CD160 and PD-1 co-expression on HIV-specific CD8 T cells defines a subset with advanced dysfunction.

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Published in PLoS Pathog on August 16, 2012


Yoav Peretz1, Zhong He, Yu Shi, Bader Yassine-Diab, Jean-Philippe Goulet, Rebeka Bordi, Ali Filali-Mouhim, Jean-Baptiste Loubert, Mohamed El-Far, Franck P Dupuy, Mohamed Rachid Boulassel, Cécile Tremblay, Jean-Pierre Routy, Nicole Bernard, Robert Balderas, Elias K Haddad, Rafick-Pierre Sékaly

Author Affiliations

1: Caprion/ImmuneCarta Services, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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