Published in J Exp Med on April 01, 1971
The interaction of IgE with rat basophilic leukemia cells. II. Quantitative aspects of the binding reaction. J Exp Med (1974) 3.33
Release of histamine from rat mast cells by the complement peptides C3a and C5a. Immunology (1975) 2.62
The interaction of IgE with rat basophilic leukemia cells. I. Evidence for specific binding of IgE. J Exp Med (1974) 2.30
Induction of calcium flux across the rat mast cell membrane by bridging IgE receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 1.47
Differentiation and activity of mast cells following immunization in cultures of lymph-node cells. Immunology (1978) 1.46
Enzyme release and superoxide anion production by human alveolar macrophages stimulated with immunoglobulin E. Clin Exp Immunol (1980) 1.42
IgE and IgGa antibody-mediated release of histamine from rat peritoneal cells. II. Interaction of IgGa and IgE at the targe cell. J Exp Med (1971) 1.21
Plasma membrane folds on the mast cell surface and their relationship to secretory activity. J Cell Biol (1977) 1.17
A freeze-fracture study of early membrane events during mast cell secretion. J Cell Biol (1977) 1.16
Mouse and rat IgE Cross-sensitization of mast cells and antigenic relationships. Immunology (1975) 1.09
A critical assessment of the roles of circulating hydrogen ion and lactate in the production of exercise-induced asthma. J Clin Invest (1977) 0.94
The number and affinity of IgE receptors on dispersed human lung mast cells. Immunology (1981) 0.89
Release of histamine from hamster mast cells by concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin. Infect Immun (1974) 0.87
Hydrogen ion buffers for biological research. Biochemistry (1966) 30.95
Immediate reactions in the skin of experimental animals provoked by antibody-antigen interaction. Prog Allergy (1958) 14.20
Immunological specificity of delayed and immediate hypersensitivity reactions. J Exp Med (1962) 10.99
Properties of guinea pig 7S antibodies. II. Identification of antibodies involved in passive cutaneous and systemic anaphylaxis. J Exp Med (1963) 6.30
A study of the mechanism of passive sensitization. J Physiol (1960) 2.56
The anaphylactic antibodies of mammals including man. Prog Allergy (1967) 2.38
Anaphylaxis in chopped guinea pig lung. I. Effect of peptidase substrates and inhibitors. J Exp Med (1961) 2.25
Release of vasoactive amines from rabbit platelets induced by sensitized mononuclear leukocytes and antigen. J Exp Med (1970) 2.22
In vitro studies of reversed anaphylaxis with rat cells. Immunology (1963) 1.87
Immunochemical and biologic properties of rat IgE. I. Immunochemical identification of rat IgE. J Immunol (1970) 1.83
Studies on the mechanisms of hypersensitivity phenomena. XIV. Passive sensitization in vitro of human leukocytes to ragweed pollen antigen. J Immunol (1966) 1.75
Homocytotropic antibody response in the rat infected with the nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. II. Characteristics of the immune response. J Immunol (1968) 1.59
Human reaginic antibodies and immunoglobulin E. J Allergy (1968) 1.55
Biologic properties of rat antibodies. I. Antigen-binding by four classes of anti-DNP antibodies. J Immunol (1968) 1.50
Homocytotropic antibody response to the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis in the rat--studies on the worm antigen. J Parasitol (1967) 1.43
Isolation of subpopulations of lymphocytic cells by the use of isotonically balanced solutions of Ficoll. I. Development of methods and demonstration of the existence of a large but finite number of subpopulations. Exp Cell Res (1970) 1.37
Rabbit homocytotropic antibody. A unique rabbit immunoglobulin analogous to human IgE. J Exp Med (1969) 1.26
HEPES-buffered medium for organ culture. Nature (1969) 1.25
IgE and IgGa antibody-mediated release of histamine from rat peritoneal cells. II. Interaction of IgGa and IgE at the targe cell. J Exp Med (1971) 1.21
Passive anaphylaxis in mice with gamma-G antibodies. 3. Release of histamine from mast cells by homologous antibodies. J Immunol (1968) 1.18
Active anaphylactic reaction in mouse peritoneal mast cells in vitro. Life Sci (1966) 1.12
Anaphylaxis in chopped guinea pig lung. III. Effect of carbon monoxide, cyanide, salicylaldoxime, and ionic strength. J Exp Med (1961) 1.00
Studies on the mechanisms of hypersensitivity phenomena. XV. Enhancement of passive sensitization of human leukocytes by heparin. J Immunol (1967) 0.93
Comparative studies of histamine release and potassium efflux from human leukocytes. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1966) 0.92
