Published in Nature on October 05, 1989
Retinoic acid synthesis and signaling during early organogenesis. Cell (2008) 4.52
Pax-3, a novel murine DNA binding protein expressed during early neurogenesis. EMBO J (1991) 3.85
Cloning of the zebrafish krox-20 gene (krx-20) and its expression during hindbrain development. Nucleic Acids Res (1993) 3.31
A vertebrate gene related to orthodenticle contains a homeodomain of the bicoid class and demarcates anterior neuroectoderm in the gastrulating mouse embryo. EMBO J (1993) 2.73
Antennapedia homeobox peptide regulates neural morphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 2.31
Hierarchical genetic organization of human cortical surface area. Science (2012) 2.28
Nucleotides flanking a conserved TAAT core dictate the DNA binding specificity of three murine homeodomain proteins. Mol Cell Biol (1993) 2.12
The segment-specific gene Krox-20 encodes a transcription factor with binding sites in the promoter region of the Hox-1.4 gene. EMBO J (1990) 2.12
Cdx2 is essential for axial elongation in mouse development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2004) 2.08
Transcriptional silencing by the Polycomb protein in Drosophila embryos. EMBO J (1995) 2.06
Murine genes related to the Drosophila AbdB homeotic genes are sequentially expressed during development of the posterior part of the body. EMBO J (1991) 1.88
Two vertebrate homeobox genes related to the Drosophila empty spiracles gene are expressed in the embryonic cerebral cortex. EMBO J (1992) 1.79
Ring1A is a transcriptional repressor that interacts with the Polycomb-M33 protein and is expressed at rhombomere boundaries in the mouse hindbrain. EMBO J (1997) 1.67
The Sry-related HMG box-containing gene Sox6 is expressed in the adult testis and developing nervous system of the mouse. Nucleic Acids Res (1995) 1.61
Redundant roles of Tead1 and Tead2 in notochord development and the regulation of cell proliferation and survival. Mol Cell Biol (2008) 1.59
Detection of homeobox genes in development and evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.55
Shifting boundaries of retinoic acid activity control hindbrain segmental gene expression. Development (2005) 1.54
Genetic topography of brain morphology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.46
Hox homeodomain proteins exhibit selective complex stabilities with Pbx and DNA. Nucleic Acids Res (1996) 1.43
Targeted replacement of the homeobox gene Hox-3.1 by the Escherichia coli lacZ in mouse chimeric embryos. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.42
A murine even-skipped homologue, Evx 1, is expressed during early embryogenesis and neurogenesis in a biphasic manner. EMBO J (1990) 1.39
A dominant negative mutation of the alpha retinoic acid receptor gene in a retinoic acid-nonresponsive embryonal carcinoma cell. Mol Cell Biol (1990) 1.37
Zebrafish pax[zf-a]: a paired box-containing gene expressed in the neural tube. EMBO J (1991) 1.30
Hox proteins have different affinities for a consensus DNA site that correlate with the positions of their genes on the hox cluster. Mol Cell Biol (1994) 1.25
Mapping functional regions of the segment-specific transcription factor Krox-20. Nucleic Acids Res (1992) 1.13
Hoxb1 functions in both motoneurons and in tissues of the periphery to establish and maintain the proper neuronal circuitry. Genes Dev (2004) 1.04
The expression of murine Hox-2 genes is dependent on the differentiation pathway and displays a collinear sensitivity to retinoic acid in F9 cells and Xenopus embryos. Nucleic Acids Res (1991) 1.04
Selector genes and the Cambrian radiation of Bilateria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.04
Meander tail reveals a discrete developmental unit in the mouse cerebellum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 1.01
Deregulated FGF and homeotic gene expression underlies cerebellar vermis hypoplasia in CHARGE syndrome. Elife (2013) 1.00
Development expression of Hox11 and specification of splenic cell fate. Am J Pathol (1995) 0.99
The conserved role of Krox-20 in directing Hox gene expression during vertebrate hindbrain segmentation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1996) 0.99
A retinoic acid-triggered cascade of HOXB1 gene activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1995) 0.98
Local alterations of Krox-20 and Hox gene expression in the hindbrain suggest lack of rhombomeres 4 and 5 in homozygote null Hoxa-1 (Hox-1.6) mutant embryos. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1993) 0.98
A Hox regulatory network of hindbrain segmentation is conserved to the base of vertebrates. Nature (2014) 0.94
Identification and expression of the cDNA of KIN17, a zinc-finger gene located on mouse chromosome 2, encoding a new DNA-binding protein. Nucleic Acids Res (1991) 0.94
Hox genes and their candidate downstream targets in the developing central nervous system. Cell Mol Neurobiol (2005) 0.94
Sprouty genes prevent excessive FGF signalling in multiple cell types throughout development of the cerebellum. Development (2011) 0.94
Loss of function but no gain of function caused by amino acid substitutions in the hexapeptide of Hoxa1 in vivo. Mol Cell Biol (2004) 0.94
Effects of retinoic acid excess on expression of Hox-2.9 and Krox-20 and on morphological segmentation in the hindbrain of mouse embryos. EMBO J (1991) 0.94
A yeast artificial chromosome containing the mouse homeobox cluster Hox-2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1990) 0.93
