Published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A on July 11, 2012
At the leading edge of three-dimensional cell migration. J Cell Sci (2013) 1.66
Actin Dynamics Regulates Dendritic Cell-Mediated Transfer of HIV-1 to T Cells. Cell (2016) 1.66
The role and regulation of blebs in cell migration. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2013) 1.48
Force transmission during adhesion-independent migration. Nat Cell Biol (2015) 1.19
Cellular control of cortical actin nucleation. Curr Biol (2014) 1.16
Implications of the Hybrid Epithelial/Mesenchymal Phenotype in Metastasis. Front Oncol (2015) 1.15
Cell-sized liposomes reveal how actomyosin cortical tension drives shape change. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.14
Rac function is crucial for cell migration but is not required for spreading and focal adhesion formation. J Cell Sci (2013) 1.08
Mathematical modeling of eukaryotic cell migration: insights beyond experiments. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (2013) 1.08
Bleb-driven chemotaxis of Dictyostelium cells. J Cell Biol (2014) 1.06
Compression and dilation of the membrane-cortex layer generates rapid changes in cell shape. J Cell Biol (2013) 1.02
3D traction stresses activate protease-dependent invasion of cancer cells. Biophys J (2014) 0.97
Mechanisms of leading edge protrusion in interstitial migration. Nat Commun (2013) 0.97
The three-way switch operation of Rac1/RhoA GTPase-based circuit controlling amoeboid-hybrid-mesenchymal transition. Sci Rep (2014) 0.92
Open source software for quantification of cell migration, protrusions, and fluorescence intensities. J Cell Biol (2015) 0.91
Erk regulation of actin capping and bundling by Eps8 promotes cortex tension and leader bleb-based migration. Elife (2015) 0.89
How blebs and pseudopods cooperate during chemotaxis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 0.89
Targeting Rho-GTPases in immune cell migration and inflammation. Br J Pharmacol (2014) 0.85
Endothelial cell division in angiogenic sprouts of differing cellular architecture. Biol Open (2015) 0.85
Cost-benefit analysis of the mechanisms that enable migrating cells to sustain motility upon changes in matrix environments. J R Soc Interface (2015) 0.85
Protrusive waves guide 3D cell migration along nanofibers. J Cell Biol (2015) 0.84
Arp2/3 inhibition induces amoeboid-like protrusions in MCF10A epithelial cells by reduced cytoskeletal-membrane coupling and focal adhesion assembly. PLoS One (2014) 0.83
Trading in your spindles for blebs: the amoeboid tumor cell phenotype in prostate cancer. Asian J Androl (2014) 0.83
Cellular regulation of extension and retraction of pseudopod-like blebs produced by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF). Cell Biochem Biophys (2014) 0.82
Effects of plasma membrane cholesterol level and cytoskeleton F-actin on cell protrusion mechanics. PLoS One (2013) 0.82
Cell polarity signaling in the plasticity of cancer cell invasiveness. Oncotarget (2016) 0.82
Fibroblasts Lead the Way: A Unified View of 3D Cell Motility. Trends Cell Biol (2015) 0.80
Filopodia and membrane blebs drive efficient matrix invasion of macrophages transformed by the intracellular parasite Theileria annulata. PLoS One (2013) 0.80
Deficiency of the 15-kDa selenoprotein led to cytoskeleton remodeling and non-apoptotic membrane blebbing through a RhoA/ROCK pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2014) 0.80
Cadherin 6 promotes neural crest cell detachment via F-actin regulation and influences active Rho distribution during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Development (2014) 0.79
Microglia mechanics: immune activation alters traction forces and durotaxis. Front Cell Neurosci (2015) 0.79
A novel role for atypical MAPK kinase ERK3 in regulating breast cancer cell morphology and migration. Cell Adh Migr (2015) 0.79
FMNL formins boost lamellipodial force generation. Nat Commun (2017) 0.78
Modeling the Transitions between Collective and Solitary Migration Phenotypes in Cancer Metastasis. Sci Rep (2015) 0.78
Function and regulation of the Arp2/3 complex during cell migration in diverse environments. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2016) 0.78
Reversible membrane pearling in live cells upon destruction of the actin cortex. Biophys J (2014) 0.78
Nanonet Force Microscopy for Measuring Cell Forces. Biophys J (2016) 0.78
Epithelia migration: A spatiotemporal interplay between contraction and adhesion. Cell Adh Migr (2015) 0.77
Lamellipodia and Membrane Blebs Drive Efficient Electrotactic Migration of Rat Walker Carcinosarcoma Cells WC 256. PLoS One (2016) 0.77