Cold urticaria: release into the circulation of histamine and eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis during cold challenge. N Engl J Med (1976) 17.77
Control of the amplification convertase of complement by the plasma protein beta1H. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1976) 6.65
Isolation of a human erythrocyte membrane glycoprotein with decay-accelerating activity for C3 convertases of the complement system. J Immunol (1982) 5.44
C3b inactivator of man. II. Fragments produced by C3b inactivator cleavage of cell-bound or fluid phase C3b. J Immunol (1971) 5.41
Activation of the alternative complement pathway due to resistance of zymosan-bound amplification convertase to endogenous regulatory mechanisms. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 5.23
Diagnostic criteria and classification of mastocytosis: a consensus proposal. Leuk Res (2001) 4.87
Alternate complement pathway: factors involved in cobra venom factor (CoVF) activation of the third component of complement (C3). J Immunol (1973) 4.78
Properdin: binding to C3b and stabilization of the C3b-dependent C3 convertase. J Exp Med (1975) 4.69
C3 inactivator of man. I. Hemolytic measurement by the inactivation of cell-bound C3. J Immunol (1969) 4.38
A prealbumin activator of prekallikrein. II. Derivation of activators of prekallikrein from active Hageman factor by digestion with plasmin. J Exp Med (1971) 4.07
Leukotrienes and other products of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. Biochemistry and relation to pathobiology in human diseases. N Engl J Med (1990) 4.06
Effect of dietary enrichment with eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids on in vitro neutrophil and monocyte leukotriene generation and neutrophil function. N Engl J Med (1985) 4.00
A prealbumin activator of prekallikrein. 3. Appearance of chemotactic activity for human neutrophils by the conversion of human prekallikrein to kallikrein. J Exp Med (1972) 3.93
Formation of a hemolytically active cellular intermediate by the interaction between properdin factors B and D and the activated third component of complement. J Exp Med (1973) 3.83
A neutrophil-immobilizing factor derived from human leukocytes. I. Generation and partial characterization. J Exp Med (1972) 3.75
The IgE-mediated release of an eosinophil leukocyte chemotactic factor from human lung. J Immunol (1971) 3.51
Human alternative complement pathway: membrane-associated sialic acid regulates the competition between B and beta1 H for cell-bound C3b. J Immunol (1979) 3.50
Immunological release of histamine and slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis from human lung. J Exp Med (1972) 3.31
Affected erythrocytes of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria are deficient in the complement regulatory protein, decay accelerating factor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 3.30
The biologically active leukotrienes. Biosynthesis, metabolism, receptors, functions, and pharmacology. J Clin Invest (1984) 3.26
The stoichiometric measurement of the serum inhibition of the first component of complement by the inhibition of immune hemolysis. J Immunol (1968) 3.24
Properdin factor D: characterization of its active site and isolation of the precursor form. J Exp Med (1974) 3.21
A stoichiometric assay for the fourth component of complement in whole human serum using EAC'la-gp and functionally pure human second component. J Immunol (1967) 3.18
Local effects of synthetic leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, and LTB4) in human skin. J Invest Dermatol (1983) 3.18
Slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis: identification of leukotrienes C-1 and D from human and rat sources. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 3.18
The complement system of man. I. N Engl J Med (1972) 3.09
Antibodies involved in antigen-induced release of slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) in the guinea pig and rat. J Exp Med (1967) 3.08
A pre-albumin activator of prekallikrein. J Immunol (1970) 2.95
Comparative airway and vascular activities of leukotrienes C-1 and D in vivo and in vitro. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 2.94
Stimulation of human neutrophil leukocyte aerobic glucose metabolism by purified chemotactic factors. J Clin Invest (1974) 2.90
Activation of the alternative complement pathway with rabbit erythrocytes by circumvention of the regulatory action of endogenous control proteins. J Exp Med (1977) 2.87
