Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM regulates epithelial apicobasal polarization and may influence risk of breast cancer.

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Published in PLoS Biol on November 15, 2011


Christopher A Maxwell1, Javier Benítez, Laia Gómez-Baldó, Ana Osorio, Núria Bonifaci, Ricardo Fernández-Ramires, Sylvain V Costes, Elisabet Guinó, Helen Chen, Gareth J R Evans, Pooja Mohan, Isabel Català, Anna Petit, Helena Aguilar, Alberto Villanueva, Alvaro Aytes, Jordi Serra-Musach, Gad Rennert, Flavio Lejbkowicz, Paolo Peterlongo, Siranoush Manoukian, Bernard Peissel, Carla B Ripamonti, Bernardo Bonanni, Alessandra Viel, Anna Allavena, Loris Bernard, Paolo Radice, Eitan Friedman, Bella Kaufman, Yael Laitman, Maya Dubrovsky, Roni Milgrom, Anna Jakubowska, Cezary Cybulski, Bohdan Gorski, Katarzyna Jaworska, Katarzyna Durda, Grzegorz Sukiennicki, Jan Lubiński, Yin Yao Shugart, Susan M Domchek, Richard Letrero, Barbara L Weber, Frans B L Hogervorst, Matti A Rookus, J Margriet Collee, Peter Devilee, Marjolijn J Ligtenberg, Rob B van der Luijt, Cora M Aalfs, Quinten Waisfisz, Juul Wijnen, Cornelis E P van Roozendaal, HEBON, EMBRACE, Douglas F Easton, Susan Peock, Margaret Cook, Clare Oliver, Debra Frost, Patricia Harrington, D Gareth Evans, Fiona Lalloo, Rosalind Eeles, Louise Izatt, Carol Chu, Diana Eccles, Fiona Douglas, Carole Brewer, Heli Nevanlinna, Tuomas Heikkinen, Fergus J Couch, Noralane M Lindor, Xianshu Wang, Andrew K Godwin, Maria A Caligo, Grazia Lombardi, Niklas Loman, Per Karlsson, Hans Ehrencrona, Anna von Wachenfeldt, SWE-BRCA, Rosa Bjork Barkardottir, Ute Hamann, Muhammad U Rashid, Adriana Lasa, Trinidad Caldés, Raquel Andrés, Michael Schmitt, Volker Assmann, Kristen Stevens, Kenneth Offit, João Curado, Hagen Tilgner, Roderic Guigó, Gemma Aiza, Joan Brunet, Joan Castellsagué, Griselda Martrat, Ander Urruticoechea, Ignacio Blanco, Laima Tihomirova, David E Goldgar, Saundra Buys, Esther M John, Alexander Miron, Melissa Southey, Mary B Daly, BCFR, Rita K Schmutzler, Barbara Wappenschmidt, Alfons Meindl, Norbert Arnold, Helmut Deissler, Raymonda Varon-Mateeva, Christian Sutter, Dieter Niederacher, Evgeny Imyamitov, Olga M Sinilnikova, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonne, Sylvie Mazoyer, Carole Verny-Pierre, Laurent Castera, Antoine de Pauw, Yves-Jean Bignon, Nancy Uhrhammer, Jean-Philippe Peyrat, Philippe Vennin, Sandra Fert Ferrer, Marie-Agnès Collonge-Rame, Isabelle Mortemousque, GEMO Study Collaborators, Amanda B Spurdle, Jonathan Beesley, Xiaoqing Chen, Sue Healey, kConFab, Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, Marc Vidal, Stephen B Gruber, Conxi Lázaro, Gabriel Capellá, Lesley McGuffog, Katherine L Nathanson, Antonis C Antoniou, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Markus C Fleisch, Víctor Moreno, Miguel Angel Pujana

Author Affiliations

1: Translational Research Laboratory, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute-IDIBELL, L'Hospitalet, Catalonia, Spain.

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