Published in N Engl J Med on April 11, 1974
Classification of lymphoid neoplasms: the microscope as a tool for disease discovery. Blood (2008) 2.66
A receptor for the third component of complement in the human renal glomerulus. J Exp Med (1975) 2.39
The monoclonality of human B-cell lymphomas. J Exp Med (1977) 1.97
New approaches to the classification of the lymphomata. Br J Cancer Suppl (1975) 1.88
Centrocytic lymphoma: a distinct clinicopathologic and immunologic entity. A multiparameter study of 18 cases at diagnosis and relapse. Am J Pathol (1983) 1.40
Immuno-histological diagnosis of lymphoproliferative diseases by selected combinations of antisera and monoclonal antibodies. Br J Cancer (1980) 1.34
A morphologic and immunologic surface marker study of 299 cases of non-Hodgkin lymphomas and related leukemias. Am J Pathol (1978) 1.33
Characterization of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas using multiple cell markers. Immunologic, morphologic, and cytochemical studies of 72 cases. Am J Pathol (1979) 1.32
Malignant lymphomas--a conceptual understanding of morphologic diversity. A review. Am J Pathol (1979) 1.30
Complement receptor subtypes C3b and C3d in lymphatic tissue and follicular lymphoma. Br J Cancer (1978) 1.27
Surface phenotyping, histology and the nature of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in 157 patients. Br J Cancer (1979) 1.20
The cellular content of non Hodgkin lymphomas: a comprehensive analysis using monoclonal antibodies and other surface marker techniques. Br J Cancer (1983) 1.13
Immunohistologic cellular phenotypes of lymphoproliferative disorders. Comprehensive evaluation of 564 cases including 257 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas classified by the International Working Formulation. Am J Pathol (1983) 1.05
The biology of tumor growth in the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. A dual parameter flow cytometry study of 220 cases. J Clin Invest (1984) 1.03
Lymphocyte markers in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Br J Cancer (1977) 1.02
Low-grade lymphomas. Expression of developmentally regulated B-cell antigens. Am J Pathol (1984) 1.01
Cell receptor studies on seven cases of diffuse histiocytic malignant lymphoma (reticulum cell sarcoma). J Clin Pathol (1975) 1.01
The cytochemical demonstration of intracellular immunoglobulin. In neoplasms of lymphoreticular tissue. Am J Pathol (1976) 1.01
T and B cell populations in blood and lymph node in lymphoproliferative disease. Br J Cancer (1975) 1.00
Membrane receptor sites for the identification of lymphoreticular cells in benign and malignant conditions. Br J Cancer Suppl (1975) 0.99
Studies on the immune status of children with acute lymphocytic leukaemia. I. Early phase before and after first remission. Clin Exp Immunol (1976) 0.99
Morphological and immunological definition of a malignant lymphoma derived from germinal-centre cells with cleaved nuclei (centrocytes). Br J Cancer (1980) 0.99
Follicular large cell lymphoma. An immunophenotype study. Am J Pathol (1986) 0.93
Primary B-cell MALT lymphoma of the palate: A case report and distinction from benign lymphoid hyperplasia (pseudolymphoma). J Oral Maxillofac Pathol (2012) 0.92
Malignant lymphomas as tumours of the immune system. Br J Cancer (1980) 0.90
Morphology of lymphatic cells and of their derived tumours. J Clin Pathol (1978) 0.90
Malignant lymphomas. Am J Pathol (1984) 0.89
Combined T and B cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Br Med J (1974) 0.86
Localization of human T lymphocytes in tissue sections by a rosetting technique. Am J Pathol (1977) 0.85
The lymphomas--current management. Postgrad Med J (1983) 0.83
Variability of immunoglobulin expression in follicular lymphoma. An immunohistologic and molecular genetic study. Am J Pathol (1989) 0.83
Immunocytological studies of lymph nodes in rheumatoid arthritis and malignant lymphoma. Ann Rheum Dis (1980) 0.81
Comparative histological studies of regional lymph nodes of 201 melanoma patients. (Microscopic features in relation to individual age, site, and metastatic spread). Arch Dermatol Res (1979) 0.78
The T and B lymphocyte content of lymph nodes and spleen in Hodgkin's disease. Br J Exp Pathol (1977) 0.78
Immunologic surface markers in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Am J Pathol (1977) 0.78
