Published in Exp Eye Res on November 01, 2004
Efficacy of topical blockade of interleukin-1 in experimental dry eye disease. Am J Ophthalmol (2012) 1.18
Time course of ocular surface and lacrimal gland changes in a new scopolamine-induced dry eye model. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2008) 0.87
Comparative HPLC-MS analysis of canine and human meibomian lipidomes: many similarities, a few differences. Sci Rep (2011) 0.86
Neurostimulation of the lacrimal nerve for enhanced tear production. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg (2015) 0.84
One month use of Systane improves ocular surface parameters in subjects with moderate symptoms of ocular dryness. Clin Ophthalmol (2008) 0.83
Corneal sensitivity following lacrimal gland excision in the rat. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2015) 0.81
The role of corneal afferent neurons in regulating tears under normal and dry eye conditions. Exp Eye Res (2013) 0.81
Spontaneous episodic decreased tear secretion in rats is related to opioidergic signaling pathways. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2012) 0.76
Surface properties and exponential stress relaxations of mammalian meibum films. Eur Biophys J (2016) 0.76
Age-related Defects in Ocular and Nasal Mucosal Immune System and the Immunopathology of Dry Eye Disease. Ocul Immunol Inflamm (2014) 0.75
Tear Production Rate in a Mouse Model of Dry Eye According to the Phenol Red Thread and Endodontic Absorbent Paper Point Tear Tests. Comp Med (2016) 0.75
A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica). Science (2002) 42.78
A genome-wide association study of global gene expression. Nat Genet (2007) 22.98
Global quantification of mammalian gene expression control. Nature (2011) 22.36
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in China: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet (2012) 10.53
Discovering microRNAs from deep sequencing data using miRDeep. Nat Biotechnol (2008) 10.17
A stem cell-like chromatin pattern may predispose tumor suppressor genes to DNA hypermethylation and heritable silencing. Nat Genet (2007) 9.47
Pooled analysis of fluorouracil-based adjuvant therapy for stage II and III colon cancer: who benefits and by how much? J Clin Oncol (2004) 7.36
Childhood adiposity, adult adiposity, and cardiovascular risk factors. N Engl J Med (2011) 7.16
Cubic AgPb(m)SbTe(2+m): bulk thermoelectric materials with high figure of merit. Science (2004) 7.07
Pharmacologic disruption of Polycomb-repressive complex 2-mediated gene repression selectively induces apoptosis in cancer cells. Genes Dev (2007) 6.71
Altered histone acetylation is associated with age-dependent memory impairment in mice. Science (2010) 6.38
A human snoRNA with microRNA-like functions. Mol Cell (2008) 5.84
miRDeep2 accurately identifies known and hundreds of novel microRNA genes in seven animal clades. Nucleic Acids Res (2011) 5.83
VEGF-A stimulates lymphangiogenesis and hemangiogenesis in inflammatory neovascularization via macrophage recruitment. J Clin Invest (2004) 5.59
A genomic screen for genes upregulated by demethylation and histone deacetylase inhibition in human colorectal cancer. Nat Genet (2002) 5.38
Comparative genome hybridization suggests a role for NRXN1 and APBA2 in schizophrenia. Hum Mol Genet (2007) 5.28
Refining the complex rheumatoid arthritis phenotype based on specificity of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope for antibodies to citrullinated proteins. Arthritis Rheum (2005) 5.18
Childhood cardiovascular risk factors and carotid vascular changes in adulthood: the Bogalusa Heart Study. JAMA (2003) 4.88
Deep sequencing reveals 50 novel genes for recessive cognitive disorders. Nature (2011) 4.85
Formation of MacroH2A-containing senescence-associated heterochromatin foci and senescence driven by ASF1a and HIRA. Dev Cell (2005) 4.83
Prevalence of dry eye syndrome among US women. Am J Ophthalmol (2003) 4.46
Sequence and analysis of rice chromosome 4. Nature (2002) 4.39
Ligand configurational entropy and protein binding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 4.33
Transmit and receive transmission line arrays for 7 Tesla parallel imaging. Magn Reson Med (2005) 4.25
Sirt5 is a NAD-dependent protein lysine demalonylase and desuccinylase. Science (2011) 4.16
Repeated polyploidization of Gossypium genomes and the evolution of spinnable cotton fibres. Nature (2012) 4.00
Estimating accuracy of RNA-Seq and microarrays with proteomics. BMC Genomics (2009) 3.87
Seven new loci associated with age-related macular degeneration. Nat Genet (2013) 3.81
A nonsynonymous functional variant in integrin-alpha(M) (encoded by ITGAM) is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nat Genet (2008) 3.71
Intradiscal injection therapy for degenerative chronic discogenic low back pain with end plate Modic changes. Spine J (2010) 3.55
