Published in J Proteomics on October 09, 2012
Recent applications of metabolomics toward cyanobacteria. Metabolites (2013) 0.89
Conditional, temperature-induced proteolytic regulation of cyanobacterial RNA helicase expression. J Bacteriol (2014) 0.77
A transcriptional regulator Sll0794 regulates tolerance to biofuel ethanol in photosynthetic Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Mol Cell Proteomics (2014) 0.77
Insights into the Cyanobacterial Deg/HtrA Proteases. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
Synergy: a web resource for exploring gene regulation in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. PLoS One (2014) 0.75
Comparative genomic analysis reveals the environmental impacts on two Arcticibacter strains including sixteen Sphingobacteriaceae species. Sci Rep (2017) 0.75
Glucose control and vascular complications in veterans with type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med (2008) 25.70
Integration of plant responses to environmentally activated phytohormonal signals. Science (2006) 5.46
The Norway spruce genome sequence and conifer genome evolution. Nature (2013) 4.74
Visualization of GC/TOF-MS-based metabolomics data for identification of biochemically interesting compounds using OPLS class models. Anal Chem (2007) 4.04
The lack of a systematic validation of reference genes: a serious pitfall undervalued in reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis in plants. Plant Biotechnol J (2008) 3.81
GC-MS libraries for the rapid identification of metabolites in complex biological samples. FEBS Lett (2005) 3.29
Radial artery grafts vs saphenous vein grafts in coronary artery bypass surgery: a randomized trial. JAMA (2011) 3.03
Long-term patency of saphenous vein and left internal mammary artery grafts after coronary artery bypass surgery: results from a Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study. J Am Coll Cardiol (2004) 2.99
An auxin gradient and maximum in the Arabidopsis root apex shown by high-resolution cell-specific analysis of IAA distribution and synthesis. Plant Cell (2009) 2.97
Percutaneous coronary intervention versus coronary bypass surgery in United States veterans with diabetes. J Am Coll Cardiol (2013) 2.79
Predicting gene ontology biological process from temporal gene expression patterns. Genome Res (2003) 2.42
High-throughput data analysis for detecting and identifying differences between samples in GC/MS-based metabolomic analyses. Anal Chem (2005) 2.38
Proteome map of the chloroplast lumen of Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biol Chem (2001) 2.26
Extraction and GC/MS analysis of the human blood plasma metabolome. Anal Chem (2005) 2.13
Sterol-dependent endocytosis mediates post-cytokinetic acquisition of PIN2 auxin efflux carrier polarity. Nat Cell Biol (2008) 2.09
Design of experiments: an efficient strategy to identify factors influencing extraction and derivatization of Arabidopsis thaliana samples in metabolomic studies with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Anal Biochem (2004) 2.02
Markers of adenocarcinoma characteristic of the site of origin: development of a diagnostic algorithm. Clin Cancer Res (2005) 1.87
A strategy for identifying differences in large series of metabolomic samples analyzed by GC/MS. Anal Chem (2004) 1.80
GA4 is the active gibberellin in the regulation of LEAFY transcription and Arabidopsis floral initiation. Plant Cell (2006) 1.77
The plant stress hormone ethylene controls floral transition via DELLA-dependent regulation of floral meristem-identity genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.74
Data integration in plant biology: the O2PLS method for combined modeling of transcript and metabolite data. Plant J (2007) 1.58
AtGA3ox2, a key gene responsible for bioactive gibberellin biosynthesis, is regulated during embryogenesis by LEAFY COTYLEDON2 and FUSCA3 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.52
Serum free light chain analysis and urine immunofixation electrophoresis in patients with multiple myeloma. Clin Cancer Res (2005) 1.49
Docetaxel and gemcitabine in the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma - a single-center experience. Onkologie (2008) 1.45
Environmental and hormonal regulation of the activity-dormancy cycle in the cambial meristem involves stage-specific modulation of transcriptional and metabolic networks. Plant J (2007) 1.41
Arabidopsis REGULATOR OF AXILLARY MERISTEMS1 controls a leaf axil stem cell niche and modulates vegetative development. Plant Cell (2006) 1.37
Independent activation of cold acclimation by low temperature and short photoperiod in hybrid aspen. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.37
Metabolomic characterization of human prostate cancer bone metastases reveals increased levels of cholesterol. PLoS One (2010) 1.28
Cross-talk between gibberellin and auxin in development of Populus wood: gibberellin stimulates polar auxin transport and has a common transcriptome with auxin. Plant J (2007) 1.28
Unbiased characterization of genotype-dependent metabolic regulations by metabolomic approach in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Syst Biol (2007) 1.25
