Published in J Exp Med on September 01, 1980
Physiology of IgD. I. Compensatory phenomena in B lymphocyte activation in mice treated with anti-IgD antibodies. J Exp Med (1981) 0.96
Heterogeneity of M-cell-associated B and T cells in human Peyer's patches. Immunology (1994) 0.93
Studies of the immunological activities of the outer membrane protein from Escherichia coli. Immunology (1982) 0.82
Preparation of iodine-131 labelled human growth hormone of high specific activity. Nature (1962) 64.93
Antitrinitrophenyl (TNP) plaque assay. Primary response of Balb/c mice to soluble and particulate immunogen. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1969) 18.89
Properties of monoclonal antibodies to mouse Ig allotypes, H-2, and Ia antigens. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol (1978) 13.40
Immunoglobulin D as a lymphocyte receptor. J Exp Med (1973) 4.62
The immune response genes of the major histocompatibility complex. Immunol Rev (1978) 3.61
In vitro tolerance induction of neonatal murine B cells. J Exp Med (1976) 2.33
Candidate for immunoglobulin D present on murine B lymphocytes. Nature (1974) 2.29
The allogeneic bisection of carrier-specific enhancement of monoclonal B-cell responses. J Exp Med (1975) 1.83
Cell surface immunoglobulin. X. Identification of an IgD-like molecule on the surface of murine splenocytes. J Exp Med (1974) 1.70
B lymphocyte activation by insoluble anti-immunoglobulin: induction of immunoglobulin secretion by a T cell-dependent soluble factor. J Immunol (1979) 1.54
The role of surface IgD in the response to thymic-independent antigens. J Exp Med (1977) 1.46
A myeloma hybrid producing antibody specific for an allotypic determinant on "IgD-like" molecules of the mouse. Eur J Immunol (1977) 1.41
Role of IgD in the immune response and tolerance. I. Anti-delta pretreatment facilitates tolerance induction in adult B cells in vitro. J Exp Med (1977) 1.33
B-cell tolerance. III. Effect of papain-mediated cleavage of cell surface IgD on tolerance susceptibility of murine B cells. J Exp Med (1977) 1.32
Immunoglobulin secretion by human splenic lymphocytes in vitro: the effects of antibodies to IgM and IgD. J Immunol (1978) 1.24
B-cell tolerance. IV. Differential role of surface IgM and IgD in determining tolerance susceptibility of murine B cells. J Exp Med (1977) 1.21
Defective resistance to Plasmodium yoelii in CBA/N mice. J Immunol (1979) 1.18
A comparison of isotopic and enzyme-immunoassays for tropical parasitic diseases. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1977) 1.17
Transplantable IgD immunoglobulin-secreting tumors in rat. J Immunol (1978) 1.17
Rhesus monkey B lymphocyte surface immunoglobulin: analysis with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. J Immunol (1979) 1.11
Blocking of primary in vitro antibody responses to thymus-independent and thymus-dependent antigens with antiserum specific for IgM or IgD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 1.10
Demonstration of mouse serum IgD. J Immunol (1979) 1.03
Lymphocyte surface IgD and IgM in non-human primates. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol (1976) 1.00
Structure and biologic functions of human IgD. XI. Identification and ontogeny of a rat lymphocyte immunoglobulin having antigenic cross-reactivity with human IgD. J Immunol (1977) 0.95
The role of cell membrane immunoglobulin in primate B lymphocyte differentiation. Immunol Rev (1979) 0.94
The effect of the parenteral administration of a rabbit anti-(mouse)-IgD serum on the immune response of mice to sheep erythrocytes. Immunology (1978) 0.92
Membrane orientation and location of multiple and distinct allotypic determinants of mouse lymphocyte IgD. J Immunol (1979) 0.90
Lymphocyt membrane IgD. Immunol Rev (1977) 0.85
The self-nonself discrimination: a one- or two-signal mechanism? Scand J Immunol (1975) 0.80
The effects of anti-IgD on serum immunoglobulins, antibody production, and immunoglobulin-bearing cells in adult rats. J Immunol (1978) 0.80
Role of surface IgM and IgD in the functional differentiation of human B lymphocytes: effect of papain treatment. J Immunol (1979) 0.79
In vivo effects of antiserum to IgD on surface immunoglobulins, serum immunoglobulins and lymphocyte blastogenesis in rhesus monkeys. Immunology (1979) 0.77
