Published in Nat Rev Genet on September 01, 2013
Transcript Abundance Explains mRNA Mobility Data in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell (2016) 1.57
What do drug transporters really do? Nat Rev Drug Discov (2014) 1.41
De novo assembly of the perennial ryegrass transcriptome using an RNA-Seq strategy. PLoS One (2014) 1.05
Information Integration and Communication in Plant Growth Regulation. Cell (2016) 1.00
Florigen and anti-florigen - a systemic mechanism for coordinating growth and termination in flowering plants. Front Plant Sci (2014) 0.89
The Plant Peptidome: An Expanding Repertoire of Structural Features and Biological Functions. Plant Cell (2015) 0.88
Vascular Cambium Development. Arabidopsis Book (2015) 0.86
Functional Analysis of the Arabidopsis TETRASPANIN Gene Family in Plant Growth and Development. Plant Physiol (2015) 0.83
Analysis of peptide PSY1 responding transcripts in the two Arabidopsis plant lines: wild type and psy1r receptor mutant. BMC Genomics (2014) 0.78
Regulatory crosstalk between microRNAs and hormone signalling cascades controls the variation on seed dormancy phenotype at Arabidopsis thaliana seed set. Plant Cell Rep (2017) 0.78
Changing the spatial pattern of TFL1 expression reveals its key role in the shoot meristem in controlling Arabidopsis flowering architecture. J Exp Bot (2015) 0.76
Mobile gene silencing in Arabidopsis is regulated by hydrogen peroxide. PeerJ (2014) 0.76
Salt intolerance in Arabidopsis: shoot and root sodium toxicity, and inhibition by sodium-plus-potassium overaccumulation. Planta (2015) 0.76
Survey of Genes Involved in Biosynthesis, Transport, and Signaling of Phytohormones with Focus on Solanum lycopersicum. Bioinform Biol Insights (2016) 0.75
The transcription factor ATHB5 affects GA-mediated plasticity in hypocotyl cell growth during seed germination. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.75
Generation of an integrated Hieracium genomic and transcriptomic resource enables exploration of small RNA pathways during apomixis initiation. BMC Biol (2016) 0.75
Diacylglycerol Kinases Are Widespread in Higher Plants and Display Inducible Gene Expression in Response to Beneficial Elements, Metal, and Metalloid Ions. Front Plant Sci (2017) 0.75
Knowledge about the presence or absence of miRNA isoforms (isomiRs) can successfully discriminate amongst 32 TCGA cancer types. Nucleic Acids Res (2017) 0.75
In vivo FRET-FLIM reveals cell-type-specific protein interactions in Arabidopsis roots. Nature (2017) 0.75
Network motifs: theory and experimental approaches. Nat Rev Genet (2007) 15.04
Local, efflux-dependent auxin gradients as a common module for plant organ formation. Cell (2003) 11.53
The F-box protein TIR1 is an auxin receptor. Nature (2005) 9.45
Efflux-dependent auxin gradients establish the apical-basal axis of Arabidopsis. Nature (2003) 8.75
The Arabidopsis F-box protein TIR1 is an auxin receptor. Nature (2005) 8.70
Signaling of cell fate decisions by CLAVATA3 in Arabidopsis shoot meristems. Science (1999) 8.61
Role of WUSCHEL in regulating stem cell fate in the Arabidopsis shoot meristem. Cell (1998) 8.33
The CLAVATA1 gene encodes a putative receptor kinase that controls shoot and floral meristem size in Arabidopsis. Cell (1997) 8.31
FT protein movement contributes to long-distance signaling in floral induction of Arabidopsis. Science (2007) 8.26
The stem cell population of Arabidopsis shoot meristems in maintained by a regulatory loop between the CLAVATA and WUSCHEL genes. Cell (2000) 7.89
The WUSCHEL gene is required for shoot and floral meristem integrity in Arabidopsis. Development (1996) 6.11
Dependence of stem cell fate in Arabidopsis on a feedback loop regulated by CLV3 activity. Science (2000) 6.05
Systemic acquired silencing: transgene-specific post-transcriptional silencing is transmitted by grafting from silenced stocks to non-silenced scions. EMBO J (1997) 5.67
GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1 encodes a soluble receptor for gibberellin. Nature (2005) 5.60
Hd3a protein is a mobile flowering signal in rice. Science (2007) 5.05
Auxin-responsive gene expression: genes, promoters and regulatory factors. Plant Mol Biol (2002) 5.02
Intercellular movement of the putative transcription factor SHR in root patterning. Nature (2001) 5.01
Polar PIN localization directs auxin flow in plants. Science (2006) 4.81
Auxin transport is sufficient to generate a maximum and gradient guiding root growth. Nature (2007) 4.50
Selective trafficking of KNOTTED1 homeodomain protein and its mRNA through plasmodesmata. Science (1995) 4.40
Systemic signalling in gene silencing. Nature (1997) 4.25
Activation and repression of transcription by auxin-response factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 4.21
The roles of auxin response factor domains in auxin-responsive transcription. Plant Cell (2003) 4.19