Physical view on migration modes. Cell Adh Migr (2015) 0.77
Geometry-Driven Polarity in Motile Amoeboid Cells. PLoS One (2014) 0.77
BIGH3 modulates adhesion and migration of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Cell Adh Migr (2013) 0.77
Bursting the Bubble - Nuclear Envelope Rupture as a Path to Genomic Instability? Trends Cell Biol (2017) 0.76
Cancer cell motility: lessons from migration in confined spaces. Nat Rev Cancer (2016) 0.76
Multiple mechanisms of 3D migration: the origins of plasticity. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2016) 0.76
Microtubule-Mediated Inositol Lipid Signaling Plays Critical Roles in Regulation of Blebbing. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
Dimensionality of Rolled-up Nanomembranes Controls Neural Stem Cell Migration Mechanism. Nano Lett (2015) 0.76
S6K is a morphogenic protein with a mechanism involving Filamin-A phosphorylation and phosphatidic acid binding. FASEB J (2014) 0.76
Prion protein- and cardiac troponin T-marked interstitial cells from the adult myocardium spontaneously develop into beating cardiomyocytes. Sci Rep (2014) 0.76
Cell Blebbing in Confined Microfluidic Environments. PLoS One (2016) 0.76
Modes of invasion during tumour dissemination. Mol Oncol (2016) 0.76
Membrane nanowaves in single and collective cell migration. PLoS One (2014) 0.75
Newcastle disease virus employs macropinocytosis and Rab5a-dependent intracellular trafficking to infect DF-1 cells. Oncotarget (2016) 0.75
Membrane Blebbing Is Required for Mesenchymal Precursor Migration. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
A spatiotemporal characterization method for the dynamic cytoskeleton. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) (2016) 0.75
Comparison of cell migration mechanical strategies in three-dimensional matrices: a computational study. Interface Focus (2016) 0.75
Synthetic polyamines: new compounds specific to actin dynamics for mammalian cell and fission yeast. Bioarchitecture (2015) 0.75
Switching from protease-independent to protease-dependent cancer cell invasion. Biophys J (2014) 0.75
Varying effects of EGF, HGF and TGFβ on formation of invadopodia and invasiveness of melanoma cell lines of different origin. Eur J Histochem (2016) 0.75
Method to study cell migration under uniaxial compression. Mol Biol Cell (2017) 0.75
Differential role of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms during blebbing of MCF-7 cells. Mol Biol Cell (2017) 0.75
Steering cell migration by alternating blebs and actin-rich protrusions. BMC Biol (2016) 0.75
T Cell Interstitial Migration: Motility Cues from the Inflamed Tissue for Micro- and Macro-Positioning. Front Immunol (2016) 0.75
Cell blebbing upon addition of cryoprotectants: a self-protection mechanism. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
A Novel Role of E-Cadherin-Based Adherens Junctions in Neoplastic Cell Dissemination. PLoS One (2015) 0.75
Actin-based protrusions of migrating neutrophils are intrinsically lamellar and facilitate direction changes. Elife (2017) 0.75
Anterior lens epithelium in intumescent white cataracts - scanning and transmission electron microscopy study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2015) 0.75
Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity: How have quantitative mathematical models helped improve our understanding? Mol Oncol (2017) 0.75
Rho GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton. Science (1998) 28.19
Cellular motility driven by assembly and disassembly of actin filaments. Cell (2003) 26.05
Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms. Nat Rev Cancer (2003) 13.01
Lifeact: a versatile marker to visualize F-actin. Nat Methods (2008) 12.23
Differing modes of tumour cell invasion have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extracellular proteolysis. Nat Cell Biol (2003) 7.93
Compensation mechanism in tumor cell migration: mesenchymal-amoeboid transition after blocking of pericellular proteolysis. J Cell Biol (2003) 7.89
Rapid leukocyte migration by integrin-independent flowing and squeezing. Nature (2008) 7.28
A genetically encoded photoactivatable Rac controls the motility of living cells. Nature (2009) 7.25
Rac activation and inactivation control plasticity of tumor cell movement. Cell (2008) 6.01
Plasticity of cell migration: a multiscale tuning model. J Cell Biol (2009) 5.82
Endocytic trafficking of Rac is required for the spatial restriction of signaling in cell migration. Cell (2008) 4.47
Life at the leading edge. Cell (2011) 4.42