X-linked B-lymphocyte immune defect in CBA/HN mice. I. Studies of the function and composition of spleen cells. J Exp Med (1975) 3.70
Anti-immunoglobulin stimulation of B lymphocytes activates src-related protein-tyrosine kinases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 3.57
Isolation of human mononuclear cell subsets by counterflow centrifugal elutriation (CCE). I. Characterization of B-lymphocyte-, T-lymphocyte-, and monocyte-enriched fractions by flow cytometric analysis. Cell Immunol (1984) 3.36
Genetic control of susceptibility to Salmonella typhimurium in mice: role of the LPS gene. J Immunol (1980) 3.31
X-linked B-lymphocyte immune defect in CBA/N mice. II. Studies of the mechanisms underlying the immune defect. J Exp Med (1975) 3.03
The genetics of the immune response to a synthetic double-stranded RNA in a mutant CBA mouse strain. J Immunol (1973) 3.00
Persistent calcium elevation correlates with the induction of surface immunoglobulin-mediated B cell DNA synthesis. J Exp Med (1993) 2.88
The CBA/N mouse strain: an experimental model illustrating the influence of the X-chromosome on immunity. Adv Immunol (1982) 2.79
T cell regulation of IgG subclass antibody production in response to T-independent antigens. J Exp Med (1981) 2.50
Surface immunoglobulin D as a functional receptor for a subclass of B lymphocytes. Immunol Rev (1977) 2.50
Induction of IgG3 secretion by interferon gamma: a model for T cell-independent class switching in response to T cell-independent type 2 antigens. J Exp Med (1992) 2.47
B-lymphocyte heterogeneity: development and characterization of an alloantiserum which distinguishes B-lymphocyte differentiation alloantigens. J Exp Med (1977) 2.44
Towards a comprehensive view of immunoglobulin class switching. Immunol Today (1993) 2.44
Absence of the Lyt-2-,L3T4+ lineage of T cells in mice treated neonatally with anti-I-A correlates with absence of intrathymic I-A-bearing antigen-presenting cell function. J Exp Med (1985) 2.27
Increased expression of I-region-associated antigen (Ia) on B cells after cross-linking of surface immunoglobulin. J Immunol (1981) 2.26
Inability of mice with a defect in B-lymphocyte maturation to respond to phosphorycholine on immunogenic carriers. J Exp Med (1977) 2.18
B-cell activation by T-cell-independent type 2 antigens as an integral part of the humoral immune response to pathogenic microorganisms. Immunol Rev (2000) 2.17
T-independent responses in B cell-defective CBA/N mice to Brucella abortus and to trinitrophenyl (TNP) conjugates of Brucella abortus. Eur J Immunol (1978) 2.13
Some antiphospholipid antibodies inhibit phospholipase A2 activity. J Lab Clin Med (1992) 2.11
The ontogeny of thymic independent antibody responses in vitro in normal mice and mice with an X-linked B cell defect. J Immunol (1977) 2.03
Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. II. Generation of polyclonal antibody production and cells with surface IgG. J Immunol (1982) 1.96
Related binding mechanisms for fibrinogen, fibronectin, von Willebrand factor, and thrombospondin on thrombin-stimulated human platelets. Blood (1985) 1.95
Effect of silica on the innate resistance of inbred mice to Salmonella typhimurium infection. Infect Immun (1979) 1.91
Use of the monoclonal antibody 12F1 to characterize the differentiation antigen VLA-2. J Immunol (1987) 1.90
Susceptibility of CBA/N mice to infection with Salmonella typhimurium: influence of the X-linked gene controlling B lymphocyte function. J Immunol (1979) 1.90
In vitro responses of CBA/N mice: spleen cells of mice with an X-linked defect that precludes immune responses to several thymus-independent antigens can respond to TNP-lipopolysaccharide. J Immunol (1976) 1.86
Picogram quantities of anti-Ig antibodies coupled to dextran induce B cell proliferation. J Immunol (1988) 1.84
X-linked B-lymphocyte defect in CBA/N mice. III. Abnormal development of B-lymphocyte populations defined by their density of surface immunoglobulin. J Exp Med (1976) 1.84
Abnormal ratio of membrane immunoglobulin classes in mice with an X-linked B-lymphocyte defect. J Exp Med (1975) 1.82
CBA/N immune defective mice; evidence for the failure of a B cell subpopulation to be expressed. Immunol Rev (1982) 1.80
Genetically conferred defect in anti-Salmonella antibody formation renders CBA/N mice innately susceptible to Salmonella typhimurium infection. J Immunol (1981) 1.75