The Arabidopsis CLAVATA2 gene encodes a receptor-like protein required for the stability of the CLAVATA1 receptor-like kinase. Plant Cell (1999) 4.08
Role of the ZWILLE gene in the regulation of central shoot meristem cell fate during Arabidopsis embryogenesis. EMBO J (1998) 4.04
Transitivity-dependent and -independent cell-to-cell movement of RNA silencing. EMBO J (2003) 4.01
Expression dynamics of WOX genes mark cell fate decisions during early embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development (2004) 3.93
Dimerization and DNA binding of auxin response factors. Plant J (1999) 3.89
Conserved factors regulate signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana shoot and root stem cell organizers. Nature (2007) 3.84
The CLAVATA1 receptor-like kinase requires CLAVATA3 for its assembly into a signaling complex that includes KAPP and a Rho-related protein. Plant Cell (1999) 3.62
The tomato FT ortholog triggers systemic signals that regulate growth and flowering and substitute for diverse environmental stimuli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 3.59
Small silencing RNAs in plants are mobile and direct epigenetic modification in recipient cells. Science (2010) 3.57
Feedback loops shape cellular signals in space and time. Science (2008) 3.42
Recent advances and emerging trends in plant hormone signalling. Nature (2009) 3.32
The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 protein is a jasmonate receptor. Plant Cell (2009) 3.31
Arabidopsis CLV3 peptide directly binds CLV1 ectodomain. Science (2008) 3.31
A systemic small RNA signaling system in plants. Plant Cell (2004) 3.28
Auxin receptors and plant development: a new signaling paradigm. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (2008) 3.21
Cell signalling by microRNA165/6 directs gene dose-dependent root cell fate. Nature (2010) 3.19
Plant receptor-like kinase gene family: diversity, function, and signaling. Sci STKE (2001) 3.00
Single-cell systems biology by super-resolution imaging and combinatorial labeling. Nat Methods (2012) 2.98
An auxin gradient and maximum in the Arabidopsis root apex shown by high-resolution cell-specific analysis of IAA distribution and synthesis. Plant Cell (2009) 2.97
Sites and regulation of auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell (2005) 2.94
Auxin transport routes in plant development. Development (2009) 2.91
A signaling module controlling the stem cell niche in Arabidopsis root meristems. Curr Biol (2009) 2.90
A large family of genes that share homology with CLAVATA3. Plant Physiol (2001) 2.84
Retracted An endogenous, systemic RNAi pathway in plants. EMBO J (2010) 2.82
The biology and enzymology of protein tyrosine O-sulfation. J Biol Chem (2003) 2.80
NPR3 and NPR4 are receptors for the immune signal salicylic acid in plants. Nature (2012) 2.76
Retracted Small RNA duplexes function as mobile silencing signals between plant cells. Science (2010) 2.76
The receptor kinase CORYNE of Arabidopsis transmits the stem cell-limiting signal CLAVATA3 independently of CLAVATA1. Plant Cell (2008) 2.66
Phytosulfokine, sulfated peptides that induce the proliferation of single mesophyll cells of Asparagus officinalis L. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1996) 2.64
Non-cell-autonomous control of vascular stem cell fate by a CLE peptide/receptor system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 2.51
AXR4 is required for localization of the auxin influx facilitator AUX1. Science (2006) 2.49
Molecular titration and ultrasensitivity in regulatory networks. J Mol Biol (2008) 2.48
Arabidopsis Argonaute10 specifically sequesters miR166/165 to regulate shoot apical meristem development. Cell (2011) 2.45
High-affinity auxin transport by the AUX1 influx carrier protein. Curr Biol (2006) 2.45
CLAVATA2, a regulator of meristem and organ development in Arabidopsis. Development (1998) 2.42
Contrasting modes of diversification in the Aux/IAA and ARF gene families. Plant Physiol (2004) 2.41
FLOWERING LOCUS T protein may act as the long-distance florigenic signal in the cucurbits. Plant Cell (2007) 2.35
Cell-cell signaling and movement by the floral transcription factors LEAFY and APETALA1. Science (2000) 2.29
Robustness: mechanisms and consequences. Trends Genet (2009) 2.27
Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of transcription factor expression in Arabidopsis roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 2.23
Vive la différence: biogenesis and evolution of microRNAs in plants and animals. Genome Biol (2011) 2.21
A possible role for kinase-associated protein phosphatase in the Arabidopsis CLAVATA1 signaling pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997) 2.19
Protein sequestration generates a flexible ultrasensitive response in a genetic network. Mol Syst Biol (2009) 2.09
Moderation of Arabidopsis root stemness by CLAVATA1 and ARABIDOPSIS CRINKLY4 receptor kinase complexes. Curr Biol (2013) 2.06
