Published in Biochem J on January 01, 1996
Targeted mutation of plasma phospholipid transfer protein gene markedly reduces high-density lipoprotein levels. J Clin Invest (1999) 2.32
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Serum opacity factor unmasks human plasma high-density lipoprotein instability via selective delipidation and apolipoprotein A-I desorption. Biochemistry (2007) 1.18
Disruption of human plasma high-density lipoproteins by streptococcal serum opacity factor requires labile apolipoprotein A-I. Biochemistry (2009) 1.05
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In vivo effects of anacetrapib on preβ HDL: improvement in HDL remodeling without effects on cholesterol absorption. J Lipid Res (2013) 0.81
Impact of phospholipid transfer protein on nascent high-density lipoprotein formation and remodeling. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2014) 0.80
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