Treatment of intraocular inflammatory disease with cyclosporin A. Lancet (1983) 1.74
Neonatal administration of idiotype or antiidiotype primes for protection against Escherichia coli K13 infection in mice. J Exp Med (1984) 1.73
B-lymphocyte heterogeneity: ontogenetic development and organ distribution of B-lymphocyte populations defined by their density of surface immunoglobulin. J Exp Med (1976) 1.72
X-linked immune deficiency (xid) of CBA/N mice. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol (1986) 1.68
Role of T lymphocytes in the response to TNP-AECM-Ficoll. J Immunol (1980) 1.66
Interferon-gamma suppresses B cell stimulation factor (BSF-1) induction of class II MHC determinants on B cells. J Immunol (1986) 1.66
Recombinant interferon-gamma inhibits the B cell proliferative response stimulated by soluble but not by Sepharose-bound anti-immunoglobulin antibody. J Immunol (1985) 1.60
Induction of an IgE response in mice by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis: characterization of lymphoid cells with intracytoplasmic or surface IgE. J Immunol (1983) 1.58
Isolation and characterization of a platelet surface collagen binding complex related to VLA-2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1988) 1.57
Transforming growth factor beta 1 selectivity stimulates immunoglobulin G2b secretion by lipopolysaccharide-activated murine B cells. J Exp Med (1993) 1.56
Autoantibodies against the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex in patients with chronic ITP. Blood (1984) 1.56
A model for induction of T cell-independent humoral immunity in response to polysaccharide antigens. J Immunol (1996) 1.56
Immunoglobulin subclass-specific immunodeficiency in mice with an X-linked B-lymphocyte defect. J Exp Med (1979) 1.54
Cellular mechanism of endotoxin unresponsiveness in C3H/HeJ mice. J Immunol (1976) 1.54
Activation of soluble polysaccharides with 1-cyano-4-dimethylaminopyridinium tetrafluoroborate for use in protein-polysaccharide conjugate vaccines and immunological reagents. Vaccine (1996) 1.51
In vitro studies of the genetically determined unresponsiveness to thymus-independent antigens in CBA/N mice. J Immunol (1976) 1.50
Murine immune response to the Neisseria meningitidis group C capsular polysaccharide. II. Specificity. J Immunol (1988) 1.49
Production of BSF-1 during an in vivo, T-dependent immune response. J Immunol (1986) 1.47
An avidin-biotin based ELISA for quantitation of antibody to bacterial polysaccharides. J Immunol Methods (1985) 1.44
Lyb-7, a new B cell alloantigen controlled by genes linked to the IgCH locus. J Immunol (1979) 1.43
Specific murine B-cell activation by synthetic single-and double-stranded polynucleotides. J Exp Med (1973) 1.37
Activation of mouse lymphocytes by anti-immunoglobulin. II. A thymus-independent response by a mature subset of B lymphocytes. J Exp Med (1978) 1.37
Early development of the T cell repertoire. In vivo treatment of neonatal mice with anti-Ia antibodies interferes with differentiation of I-restricted T cells but not K/D-restricted T cells. J Exp Med (1983) 1.35
Immune response to levan. III. The capacity to produce anti-inulin antibodies and cross-reactive idiotypes appears late in ontogeny. J Immunol (1979) 1.34
Characterization of IgG monoclonal anti-cardiolipin/anti-beta2GP1 antibodies from two patients with antiphospholipid syndrome reveals three species of antibodies. Br J Haematol (1999) 1.34
Development of a novel spontaneous metastasis model of human osteosarcoma transplanted orthotopically into bone of athymic mice. Cancer Res (1993) 1.34
Identification of numatrin, the nuclear matrix protein associated with induction of mitogenesis, as the nucleolar protein B23. Implication for the role of the nucleolus in early transduction of mitogenic signals. J Biol Chem (1988) 1.33
Interferon-gamma inhibits the action of B cell stimulatory factor (BSF)-1 on resting B cells. J Immunol (1986) 1.32
Role of the thymus in directing the development of a subset of B lymphocytes. J Exp Med (1982) 1.32
Platelet glycoproteins Ia, Ic, and IIa are physicochemically indistinguishable from the very late activation antigens adhesion-related proteins of lymphocytes and other cell types. J Clin Invest (1988) 1.31
Differential endotoxin sensitivity of lymphocytes and macrophages from mice with an X-linked defect in B cell maturation. J Immunol (1978) 1.30
