Published in Nat Cell Biol on April 02, 2006
Kinesin-5 acts as a brake in anaphase spindle elongation. Curr Biol (2007) 2.51
Cargo transport: molecular motors navigate a complex cytoskeleton. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2008) 2.39
Mechanism of transport of IFT particles in C. elegans cilia by the concerted action of kinesin-II and OSM-3 motors. J Cell Biol (2006) 2.32
Opposite-polarity motors activate one another to trigger cargo transport in live cells. J Cell Biol (2009) 2.00
Microtubule cross-linking triggers the directional motility of kinesin-5. J Cell Biol (2008) 1.83
Chromosome congression by Kinesin-5 motor-mediated disassembly of longer kinetochore microtubules. Cell (2008) 1.77
Microtubule organization by the antagonistic mitotic motors kinesin-5 and kinesin-14. J Cell Biol (2010) 1.74
Kinesin and dynein-dynactin at intersecting microtubules: motor density affects dynein function. Biophys J (2008) 1.70
Kinesin-5-dependent poleward flux and spindle length control in Drosophila embryo mitosis. Mol Biol Cell (2009) 1.57
A computational model predicts Xenopus meiotic spindle organization. J Cell Biol (2010) 1.53
Asymmetric friction of nonmotor MAPs can lead to their directional motion in active microtubule networks. Cell (2014) 1.51
Poleward transport of Eg5 by dynein-dynactin in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles. J Cell Biol (2008) 1.49
Measuring Pushing and Braking Forces Generated by Ensembles of Kinesin-5 Crosslinking Two Microtubules. Dev Cell (2015) 1.49
A nonmotor microtubule binding site in kinesin-5 is required for filament crosslinking and sliding. Curr Biol (2011) 1.45
A universal pathway for kinesin stepping. Nat Struct Mol Biol (2011) 1.43
Phospho-regulated interaction between kinesin-6 Klp9p and microtubule bundler Ase1p promotes spindle elongation. Dev Cell (2009) 1.35
To step or not to step? How biochemistry and mechanics influence processivity in Kinesin and Eg5. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2006) 1.31
The mitotic kinesin CENP-E is a processive transport motor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 1.28
Synchronizing chromosome segregation by flux-dependent force equalization at kinetochores. J Cell Biol (2009) 1.20
Interhead tension determines processivity across diverse N-terminal kinesins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.20
Prometaphase spindle maintenance by an antagonistic motor-dependent force balance made robust by a disassembling lamin-B envelope. J Cell Biol (2010) 1.19
Measuring collective transport by defined numbers of processive and nonprocessive kinesin motors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.18
Eg5 steps it up! Cell Div (2006) 1.18
Robust transport by multiple motors with nonlinear force-velocity relations and stochastic load sharing. Phys Biol (2010) 1.17
Probing the mechanical architecture of the vertebrate meiotic spindle. Nat Methods (2009) 1.17
Load-dependent release limits the processive stepping of the tetrameric Eg5 motor. Eur Biophys J (2007) 1.16
Insights into the micromechanical properties of the metaphase spindle. Cell (2011) 1.15
Dynamic partitioning of mitotic kinesin-5 cross-linkers between microtubule-bound and freely diffusing states. J Cell Biol (2008) 1.15
Motor-induced sliding of microtubule and actin bundles. Phys Chem Chem Phys (2009) 1.14
Insights into the Mechanical Properties of the Kinesin Neck Linker Domain from Sequence Analysis and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Cell Mol Bioeng (2009) 1.10
Mutations in KIF11 cause autosomal-dominant microcephaly variably associated with congenital lymphedema and chorioretinopathy. Am J Hum Genet (2012) 1.10
Getting in sync with dimeric Eg5. Initiation and regulation of the processive run. J Biol Chem (2007) 1.08
Microtubule motors in eukaryotic spindle assembly and maintenance. Semin Cell Dev Biol (2010) 1.08
The structural basis of force generation by the mitotic motor kinesin-5. J Biol Chem (2012) 1.06
Building complexity: insights into self-organized assembly of microtubule-based architectures. Dev Cell (2012) 1.06
Dimeric Eg5 maintains processivity through alternating-site catalysis with rate-limiting ATP hydrolysis. J Biol Chem (2006) 1.05