Micropipette aspiration of living cells. J Biomech (2000) 4.40
Characterization of two classes of small molecule inhibitors of Arp2/3 complex. Nature (2009) 3.83
Blebs lead the way: how to migrate without lamellipodia. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol (2008) 3.83
Role of cortical tension in bleb growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 3.08
Mechanical modes of 'amoeboid' cell migration. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2009) 2.99
A Formin Homology protein and a profilin are required for cytokinesis and Arp2/3-independent assembly of cortical microfilaments in C. elegans. Curr Biol (2002) 2.16
The plasticity of cytoskeletal dynamics underlying neoplastic cell migration. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2010) 2.13
A role for Rho GTPases and cell-cell adhesion in single-cell motility in vivo. Nat Cell Biol (2009) 2.05
Control of directed cell migration in vivo by membrane-to-cortex attachment. PLoS Biol (2010) 2.03
Dissection of amoeboid movement into two mechanically distinct modes. J Cell Sci (2006) 1.90
An adhesion-dependent switch between mechanisms that determine motile cell shape. PLoS Biol (2011) 1.90
Surface activity and locomotion of Fundulus deep cells during blastula and gastrula stages. Dev Biol (1973) 1.84
Blebbing of Dictyostelium cells in response to chemoattractant. Exp Cell Res (2006) 1.39
Role of Rho, Rac, and Rho-kinase in phosphorylation of myosin light chain, development of polarity, and spontaneous migration of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells. Exp Cell Res (2005) 1.31
Changes in the mechanical properties of fibroblasts during spreading: a micromanipulation study. Eur Biophys J (1999) 1.15
In vivo roles for Arp2/3 in cortical actin organization during C. elegans gastrulation. J Cell Sci (2009) 0.93
Myosin II-dependent cylindrical protrusions induced by quinine in Dictyostelium: antagonizing effects of actin polymerization at the leading edge. J Cell Sci (2001) 0.89
Interference reflection microscopy. Curr Protoc Cell Biol (2009) 0.88
Phenotype modulation in non-adherent and adherent sublines of Walker carcinosarcoma cells: the role of cell-substratum contacts and microtubules in controlling cell shape, locomotion and cytoskeletal structure. Int J Biochem Cell Biol (2002) 0.83
A study of the adhesive, locomotory and invasive behaviour of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells. Exp Cell Biol (1985) 0.79
Mechanical regulation of cell function with geometrically modulated elastomeric substrates. Nat Methods (2010) 4.74
Blebs lead the way: how to migrate without lamellipodia. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol (2008) 3.83
Role of cortical tension in bleb growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 3.08
Heparin binding directs activation of T cells against adeno-associated virus serotype 2 capsid. Nat Med (2006) 2.78
Cytokinesis in animal cells. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (2012) 2.77
Actin cortex mechanics and cellular morphogenesis. Trends Cell Biol (2012) 2.32
Adhesion functions in cell sorting by mechanically coupling the cortices of adhering cells. Science (2012) 2.12
Control of directed cell migration in vivo by membrane-to-cortex attachment. PLoS Biol (2010) 2.03
Nanotechnology for cell-substrate interactions. Ann Biomed Eng (2006) 1.87
Polar actomyosin contractility destabilizes the position of the cytokinetic furrow. Nature (2011) 1.78
Stress release drives symmetry breaking for actin-based movement. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.75
Assaying stem cell mechanobiology on microfabricated elastomeric substrates with geometrically modulated rigidity. Nat Protoc (2011) 1.60
Non-muscle myosin II and myosin light chain kinase are downstream targets for vasopressin signaling in the renal collecting duct. J Biol Chem (2004) 1.42
Decoupling diffusional from dimensional control of signaling in 3D culture reveals a role for myosin in tubulogenesis. J Cell Sci (2010) 1.00
Mechanics and regulation of cell shape during the cell cycle. Results Probl Cell Differ (2011) 0.97
Identification and regulation of a molecular module for bleb-based cell motility. Dev Cell (2012) 0.94
Micropatterned multicolor dynamically adhesive substrates to control cell adhesion and multicellular organization. Langmuir (2014) 0.92
Activation of beta 1 but not beta 3 integrin increases cell traction forces. FEBS Lett (2013) 0.92
Micropatterned dynamically adhesive substrates for cell migration. Langmuir (2010) 0.92
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