Hoxb-2 transcriptional activation in rhombomeres 3 and 5 requires an evolutionarily conserved cis-acting element in addition to the Krox-20 binding site. EMBO J (1996) 0.93
Repression by HoxA7 is mediated by the homeodomain and the modulatory action of its N-terminal-arm residues. Mol Cell Biol (1996) 0.92
A procephalic territory in Drosophila exhibiting similarities and dissimilarities compared to the vertebrate midbrain/hindbrain boundary region. Neural Dev (2007) 0.91
Retinoid signaling in control of progenitor cell differentiation during mouse development. Semin Cell Dev Biol (2013) 0.89
Role of monoamine systems in activation of zif268 by cocaine. J Psychiatry Neurosci (1992) 0.83
The regulation of the murine Hox-2.5 gene expression during cell differentiation. Nucleic Acids Res (1992) 0.83
Hox genes, evo-devo, and the case of the ftz gene. Chromosoma (2015) 0.81
Vulnerability of macaque cranial nerve neurons to ethanol is time- and site-dependent. Alcohol (2009) 0.80
Cortical surface area correlates with STON2 gene Ser307Pro polymorphism in first-episode treatment-naïve patients with schizophrenia. PLoS One (2013) 0.80
Chick Lrrn2, a novel downstream effector of Hoxb1 and Shh, functions in the selective targeting of rhombomere 4 motor neurons. Neural Dev (2009) 0.80
Loss of ATF2 function leads to cranial motoneuron degeneration during embryonic mouse development. PLoS One (2011) 0.80
Hoxb1 controls anteroposterior identity of vestibular projection neurons. PLoS One (2012) 0.79
The role of Zic transcription factors in regulating hindbrain retinoic acid signaling. BMC Dev Biol (2013) 0.78
Hox transcription factors: modulators of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion. Biomed Res Int (2014) 0.78
Detailed expression analysis of regulatory genes in the early developing human neural tube. Stem Cells Dev (2013) 0.77
MEMO1 drives cranial endochondral ossification and palatogenesis. Dev Biol (2015) 0.76
Compartmentalisation of the developing trigeminal ganglion into maxillary and mandibular divisions does not depend on target contact. J Anat (1999) 0.76
Cellular and Molecular Underpinnings of Neuronal Assembly in the Central Auditory System during Mouse Development. Front Neural Circuits (2017) 0.75
Quox-1, a quail homeobox gene expressed in the embryonic central nervous system, including the forebrain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 0.75
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The murine and Drosophila homeobox gene complexes have common features of organization and expression. Cell (1989) 4.86
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Segmental expression of Hoxb-1 is controlled by a highly conserved autoregulatory loop dependent upon exd/pbx. Cell (1995) 3.41
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A conserved retinoic acid response element required for early expression of the homeobox gene Hoxb-1. Nature (1994) 2.76
Sequential activation of HOX2 homeobox genes by retinoic acid in human embryonal carcinoma cells. Nature (1990) 2.73
A vertebrate gene related to orthodenticle contains a homeodomain of the bicoid class and demarcates anterior neuroectoderm in the gastrulating mouse embryo. EMBO J (1993) 2.73
Detecting conserved regulatory elements with the model genome of the Japanese puffer fish, Fugu rubripes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1995) 2.65
Distinct roles for lymphotoxin-alpha and tumor necrosis factor in organogenesis and spatial organization of lymphoid tissue. Eur J Immunol (1997) 2.53
Hoxb-4 (Hox-2.6) mutant mice show homeotic transformation of a cervical vertebra and defects in the closure of the sternal rudiments. Cell (1993) 2.45
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Mutations in the human delta homologue, DLL3, cause axial skeletal defects in spondylocostal dysostosis. Nat Genet (2000) 2.28
Retinoic acid alters hindbrain Hox code and induces transformation of rhombomeres 2/3 into a 4/5 identity. Nature (1993) 2.27
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Multiple spatially specific enhancers are required to reconstruct the pattern of Hox-2.6 gene expression. Genes Dev (1991) 2.20
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Differential regulation by retinoic acid of the homeobox genes of the four HOX loci in human embryonal carcinoma cells. Mech Dev (1991) 2.04
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Conservation and elaboration of Hox gene regulation during evolution of the vertebrate head. Nature (2000) 1.93
Hoxa1 and Hoxb1 synergize in patterning the hindbrain, cranial nerves and second pharyngeal arch. Development (1998) 1.93
Role of a conserved retinoic acid response element in rhombomere restriction of Hoxb-1. Science (1994) 1.91
Altered segmental identity and abnormal migration of motor neurons in mice lacking Hoxb-1. Nature (1997) 1.89
Vaccine storage practices in pediatric offices. Pediatrics (1992) 1.89
Coordinate regulation of HOX genes in human hematopoietic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1991) 1.88
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Two vertebrate homeobox genes related to the Drosophila empty spiracles gene are expressed in the embryonic cerebral cortex. EMBO J (1992) 1.79
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An extradenticle-induced conformational change in a HOX protein overcomes an inhibitory function of the conserved hexapeptide motif. EMBO J (1996) 1.44
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