Veterans Affairs diabetes trial--corrections. N Engl J Med (2009) 1.25
Compensation for systematic cross-contribution improves normalization of mass spectrometry based metabolomics data. Anal Chem (2009) 1.25
Application of a metabolomic method combining one-dimensional and two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight/mass spectrometry to metabolic phenotyping of natural variants in rice. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci (2007) 1.23
Protease gene families in Populus and Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol (2006) 1.22
Predictive metabolite profiling applying hierarchical multivariate curve resolution to GC-MS data--a potential tool for multi-parametric diagnosis. J Proteome Res (2006) 1.21
The roles of ethylene, auxin, abscisic acid, and gibberellin in the hyponastic growth of submerged Rumex palustris petioles. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.19
A multivariate screening strategy for investigating metabolic effects of strenuous physical exercise in human serum. J Proteome Res (2007) 1.18
AtFtsH6 is involved in the degradation of the light-harvesting complex II during high-light acclimation and senescence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.16
A genomic approach to investigate developmental cell death in woody tissues of Populus trees. Genome Biol (2005) 1.16
Co-swarming and local collapse: quorum sensing conveys resilience to bacterial communities by localizing cheater mutants in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS One (2010) 1.13
Transitions in the functioning of the shoot apical meristem in birch (Betula pendula) involve ethylene. Plant J (2006) 1.13
Tissue-specific localization of gibberellins and expression of gibberellin-biosynthetic and signaling genes in wood-forming tissues in aspen. Plant J (2005) 1.13
The sucrose-regulated Arabidopsis transcription factor bZIP11 reprograms metabolism and regulates trehalose metabolism. New Phytol (2011) 1.12
Decreased mitochondrial activities of malate dehydrogenase and fumarase in tomato lead to altered root growth and architecture via diverse mechanisms. Plant Physiol (2008) 1.10
Diagnostic properties of metabolic perturbations in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther (2011) 1.09
A ubiquitous chromatin opening element prevents transgene silencing in pluripotent stem cells and their differentiated progeny. Stem Cells (2013) 1.09
Asymmetric expression of a poplar ACC oxidase controls ethylene production during gravitational induction of tension wood. Plant J (2003) 1.09
Extraction, interpretation and validation of information for comparing samples in metabolic LC/MS data sets. Analyst (2005) 1.09
Derivatization for LC-electrospray ionization-MS: a tool for improving reversed-phase separation and ESI responses of bases, ribosides, and intact nucleotides. Anal Chem (2004) 1.09
Orthogonal projections to latent structures as a strategy for microarray data normalization. BMC Bioinformatics (2007) 1.09
A segmental maximum a posteriori approach to genome-wide copy number profiling. Bioinformatics (2008) 1.09
Gibberellin mediates daylength-controlled differentiation of vegetative meristems in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch). BMC Plant Biol (2009) 1.09
Soluble MICA as an independent prognostic factor for the overall survival and progression-free survival of multiple myeloma patients. Clin Immunol (2007) 1.08
Localization of the small CAB-like proteins in photosystem II. J Biol Chem (2006) 1.08
Regulation of flowering in the long-day grass Lolium temulentum by gibberellins and the FLOWERING LOCUS T gene. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.07
Immune parameters in multiple myeloma patients: influence of treatment and correlation with opportunistic infections. Leuk Lymphoma (2006) 1.06
Predictive metabolomics evaluation of nutrition-modulated metabolic stress responses in human blood serum during the early recovery phase of strenuous physical exercise. J Proteome Res (2009) 1.05
Survivin and its prognostic significance in pediatric acute B-cell precursor lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica (2007) 1.04
Improper excess light energy dissipation in Arabidopsis results in a metabolic reprogramming. BMC Plant Biol (2009) 1.03
Cyclic nucleotides, the photosynthetic apparatus and response to a UV-B stress in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. J Biol Chem (2005) 1.03
Isolation of outer membrane of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and its proteomic characterization. Mol Cell Proteomics (2004) 1.02
Using multi-data hidden Markov models trained on local neighborhoods of protein structure to predict residue-residue contacts. Bioinformatics (2009) 1.02
Excitation energy partitioning and quenching during cold acclimation in Scots pine. Tree Physiol (2006) 1.02
Photosystem II, a growing complex: updates on newly discovered components and low molecular mass proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta (2011) 1.01
