Published in J Virol on July 01, 1999
RNA replication of mouse hepatitis virus takes place at double-membrane vesicles. J Virol (2002) 3.69
Hepatitis C virus RNA replication occurs on a detergent-resistant membrane that cofractionates with caveolin-2. J Virol (2003) 2.86
Identification and characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replicase proteins. J Virol (2004) 2.38
Multiple enzymatic activities associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus helicase. J Virol (2004) 2.29
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain-like protease: structure of a viral deubiquitinating enzyme. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 2.28
Ultrastructure and origin of membrane vesicles associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replication complex. J Virol (2006) 2.20
Identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replicase products and characterization of papain-like protease activity. J Virol (2004) 1.97
Four proteins processed from the replicase gene polyprotein of mouse hepatitis virus colocalize in the cell periphery and adjacent to sites of virion assembly. J Virol (2000) 1.84
Identification of the murine coronavirus MP1 cleavage site recognized by papain-like proteinase 2. J Virol (2003) 1.47
Characterization of the expression, intracellular localization, and replication complex association of the putative mouse hepatitis virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. J Virol (2003) 1.41
Proteolytic processing and deubiquitinating activity of papain-like proteases of human coronavirus NL63. J Virol (2007) 1.39
Mouse hepatitis virus replicase proteins associate with two distinct populations of intracellular membranes. J Virol (2000) 1.38
Mouse hepatitis coronavirus RNA replication depends on GBF1-mediated ARF1 activation. PLoS Pathog (2008) 1.36
Identification of mouse hepatitis virus papain-like proteinase 2 activity. J Virol (2000) 1.34
Localization and membrane topology of coronavirus nonstructural protein 4: involvement of the early secretory pathway in replication. J Virol (2007) 1.32
The coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus nucleoprotein localizes to the nucleolus. J Virol (2001) 1.28
Topology and membrane anchoring of the coronavirus replication complex: not all hydrophobic domains of nsp3 and nsp6 are membrane spanning. J Virol (2008) 1.23
Processing of open reading frame 1a replicase proteins nsp7 to nsp10 in murine hepatitis virus strain A59 replication. J Virol (2007) 1.22
Intracellular localization and protein interactions of the gene 1 protein p28 during mouse hepatitis virus replication. J Virol (2004) 1.15
Mutation in murine coronavirus replication protein nsp4 alters assembly of double membrane vesicles. Virology (2008) 1.13
Formation of the arterivirus replication/transcription complex: a key role for nonstructural protein 3 in the remodeling of intracellular membranes. J Virol (2008) 1.12
The footprint of genome architecture in the largest genome expansion in RNA viruses. PLoS Pathog (2013) 1.10
Dynamics of coronavirus replication-transcription complexes. J Virol (2009) 1.07
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus protein 6 accelerates murine coronavirus infections. J Virol (2006) 1.02
Suppression of coronavirus replication by inhibition of the MEK signaling pathway. J Virol (2006) 1.01
miR-122 stimulates hepatitis C virus RNA synthesis by altering the balance of viral RNAs engaged in replication versus translation. Cell Host Microbe (2015) 1.01
Visualizing coronavirus RNA synthesis in time by using click chemistry. J Virol (2012) 0.98
Mobility and interactions of coronavirus nonstructural protein 4. J Virol (2011) 0.93
The coronavirus nucleocapsid protein is dynamically associated with the replication-transcription complexes. J Virol (2010) 0.92
Biogenesis and dynamics of the coronavirus replicative structures. Viruses (2012) 0.84
Competitive fitness in coronaviruses is not correlated with size or number of double-membrane vesicles under reduced-temperature growth conditions. MBio (2014) 0.84
Comparative in vivo analysis of the nsp15 endoribonuclease of murine, porcine and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses. Virus Res (2012) 0.79
Structure of the C-terminal domain of nsp4 from feline coronavirus. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr (2009) 0.78
Crystal structure of the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of non-structural protein 4 from mouse hepatitis virus A59. PLoS One (2009) 0.78
Early endonuclease-mediated evasion of RNA sensing ensures efficient coronavirus replication. PLoS Pathog (2017) 0.75
Intracellular restriction of a productive noncytopathic coronavirus infection. J Virol (2007) 0.75
