Published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A on March 01, 1978
Protein kinase activity associated with the avian sarcoma virus src gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 18.32
Uninfected vertebrate cells contain a protein that is closely related to the product of the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene (src). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 7.55
Structural analysis of the avian sarcoma virus transforming protein: sites of phosphorylation. J Virol (1979) 7.13
A short sequence in the p60src N terminus is required for p60src myristylation and membrane association and for cell transformation. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 6.40
Adhesion plaques of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells contain the src gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 5.42
Comparison of the expression of the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus in vitro and in vivo. J Virol (1978) 5.30
Characterization of sites for tyrosine phosphorylation in the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus (pp60v-src) and its normal cellular homologue (pp60c-src). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1981) 4.69
A normal cell protein similar in structure and function to the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 4.02
Cellular information in the genome of recovered avian sarcoma virus directs the synthesis of transforming protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 3.66
Cell-free synthesis and processing of the proteins of poliovirus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 3.39
DNA sequence of the viral and cellular src gene of chickens. 1. Complete nucleotide sequence of an EcoRI fragment of recovered avian sarcoma virus which codes for gp37 and pp60src. J Virol (1982) 3.35
Evidence that the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product is a cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 3.35
Identification of a Rous sarcoma virus transformation-related protein in normal avian and mammalian cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 3.31
Analysis of the sequence of amino acids surrounding sites of tyrosine phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1982) 3.28
Peptide analysis of the transformation-specific antigen from avian sarcoma virus-transformed cells. J Virol (1978) 3.20
Src Gene product from different strains of avian sarcoma virus: Kinetics and possible mechanism of heat inactivation of protein kinase activity from cells infected by transformation-defective, temperature-sensitive mutant and wild-type virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 3.20
Product of in vitro translation of the Rous sarcoma virus src gene has protein kinase activity. J Virol (1979) 2.72
Characterization of the transforming gene of Fujinami sarcoma virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 2.68
The leader sequence of the subgenomic mRNA's of Rous sarcoma virus is approximately 390 nucleotides. J Virol (1982) 2.51
Homology exists among the transforming sequences of avian and feline sarcoma viruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 2.50
Preparation of syngeneic tumor regressor serum reactive with the unique determinants of the Abelson murine leukemia virus-encoded P120 protein at the cell surface. J Virol (1979) 2.50
Interaction between the Rous sarcoma virus transforming protein and two cellular phosphoproteins: analysis of the turnover and distribution of this complex. Mol Cell Biol (1983) 2.46
Highly specific antibody to Rous sarcoma virus src gene product recognizes a novel population of pp60v-src and pp60c-src molecules. J Cell Biol (1985) 2.32
Site-directed mutagenesis of the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus: construction and characterization of a deletion mutant temperature sensitive for transformation. J Virol (1982) 2.20
Structurally and functionally modified forms of pp60v-src in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cell lysates. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 2.17
Neither arginine nor histidine can carry out the function of lysine-295 in the ATP-binding site of p60src. Mol Cell Biol (1986) 2.15
A mutation at the ATP-binding site of pp60v-src abolishes kinase activity, transformation, and tumorigenicity. Mol Cell Biol (1985) 2.12
Molecular events in cells transformed by Rous Sarcoma virus. J Cell Biol (1980) 2.10
Organization of pp60src and selected cytoskeletal proteins within adhesion plaques and junctions of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed rat cells. J Cell Biol (1981) 2.09
Phenotypic change from transformed to normal induced by benzoquinonoid ansamycins accompanies inactivation of p60src in rat kidney cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus. Mol Cell Biol (1986) 1.87
Comparison between the viral transforming gene (src) of recovered avian sarcoma virus and its cellular homolog. Mol Cell Biol (1981) 1.78
In vitro synthesis of pp60v-src: myristylation in a cell-free system. Mol Cell Biol (1988) 1.77
Accumulation of spliced avian retrovirus mRNA is inhibited in S-adenosylmethionine-depleted chicken embryo fibroblasts. J Virol (1982) 1.72