The flowering hormone florigen functions as a general systemic regulator of growth and termination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 2.06
Auxin triggers transient local signaling for cell specification in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Dev Cell (2006) 2.03
MONOPTEROS controls embryonic root initiation by regulating a mobile transcription factor. Nature (2010) 2.02
A system of repressor gradients spatially organizes the boundaries of Bicoid-dependent target genes. Cell (2012) 1.96
Secreted peptide signals required for maintenance of root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis. Science (2010) 1.94
Non-targeted and targeted protein movement through plasmodesmata in leaves in different developmental and physiological states. Plant Physiol (2001) 1.91
RPK2 is an essential receptor-like kinase that transmits the CLV3 signal in Arabidopsis. Development (2010) 1.90
Plant hormones are versatile chemical regulators of plant growth. Nat Chem Biol (2009) 1.89
Leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases in plants: structure, function, and signal transduction pathways. Int Rev Cytol (2004) 1.85
Modes of intercellular transcription factor movement in the Arabidopsis apex. Development (2003) 1.80
Long-distance, graft-transmissible action of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T protein to promote flowering. Plant Cell Physiol (2008) 1.79
The Arabidopsis unannotated secreted peptide database, a resource for plant peptidomics. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.77
Auxin conjugates: their role for plant development and in the evolution of land plants. J Exp Bot (2011) 1.76
Loss of CLE40, a protein functionally equivalent to the stem cell restricting signal CLV3, enhances root waving in Arabidopsis. Dev Genes Evol (2003) 1.73
Peptide hormones in plants. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2006) 1.73
Mechanisms regulating SHORT-ROOT intercellular movement. Curr Biol (2004) 1.70
WUSCHEL protein movement mediates stem cell homeostasis in the Arabidopsis shoot apex. Genes Dev (2011) 1.70
A protodermal miR394 signal defines a region of stem cell competence in the Arabidopsis shoot meristem. Dev Cell (2013) 1.67
Bioinformatic analysis of the CLE signaling peptide family. BMC Plant Biol (2008) 1.66
Approaching cellular and molecular resolution of auxin biosynthesis and metabolism. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (2010) 1.57
Tyrosine-sulfated glycopeptide involved in cellular proliferation and expansion in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.56
Callose biosynthesis regulates symplastic trafficking during root development. Dev Cell (2011) 1.55
Evolutionary patterns in auxin action. Plant Mol Biol (2002) 1.55
Cell-to-cell movement of GFP during embryogenesis and early seedling development in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.52
Auxin metabolism and homeostasis during plant development. Development (2013) 1.50
Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of auxin responses in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant (2008) 1.46
A novel putative auxin carrier family regulates intracellular auxin homeostasis in plants. Nature (2012) 1.45
Phloem small RNAs, nutrient stress responses, and systemic mobility. BMC Plant Biol (2010) 1.40
ARGONAUTE10 and ARGONAUTE1 regulate the termination of floral stem cells through two microRNAs in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet (2011) 1.40
Soluble carbohydrates regulate auxin biosynthesis via PIF proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2012) 1.39
Small signaling peptides in Arabidopsis development: how cells communicate over a short distance. Plant Cell (2012) 1.38
Subdomains for transport via plasmodesmata corresponding to the apical-basal axis are established during Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.36
Both the conserved GRAS domain and nuclear localization are required for SHORT-ROOT movement. Plant J (2008) 1.33
A gene expression map of the Arabidopsis root. Science (2003) 9.95
A high-resolution root spatiotemporal map reveals dominant expression patterns. Science (2007) 6.60
Cell identity mediates the response of Arabidopsis roots to abiotic stress. Science (2008) 4.40
Transcriptional regulation of ROS controls transition from proliferation to differentiation in the root. Cell (2010) 4.19
An evolutionarily conserved mechanism delimiting SHR movement defines a single layer of endodermis in plants. Science (2007) 3.55
Whole-genome analysis of the SHORT-ROOT developmental pathway in Arabidopsis. PLoS Biol (2006) 3.52
Imaging and analysis platform for automatic phenotyping and trait ranking of plant root systems. Plant Physiol (2010) 3.30
Oscillating gene expression determines competence for periodic Arabidopsis root branching. Science (2010) 3.26
Cell signalling by microRNA165/6 directs gene dose-dependent root cell fate. Nature (2010) 3.19