Interleukin 3: A differentiation and growth factor for the mouse mast cell that contains chondroitin sulfate E proteoglycan. J Immunol (1984) 2.85
Intestinal uptake of macromolecules: effect of oral immunization. Science (1972) 2.80
Native heparin from rat peritoneal mast cells. J Biol Chem (1977) 2.79
Inactivation of slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis by human eosinophil arylsulfatase. J Immunol (1975) 2.73
Regulation of human eosinophil viability, density, and function by granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor in the presence of 3T3 fibroblasts. J Exp Med (1987) 2.69
Prostaglandin D2 generation after activation of rat and human mast cells with anti-IgE. J Immunol (1982) 2.69
An eosinophil leukocyte chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis. J Exp Med (1971) 2.65
C3 nephritic factor (C3NeF): stabilization of fluid phase and cell-bound alternative pathway convertase. J Immunol (1976) 2.64
Immunoglobulins on the surface of neoplastic lymphocytes. N Engl J Med (1972) 2.63
Purification and synthesis of eosinophilotactic tetrapeptides of human lung tissue: identification as eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1975) 2.56
Immunological release of histamine and slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis from human lung. II. Influence of cellular levels of cyclic AMP. Fed Proc (1972) 2.55
The complement system in rheumatoid synovitis. I. An analysis of complement component activities in rheumatoid synovial fluids. Arthritis Rheum (1971) 2.53
Identification of the C(6)-S-conjugate of leukotriene A with cysteine as a naturally occurring slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A). Importance of the 11-cis-geometry for biological activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1980) 2.49
Mediation of local homeostasis and inflammation by leukotrienes and other mast cell-dependent compounds. Nature (1981) 2.41
Immunological release of histamine and slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis from human lung. I. Modulation by agents influencing cellular levels of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate. J Exp Med (1971) 2.39
The anaphylactic antibodies of mammals including man. Prog Allergy (1967) 2.38
Tryptase from human pulmonary mast cells. Purification and characterization. J Biol Chem (1981) 2.37
The physicochemical characteristics and purification of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis. J Immunol (1973) 2.34
Metabolism of third complement component (C3) in nephritis. Involvement of the classic and alternate (properdin) pathways for complement activation. N Engl J Med (1972) 2.33
Hereditary deficiency of the second component of complement (C'2) in man. J Clin Invest (1966) 2.32
The fibrinolytic pathway of human plasma. Isolation and characterization of the plasminogen proactivator. J Exp Med (1972) 2.31
Enhancement of human eosinophil cytotoxicity and leukotriene synthesis by biosynthetic (recombinant) granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. J Immunol (1986) 2.31
Tumor-associated eosinophilotactic factor. N Engl J Med (1974) 2.27
Slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis. Adv Immunol (1969) 2.23
Properdin: initiation of alternative complement pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1975) 2.20
Inactivation of slow reacting substance of anaphylaxins (SRS-A) by arylsulfatases. J Immunol (1974) 2.19
Properdin factor D. II. Activation to D by properdin. J Exp Med (1974) 2.19
Defining the smallest analyte concentration an immunoassay can measure. Clin Chem (1996) 2.18
Hereditary deficiency of the second component of complement (C2) in man: correlation of C2 haemolytic activity with immunochemical measurements of C2 protein. Immunology (1970) 2.17
Increased susceptibility to infection in a patient with type II essential hypercatabolism of C3. N Engl J Med (1973) 2.17
Effects of intravenous administration of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis, histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandin F2alpha on pulmonary mechanics in the guinea pig. J Clin Invest (1974) 2.16
Cyclic AMP, ATP, and reversed anaphylactic histamine release from rat mast cells. J Immunol (1974) 2.16
Human eosinophils have prolonged survival, enhanced functional properties, and become hypodense when exposed to human interleukin 3. J Clin Invest (1988) 2.15
Culture from mouse bone marrow of a subclass of mast cells possessing a distinct chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan with glycosaminoglycans rich in N-acetylgalactosamine-4,6-disulfate. J Biol Chem (1982) 2.13