Antiserum specific for the carboxy terminus of the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus. J Virol (1982) 1.68
Structural and functional modification of pp60c-src associated with polyoma middle tumor antigen from infected or transformed cells. Mol Cell Biol (1985) 1.60
Association of the transforming proteins of Rous, Fujinami, and Y73 avian sarcoma viruses with the same two cellular proteins. Mol Cell Biol (1982) 1.59
The same normal cell protein is phosphorylated after transformation by avian sarcoma viruses with unrelated transforming genes. Mol Cell Biol (1981) 1.59
Biological properties of "partial" transformation mutants of Rous sarcoma virus and characterization of their pp60src kinase. J Virol (1981) 1.58
Phosphotyrosine-containing proteins and expression of transformation parameters in cells infected with partial transformation mutants of Rous sarcoma virus. J Virol (1983) 1.56
Increase in the phosphotransferase specific activity of purified Rous sarcoma virus pp60v-src protein after incubation with ATP plus Mg2+. Mol Cell Biol (1983) 1.56
Deletions and insertions within an amino-terminal domain of pp60v-src inactivate transformation and modulate membrane stability. J Virol (1989) 1.53
Tyrosine phosphorylation of a 50K cellular polypeptide associated with the Rous sarcoma virus transforming protein pp60src. Mol Cell Biol (1982) 1.49
Characterization of an immune complex kinase in immunoprecipitates of avian sarcoma virus-transformed fibroblasts. J Virol (1979) 1.48
gag-Related polypeptides encoded by replication-defective avian oncoviruses. J Virol (1979) 1.48
Polymorphism of avian sarcoma virus src proteins. J Virol (1979) 1.47
Characterization of the protein kinase activity of avian sarcoma virus src gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 1.46
Correlation of RNA binding affinity of avian oncornavirus p19 proteins with the extent of processing of virus genome RNA in cells. J Virol (1980) 1.43
Sites of synthesis of viral proteins in avian sarcoma virus-infected chicken cells. J Virol (1980) 1.36
Functional domains of the pp60v-src protein as revealed by analysis of temperature-sensitive Rous sarcoma virus mutants. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 1.35
Phosphorylation of tyrosine in the carboxyl-terminal tryptic peptide of pp60c-src. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.31
Isolation and partial characterization of a monoclonal antibody to the Rous sarcoma virus transforming protein pp60src. J Virol (1983) 1.31
Detection of the viral sarcoma gene product in cells infected with various strains of avian sarcoma virus and of a related protein in uninfected chicken cells. J Virol (1979) 1.30
The cancer cell and its control by the embryo. Rous-Whipple Award lecture. Am J Pathol (1983) 1.29
env Gene of Rous sarcoma virus: identification of the gene product by cell-free translation. J Virol (1980) 1.28
Processing of 60,000-dalton sarc gene protein synthesized by cell-free translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 1.24
Identification of a packaged cellular mRNA in virions of rous sarcoma virus. J Virol (1981) 1.23
Evidence the pp60src, the product of the Rous sarcoma virus src gene, undergoes autophosphorylation. J Virol (1982) 1.20
Evidence for the common origin of viral and cellular sequences involved in sarcomagenic transformation. J Virol (1980) 1.17
Analysis of the src gene of sarcoma viruses generated by recombination between transformation-defective mutants and quail cellular sequences. J Virol (1979) 1.17
A single point mutation has pleiotropic effects on pp60v-src function. J Virol (1988) 1.14
Phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of calmodulin in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.14
Synthesis of murine mammary tumor viral proteins in vitro. J Virol (1981) 1.13
Association of pp36, a phosphorylated form of the presumed target protein for the src protein of Rous sarcoma virus, with the membrane of chicken cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1983) 1.12
Messenger activity of virion RNA for avian leukosis viral envelope glycoprotein. J Virol (1979) 1.10
Site-directed point mutation in the src gene oF rous sarcoma virus results in an inactive src gene product. J Virol (1983) 1.10
Evidence that there exist four classes of RNA tumor viruses which encode proteins with associated tyrosine protein kinase activities. J Virol (1981) 1.10
A brain membrane protein similar to the rat src gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1981) 1.08
Avian erythroblastosis virus produces two mRNA's. J Virol (1980) 1.04
Tumorigenicity of partial transformation mutants of Rous sarcoma virus. J Virol (1982) 1.04
Zinc induces a Src family kinase-mediated up-regulation of NMDA receptor activity and excitotoxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.03
src Genes of ten Rous sarcoma virus strains, including two reportedly transduced from the cell, are completely allelic; putative markers of transduction are not detected. J Virol (1981) 1.01
Phosphorylation and inactivation of protein phosphatase 1 by pp60v-src. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 1.00
Intracellular localization and processing of pp60v-src proteins expressed by two distinct temperature-sensitive mutants of Rous sarcoma virus. J Virol (1986) 0.97