In Situ Tagged nsp15 Reveals Interactions with Coronavirus Replication/Transcription Complex-Associated Proteins. MBio (2017) 0.75
An Hsp70-like protein in the ER: identity with the 78 kd glucose-regulated protein and immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein. Cell (1986) 10.38
The molecular biology of coronaviruses. Adv Virus Res (1997) 6.62
Poliovirus RNA synthesis utilizes an RNP complex formed around the 5'-end of viral RNA. EMBO J (1993) 6.29
A new superfamily of replicative proteins. Nature (1988) 6.20
Cellular origin and ultrastructure of membranes induced during poliovirus infection. J Virol (1996) 4.41
Identification of two lysosomal membrane glycoproteins. J Cell Biol (1985) 4.08
The complete sequence (22 kilobases) of murine coronavirus gene 1 encoding the putative proteases and RNA polymerase. Virology (1991) 4.07
Structural and functional characterization of the poliovirus replication complex. J Virol (1992) 3.70
An efficient ribosomal frame-shifting signal in the polymerase-encoding region of the coronavirus IBV. EMBO J (1987) 3.66
Open reading frame 1a-encoded subunits of the arterivirus replicase induce endoplasmic reticulum-derived double-membrane vesicles which carry the viral replication complex. J Virol (1999) 3.51
Coronavirus genome: prediction of putative functional domains in the non-structural polyprotein by comparative amino acid sequence analysis. Nucleic Acids Res (1989) 3.38
Brome mosaic virus helicase- and polymerase-like proteins colocalize on the endoplasmic reticulum at sites of viral RNA synthesis. J Virol (1996) 3.17
An NTP-binding motif is the most conserved sequence in a highly diverged monophyletic group of proteins involved in positive strand RNA viral replication. J Mol Evol (1989) 3.00
Formation of plant RNA virus replication complexes on membranes: role of an endoplasmic reticulum-targeted viral protein. EMBO J (1997) 2.99
Completion of the sequence of the genome of the coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus. J Gen Virol (1987) 2.84
Characterization of two RNA polymerase activities induced by mouse hepatitis virus. J Virol (1982) 2.46
Enhanced growth of a murine coronavirus in transformed mouse cells. Infect Immun (1972) 2.35
ORF1a-encoded replicase subunits are involved in the membrane association of the arterivirus replication complex. J Virol (1998) 2.26
Coronavirus minus-strand RNA synthesis and effect of cycloheximide on coronavirus RNA synthesis. J Virol (1986) 2.26
Rubella virus replication complexes are virus-modified lysosomes. Virology (1998) 2.07
Sequence and translation of the murine coronavirus 5'-end genomic RNA reveals the N-terminal structure of the putative RNA polymerase. J Virol (1987) 1.89
Identification of a domain required for autoproteolytic cleavage of murine coronavirus gene A polyprotein. J Virol (1989) 1.82
Coronavirus protein processing and RNA synthesis is inhibited by the cysteine proteinase inhibitor E64d. Virology (1995) 1.80
Identification and characterization of a serine-like proteinase of the murine coronavirus MHV-A59. J Virol (1995) 1.76
Lectin-binding sites as markers of Golgi subcompartments: proximal-to-distal maturation of oligosaccharides. J Cell Biol (1983) 1.74
Mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 RNA polymerase gene ORF 1a: heterogeneity among MHV strains. Virology (1994) 1.73
Characterization of a second cleavage site and demonstration of activity in trans by the papain-like proteinase of the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59. J Virol (1997) 1.71
Pathogenic murine coronaviruses. I. Characterization of biological behavior in vitro and virus-specific intracellular RNA of strongly neurotropic JHMV and weakly neurotropic A59V viruses. Virology (1979) 1.71
Intracellular processing of the N-terminal ORF 1a proteins of the coronavirus MHV-A59 requires multiple proteolytic events. Virology (1992) 1.67
Processing of the coronavirus MHV-JHM polymerase polyprotein: identification of precursors and proteolytic products spanning 400 kilodaltons of ORF1a. Virology (1998) 1.64
Mouse hepatitis virus 3C-like protease cleaves a 22-kilodalton protein from the open reading frame 1a polyprotein in virus-infected cells and in vitro. J Virol (1998) 1.61
Processing of the equine arteritis virus replicase ORF1b protein: identification of cleavage products containing the putative viral polymerase and helicase domains. J Virol (1996) 1.53
Translation and processing of mouse hepatitis virus virion RNA in a cell-free system. J Virol (1986) 1.51
Identification of putative polymerase gene product in cells infected with murine coronavirus A59. Virology (1987) 1.48
Intracellular and in vitro-translated 27-kDa proteins contain the 3C-like proteinase activity of the coronavirus MHV-A59. Virology (1996) 1.43
