Plastid proteins crucial for symbiotic fungal and bacterial entry into plant roots.

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Published in Nature on December 22, 2004


Haruko Imaizumi-Anraku1, Naoya Takeda, Myriam Charpentier, Jillian Perry, Hiroki Miwa, Yosuke Umehara, Hiroshi Kouchi, Yasuhiro Murakami, Lonneke Mulder, Kate Vickers, Jodie Pike, J Allan Downie, Trevor Wang, Shusei Sato, Erika Asamizu, Satoshi Tabata, Makoto Yoshikawa, Yoshikatsu Murooka, Guo-Jiang Wu, Masayoshi Kawaguchi, Shinji Kawasaki, Martin Parniske, Makoto Hayashi

Author Affiliations

1: National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, 2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan.

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