Published in Am J Med Genet A on February 07, 2013
Advances in the treatment of neurofibromatosis-associated tumours. Nat Rev Clin Oncol (2013) 1.26
Germline loss-of-function mutations in LZTR1 predispose to an inherited disorder of multiple schwannomas. Nat Genet (2013) 1.26
Surgical management of giant neurofibroma in soft tissue: a single-center retrospective analysis. Int J Clin Exp Med (2015) 0.95
Therapeutic advances for the tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type 1, type 2, and schwannomatosis. Neuro Oncol (2016) 0.91
Mutations in LZTR1 add to the complex heterogeneity of schwannomatosis. Neurology (2014) 0.86
CTF meeting 2012: Translation of the basic understanding of the biology and genetics of NF1, NF2, and schwannomatosis toward the development of effective therapies. Am J Med Genet A (2014) 0.81
Revisiting neurofibromatosis type 2 diagnostic criteria to exclude LZTR1-related schwannomatosis. Neurology (2016) 0.80
Childhood neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and related disorders: from bench to bedside and biologically targeted therapies. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital (2016) 0.79
A hereditary disposition for bovine peripheral nerve sheath tumors in Danish Holstein cattle. Acta Vet Scand (2014) 0.79
Early history of neurofibromatosis type 2 and related forms: earliest descriptions of acoustic neuromas, medical curiosities, misconceptions, landmarks and the pioneers behind the eponyms. Childs Nerv Syst (2016) 0.78
Intraneural Hybrid Neurofibroma/Schwannoma In Scalp: A Case Report. J Clin Diagn Res (2015) 0.78
Expanding the mutational spectrum of LZTR1 in schwannomatosis. Eur J Hum Genet (2014) 0.77
Segmental neurofibromatosis type 2: discriminating two hit from four hit in a patient presenting multiple schwannomas confined to one limb. BMC Med Genomics (2015) 0.76
Massive Oculomotor Nerve Enlargement: A Case of Presumed Schwannomatosis. Neuroophthalmology (2017) 0.75
Familial Schwannomatosis: A Diagnostic Challenge. J Clin Diagn Res (2017) 0.75
Multiple Schwannomas of the Spine: Review of the Schwannomatosis or Congenital Neurilemmomatosis: A Case Report. Korean J Spine (2015) 0.75
The molecular pathogenesis of schwannomatosis, a paradigm for the co-involvement of multiple tumour suppressor genes in tumorigenesis. Hum Genet (2016) 0.75
A heritable form of SMARCE1-related meningiomas with important implications for follow-up and family screening. Neurogenetics (2016) 0.75
Hybrid Neurofibroma-Schwannoma. Cureus (2016) 0.75
Unilateral vestibular schwannoma in a patient with schwannomatosis in the absence of LZTR1 mutation. J Neurosurg (2016) 0.75
P14ARF deficiency and its correlation with overexpression of p53/MDM2 in sporadic vestibular schwannomas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2014) 0.75
A mosaic pattern of INI1/SMARCB1 protein expression distinguishes Schwannomatosis and NF2-associated peripheral schwannomas from solitary peripheral schwannomas and NF2-associated vestibular schwannomas. Childs Nerv Syst (2017) 0.75
Characterization and utilization of an international neurofibromatosis web-based, patient-entered registry: An observational study. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Rediagnosing one of Smith's patients (John McCann) with "neuromas tumours" (1849). Neurol Sci (2017) 0.75
Intraosseous schwannoma in schwannomatosis. Skeletal Radiol (2013) 0.75
Pediatric schwannomatosis, a rare but distinct form of neurofibromatosis. Pediatr Radiol (2015) 0.75
Timing of Smarcb1 and Nf2 inactivation determines schwannoma versus rhabdoid tumor development. Nat Commun (2017) 0.75
Cooperation between complexes that regulate chromatin structure and transcription. Cell (2002) 10.38
Deciphering the transcriptional histone acetylation code for a human gene. Cell (2002) 8.96
Truncating mutations of hSNF5/INI1 in aggressive paediatric cancer. Nature (1998) 7.55
SWI/SNF nucleosome remodellers and cancer. Nat Rev Cancer (2011) 6.87
Purification and biochemical heterogeneity of the mammalian SWI-SNF complex. EMBO J (1996) 6.36
Diversity and specialization of mammalian SWI/SNF complexes. Genes Dev (1996) 6.01
ATP-dependent remodeling and acetylation as regulators of chromatin fluidity. Genes Dev (1999) 5.90
Binding and stimulation of HIV-1 integrase by a human homolog of yeast transcription factor SNF5. Science (1994) 5.47
An essential switch in subunit composition of a chromatin remodeling complex during neural development. Neuron (2007) 5.35
Altered control of cellular proliferation in the absence of mammalian brahma (SNF2alpha). EMBO J (1998) 3.99
Diagnostic criteria for schwannomatosis. Neurology (2005) 3.41
The murine SNF5/INI1 chromatin remodeling factor is essential for embryonic development and tumor suppression. EMBO Rep (2000) 3.30
Recent advances in understanding chromatin remodeling by Swi/Snf complexes. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2003) 3.16
A novel transgenic technique that allows specific marking of the neural crest cell lineage in mice. Dev Biol (1999) 3.11
c-MYC interacts with INI1/hSNF5 and requires the SWI/SNF complex for transactivation function. Nat Genet (1999) 2.95
Haploinsufficiency of Snf5 (integrase interactor 1) predisposes to malignant rhabdoid tumors in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 2.91
Schwannomatosis: a clinical and pathologic study. Neurology (1996) 2.82
Epigenetic antagonism between polycomb and SWI/SNF complexes during oncogenic transformation. Cancer Cell (2010) 2.80