Cryo-electron tomography of microtubule-kinesin motor complexes. J Struct Biol (2009) 1.03
Tuning multiple motor travel via single motor velocity. Traffic (2012) 1.01
Mitotic kinesin CENP-E promotes microtubule plus-end elongation. Curr Biol (2010) 1.01
Pathway of ATP hydrolysis by monomeric kinesin Eg5. Biochemistry (2006) 1.01
Structural basis for the assembly of the mitotic motor Kinesin-5 into bipolar tetramers. Elife (2014) 1.01
Comprehensive structural model of the mechanochemical cycle of a mitotic motor highlights molecular adaptations in the kinesin family. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 1.00
Mitotic force generators and chromosome segregation. Cell Mol Life Sci (2010) 0.98
Kinesin-8 is a low-force motor protein with a weakly bound slip state. Biophys J (2013) 0.97
The ATPase cycle of the mitotic motor CENP-E. J Biol Chem (2009) 0.95
The Kinesin-12 Kif15 is a processive track-switching tetramer. Elife (2014) 0.94
Transport by populations of fast and slow kinesins uncovers novel family-dependent motor characteristics important for in vivo function. Biophys J (2014) 0.93
Surface-bound casein modulates the adsorption and activity of kinesin on SiO2 surfaces. Biophys J (2009) 0.92
Force and premature binding of ADP can regulate the processivity of individual Eg5 dimers. Biophys J (2009) 0.92
Casein kinase 2 reverses tail-independent inactivation of kinesin-1. Nat Commun (2012) 0.92
Kinesin-5: cross-bridging mechanism to targeted clinical therapy. Gene (2013) 0.92
Dynamic bonds and polar ejection force distribution explain kinetochore oscillations in PtK1 cells. J Cell Biol (2013) 0.91
Modular aspects of kinesin force generation machinery. Biophys J (2013) 0.90
On the origin of kinesin limping. Biophys J (2009) 0.88
Mechanism and regulation of kinesin-5, an essential motor for the mitotic spindle. Biol Cell (2013) 0.87
The loop 5 element structurally and kinetically coordinates dimers of the human kinesin-5, Eg5. Biophys J (2011) 0.87
The structural kinetics of switch-1 and the neck linker explain the functions of kinesin-1 and Eg5. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015) 0.86
Single-headed mode of kinesin-5. EMBO Rep (2008) 0.85
Essential genes for astroglial development and axon pathfinding during zebrafish embryogenesis. Dev Dyn (2010) 0.85
Single-molecule gold-nanoparticle tracking. Cold Spring Harb Protoc (2011) 0.84
Kinesin-5 is a microtubule polymerase. Nat Commun (2015) 0.83
A chimeric kinesin-1 head/kinesin-5 tail motor switches between diffusive and processive motility. Biophys J (2013) 0.83
TPX2 Inhibits Eg5 by Interactions with Both Motor and Microtubule. J Biol Chem (2015) 0.83
Congenital microcephaly and chorioretinopathy due to de novo heterozygous KIF11 mutations: five novel mutations and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet A (2014) 0.83
The emergence of sarcomeric, graded-polarity and spindle-like patterns in bundles of short cytoskeletal polymers and two opposite molecular motors. J Phys Condens Matter (2011) 0.82
Spindle pole mechanics studied in mitotic asters: dynamic distribution of spindle forces through compliant linkages. Biophys J (2011) 0.82
A mitotic kinesin-6, Pav-KLP, mediates interdependent cortical reorganization and spindle dynamics in Drosophila embryos. J Cell Sci (2010) 0.81
Functional asymmetry in kinesin and dynein dimers. Biol Cell (2012) 0.81
Cooperative protofilament switching emerges from inter-motor interference in multiple-motor transport. Sci Rep (2014) 0.81
Microtubule capture by mitotic kinesin centromere protein E (CENP-E). J Biol Chem (2012) 0.81
Modulation of the kinesin ATPase cycle by neck linker docking and microtubule binding. J Biol Chem (2010) 0.81
Microscopic origins of anisotropic active stress in motor-driven nematic liquid crystals. Soft Matter (2016) 0.81
Highly loaded behavior of kinesins increases the robustness of transport under high resisting loads. PLoS Comput Biol (2015) 0.79
Kif11 dependent cell cycle progression in radial glial cells is required for proper neurogenesis in the zebrafish neural tube. Dev Biol (2013) 0.79
Activation of mitotic kinesin by microtubule bundling. J Cell Biol (2008) 0.78