Long-term submergence-induced elongation in Rumex palustris requires abscisic acid-dependent biosynthesis of gibberellin1. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.01
Ethnicity, race, and clinically significant macular edema in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT). Diabetes Res Clin Pract (2009) 1.01
A novel nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient xenograft model for chronic lymphocytic leukemia reflects important clinical characteristics of the disease. Cancer Res (2007) 1.00
Daylength and spatial expression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase isolated from hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. x P. tremuloides Michx.). Planta (2001) 1.00
Activity-dormancy transition in the cambial meristem involves stage-specific modulation of auxin response in hybrid aspen. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.00
Small Cab-like proteins regulating tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Plant Mol Biol (2002) 1.00
miRNA screening reveals a new miRNA family stimulating iPS cell generation via regulation of Meox2. EMBO Rep (2011) 0.99
Gene correction of human induced pluripotent stem cells repairs the cellular phenotype in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2014) 0.99
Senescence-associated proteases in plants. Physiol Plant (2012) 0.99
Intravenous zoledronic acid to prevent osteoporosis in a veteran population with multiple risk factors for bone loss on androgen deprivation therapy. J Urol (2009) 0.99
A second pathway to degrade pyrimidine nucleic acid precursors in eukaryotes. J Mol Biol (2008) 0.99
Generalized modeling of enzyme-ligand interactions using proteochemometrics and local protein substructures. Proteins (2006) 0.98
Analyses of GA20ox- and GID1-over-expressing aspen suggest that gibberellins play two distinct roles in wood formation. Plant J (2009) 0.98
Optimization of procedures for collecting and storing of CSF for studying the metabolome in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler (2009) 0.97
Multiple deletions of small Cab-like proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: consequences for pigment biosynthesis and accumulation. J Biol Chem (2004) 0.96
Arabidopsis plants grown in the field and climate chambers significantly differ in leaf morphology and photosystem components. BMC Plant Biol (2012) 0.96
Stringent regulation of DNA repair during human hematopoietic differentiation: a gene expression and functional analysis. Stem Cells (2005) 0.96
Differential regulation of psbA and psbD gene expression, and the role of the different D1 protein copies in the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1. Biochim Biophys Acta (2007) 0.96
FtsH proteases located in the plant chloroplast. Physiol Plant (2012) 0.95
Postoperative outcomes for patients undergoing elective revascularization for critical limb ischemia and intermittent claudication: a subanalysis of the Coronary Artery Revascularization Prophylaxis (CARP) trial. J Vasc Surg (2006) 0.95
Virtual non-contrast in second-generation, dual-energy computed tomography: reliability of attenuation values. Eur J Radiol (2012) 0.95
The PsbW protein stabilizes the supramolecular organization of photosystem II in higher plants. Plant J (2010) 0.94
Changes in gene expression in the wood-forming tissue of transgenic hybrid aspen with increased secondary growth. Plant Mol Biol (2003) 0.94
Proper gibberellin localization in vascular tissue is required to control auxin-dependent leaf development and bud outgrowth in hybrid aspen. Plant J (2011) 0.94
Ethylene-induced Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation is dependent on but not mediated by gibberellins. J Exp Bot (2007) 0.93
Novel approach reveals localisation and assembly pathway of the PsbS and PsbW proteins into the photosystem II dimer. FEBS Lett (2002) 0.93
Aspen pectate lyase PtxtPL1-27 mobilizes matrix polysaccharides from woody tissues and improves saccharification yield. Biotechnol Biofuels (2014) 0.92
Development and optimization of a metabolomic method for analysis of adherent cell cultures. Anal Biochem (2010) 0.92
Interaction model based on local protein substructures generalizes to the entire structural enzyme-ligand space. J Chem Inf Model (2008) 0.92
Reciprocal relationship between O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase P140K expression level and chemoprotection of hematopoietic stem cells. Cancer Res (2008) 0.92
Disease-related changes in the cerebrospinal fluid metabolome in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis detected by GC/TOFMS. PLoS One (2011) 0.92
Challenges in microarray class discovery: a comprehensive examination of normalization, gene selection and clustering. BMC Bioinformatics (2010) 0.92
UHPLC-ESI/TOFMS determination of salicylate-like phenolic gycosides in Populus tremula leaves. J Chem Ecol (2011) 0.91
Modulation of the hormone setting by Rhodococcus fascians results in ectopic KNOX activation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2008) 0.91
Physical fitness level is reflected by alterations in the human plasma metabolome. Mol Biosyst (2012) 0.91