Determinants of the p28 cleavage site recognized by the first papain-like cysteine proteinase of murine coronavirus. Virology (1994) 1.39
Identification and characterization of a 65-kDa protein processed from the gene 1 polyprotein of the murine coronavirus MHV-A59. Virology (1995) 1.39
Characterization of the leader papain-like proteinase of MHV-A59: identification of a new in vitro cleavage site. Virology (1995) 1.38
Coronavirus genomic and subgenomic minus-strand RNAs copartition in membrane-protected replication complexes. J Virol (1997) 1.33
Identification of the murine coronavirus p28 cleavage site. J Virol (1995) 1.27
A 100-kilodalton polypeptide encoded by open reading frame (ORF) 1b of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus is processed by ORF 1a products. J Virol (1994) 1.24
Identification of polypeptides encoded in open reading frame 1b of the putative polymerase gene of the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus A59. J Virol (1991) 1.19
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in murine coronavirus-infected cells. J Gen Virol (1983) 1.12
Genetics of mouse hepatitis virus transcription: identification of cistrons which may function in positive and negative strand RNA synthesis. Virology (1990) 1.11
Map locations of mouse hepatitis virus temperature-sensitive mutants: confirmation of variable rates of recombination. J Virol (1994) 1.08
Localization of mouse hepatitis virus open reading frame 1A derived proteins. J Neurovirol (1998) 1.03
Syncytia formation induced by coronavirus infection is associated with fragmentation and rearrangement of the Golgi apparatus. Virology (1996) 1.03
Characterization of a 105-kDa polypeptide encoded in gene 1 of the human coronavirus HCV 229E. Virology (1996) 1.00
Intracellular complexes of viral spike and cellular receptor accumulate during cytopathic murine coronavirus infections. J Virol (1998) 0.98
Synthesis of virus-specific RNA in permeabilized murine coronavirus-infected cells. Virology (1988) 0.96
Identification of the polymerase polyprotein products p72 and p65 of the murine coronavirus MHV-JHM. Virus Res (1996) 0.89
Continuous tissue culture cell lines derived from chemically induced tumors of Japanese quail. Cell (1977) 7.23
Inhibition of the interferon-inducible protein kinase PKR by HCV E2 protein. Science (1999) 6.21
Other minds in the brain: a functional imaging study of "theory of mind" in story comprehension. Cognition (1995) 4.92
Molecular cloning and sequencing of a human hepatitis delta (delta) virus RNA. Nature (1987) 4.52
Adenylic acid-rich sequence in RNAs of Rous sarcoma virus and Rauscher mouse leukaemia virus. Nature (1972) 4.49
RNA of mouse hepatitis virus. J Virol (1978) 4.27
The complete sequence (22 kilobases) of murine coronavirus gene 1 encoding the putative proteases and RNA polymerase. Virology (1991) 4.07
Mouse hepatitis virus A59: mRNA structure and genetic localization of the sequence divergence from hepatotropic strain MHV-3. J Virol (1981) 4.00
Characterization of leader RNA sequences on the virion and mRNAs of mouse hepatitis virus, a cytoplasmic RNA virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1984) 3.81
Human hepatitis delta virus RNA subfragments contain an autocleavage activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1989) 3.51
Avian tumor virus RNA: a comparison of three sarcoma viruses and their transformation-defective derivatives by oligonucleotide fingerprinting and DNA-RNA hybridization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1973) 3.46
Ribonucleic acid components of murine sarcoma and leukemia viruses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1973) 3.42
Human hepatitis delta antigen is a nuclear phosphoprotein with RNA-binding activity. J Virol (1988) 3.11
Presence of leader sequences in the mRNA of mouse hepatitis virus. J Virol (1983) 3.06
PATRIC: the VBI PathoSystems Resource Integration Center. Nucleic Acids Res (2006) 3.06
High-frequency RNA recombination of murine coronaviruses. J Virol (1986) 2.91
Replication of mouse hepatitis virus: negative-stranded RNA and replicative form RNA are of genome length. J Virol (1982) 2.86
Characterization of replicative intermediate RNA of mouse hepatitis virus: presence of leader RNA sequences on nascent chains. J Virol (1983) 2.80
Characterization of two RNA polymerase activities induced by mouse hepatitis virus. J Virol (1982) 2.46
Tubulin: a factor necessary for the synthesis of both Sendai virus and vesicular stomatitis virus RNAs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 2.45
The 3'-untranslated region of hepatitis C virus RNA enhances translation from an internal ribosomal entry site. J Virol (1998) 2.36
Further characterization of mRNA's of mouse hepatitis virus: presence of common 5'-end nucleotides. J Virol (1982) 2.34
