Published in Endoscopy on January 08, 2013
Endoscopic ultrasound elastography: Current status and future perspectives. World J Gastroenterol (2015) 0.95
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the adrenal glands: analysis of 21 patients. Clin Endosc (2015) 0.95
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Endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Endosc Ultrasound (2014) 0.87
Role of endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration evaluating adrenal gland enlargement or mass. World J Nephrol (2014) 0.87
How good is fine needle aspiration? What results should you expect? Endosc Ultrasound (2014) 0.82
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Right adrenal gland prospective evaluation through transgastric endoscopic ultrasound: an alternative approach. Endosc Int Open (2016) 0.75
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