An auxin gradient and maximum in the Arabidopsis root apex shown by high-resolution cell-specific analysis of IAA distribution and synthesis. Plant Cell (2009) 2.97
Cell type-specific expression profiling in plants via cell sorting of protoplasts from fluorescent reporter lines. Nat Methods (2005) 2.62
Transcriptional profile of the Arabidopsis root quiescent center. Plant Cell (2005) 2.55
Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of transcription factor expression in Arabidopsis roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 2.23
Control of Arabidopsis root development. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2012) 2.13
COBRA, an Arabidopsis extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein, specifically controls highly anisotropic expansion through its involvement in cellulose microfibril orientation. Plant Cell (2005) 2.06
Receptor-like kinase ACR4 restricts formative cell divisions in the Arabidopsis root. Science (2008) 2.06
The bHLH transcription factor POPEYE regulates response to iron deficiency in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell (2010) 1.98
GiA Roots: software for the high throughput analysis of plant root system architecture. BMC Plant Biol (2012) 1.98
Bimodular auxin response controls organogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.78
From lab to field, new approaches to phenotyping root system architecture. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2011) 1.73
Mechanisms regulating SHORT-ROOT intercellular movement. Curr Biol (2004) 1.70
Not just another hole in the wall: understanding intercellular protein trafficking. Genes Dev (2005) 1.61
A broad competence to respond to SHORT ROOT revealed by tissue-specific ectopic expression. Development (2004) 1.58
A bistable circuit involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA integrates cues to inform asymmetric stem cell division. Cell (2012) 1.53
Genotypic recognition and spatial responses by rice roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.52
Quantification of transcription factor expression from Arabidopsis images. Bioinformatics (2006) 1.50
A stele-enriched gene regulatory network in the Arabidopsis root. Mol Syst Biol (2011) 1.49
3D phenotyping and quantitative trait locus mapping identify core regions of the rice genome controlling root architecture. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.46
Cell identity regulators link development and stress responses in the Arabidopsis root. Dev Cell (2011) 1.42
The COBRA family of putative GPI-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A new fellowship in expansion. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.39
Signaling in and out: control of cell division and differentiation in the shoot and root. Plant Cell (2002) 1.36
The protein expression landscape of the Arabidopsis root. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.36
Omics meet networks - using systems approaches to infer regulatory networks in plants. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2009) 1.34
Both the conserved GRAS domain and nuclear localization are required for SHORT-ROOT movement. Plant J (2008) 1.33
Plant stem cell niches: standing the test of time. Cell (2008) 1.29
Interplay between SCARECROW, GA and LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 in ground tissue patterning in the Arabidopsis root. Plant J (2009) 1.27
High-resolution experimental and computational profiling of tissue-specific known and novel miRNAs in Arabidopsis. Genome Res (2011) 1.27
Maturation of the ground tissue of the root is regulated by gibberellin and SCARECROW and requires SHORT-ROOT. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.24
Failure of the tomato trans-acting short interfering RNA program to regulate AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 and ARF4 underlies the wiry leaf syndrome. Plant Cell (2012) 1.22
Systems approaches to identifying gene regulatory networks in plants. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (2008) 1.21
Trait-to-gene: a computational method for predicting the function of uncharacterized genes. Curr Biol (2003) 1.16
Root layers: complex regulation of developmental patterning. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2008) 1.15
High-throughput imaging and analysis of root system architecture in Brachypodium distachyon under differential nutrient availability. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2012) 1.14
High-resolution metabolic mapping of cell types in plant roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.13
A microfluidic device and computational platform for high-throughput live imaging of gene expression. Nat Methods (2012) 1.11
Shootward and rootward: peak terminology for plant polarity. Trends Plant Sci (2010) 1.10
High-throughput phenotyping of multicellular organisms: finding the link between genotype and phenotype. Genome Biol (2011) 1.09
