dysplasia in human and mouse. Nat Genet (1998) 2.34
Obesity effects on depression: systematic review of epidemiological studies. Int J Obes (Lond) (2008) 2.27
Head and neck cancer: a global perspective on epidemiology and prognosis. Anticancer Res (1999) 2.24
A variant of Alzheimer's disease with spastic paraparesis and unusual plaques due to deletion of exon 9 of presenilin 1. Nat Med (1998) 2.20
Rapid diffusion of green fluorescent protein in the mitochondrial matrix. J Cell Biol (1998) 2.12
Abnormal TDP-43 immunoreactivity in AD modifies clinicopathologic and radiologic phenotype. Neurology (2008) 2.01
5' splice site mutations in tau associated with the inherited dementia FTDP-17 affect a stem-loop structure that regulates alternative splicing of exon 10. J Biol Chem (1999) 2.00
First observation of PeV-energy neutrinos with IceCube. Phys Rev Lett (2013) 2.00
Laparoscopic kidney transplant by extra peritoneal approach: the safe transition from laboratory to the clinic. Am J Transplant (2014) 1.97
Corticobasal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy share a common tau haplotype. Neurology (2001) 1.95
Changes in excitability of human motor axons underlying post-ischaemic fasciculations: evidence for two stable states. J Physiol (1991) 1.95
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Genetic contribution to bone metabolism, calcium excretion, and vitamin D and parathyroid hormone regulation. J Bone Miner Res (2001) 1.93
What can analysis of calls to NHS direct tell us about the epidemiology of gastrointestinal infections in the community? J Infect (2003) 1.89
An overview of cancer survival in developing countries. IARC Sci Publ (1998) 1.84
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Management of major biliary complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ann Surg (1993) 1.81
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Early increase in intestinal permeability in patients with severe acute pancreatitis: correlation with endotoxemia, organ failure, and mortality. J Gastrointest Surg (2000) 1.77
Monitoring blood glucose control in diabetes mellitus: a systematic review. Health Technol Assess (2000) 1.76
Interpreting Google flu trends data for pandemic H1N1 influenza: the New Zealand experience. Euro Surveill (2009) 1.74
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Evidence for two types of potassium channel in human motor axons in vivo. Brain Res (1988) 1.66
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The Measurement of Haemoglobin A1c by isoelectric focussing in diabetic patients. Diabetologia (1982) 1.62
Study of a Swiss dopa-responsive dystonia family with a deletion in GCH1: redefining DYT14 as DYT5. Neurology (2007) 1.62
The case for strengthening education and training for general practice. Br J Gen Pract (2001) 1.61
Bile reflux and intestinal metaplasia in gastric mucosa. J Clin Pathol (1993) 1.60
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A common polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, homocysteine, and ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Stroke (1997) 1.58
Symptomatic adrenal insufficiency during inhaled corticosteroid treatment. Arch Dis Child (2001) 1.57
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The mechanism of haem catabolism. Bilirubin formation in living rats by [18O]oxygen labelling. Biochem J (1978) 1.53
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Weekly docetaxel in the treatment of elderly patients with advanced breast cancer: a Minnie Pearl Cancer Research Network phase II trial. J Clin Oncol (2001) 1.52
Surgical management of intrathoracic goiter. J Ky Med Assoc (1997) 1.49
Immunoassay of a tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase in serum. Clin Chem (1995) 1.49
Voxel-based morphometry patterns of atrophy in FTLD with mutations in MAPT or PGRN. Neurology (2009) 1.48
Epidemiology of cancer of the cervix: global and national perspective. J Indian Med Assoc (2000) 1.48
Effect of delay in separating plasma for glucose measurement upon the interpretation of oral glucose tolerance tests. Ann Clin Biochem (1990) 1.47
High incidence of obesity in young adults after treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. J Pediatr (1995) 1.46
Comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage and catheter lavage to confirm ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infection. J Med Microbiol (1996) 1.46
Analysis of rewarming curves in Raynaud's phenomenon of various aetiologies. J Hand Surg Eur Vol (2009) 1.43
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Reactivation of tuberculosis and vitamin D deficiency: the contribution of diet and exposure to sunlight. Thorax (2007) 1.40
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Acute hepatitis B resulting in hospitalisation in New Zealand. N Z Med J (1996) 1.38
Effect of lysine on hemolysis-induced kidney damage. J Lab Clin Med (1992) 1.38
Umbilical cord serum IgE concentration of Chinese babies in Hong Kong. Acta Paediatr Scand (1987) 1.38
Prevalence of pathogenic yeasts and humoral antibodies to candida in diabetic patients. J Clin Pathol (1978) 1.38
Short-term growth phenomena in children. Br J Hosp Med (1995) 1.38
The fourth component of complement in the cerebrospinal fluid in systemic Lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum (1973) 1.37
A model for the spread and control of pandemic influenza in an isolated geographical region. J R Soc Interface (2007) 1.36
Reflux gastritis in the intact stomach. J Clin Pathol (1990) 1.35
The mechanism of haem catabolism. A study of haem breakdown in spleen microsomal fraction and in a model system by 18O labelling and metal substitution. Biochem J (1978) 1.35
Inherited frontotemporal dementia in nine British families associated with intronic mutations in the tau gene. Brain (2002) 1.32
A mutation in Alzheimer's disease destroying a splice acceptor site in the presenilin-1 gene. Neuroreport (1995) 1.32
Changes in excitability and accommodation of human motor axons following brief periods of ischaemia. J Physiol (1991) 1.27
Erythrocyte zinc in differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy: a preliminary report. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1987) 1.27
Artificial gravity as a countermeasure to microgravity: a pilot study examining the effects on knee extensor and plantar flexor muscle groups. J Appl Physiol (1985) (2009) 1.26
Does TDP-43 type confer a distinct pattern of atrophy in frontotemporal lobar degeneration? Neurology (2010) 1.25
Estimating the costs attributable to a disease with application to ovarian cancer. J Clin Epidemiol (1996) 1.24
Toxicological evaluation of Catha edulis leaves: a long term feeding experiment in animals. J Ethnopharmacol (2002) 1.24
Genetic contribution to renal function and electrolyte balance: a twin study. Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 1.24
Frontal lobe dementia with novel tauopathy: sporadic multiple system tauopathy with dementia. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol (2001) 1.21
Use of a long acting somatostatin analogue in controlling life threatening ileostomy diarrhoea. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 1.21
Influence of raised plasma osmolality on clinical outcome after acute stroke. Stroke (2000) 1.21
Haemoglobin A1c concentrations in men and women with diabetes. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 1.21
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Cancer registration in Madras Metropolitan Tumour Registry, India. Eur J Cancer (1994) 1.19
Fluoxetine in the treatment of obese type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med (1994) 1.18
Dehydration and venous thromboembolism after acute stroke. QJM (2004) 1.18
Factors associated with outcome in management of defecation disorders. Arch Dis Child (1986) 1.17
A rare variant of the leptin gene has large effects on blood pressure and carotid intima-medial thickness: a study of 1428 individuals in 248 families. J Med Genet (2005) 1.16
Tubular dysfunction and microalbuminuria in insulin dependent diabetes. Arch Dis Child (1988) 1.16