Specific proteolytic fragmentation of p60v-src in transformed cell lysates. J Virol (1983) 0.96
In vivo effect of sodium orthovanadate on pp60c-src kinase. Mol Cell Biol (1987) 0.95
Expression of the PRC II avian sarcoma virus genome. J Virol (1982) 0.94
c-Src and IL-6 inhibit osteoblast differentiation and integrate IGFBP5 signalling. Nat Commun (2012) 0.94
A cellular protein phosphorylated by the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product is associated with ribonucleoprotein particles. EMBO J (1983) 0.93
Characterization of pp60src phosphorylation in vitro in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cell membranes. Mol Cell Biol (1985) 0.91
Transformation-related antigens identified by monoclonal antibodies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1980) 0.91
Purification of the Rous sarcoma virus src kinase by casein-agarose and tyrosine-agarose affinity chromatography. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1985) 0.91
Characterization of a feline sarcoma virus-coded antigen (FOCMA-S) by radioimmunoassay. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 0.89
Influence of transformation by Rous sarcoma virus on the amount, phosphorylation and enzyme kinetic properties of enolase. EMBO J (1983) 0.88
Forms of pp60v-src isolated from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells. J Virol (1987) 0.88
Src kinase mediates productive endocytic sorting of reovirus during cell entry. J Virol (2011) 0.87
Contributions of microbiology to eucaryotic cell biology: new directions for microbiology. Microbiol Rev (1979) 0.86
Activation of an internal initiation site for protein synthesis during in vitro translation. Nucleic Acids Res (1980) 0.85
Isolation of monoclonal antibodies against avian oncornaviral protein p19. J Virol (1981) 0.84
Modulation of fibronectin gene activity in chick embryo fibroblasts transformed by a temperature-sensitive strain (ts68) of Rous sarcoma virus. Nucleic Acids Res (1985) 0.82
Src family kinases play multiple roles in differentiation of trophoblasts from human term placenta. J Physiol (2006) 0.82
Selective inhibition of avian sarcoma virus protein synthesis in 3-deazaadenosine-treated infected chicken embryo fibroblasts. J Virol (1981) 0.80
Expression of the Rous sarcoma virus src gene in avian macrophages fails to elicit transformed cell phenotype. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 0.78
No activation of new initiation points for deoxyribonucleic acid replication in BALB/c 3T3 cells transformed by Kirsten sarcoma virus. Mol Cell Biol (1981) 0.78
Regulation of pulmonary endothelial barrier function by kinases. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol (2016) 0.76
Isolation of a cDNA clone complementary to sequences for a 34-kilodalton protein which is a pp60v-src substrate. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 0.75
Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature (1970) 1528.65
A film detection method for tritium-labelled proteins and nucleic acids in polyacrylamide gels. Eur J Biochem (1974) 113.22
Peptide mapping by limited proteolysis in sodium dodecyl sulfate and analysis by gel electrophoresis. J Biol Chem (1977) 72.51
Rapid isolation of antigens from cells with a staphylococcal protein A-antibody adsorbent: parameters of the interaction of antibody-antigen complexes with protein A. J Immunol (1975) 47.77
An efficient mRNA-dependent translation system from reticulocyte lysates. Eur J Biochem (1976) 46.42
Identification of a transformation-specific antigen induced by an avian sarcoma virus. Nature (1977) 16.32
DNA related to the transforming gene(s) of avian sarcoma viruses is present in normal avian DNA. Nature (1976) 9.81
The effects of reciprocal changes in temperature on the transformed state of cells infected with a rous sarcoma virus mutant. Virology (1971) 7.83
Generation of avian myeloblastosis virus structural proteins by proteolytic cleavage of a precursor polypeptide. J Mol Biol (1975) 6.84
Spontaneous segregation of nontransforming viruses from cloned sarcoma viruses. Virology (1971) 5.75
Rous sarcoma virus: a function required for the maintenance of the transformed state. Nature (1970) 5.66
Studies on the RNA from avian myeloblastosis virus. Virology (1969) 5.58
The size and genetic composition of virus-specific RNAs in the cytoplasm of cells producing avian sarcoma-leukosis viruses. Cell (1977) 5.23
Size and genetic content of viral RNAs in avian oncovirus-infected cells. J Virol (1977) 5.00
Differences between the ribonucleic acids of transforming and nontransforming avian tumor viruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1970) 4.91
Translation of 35S and of subgenomic regions of avian sarcoma virus RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 4.61
Altered patterns of protein synthesis in infection by SV40 mutants. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol (1975) 4.30
Mapping of biological functions on RNA of avian tumor viruses: location of regions required for transformation and determination of host range. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1975) 4.01
Avian tumor virus RNA: a comparison of three sarcoma viruses and their transformation-defective derivatives by oligonucleotide fingerprinting and DNA-RNA hybridization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1973) 3.46