Interaction of plasma kallikrein with the C1 inhibitor. J Immunol (1970) 2.07
Current concepts in immunology: the alternative pathway of complement--a system for host resistance to microbial infection. N Engl J Med (1980) 2.07
Leukotriene B4 action on endothelium mediates augmented neutrophil/endothelial adhesion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1984) 2.06
Immunologic release of beta-hexosaminidase and beta-glucuronidase from purified rat serosal mast cells. J Immunol (1979) 2.01
Coculture of interleukin 3-dependent mouse mast cells with fibroblasts results in a phenotypic change of the mast cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 2.00
A beta-glucan inhibitable receptor on human monocytes: its identity with the phagocytic receptor for particulate activators of the alternative complement pathway. J Immunol (1985) 2.00
Hereditary deficiency of the second component of complement (C'2) in man: further observations on a second kindred. J Immunol (1967) 1.98
Interleukin 5 and phenotypically altered eosinophils in the blood of patients with the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. J Exp Med (1989) 1.97
Initiation of C3 cleavage in the alternative complement pathway. J Immunol (1975) 1.94
Sorting out the cytokines of asthma. J Exp Med (1996) 1.92
The modulating influence of cyclic nucleotides upon lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. J Exp Med (1973) 1.92
The release of four mediators of immediate hypersensitivity from human leukemic basophils. J Immunol (1975) 1.92
Generation and metabolism of 5-lipoxygenase pathway leukotrienes by human eosinophils: predominant production of leukotriene C4. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 1.91
Bronchoconstrictor effects of leukotriene C in humans. Science (1982) 1.91
Structural polymorphism of the fourth component of human complement. J Clin Invest (1969) 1.91
T helper cell type 2 cytokine-mediated comitogenic responses and CCR3 expression during differentiation of human mast cells in vitro. J Exp Med (1999) 1.90
Slow-reacting substances, leukotrienes C4 and D4, increase the release of mucus from human airways in vitro. Am Rev Respir Dis (1982) 1.89
Immunologic relationship between blood group substances and a fucose-containing glycolipid of human adenocarcinoma. J Immunol (1967) 1.88
The serum bactericidal reaction. 3. Antibody and complement requirements for killing a rough Escherichia coli. J Immunol (1969) 1.87
Hapten-specific IgE antibody responses in mice. I. Secondary IgE responses in irradiated recipients of syngeneic primed spleen cells. J Exp Med (1973) 1.87
In vivo and in vitro production of a slow reacting substance in the rat upon treatment with calcium ionophores. J Immunol (1974) 1.84
Immunochemical and biologic properties of rat IgE. I. Immunochemical identification of rat IgE. J Immunol (1970) 1.83
Mast cells that reside at different locations in the jejunum of mice infected with Trichinella spiralis exhibit sequential changes in their granule ultrastructure and chymase phenotype. J Cell Biol (1996) 1.83
Role of adenylate cyclase in immunologic release of mediators from rat mast cells: agonist and antagonist effects of purine- and ribose-modified adenosine analogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 1.82
Enhancement of random migration and chemotactic response of human leukocytes by ascorbic acid. J Clin Invest (1974) 1.81
Surface membrane expression by human blood leukocytes and platelets of decay-accelerating factor, a regulatory protein of the complement system. Blood (1985) 1.79
Expression cloning of a cDNA for human leukotriene C4 synthase, an integral membrane protein conjugating reduced glutathione to leukotriene A4. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1994) 1.79
Complement in human disease. Annu Rev Med (1968) 1.79
A radioimmunoassay for bradykinin in plasma and synovial fluid. J Lab Clin Med (1969) 1.79
Fluid phase destruction of C2hu by C1hu. II. Unmasking by C4ihu of C1hu specificity for C2hu. J Exp Med (1969) 1.78
Antigen-induced release of slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A rat) in rats prepared with homologous antibody. J Exp Med (1968) 1.77
Acid hydrolases and tryptase from secretory granules of dispersed human lung mast cells. J Immunol (1981) 1.76
Different mouse mast cell populations express various combinations of at least six distinct mast cell serine proteases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.76