Complement activation in vivo in cancer patients receiving C. parvum immunotherapy. Br J Cancer (1976) 0.78
Percent distribution of T- and B-cells in tonsils of children, juveniles and adults. Arch Otorhinolaryngol (1977) 0.77
Description of the cells from the lymph nodes of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma according to some B- and T-cell characteristics. Br J Exp Pathol (1977) 0.76
Immunoblastic sarcoma of the T cell type: an ultrastructural study of five cases. Am J Pathol (1980) 0.75
The influence of lymph node metastasis and ulceration of primary melanoma on germinal centers within draining lymph nodes: a histomorphometric study. Arch Dermatol Res (1982) 0.75
Malignant lymphomas: cell surface markers and advances in classification. West J Med (1981) 0.75
Distribution of T-lymphocytes in follicular lymphomas as revealed by acid alpha-naphthol acetate esterase. J Clin Pathol (1979) 0.75
A revised European-American classification of lymphoid neoplasms: a proposal from the International Lymphoma Study Group. Blood (1994) 21.00
CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells suppress polyclonal T cell activation in vitro by inhibiting interleukin 2 production. J Exp Med (1998) 19.03
World Health Organization classification of neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: report of the Clinical Advisory Committee meeting-Airlie House, Virginia, November 1997. J Clin Oncol (1999) 12.42
Function of macrophages in antigen recognition by guinea pig T lymphocytes. I. Requirement for histocompatible macrophages and lymphocytes. J Exp Med (1973) 11.59
Stromal gene signatures in large-B-cell lymphomas. N Engl J Med (2008) 11.34
Suppressor effector function of CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory T cells is antigen nonspecific. J Immunol (2000) 9.15
CD4+CD25+ T cells inhibit both the induction and effector function of autoreactive T cells and represent a unique lineage of immunoregulatory cells. J Immunol (1998) 7.31
Function of macrophages in antigen recognition by guinea pig T lymphocytes. II. Role of the macrophage in the regulation of genetic control of the immune response. J Exp Med (1973) 7.14
Mitogen requirements for the in vitro propagation of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. Blood (1980) 6.17
Interleukin 1, a potential regulator of fibroblast proliferation. J Immunol (1982) 6.05
Growth of a cloned helper T cell line induced by a monoclonal antibody specific for the antigen receptor: interleukin 1 is required for the expression of receptors for interleukin 2. J Immunol (1984) 5.51
Spectrum of AIDS-associated malignant disorders. Lancet (1998) 5.30
Identification and initial characterization of a rat monoclonal antibody reactive with the murine interleukin 2 receptor-ligand complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 4.83
IL-10 inhibits macrophage costimulatory activity by selectively inhibiting the up-regulation of B7 expression. J Immunol (1993) 4.65
The behavior of hapten-poly-L-lysine conjugates as complete antigens in genetic responder and as haptens in nonresponder guinea pigs. J Exp Med (1966) 4.58
Immunologic functions of Ia-bearing epidermal Langerhans cells. J Immunol (1978) 4.55
Defective reticuloendothelial system Fc-receptor function in systemic lupus erythematosus. N Engl J Med (1979) 4.52
Tumours of histiocytes and accessory dendritic cells: an immunohistochemical approach to classification from the International Lymphoma Study Group based on 61 cases. Histopathology (2002) 4.22
Analysis of cellular and protein content of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. J Clin Invest (1977) 4.21
Mantle cell lymphoma. A proposal for unification of morphologic, immunologic, and molecular data. Am J Surg Pathol (1992) 4.04
Cutting edge: control of CD8+ T cell activation by CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory cells. J Immunol (2001) 3.99
Treatment of hereditary angioedema with a vapor-heated C1 inhibitor concentrate. N Engl J Med (1996) 3.89
The effects of cyclosporin A on the immune system. Annu Rev Immunol (1985) 3.86
Contemporary classification of histiocytic disorders. The WHO Committee On Histiocytic/Reticulum Cell Proliferations. Reclassification Working Group of the Histiocyte Society. Med Pediatr Oncol (1997) 3.83