Array CGH identifies reciprocal 16p13.1 duplications and deletions that predispose to autism and/or mental retardation. Hum Mutat (2007) 3.52
A variant of mitochondrial protein LOC387715/ARMS2, not HTRA1, is strongly associated with age-related macular degeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 3.50
Comparing the DNA hypermethylome with gene mutations in human colorectal cancer. PLoS Genet (2007) 3.39
The long noncoding RNA SChLAP1 promotes aggressive prostate cancer and antagonizes the SWI/SNF complex. Nat Genet (2013) 3.39
Thirty new loci for age at menarche identified by a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet (2010) 3.37
E2-2 protein and Fuchs's corneal dystrophy. N Engl J Med (2010) 3.31
Gene expression in skin and lymphoblastoid cells: Refined statistical method reveals extensive overlap in cis-eQTL signals. Am J Hum Genet (2010) 3.28
Rise in insulin resistance is associated with escalated telomere attrition. Circulation (2005) 3.27
Antitumor activity of MLN8054, an orally active small-molecule inhibitor of Aurora A kinase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 3.27
Quantitative analysis of fission yeast transcriptomes and proteomes in proliferating and quiescent cells. Cell (2012) 3.26
Genome-wide association study identifies variants in the MHC class I, IL10, and IL23R-IL12RB2 regions associated with Behçet's disease. Nat Genet (2010) 3.24
Leukocyte telomeres are longer in African Americans than in whites: the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Family Heart Study and the Bogalusa Heart Study. Aging Cell (2008) 3.24
Beta-arrestin-mediated localization of smoothened to the primary cilium. Science (2008) 3.10
Human plasmacytoid dendritic cells activated by CpG oligodeoxynucleotides induce the generation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. J Immunol (2004) 3.10
Type 5 adenylyl cyclase disruption increases longevity and protects against stress. Cell (2007) 2.96
Leukocyte telomere dynamics: longitudinal findings among young adults in the Bogalusa Heart Study. Am J Epidemiol (2008) 2.86
Racial diversity of actionable mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol (2015) 2.80
Preperitoneal single-port transvesical enucleation of the prostate (STEP) for large-volume BPH: one-year follow-up of Qmax, IPSS, and QoL. Urology (2012) 2.78
Atrial Fibrillation Is an Independent Predictor of Mortality in Critically Ill Patients. Crit Care Med (2015) 2.77
Single-incision transaxillary robotic thyroidectomy: challenges and limitations in a North American population. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2012) 2.76
Prognostic and predictive value of a microRNA signature in stage II colon cancer: a microRNA expression analysis. Lancet Oncol (2013) 2.67
A maximum entropy model applied to spatial and temporal correlations from cortical networks in vitro. J Neurosci (2008) 2.65
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 mediates induction of corneal alloimmunity. Nat Med (2004) 2.64
Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 regulates endothelial cell function and vessel growth. Circ Res (2014) 2.60
Analysis of wave behavior in lossy dielectric samples at high field. Magn Reson Med (2002) 2.59
Anesthesiologist board certification and patient outcomes. Anesthesiology (2002) 2.57
Molecular dissection of formation of senescence-associated heterochromatin foci. Mol Cell Biol (2007) 2.56
Different G protein-coupled receptor kinases govern G protein and beta-arrestin-mediated signaling of V2 vasopressin receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 2.53
The microRNA miR-182 is induced by IL-2 and promotes clonal expansion of activated helper T lymphocytes. Nat Immunol (2010) 2.53
Dissecting the genetic complexity of the association between human leukocyte antigens and rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Hum Genet (2002) 2.47
Genome-wide association identifies OBFC1 as a locus involved in human leukocyte telomere biology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 2.47
A redox-dependent pathway for regulating class II HDACs and cardiac hypertrophy. Cell (2008) 2.47
Childhood uric acid predicts adult blood pressure: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Hypertension (2004) 2.46
The efficacy and safety of milnacipran for treatment of fibromyalgia. a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Rheumatol (2009) 2.46
MicroRNA, mRNA, and protein expression link development and aging in human and macaque brain. Genome Res (2010) 2.44
Calcium-dependent NOX5 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase contributes to vascular oxidative stress in human coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol (2008) 2.44
Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling in cardiac remodeling. J Mol Cell Cardiol (2010) 2.35
Characterization of Alisertib (MLN8237), an investigational small-molecule inhibitor of aurora A kinase using novel in vivo pharmacodynamic assays. Clin Cancer Res (2011) 2.35
Ultrahigh field magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Magn Reson Imaging (2003) 2.34
Exendin-4 improves reversal of diabetes in NOD mice treated with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody by enhancing recovery of beta-cells. Endocrinology (2007) 2.33
Accumulated lead exposure and risk of age-related cataract in men. JAMA (2004) 2.29
Inhibition of hemangiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis after normal-risk corneal transplantation by neutralizing VEGF promotes graft survival. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2004) 2.27
Role of interleukin 17 in inflammation, atherosclerosis, and vascular function in apolipoprotein e-deficient mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2011) 2.27
Prehypertension and black-white contrasts in cardiovascular risk in young adults: Bogalusa Heart Study. J Hypertens (2009) 2.20
Meta-analysis of Dense Genecentric Association Studies Reveals Common and Uncommon Variants Associated with Height. Am J Hum Genet (2010) 2.15
UCA1, a non-protein-coding RNA up-regulated in bladder carcinoma and embryo, influencing cell growth and promoting invasion. FEBS Lett (2008) 2.14
A three-single-nucleotide polymorphism haplotype in intron 1 of OCA2 explains most human eye-color variation. Am J Hum Genet (2006) 2.14
In vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy of human brain at 7 T: an initial experience. Magn Reson Med (2003) 2.09
Proton T2 relaxation study of water, N-acetylaspartate, and creatine in human brain using Hahn and Carr-Purcell spin echoes at 4T and 7T. Magn Reson Med (2002) 2.09
Corneal immunity is mediated by heterogeneous population of antigen-presenting cells. J Leukoc Biol (2003) 2.08
Utility of childhood glucose homeostasis variables in predicting adult diabetes and related cardiometabolic risk factors: the Bogalusa Heart Study. Diabetes Care (2009) 2.07
A novel variant of the immunoglobulin fold in surface adhesins of Staphylococcus aureus: crystal structure of the fibrinogen-binding MSCRAMM, clumping factor A. EMBO J (2002) 2.06
The corneal stroma is endowed with a significant number of resident dendritic cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2003) 2.05
Antimicrobial drug-resistant microbes associated with hospitalized community-acquired and healthcare-associated pneumonia: a multi-center study in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc (2012) 2.03
Flow-enhanced adhesion regulated by a selectin interdomain hinge. J Cell Biol (2006) 2.02
Regulation of tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis by shear stress. Circ Res (2007) 2.01
Body mass index, waist circumference, and clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in a biracial sample of children and adolescents. Pediatrics (2004) 2.01
Corneal lymphangiogenesis: evidence, mechanisms, and implications for corneal transplant immunology. Cornea (2003) 2.00
Regulation of T-cell function by endogenously produced angiotensin II. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2008) 1.98
Decreased levels of the goblet cell mucin MUC5AC in tears of patients with Sjögren syndrome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (2002) 1.97
Large-scale gene-centric meta-analysis across 32 studies identifies multiple lipid loci. Am J Hum Genet (2012) 1.96
Comparison of seven methods for producing Affymetrix expression scores based on False Discovery Rates in disease profiling data. BMC Bioinformatics (2005) 1.96
Dysregulation of the Hedgehog pathway in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis (2005) 1.91
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression changes in two Arabidopsis ecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids. Plant Cell (2012) 1.91
In vivo MR imaging tracking of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle labeled, engineered, autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells following intra-articular injection. Joint Bone Spine (2008) 1.91
WNK1 and OSR1 regulate the Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter in HeLa cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 1.90
Lymphocyte adaptor protein LNK deficiency exacerbates hypertension and end-organ inflammation. J Clin Invest (2015) 1.89
Inherited variation at chromosome 12p13.33, including RAD52, influences the risk of squamous cell lung carcinoma. Cancer Discov (2011) 1.87
A synthetic host-guest system achieves avidin-biotin affinity by overcoming enthalpy-entropy compensation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.87