Characterization of polyoma virus T antigen. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 3.21
Immunological identification of two adenovirus 2-induced early proteins possibly involved in cell transformation. Nature (1976) 3.01
Characteristics of virus-specific RNA in avian sarcoma virus-transformed BHK-21 cells and revertants. Virology (1977) 2.99
Temperature sensitive mutants of an avian sarcoma virus. Virology (1969) 2.73
Heteroduplex analysis of avian RNA tumor viruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 2.59
Phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of avian sarcoma virus polypeptide p19. Virology (1977) 2.38
Transformation-defective mutants of avian sarcoma viruses: the genetic relationship between conditional and nonconditional mutants. Virology (1976) 1.75
Protein kinase activity associated with the avian sarcoma virus src gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1978) 18.32
Identification of a transformation-specific antigen induced by an avian sarcoma virus. Nature (1977) 16.32
Cellular functions regulated by Src family kinases. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (1997) 11.36
Integrins and signal transduction pathways: the road taken. Science (1995) 10.71
Insulin-stimulated MAP-2 kinase phosphorylates and activates ribosomal protein S6 kinase II. Nature (1988) 7.82
Plk is an M-phase-specific protein kinase and interacts with a kinesin-like protein, CHO1/MKLP-1. Mol Cell Biol (1995) 7.36
Isolation of monoclonal antibodies that recognize the transforming proteins of avian sarcoma viruses. J Virol (1983) 7.22
Structural analysis of the avian sarcoma virus transforming protein: sites of phosphorylation. J Virol (1979) 7.13
Avian sarcoma virus-transforming protein, pp60src shows protein kinase activity specific for tyrosine. Nature (1980) 6.69
Role of simian virus 40 gene A function in maintenance of transformation. J Virol (1975) 6.63
ErbB2, but not ErbB1, reinitiates proliferation and induces luminal repopulation in epithelial acini. Nat Cell Biol (2001) 6.21
Characterization of a normal avian cell protein related to the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product. Cell (1978) 5.95
Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of the pestivirus bovine viral diarrhea virus. Virology (1988) 5.92
Studies on the RNA from avian myeloblastosis virus. Virology (1969) 5.58
The primary structure of MEK, a protein kinase that phosphorylates the ERK gene product. Science (1992) 5.55
Expression of a mitogen-responsive gene encoding prostaglandin synthase is regulated by mRNA splicing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 5.07
Enhancement of cellular src gene product associated tyrosyl kinase activity following polyoma virus infection and transformation. Cell (1984) 5.05
Identification of a cellular protein substrate phosphorylated by the avian sarcoma virus-transforming gene product. Cell (1980) 4.79
Characterization of sites for tyrosine phosphorylation in the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus (pp60v-src) and its normal cellular homologue (pp60c-src). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1981) 4.69
The specific interaction of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming protein, pp60src, with two cellular proteins. Cell (1981) 4.61
Translation of 35S and of subgenomic regions of avian sarcoma virus RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 4.61
Ras is essential for nerve growth factor- and phorbol ester-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of MAP kinases. Cell (1992) 4.50
Association of 4S ribonucleic acid with oncornavirus ribonucleic acids. J Virol (1971) 4.07
Integrin-dependent phosphorylation and activation of the protein tyrosine kinase pp125FAK in platelets. J Cell Biol (1992) 4.06
A normal cell protein similar in structure and function to the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 4.02
Evidence that the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene product phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol and diacylglycerol. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1984) 3.84
Mechanism of activation of latent recombinant transforming growth factor beta 1 by plasmin. J Cell Biol (1990) 3.81
Integrin-mediated signals regulated by members of the rho family of GTPases. J Cell Biol (1998) 3.46
In vitro synthesis of a functional avian sarcoma virus transforming-gene product. Nature (1978) 3.41
Evidence that the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene product is a cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 3.35
Neural tissues express high levels of the cellular src gene product pp60c-src. Mol Cell Biol (1983) 3.27
Blood platelets express high levels of the pp60c-src-specific tyrosine kinase activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 3.22
Neurones express high levels of a structurally modified, activated form of pp60c-src. Nature (1985) 3.21
Peptide analysis of the transformation-specific antigen from avian sarcoma virus-transformed cells. J Virol (1978) 3.20
Controlled dimerization of ErbB receptors provides evidence for differential signaling by homo- and heterodimers. Mol Cell Biol (1999) 3.05