Histocompatibility-linked immune response gene function in guinea pigs. Specific inhibition of antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation by alloantisera. J Exp Med (1972) 3.81
Sjögren's syndrome (Sicca syndrome): current issues. Ann Intern Med (1980) 3.81
Receptors for complement and immunoglobulin on human leukemic cells and human lymphoblastoid cell lines. J Clin Invest (1972) 3.64
Falciparum malaria-infected erythrocytes specifically bind to cultured human endothelial cells. Science (1981) 3.57
The effect of the amount of mycobacterial adjuvants on the immune response of strain 2, strain 13 and Hartley strain guinea pigs to DNP-PLL and DNP-GL. J Immunol (1969) 3.53
Immunoglobulin and theta-bearing murine leukemias and lymphomas. J Immunol (1972) 3.41
The role of the classical and alternate complement pathways in host defenses against Cryptococcus neoformans infection. J Immunol (1974) 3.38
Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: the Sézary syndrome, mycosis fungoides, and related disorders. Ann Intern Med (1975) 3.36
T cell-activating properties of an anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibody. Possible analogy to OKT3/Leu-4. J Exp Med (1984) 3.26
Complete molecular remissions induced by patient-specific vaccination plus granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor against lymphoma. Nat Med (1999) 3.18
Hereditary angioedema: the clinical syndrome and its management. Ann Intern Med (1976) 3.10
Evidence for distinct intracellular pools of receptors for C3b and C3bi in human neutrophils. J Immunol (1985) 3.02
Ia antigen-bearing B cell tumor lines can present protein antigen and alloantigen in a major histocompatibility complex-restricted fashion to antigen-reactive T cells. J Exp Med (1982) 3.01
Antibody-dependent lymphoid cell-mediated cytotoxicity: no requirement for thymus-derived lymphocytes. Science (1972) 2.98
Immunoglobulin-gene rearrangements as unique clonal markers in human lymphoid neoplasms. N Engl J Med (1983) 2.96
Treatment of hereditary angioedema with danazol. Reversal of clinical and biochemical abnormalities. N Engl J Med (1976) 2.96
Failure of autologous mixed lymphocyte reactions between T and non-T cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 2.94
IL-10 inhibits mitogen-induced T cell proliferation by selectively inhibiting macrophage costimulatory function. J Immunol (1992) 2.89
Linkage between the poly-L-lysine gene and the locus controlling the major histocompatibility antigens in strain 2 guinea pigs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1970) 2.89
Human neutrophils increase expression of C3bi as well as C3b receptors upon activation. J Clin Invest (1984) 2.88
Role of antibody and complement in the immune clearance and destruction of erythrocytes. I. In vivo effects of IgG and IgM complement-fixing sites. J Clin Invest (1972) 2.82
Receptors for immunoglobulin and complement on human alveolar macrophages. J Immunol (1975) 2.74
Rearrangement and expression of immunoglobulin genes and expression of Tac antigen in hairy cell leukemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 2.73
Characterization of bullous pemphigoid antigen: a unique basement membrane protein of stratified squamous epithelia. Cell (1981) 2.72
Cytokine-induced immune deviation as a therapy for inflammatory autoimmune disease. J Exp Med (1994) 2.70
IL-12 unmasks latent autoimmune disease in resistant mice. J Exp Med (1996) 2.69
Lymphoma classification--from controversy to consensus: the R.E.A.L. and WHO Classification of lymphoid neoplasms. Ann Oncol (2000) 2.66
Leu M1 and peanut agglutinin stain the neoplastic cells of Hodgkin's disease. Am J Clin Pathol (1984) 2.65
Risk of lymphoproliferative disorders after bone marrow transplantation: a multi-institutional study. Blood (1999) 2.65
Angiogenesis and hematopoiesis induced by Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded interleukin-6. Blood (1999) 2.65
Adherence of Candida to cultured vascular endothelial cells: mechanisms of attachment and endothelial cell penetration. J Infect Dis (1985) 2.61
The murine IL 2 receptor. I. Monoclonal antibodies that define distinct functional epitopes on activated T cells and react with activated B cells. J Immunol (1984) 2.60
A new one-step method for the functional assay of the fourth component (C4) of human and guinea pig complement. J Immunol (1974) 2.60
