Published in Curr Opin HIV AIDS on May 01, 2011
Genetically modified hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for HIV-1-infected patients: can we achieve a cure? Mol Ther (2013) 0.95
Dynamics of innate immunity are key to chronic immune activation in AIDS. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2012) 0.85
Systems biology in vaccine design. Microb Biotechnol (2011) 0.82
Foxo3a: an integrator of immune dysfunction during HIV infection. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev (2012) 0.81
A Chimeric HIV-1 gp120 Fused with Vaccinia Virus 14K (A27) Protein as an HIV Immunogen. PLoS One (2015) 0.77
Elite Control, Gut CD4 T Cell Sparing, and Enhanced Mucosal T Cell Responses in Macaca nemestrina Infected by a Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Lacking a gp41 Trafficking Motif. J Virol (2015) 0.77
Persistence of EBV antigen-specific CD8 T cell clonotypes during homeostatic immune reconstitution in cancer patients. PLoS One (2013) 0.76
HIV reservoir size and persistence are driven by T cell survival and homeostatic proliferation. Nat Med (2009) 8.45
Nomenclature of monocytes and dendritic cells in blood. Blood (2010) 6.63
Vif overcomes the innate antiviral activity of APOBEC3G by promoting its degradation in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. J Biol Chem (2003) 5.45
HIV-1 viremia prevents the establishment of interleukin 2-producing HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells endowed with proliferative capacity. J Exp Med (2003) 4.53
Yellow fever vaccine induces integrated multilineage and polyfunctional immune responses. J Exp Med (2008) 4.21
Programmed death-1-induced interleukin-10 production by monocytes impairs CD4+ T cell activation during HIV infection. Nat Med (2010) 3.81
HIV infection rapidly induces and maintains a substantial suppression of thymocyte proliferation. Immunity (2004) 2.86
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses during primary infection are major determinants of the viral set point and loss of CD4+ T cells. J Virol (2009) 2.51
Diminished proliferation of human immunodeficiency virus-specific CD4+ T cells is associated with diminished interleukin-2 (IL-2) production and is recovered by exogenous IL-2. J Virol (2003) 2.36
Convergence of TCR and cytokine signaling leads to FOXO3a phosphorylation and drives the survival of CD4+ central memory T cells. J Exp Med (2006) 2.27
Synthetic double-stranded RNA induces innate immune responses similar to a live viral vaccine in humans. J Exp Med (2011) 2.09
Transcription factor FOXO3a controls the persistence of memory CD4(+) T cells during HIV infection. Nat Med (2008) 1.85
Peripheral blood CCR4+CCR6+ and CXCR3+CCR6+CD4+ T cells are highly permissive to HIV-1 infection. J Immunol (2009) 1.79
High-resolution genomic analysis of human mitochondrial RNA sequence variation. Science (2014) 1.71
Single-cell gene-expression profiling reveals qualitatively distinct CD8 T cells elicited by different gene-based vaccines. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.56
Plasma sCD14 is a biomarker associated with impaired neurocognitive test performance in attention and learning domains in HIV infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2011) 1.52
Prediction of graft-versus-host disease in humans by donor gene-expression profiling. PLoS Med (2007) 1.40
T-cell exhaustion in HIV infection. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2008) 1.38
Coreceptors and HIV-1 pathogenesis. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep (2011) 1.37
Distribution and functional analysis of memory antiviral CD8 T cell responses in HIV-1 and cytomegalovirus infections. Eur J Immunol (2002) 1.34
Mechanisms of HIV-1 neurotropism. Curr HIV Res (2006) 1.33
Memory CCR6+CD4+ T cells are preferential targets for productive HIV type 1 infection regardless of their expression of integrin β7. J Immunol (2011) 1.31
Transmission and long-term stability of compensated CD8 escape mutations. J Virol (2008) 1.29
CD160 and PD-1 co-expression on HIV-specific CD8 T cells defines a subset with advanced dysfunction. PLoS Pathog (2012) 1.28
Maintenance of CD4+ T-cell memory and HIV persistence: keeping memory, keeping HIV. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2011) 1.27
A plasma biomarker signature of immune activation in HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One (2012) 1.27
Loss of memory B cells during chronic HIV infection is driven by Foxo3a- and TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. J Clin Invest (2011) 1.27
Interleukin-7 promotes HIV persistence during antiretroviral therapy. Blood (2013) 1.24
Therapeutic vaccination with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-DNA + IL-12 or IL-15 induces distinct CD8 memory subsets in SIV-infected macaques. J Immunol (2008) 1.22
CD4 T cell nadir independently predicts the magnitude of the HIV reservoir after prolonged suppressive antiretroviral therapy. J Clin Virol (2011) 1.21
The duration of exposure to HIV modulates the breadth and the magnitude of HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cells. J Immunol (2007) 1.18
Improved innate and adaptive immunostimulation by genetically modified HIV-1 protein expressing NYVAC vectors. PLoS One (2011) 1.16
Programmed death-1 is a marker for abnormal distribution of naive/memory T cell subsets in HIV-1 infection. J Immunol (2013) 1.14
Cutting edge: Prolonged exposure to HIV reinforces a poised epigenetic program for PD-1 expression in virus-specific CD8 T cells. J Immunol (2013) 1.14
Evidence for additive and interaction effects of host genotype and infection in malaria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.11
Estimating thymic function through quantification of T-cell receptor excision circles. Methods Mol Biol (2007) 1.10