Dextran-conjugated anti-Ig antibodies as a model for T cell-independent type 2 antigen-mediated stimulation of Ig secretion in vitro. I. Lymphokine dependence. J Immunol (1991) 1.29
Role of accessory cells in B cell activation. II. The interaction of B cells with accessory cells results in the exclusive activation of an Lyb5+ B cell subpopulation. J Immunol (1980) 1.29
B cell stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) prepares resting B cells to enter S phase in response to anti-IgM and lipopolysaccharide. J Exp Med (1986) 1.27
In vitro and in vivo B lymphocyte-activating properties of monoclonal anti-delta antibodies. I. Determinants of B lymphocyte-activating properties. J Immunol (1986) 1.27
IgE class switching is critically dependent upon the nature of the B cell activator, in addition to the presence of IL-4. J Immunol (1991) 1.27
T cell-derived B cell growth factor(s) can induce stimulation of both resting and activated B cells. J Immunol (1985) 1.26
A polymeric form of fibronectin has antimetastatic effects against multiple tumor types. Nat Med (1996) 1.25
T lymphocyte subsets in uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol (1983) 1.23
Mechanism for induction of anti-DNA antibodies by bacterial lipopolysaccharides in mice. I. Anti-DNA induction by LPS without significant release of DNA in circulating blood. J Immunol (1977) 1.22
Tritium (3H) radiolabeling of protein A and antibody to high specific activity: application to cell surface antigen radioimmunoassays. J Immunol Methods (1979) 1.21
Cyclic AMP-independent effects of cholera toxin on B cell activation. II. Binding of ganglioside GM1 induces B cell activation. J Immunol (1992) 1.21
Role of a nonimmunoglobulin cell surface determinant in the activation of B lymphocytes by thymus-independent antigens. J Exp Med (1979) 1.19
Surface immunoglobulin crosslinking activates a tyrosine kinase pathway in B cells that is independent of protein kinase C. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.19
The immune response to an isomaltohexosyl-protein conjugate, a thymus-dependent analogue of alpha(1 replaced by 6) dextran. J Immunol (1982) 1.18
Defective resistance to Plasmodium yoelii in CBA/N mice. J Immunol (1979) 1.18
"Numatrin," a nuclear matrix protein associated with induction of proliferation in B lymphocytes. J Biol Chem (1987) 1.17
Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. I. Increase in cell size and DNA synthesis. J Immunol (1982) 1.16
Use of the T lymphocyte regulated type 2 antigens for the analysis of responsiveness of Lyb5+ and Lyb5- B lymphocytes to T lymphocyte derived factors. Immunol Rev (1982) 1.16
T lymphocyte-dependent B lymphocyte proliferative response to antigen. I Genetic restriction of the stimulation of B lymphocyte proliferation. J Exp Med (1981) 1.15
Mapping of the X-linked immune deficiency mutation (xid) of CBA/N mice. J Immunol (1980) 1.14
Regulation of the anti-inulin antibody response by a nonallotype-linked gene. J Exp Med (1980) 1.14
Distinct types of T-cell help for the induction of a humoral immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae. Trends Immunol (2001) 1.13
B7 requirements for primary and secondary protein- and polysaccharide-specific Ig isotype responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae. J Immunol (2000) 1.11
Rhesus monkey B lymphocyte surface immunoglobulin: analysis with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. J Immunol (1979) 1.11
Resting platelets contain a substantial centrally located pool of glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex which may be accessible to some but not other extracellular proteins. J Biol Chem (1986) 1.10
Size-dependent B lymphocyte subpopulations: relationship of cell volume to surface phenotype, cell cycle, proliferative response, and requirements for antibody production to TNP-Ficoll and TNP-BA. J Immunol (1984) 1.10
Role of accessory cells in B cell activation. III. Cellular analysis of primary immune response deficits in CBA/N mice: presence of an accessory cell-B cell interaction defect. J Exp Med (1980) 1.10
In vivo polysaccharide-specific IgG isotype responses to intact Streptococcus pneumoniae are T cell dependent and require CD40- and B7-ligand interactions. J Immunol (1999) 1.10