Kinetic analysis of chemotactic factor generation in human serum via activation of the classical and alternate complement pathways. Clin Immunol Immunopathol (1975) 2.56
Infection and replication of HIV-1 in purified progenitor cells of normal human bone marrow. Science (1988) 2.55
Genetically controlled total deficiency of the fourth component of complement in the guinea pig. Science (1970) 2.55
The World Health Organization classification of neoplastic diseases of the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: Report of the Clinical Advisory Committee Meeting, Airlie House, Virginia, November 1997. Histopathology (2000) 2.51
Inhibition of the complement cascade by the major secretory protein of vaccinia virus. Science (1990) 2.49
Plasma fibronectin enhances phagocytosis of opsonized particles by human peripheral blood monocytes. J Exp Med (1983) 2.49
Bactericidal and opsonic properties of C4-deficient guinea pig serum. J Immunol (1972) 2.48
Plasmodium falciparum malaria. An amelanotic melanoma cell line bears receptors for the knob ligand on infected erythrocytes. J Clin Invest (1982) 2.46
Dendritic cells with antigen-presenting capability reside in airway epithelium, lung parenchyma, and visceral pleura. J Exp Med (1986) 2.45
Human suppressor T cells induced by concanavalin A: suppressor T cells belong to distinctive T cell subclasses. J Immunol (1977) 2.43
Receptors for complement and immunoglobulin on human and animal lymphoid cells. Transplant Rev (1973) 2.43
Detection of human herpesvirus 6 in tissues involved by sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease). J Infect Dis (1992) 2.42
A receptor for the third component of complement in the human renal glomerulus. J Exp Med (1975) 2.39
Hodgkin's disease. Immunologic, clinical, and histologic features of 50 untreated patients. Ann Intern Med (1967) 2.38
The World Health Organization classification of neoplasms of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: report of the Clinical Advisory Committee meeting--Airlie House, Virginia, November, 1997. Hematol J (2000) 2.34
A quantitative analysis of the interactions of antipneumococcal antibody and complement in experimental pneumococcal bacteremia. J Clin Invest (1982) 2.33
Lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease nodular subtype with coexistent "large cell lymphoma". Histological progression or composite malignancy? Am J Surg Pathol (1988) 2.31
In vitro studies of complement function in sera of C4-deficient guinea pigs. J Exp Med (1971) 2.29
Impaired immune response of splenectomised patients to polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine. Lancet (1981) 2.29
Studies of immune functions of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. I. Dysfunction of suppressor T-cell activity related to impaired generation of, rather than response to, suppressor cells. Arthritis Rheum (1979) 2.28
Primary nodal marginal zone lymphomas of splenic and MALT type. Am J Surg Pathol (1999) 2.28
Expression of specific binding sites on Candida with functional and antigenic characteristics of human complement receptors. J Immunol (1986) 2.28
Epidemiology of human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus. J Infect Dis (1983) 2.26
An interleukin (IL)-10/IL-12 immunoregulatory circuit controls susceptibility to autoimmune disease. J Exp Med (1998) 2.26
Frequent presence of the Epstein-Barr virus in inflammatory pseudotumor. Hum Pathol (1995) 2.22
Epstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative disease in non-immunocompromised hosts: a status report and summary of an international meeting, 8-9 September 2008. Ann Oncol (2009) 2.20
Defective Fc-receptor functions associated with the HLA-B8/DRw3 haplotype: studies in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and normal subjects. N Engl J Med (1981) 2.19
Characterization of a cell surface-expressed disulfide-linked dimer involved in murine T cell activation. J Immunol (1988) 2.17
Communications. IgD-bearing human lymphocytes. J Immunol (1972) 2.17
Phenotypic expression of Hodgkin's and Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin's disease. Am J Pathol (1985) 2.17
The development of lymphomas in families with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome with germline Fas mutations and defective lymphocyte apoptosis. Blood (2001) 2.15