Membrane glycoprotein IV (CD36) is physically associated with the Fyn, Lyn, and Yes protein-tyrosine kinases in human platelets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 2.93
cDNA cloning and sequence analysis of beta ig-h3, a novel gene induced in a human adenocarcinoma cell line after treatment with transforming growth factor-beta. DNA Cell Biol (1992) 2.91
A Xenopus ribosomal protein S6 kinase has two apparent kinase domains that are each similar to distinct protein kinases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1988) 2.91
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is required for integrin-stimulated AKT and Raf-1/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway activation. Mol Cell Biol (1997) 2.67
Hypoxic induction of human vascular endothelial growth factor expression through c-Src activation. Nature (1995) 2.61
Identification of a phorbol ester-repressible v-src-inducible gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1989) 2.59
Solution structure of the SH3 domain of Src and identification of its ligand-binding site. Science (1992) 2.56
Induction of apoptosis in cultured hepatocytes and in regressing liver by transforming growth factor beta 1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992) 2.54
Site-directed mutagenesis of cysteine residues in the pro region of the transforming growth factor beta 1 precursor. Expression and characterization of mutant proteins. J Biol Chem (1989) 2.44
Identification of an early-growth-response gene encoding a novel putative protein kinase. Mol Cell Biol (1992) 2.39
Phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of avian sarcoma virus polypeptide p19. Virology (1977) 2.38
Rous sarcoma virus transforming protein, p60src, expressed in E. coli, functions as a protein kinase. Nature (1981) 2.37
Identification of Src, Fyn, and Lyn SH3-binding proteins: implications for a function of SH3 domains. Mol Cell Biol (1994) 2.37
Cloning of a cDNA for a major human protein-tyrosine-phosphatase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 2.36
Characterization of the avian sarcoma virus protein p60src. Virology (1978) 2.34
Mutation of the polo-box disrupts localization and mitotic functions of the mammalian polo kinase Plk. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 2.33
Highly specific antibody to Rous sarcoma virus src gene product recognizes a novel population of pp60v-src and pp60c-src molecules. J Cell Biol (1985) 2.32
Activated polo-like kinase Plx1 is required at multiple points during mitosis in Xenopus laevis. Mol Cell Biol (1998) 2.32
Extracellular signals and reversible protein phosphorylation: what to Mek of it all. Cell (1993) 2.31
Protein phosphorylation mediated by partially purified avian sarcoma virus transforming-gene product. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol (1980) 2.29
Development of anti-pp60src serum with antigen produced in Escherichia coli. J Virol (1983) 2.26
Type 1 transforming growth factor beta: amplified expression and secretion of mature and precursor polypeptides in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Mol Cell Biol (1987) 2.26
Molecular events in the processing of recombinant type 1 pre-pro-transforming growth factor beta to the mature polypeptide. Mol Cell Biol (1988) 2.24
Plk is a functional homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc5, and elevated Plk activity induces multiple septation structures. Mol Cell Biol (1997) 2.22
Constitutive activation of Mek1 by mutation of serine phosphorylation sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1994) 2.22
Thrombin treatment induces rapid changes in tyrosine phosphorylation in platelets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1989) 2.20
Structurally and functionally modified forms of pp60v-src in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cell lysates. Mol Cell Biol (1984) 2.17
Distinct mechanisms for the activation of the RSK kinases/MAP2 kinase/pp90rsk and pp70-S6 kinase signaling systems are indicated by inhibition of protein synthesis. Cell Growth Differ (1991) 2.16
Identification of Src, Fyn, Lyn, PI3K and Abl SH3 domain ligands using phage display libraries. EMBO J (1994) 2.14
Inhibition of mammary duct development but not alveolar outgrowth during pregnancy in transgenic mice expressing active TGF-beta 1. Genes Dev (1993) 2.13
Detection of Src homology 3-binding proteins, including paxillin, in normal and v-Src-transformed Balb/c 3T3 cells. J Biol Chem (1993) 2.11
Molecular events in cells transformed by Rous Sarcoma virus. J Cell Biol (1980) 2.10
Induction of metaphase arrest in cleaving Xenopus embryos by MAP kinase. Science (1993) 2.08
Essential function of the polo box of Cdc5 in subcellular localization and induction of cytokinetic structures. Mol Cell Biol (2000) 2.07
Effects of SH2 and SH3 deletions on the functional activities of wild-type and transforming variants of c-Src. Mol Cell Biol (1992) 2.06
Mount st. Helens ash from the 18 may 1980 eruption: chemical, physical, mineralogical, and biological properties. Science (1980) 2.06
A protein kinase from Xenopus eggs specific for ribosomal protein S6. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1985) 2.03
Antibody to virion structural proteins in mammals bearing avian sarcoma virus-induced tumors. Virology (1978) 2.03