Distinct tryptophan catabolism and Th17/Treg balance in HIV progressors and elite controllers. PLoS One (2013) 1.08
Immunologic activity and safety of autologous HIV RNA-electroporated dendritic cells in HIV-1 infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. Clin Immunol (2009) 1.07
The selective increase in caspase-3 expression in effector but not memory T cells allows susceptibility to apoptosis. J Immunol (2004) 1.05
Profound metabolic, functional, and cytolytic differences characterize HIV-specific CD8 T cells in primary and chronic HIV infection. Blood (2012) 1.03
Dendritic cell inhibition is connected to exhaustion of CD8+ T cell polyfunctionality during chronic hepatitis C virus infection. J Immunol (2010) 1.01
PD-1 coinhibitory signals: the link between pathogenesis and protection. Semin Immunol (2013) 1.01
HTLV-1 evades type I interferon antiviral signaling by inducing the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1). PLoS Pathog (2010) 1.01
CIITA-induced MHC class II expression in mammary adenocarcinoma leads to a Th1 polarization of the tumor microenvironment, tumor rejection, and specific antitumor memory. Clin Cancer Res (2006) 1.01
Poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide innate sensing functions of circulating human myeloid dendritic cells are affected in vivo in hepatitis C virus-infected patients. J Virol (2007) 1.00
Cohort profile of the CARTaGENE study: Quebec's population-based biobank for public health and personalized genomics. Int J Epidemiol (2012) 1.00
Myeloid dendritic cells induce HIV-1 latency in non-proliferating CD4+ T cells. PLoS Pathog (2013) 0.97
Lymph node architecture collapse and consequent modulation of FOXO3a pathway on memory T- and B-cells during HIV infection. Semin Immunol (2008) 0.96
Optimization of a highly standardized carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester flow cytometry panel and gating strategy design using discriminative information measure evaluation. Cytometry A (2010) 0.92
HIV Gag p24 specific responses secreting IFN-gamma and/or IL-2 in treatment-naïve individuals in acute infection early disease (AIED) are associated with low viral load. Clin Immunol (2009) 0.91
Immunogenicity and tolerability of an inactivated and adjuvanted pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine, in HIV-1-infected patients. Vaccine (2010) 0.91
Serological markers for inflammatory bowel disease in AIDS patients with evidence of microbial translocation. PLoS One (2010) 0.90
Why T cells of thymic versus extrathymic origin are functionally different. J Immunol (2008) 0.89
The colocalization potential of HIV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells is mediated by integrin β7 but not CCR6 and regulated by retinoic acid. PLoS One (2012) 0.88
Clinical features of acute retroviral syndrome differ by route of infection but not by gender and age. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2002) 0.88
Triggering of T cell activation via CD4 dimers. J Immunol (2006) 0.88
New approaches to design HIV-1 T-cell vaccines. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2010) 0.88
The magnitude of thymic output is genetically determined through controlled intrathymic precursor T cell proliferation. J Immunol (2008) 0.88
Generation and maintenance of human memory cells during viral infection. Springer Semin Immunopathol (2006) 0.87
CD4 dimers constitute the functional component required for T cell activation. J Immunol (2002) 0.87
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of memory T-cell survival. Expert Rev Vaccines (2009) 0.86
IL-4 influences the differentiation and the susceptibility to activation-induced cell death of human naive CD8+ T cells. Int Immunol (2006) 0.85
Regulatory T cells in HIV infection: can immunotherapy regulate the regulator? Clin Dev Immunol (2012) 0.85
Transcriptional profiling reveals molecular signatures associated with HIV permissiveness in Th1Th17 cells and identifies peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma as an intrinsic negative regulator of viral replication. Retrovirology (2013) 0.85
Programming of marginal zone B-cell fate by basic Kruppel-like factor (BKLF/KLF3). Blood (2011) 0.84
A systems framework for vaccine design. Curr Opin Immunol (2013) 0.83
TLR Ligand-Induced Type I IFNs Affect Thymopoiesis. J Immunol (2008) 0.83
siRNA knockdown of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in monocyte-derived dendritic cells only modestly improves proliferative responses to Gag by CD8(+) T cells from HIV-1-infected individuals. J Clin Immunol (2009) 0.83
Poly (I:C) induced immune response in lymphoid tissues involves three sequential waves of type I IFN expression. Virology (2009) 0.82
Selective up-regulation of caspase-3 gene expression following TCR engagement. Mol Immunol (2005) 0.82
The MHC class II transactivator (CIITA) mRNA stability is critical for the HLA class II gene expression in myelomonocytic cells. Eur J Immunol (2005) 0.82
Drug resistance mutations and the cellular immune response: a valuable synergy for the development of novel immune therapies. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2007) 0.82
Systems immunogenetics of vaccines. Semin Immunol (2013) 0.82
Dissecting the HIV-specific immune response: a systems biology approach. Curr Opin HIV AIDS (2012) 0.82
The immunological synapse: the gateway to the HIV reservoir. Immunol Rev (2013) 0.82
Reversible blockade of thymic output: an inherent part of TLR ligand-mediated immune response. J Immunol (2008) 0.81
Autologous HIV-1 clade-B Nef peptides elicit increased frequency, breadth and function of CD8+ T-cells compared to consensus peptides. PLoS One (2012) 0.80
Immune tolerance properties of the testicular tissue as a viral sanctuary site in ART-treated HIV-infected adults. AIDS (2016) 0.79