Published in J Nutr Educ Behav on November 05, 2013
Farmers' markets and the local food environment: identifying perceived accessibility barriers for SNAP consumers receiving temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) in an urban Oklahoma community. J Nutr Educ Behav (2015) 0.80
Urban farmers' markets: accessibility, offerings, and produce variety, quality, and price compared to nearby stores. Appetite (2015) 0.75
Environmental, Behavioral, and Cultural Factors That Influence Healthy Eating in Rural Women of Childbearing Age: Findings From a PhotoVoice Study. Glob Qual Nurs Res (2016) 0.75
Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids (F3HK): An innovative community supported agriculture intervention to prevent childhood obesity in low-income families and strengthen local agricultural economies. BMC Public Health (2017) 0.75
Farm-to-Consumer Retail Outlet Use, Fruit and Vegetable Intake, and Obesity Status among WIC Program Participants in Alabama. Am J Health Behav (2016) 0.75
Neighborhood environments: disparities in access to healthy foods in the U.S. Am J Prev Med (2008) 10.26
Supermarkets, other food stores, and obesity: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study. Am J Prev Med (2006) 7.80
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Food store access and household fruit and vegetable use among participants in the US Food Stamp Program. Public Health Nutr (2004) 3.75
Neighbourhood fruit and vegetable availability and consumption: the role of small food stores in an urban environment. Public Health Nutr (2007) 3.13
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A review of environmental influences on food choices. Ann Behav Med (2009) 3.00
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Farmers' market use among African-American women participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. J Am Diet Assoc (2010) 2.49
Effect of a targeted subsidy on intake of fruits and vegetables among low-income women in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. Am J Public Health (2007) 2.49
Review of the nutritional implications of farmers' markets and community gardens: a call for evaluation and research efforts. J Am Diet Assoc (2010) 2.44
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Is price a barrier to eating more fruits and vegetables for low-income families? J Am Diet Assoc (2007) 2.18
Understanding barriers and facilitators of fruit and vegetable consumption among a diverse multi-ethnic population in the USA. Health Promot Int (2008) 2.03
5 a day fruit and vegetable intervention improves consumption in a low income population. J Am Diet Assoc (2001) 1.65
Introduction of farm stands in low-income communities increases fruit and vegetable among community residents. Health Place (2012) 1.49
Sales promotions and food consumption. Nutr Rev (2009) 1.15
The association between the food environment and weight status among eastern North Carolina youth. Public Health Nutr (2011) 1.07
Perceptions of the community food environment and related influences on food choice among midlife women residing in rural and urban areas: a qualitative analysis. Women Health (2009) 0.93
Qualitative perspectives on the use of traditional and nontraditional food venues among middle- and low-income women in Eastern North Carolina. Ecol Food Nutr (2011) 0.81