Hepatitis C virus RNA polymerase and NS5A complex with a SNARE-like protein. Virology (1999) 2.33
Comparative analysis of RNA genomes of mouse hepatitis viruses. J Virol (1981) 2.30
Restriction enzyme sites on the avian RNA tumor virus genome. J Virol (1978) 2.29
Hepatitis C virus core protein binds to the cytoplasmic domain of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 and enhances TNF-induced apoptosis. J Virol (1998) 2.28
Determination of the secondary structure of and cellular protein binding to the 3'-untranslated region of the hepatitis C virus RNA genome. J Virol (1997) 2.28
Occurrence of partial deletion and substitution of the src gene in the RNA genome of avian sarcoma virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1977) 2.22
Recombination between nonsegmented RNA genomes of murine coronaviruses. J Virol (1985) 2.21
The 5'-end sequence of the murine coronavirus genome: implications for multiple fusion sites in leader-primed transcription. Virology (1987) 2.17
Characterization of hepatitis delta antigen: specific binding to hepatitis delta virus RNA. J Virol (1990) 2.17
A recombinant hepatitis C virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase capable of copying the full-length viral RNA. J Virol (1999) 2.16
Leader sequences of murine coronavirus mRNAs can be freely reassorted: evidence for the role of free leader RNA in transcription. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1986) 2.16
Antigenic relationships of murine coronaviruses: analysis using monoclonal antibodies to JHM (MHV-4) virus. Virology (1983) 2.11
Phosphoproteins of murine hepatitis viruses. J Virol (1979) 2.07
Characterization of leader-related small RNAs in coronavirus-infected cells: further evidence for leader-primed mechanism of transcription. Virus Res (1985) 2.07
The mind's eye--precuneus activation in memory-related imagery. Neuroimage (1995) 2.00
High-frequency leader sequence switching during coronavirus defective interfering RNA replication. J Virol (1989) 1.95
Arabidopsis floral homeotic gene BELL (BEL1) controls ovule development through negative regulation of AGAMOUS gene (AG). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1994) 1.94
An internal polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein-binding site in the hepatitis C virus RNA attenuates translation, which is relieved by the 3'-untranslated sequence. Virology (1999) 1.90
Sequence and translation of the murine coronavirus 5'-end genomic RNA reveals the N-terminal structure of the putative RNA polymerase. J Virol (1987) 1.89
Analysis of efficiently packaged defective interfering RNAs of murine coronavirus: localization of a possible RNA-packaging signal. J Virol (1990) 1.88
Primary structure and translation of a defective interfering RNA of murine coronavirus. Virology (1988) 1.87
Hepatitis C virus core protein interacts with the cytoplasmic tail of lymphotoxin-beta receptor. J Virol (1997) 1.84
Host cell proteins required for measles virus reproduction. J Gen Virol (1990) 1.83
Identification of a domain required for autoproteolytic cleavage of murine coronavirus gene A polyprotein. J Virol (1989) 1.82
Identification of a new transcriptional initiation site and the corresponding functional gene 2b in the murine coronavirus RNA genome. J Virol (1989) 1.77
Discontinuous transcription generates heterogeneity at the leader fusion sites of coronavirus mRNAs. J Virol (1988) 1.76
Mouse hepatitis virus utilizes two carcinoembryonic antigens as alternative receptors. J Virol (1992) 1.75
Identification of the catalytic sites of a papain-like cysteine proteinase of murine coronavirus. J Virol (1993) 1.74
Differential subcellular localization of hepatitis C virus core gene products. Virology (1995) 1.73
Defective-interfering particles of murine coronavirus: mechanism of synthesis of defective viral RNAs. Virology (1988) 1.73
Deletion mapping of a mouse hepatitis virus defective interfering RNA reveals the requirement of an internal and discontiguous sequence for replication. J Virol (1993) 1.71
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 binds to the transcription-regulatory region of mouse hepatitis virus RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 1.70
An in vitro system for the leader-primed transcription of coronavirus mRNAs. EMBO J (1990) 1.69
Genome of avian myelocytomatosis virus MC29: analysis by heteroduplex mapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1979) 1.68
Phosphoproteins of Rous sarcoma viruses. Virology (1976) 1.67
Differences between the envelope glycoproteins and glycopeptides of avian tumor viruses released from transformed and from nontransformed cells. Virology (1972) 1.67
Sequence close to the N-terminus of L2 protein is displayed on the surface of bovine papillomavirus type 1 virions. Virology (1997) 1.66