The Kinesin-5 Chemomechanical Cycle Is Dominated by a Two-heads-bound State. J Biol Chem (2016) 0.77
Kinesin-5 seems to step to its own unique tune, but really it's a cover. Biophys J (2013) 0.77
The mitotic spindle: linking teratogenic effects of Zika virus with human genetics? Mol Cytogenet (2016) 0.77
The mechanics of microtubule networks in cell division. J Cell Biol (2017) 0.77
Mechanism for Anaphase B: Evaluation of "Slide-and-Cluster" versus "Slide-and-Flux-or-Elongate" Models. Biophys J (2015) 0.76
Family-specific Kinesin Structures Reveal Neck-linker Length Based on Initiation of the Coiled-coil. J Biol Chem (2016) 0.76
Physical determinants of bipolar mitotic spindle assembly and stability in fission yeast. Sci Adv (2017) 0.75
Kinesin Motor Enzymology: Chemistry, Structure, and Physics of Nanoscale Molecular Machines. Biophys Rev (2015) 0.75
Anaphase B. Biology (Basel) (2016) 0.75
Single molecule FRET observation of kinesin-1's head-tail interaction on microtubule. Biophysics (Nagoya-shi) (2013) 0.75
Force Generation by Molecular-Motor-Powered Microtubule Bundles; Implications for Neuronal Polarization and Growth. Front Cell Neurosci (2015) 0.75
Microtubule Sliding within the Bridging Fiber Pushes Kinetochore Fibers Apart to Segregate Chromosomes. Dev Cell (2017) 0.75
Combining Structure-Function and Single-Molecule Studies on Cytoplasmic Dynein. Methods Mol Biol (2018) 0.75
Intraflagellar transport velocity is governed by the number of active KIF17 and KIF3AB motors and their motility properties under load. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2017) 0.75
Eg5 Inhibitors Have Contrasting Effects on Microtubule Stability and Metaphase Spindle Integrity. ACS Chem Biol (2017) 0.75
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Two conformations in the human kinesin power stroke defined by X-ray crystallography and EPR spectroscopy. Nat Struct Biol (2002) 2.06
The kinesin Eg5 drives poleward microtubule flux in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles. J Cell Biol (2004) 2.06
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Docking and rolling, a model of how the mitotic motor Eg5 works. J Biol Chem (2005) 1.30
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The rate of bipolar spindle assembly depends on the microtubule-gliding velocity of the mitotic kinesin Eg5. Curr Biol (2004) 1.18
Biased binding of single molecules and continuous movement of multiple molecules of truncated single-headed kinesin. Biophys J (2004) 1.08
Optical trapping. Rev Sci Instrum (2004) 7.15
Direct observation of base-pair stepping by RNA polymerase. Nature (2005) 6.29
Ubiquitous transcriptional pausing is independent of RNA polymerase backtracking. Cell (2003) 3.92
Kinesin moves by an asymmetric hand-over-hand mechanism. Science (2003) 3.83
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Backtracking by single RNA polymerase molecules observed at near-base-pair resolution. Nature (2003) 3.50
Monastrol inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5. J Biol Chem (2005) 3.49
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Passive all-optical force clamp for high-resolution laser trapping. Phys Rev Lett (2005) 3.13
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Stepping and stretching. How kinesin uses internal strain to walk processively. J Biol Chem (2003) 2.60
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Applied force reveals mechanistic and energetic details of transcription termination. Cell (2008) 2.45
Vik1 modulates microtubule-Kar3 interactions through a motor domain that lacks an active site. Cell (2007) 2.26
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Backsteps induced by nucleotide analogs suggest the front head of kinesin is gated by strain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 1.85
Cik1 targets the minus-end kinesin depolymerase kar3 to microtubule plus ends. Curr Biol (2005) 1.83
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Trigger loop dynamics mediate the balance between the transcriptional fidelity and speed of RNA polymerase II. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.51
A universal pathway for kinesin stepping. Nat Struct Mol Biol (2011) 1.43
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