Combining expression and comparative evolutionary analysis. The COBRA gene family. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.09
Manipulating large-scale Arabidopsis microarray expression data: identifying dominant expression patterns and biological process enrichment. Methods Mol Biol (2009) 1.08
Using cauliflower to find conserved non-coding regions in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.08
To branch or not to branch: the role of pre-patterning in lateral root formation. Development (2013) 1.05
Spatial coordination between stem cell activity and cell differentiation in the root meristem. Dev Cell (2013) 1.05
Symmetry breaking in plants: molecular mechanisms regulating asymmetric cell divisions in Arabidopsis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (2009) 1.01
Two new loci, PLEIADE and HYADE, implicate organ-specific regulation of cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.01
Integrated detection of natural antisense transcripts using strand-specific RNA sequencing data. Genome Res (2013) 0.99
Systems biology. Curr Biol (2004) 0.98
A SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA protein network controls protective quiescence in the Arabidopsis root stem cell organizer. PLoS Biol (2013) 0.97
Periodic root branching in Arabidopsis requires synthesis of an uncharacterized carotenoid derivative. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014) 0.96
Cell type-specific transcriptional profiling: implications for metabolite profiling. Plant J (2012) 0.96
Reconstructing regulatory network transitions. Trends Cell Biol (2011) 0.96
Reconstructing spatiotemporal gene expression data from partial observations. Bioinformatics (2009) 0.96
Molecular biology: microRNA is here to stay. Nature (2003) 0.92
Integrated functional networks of process, tissue, and developmental stage specific interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Syst Biol (2010) 0.91
High-throughput RNA isolation technologies. New tools for high-resolution gene expression profiling in plant systems. Plant Physiol (2005) 0.91
Beyond Arabidopsis. Translational biology meets evolutionary developmental biology. Plant Physiol (2004) 0.90
Arabidopsis thaliana as a model organism in systems biology. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med (2010) 0.90
Transcriptional networks in root cell fate specification. Biochim Biophys Acta (2008) 0.90
Unraveling the dynamic transcriptome. Plant Cell (2006) 0.90
Intergenic and genic sequence lengths have opposite relationships with respect to gene expression. PLoS One (2008) 0.90
Functional genomics of root growth and development in Arabidopsis. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2008) 0.88
Intercellular communication during plant development. Plant Cell (2011) 0.88
Evolution, interactions, and biological networks. PLoS Biol (2007) 0.88
Signals that regulate stem cell activity during plant development. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2005) 0.86
Information processing without brains--the power of intercellular regulators in plants. Development (2010) 0.85
Conservation and diversification of SCARECROW in maize. Plant Mol Biol (2005) 0.85
Transcription factors and hormones: new insights into plant cell differentiation. Curr Opin Cell Biol (2006) 0.85
Time-based patterning in development: The role of oscillating gene expression. Transcription (2011) 0.84
Integrative systems biology: an attempt to describe a simple weed. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2012) 0.84
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting in plant developmental biology. Methods Mol Biol (2010) 0.84
Transcriptional switches direct plant organ formation and patterning. Curr Top Dev Biol (2012) 0.83
Network building: transcriptional circuits in the root. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2004) 0.83
Patterning the primary root in Arabidopsis. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol (2012) 0.82
Optimizing root system architecture in biofuel crops for sustainable energy production and soil carbon sequestration. F1000 Biol Rep (2010) 0.80
High-throughput, noninvasive imaging of root systems. Methods Mol Biol (2013) 0.79
POWRS: position-sensitive motif discovery. PLoS One (2012) 0.78
Cortex proliferation: simple phenotype, complex regulatory mechanisms. Plant Signal Behav (2009) 0.78
Stem cell research goes underground: the RETINOBLASTOMA-RELATED gene in root development. Cell (2005) 0.76
Detecting separate time scales in genetic expression data. BMC Genomics (2010) 0.75
Polarized radicals. Cell (2013) 0.75
Promoting collaborative interdisciplinary research at the Duke Center for Systems Biology. ACS Synth Biol (2012) 0.75
Integrating gene flow, crop biology, and farm management in on-farm conservation of avocado (Persea americana, Lauraceae). Am J Bot (2003) 0.75