Further characterization of mouse hepatitis virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Virology (1984) 1.64
Processing of the coronavirus MHV-JHM polymerase polyprotein: identification of precursors and proteolytic products spanning 400 kilodaltons of ORF1a. Virology (1998) 1.64
Three different cellular proteins bind to complementary sites on the 5'-end-positive and 3'-end-negative strands of mouse hepatitis virus RNA. J Virol (1993) 1.64
Identification of the cis-acting signal for minus-strand RNA synthesis of a murine coronavirus: implications for the role of minus-strand RNA in RNA replication and transcription. J Virol (1994) 1.64
Characterization of nuclear targeting signal of hepatitis delta antigen: nuclear transport as a protein complex. J Virol (1992) 1.63
Murine coronaviruses: isolation and characterization of two plaque morphology variants of the JHM neurotropic strain. J Gen Virol (1982) 1.62
A model of technical variation of microarray signals. J Comput Biol (2006) 1.61
Heterogeneity of gene expression of the hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) protein of murine coronaviruses. Virology (1991) 1.60
Reversible cleavage and ligation of hepatitis delta virus RNA. Science (1989) 1.59
Coronavirus leader RNA regulates and initiates subgenomic mRNA transcription both in trans and in cis. J Virol (1994) 1.58
IgA plasma cell infiltration of proximal respiratory tract, pancreas, kidney, and coronary artery in acute Kawasaki disease. J Infect Dis (2000) 1.58
Random nature of coronavirus RNA recombination in the absence of selection pressure. Virology (1991) 1.57
RNA-binding activity of hepatitis delta antigen involves two arginine-rich motifs and is required for hepatitis delta virus RNA replication. J Virol (1993) 1.57
Sequence conservation and divergence of hepatitis delta virus RNA. Virology (1990) 1.56
Analysis of intracellular small RNAs of mouse hepatitis virus: evidence for discontinuous transcription. Virology (1987) 1.52
Homotypic interaction and multimerization of hepatitis C virus core protein. Virology (1996) 1.51
Transcription of hepatitis delta antigen mRNA continues throughout hepatitis delta virus (HDV) replication: a new model of HDV RNA transcription and replication. J Virol (1998) 1.51
Prefrontal dysfunction in depressed patients performing a complex planning task: a study using positron emission tomography. Psychol Med (1997) 1.48
Template requirement and initiation site selection by hepatitis C virus polymerase on a minimal viral RNA template. J Biol Chem (2000) 1.46
IgA plasma cells in vascular tissue of patients with Kawasaki syndrome. J Immunol (1997) 1.44
Sequence and structure of the catalytic RNA of hepatitis delta virus genomic RNA. J Mol Biol (1992) 1.44
17-year follow-up of a randomized prospective controlled trial of adjuvant intravesical doxorubicin in the treatment of superficial bladder cancer. Int Braz J Urol (2005) 1.44
Methylosulfonomonas methylovora gen. nov., sp. nov., and Marinosulfonomonas methylotropha gen. nov., sp. nov.: novel methylotrophs able to grow on methanesulfonic acid. Arch Microbiol (1997) 1.43
Evolution of the 5'-end of genomic RNA of murine coronaviruses during passages in vitro. Virology (1989) 1.43
Interaction of RAFT1 with gephyrin required for rapamycin-sensitive signaling. Science (1999) 1.42
Immunophilins in the nervous system. Neuron (1998) 1.42
Requirement of the 5'-end genomic sequence as an upstream cis-acting element for coronavirus subgenomic mRNA transcription. J Virol (1994) 1.41
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein a1 binds to the 3'-untranslated region and mediates potential 5'-3'-end cross talks of mouse hepatitis virus RNA. J Virol (2001) 1.41
Determinants of the p28 cleavage site recognized by the first papain-like cysteine proteinase of murine coronavirus. Virology (1994) 1.39
Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 regulates RNA synthesis of a cytoplasmic virus. EMBO J (2000) 1.38
Neurabin is a synaptic protein linking p70 S6 kinase and the neuronal cytoskeleton. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.38
Neuropathogenicity of mouse hepatitis virus JHM isolates differing in hemagglutinin-esterase protein expression. J Neurovirol (1995) 1.37
RNA-Dependent replication and transcription of hepatitis delta virus RNA involve distinct cellular RNA polymerases. Mol Cell Biol (2000) 1.36
A pregnancy-specific glycoprotein is expressed in the brain and serves as a receptor for mouse hepatitis virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1995) 1.34
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) production by astrocytes: autocrine regulation by IL-6 and the soluble IL-6 receptor. J Neurosci (1999) 1.34