Chromatin remodeling: insights and intrigue from single-molecule studies. Nat Struct Mol Biol (2007) 2.79
Disruption of Ini1 leads to peri-implantation lethality and tumorigenesis in mice. Mol Cell Biol (2001) 2.76
Germline mutation of INI1/SMARCB1 in familial schwannomatosis. Am J Hum Genet (2007) 2.53
The C-terminal SET domains of ALL-1 and TRITHORAX interact with the INI1 and SNR1 proteins, components of the SWI/SNF complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 2.52
Highly penetrant, rapid tumorigenesis through conditional inversion of the tumor suppressor gene Snf5. Cancer Cell (2002) 2.51
Spectrum of SMARCB1/INI1 mutations in familial and sporadic rhabdoid tumors. Pediatr Blood Cancer (2011) 2.41
Merlin/NF2 suppresses tumorigenesis by inhibiting the E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4(DCAF1) in the nucleus. Cell (2010) 2.38
Srg3, a mouse homolog of yeast SWI3, is essential for early embryogenesis and involved in brain development. Mol Cell Biol (2001) 2.26
Population-based analysis of sporadic and type 2 neurofibromatosis-associated meningiomas and schwannomas. Neurology (2000) 2.25
Chromatin remodeling machines: similar motors, ulterior motives. Trends Biochem Sci (1998) 2.23
Phosphatases: providing safe passage through mitotic exit. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol (2011) 2.19
Cell cycle arrest and repression of cyclin D1 transcription by INI1/hSNF5. Mol Cell Biol (2002) 2.15
Inducible site-specific recombination in myelinating cells. Genesis (2003) 2.07
Molecular analysis of the NF2 tumor-suppressor gene in schwannomatosis. Am J Hum Genet (1997) 1.96
Aurora kinase inhibitors--rising stars in cancer therapeutics? Mol Cancer Ther (2010) 1.91
HIV-1 Vpr activates the G2 checkpoint through manipulation of the ubiquitin proteasome system. Virol J (2007) 1.89
Molecular characterisation of SMARCB1 and NF2 in familial and sporadic schwannomatosis. J Med Genet (2008) 1.87
Increasing the specificity of diagnostic criteria for schwannomatosis. Neurology (2006) 1.85
Alterations in the SMARCB1 (INI1) tumor suppressor gene in familial schwannomatosis. Clin Genet (2008) 1.84
Re-expression of hSNF5/INI1/BAF47 in pediatric tumor cells leads to G1 arrest associated with induction of p16ink4a and activation of RB. Oncogene (2002) 1.81
Schwannomatosis, sporadic schwannomatosis, and familial schwannomatosis: a surgical series with long-term follow-up. Clinical article. J Neurosurg (2010) 1.79
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors and DNA damage repair. Mutat Res (2007) 1.78
Loss of the tumor suppressor Snf5 leads to aberrant activation of the Hedgehog-Gli pathway. Nat Med (2010) 1.77
The SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex is a cofactor for Tat transactivation of the HIV promoter. J Biol Chem (2006) 1.77
Maximal induction of a subset of interferon target genes requires the chromatin-remodeling activity of the BAF complex. Mol Cell Biol (2002) 1.73
The SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling protein Brg1 is required for vertebrate neurogenesis and mediates transactivation of Ngn and NeuroD. Development (2004) 1.72
Malignant transformation and new primary tumours after therapeutic radiation for benign disease: substantial risks in certain tumour prone syndromes. J Med Genet (2005) 1.72
Characterization of mammary tumors from Brg1 heterozygous mice. Oncogene (2007) 1.70
SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling factors induce changes in DNA methylation to promote transcriptional activation. Cancer Res (2005) 1.68
The chromatin-remodeling BAF complex mediates cellular antiviral activities by promoter priming. Mol Cell Biol (2004) 1.64
Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2 (EBNA2) binds to a component of the human SNF-SWI complex, hSNF5/Ini1. J Virol (1996) 1.64
Cancer-associated mutations in chromatin remodeler hSNF5 promote chromosomal instability by compromising the mitotic checkpoint. Genes Dev (2005) 1.61
The NF2 tumor suppressor gene product, merlin, inhibits cell proliferation and cell cycle progression by repressing cyclin D1 expression. Mol Cell Biol (2005) 1.60
Chromatin remodeling and cancer, Part II: ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling. Trends Mol Med (2007) 1.59
Immunohistochemical analysis supports a role for INI1/SMARCB1 in hereditary forms of schwannomas, but not in solitary, sporadic schwannomas. Brain Pathol (2008) 1.59
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in neural development. Curr Opin Neurobiol (2009) 1.58
Familial schwannomatosis: exclusion of the NF2 locus as the germline event. Neurology (2003) 1.57
HIV-1 TAR RNA: the target of molecular interactions between the virus and its host. Curr HIV Res (2005) 1.56
Germline SMARCB1 mutation predisposes to multiple meningiomas and schwannomas with preferential location of cranial meningiomas at the falx cerebri. Neurogenetics (2011) 1.56
Merlin, a tumor suppressor, interacts with transactivation-responsive RNA-binding protein and inhibits its oncogenic activity. J Biol Chem (2004) 1.53
INI1 mutations in meningiomas at a potential hotspot in exon 9. Br J Cancer (2001) 1.52
Expression of Aurora A (but not Aurora B) is predictive of survival in breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res (2008) 1.50
Genetic ablation of Cyclin D1 abrogates genesis of rhabdoid tumors resulting from Ini1 loss. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005) 1.48
Inhibition of HIV-1 virion production by a transdominant mutant of integrase interactor 1. Nat Med (2001) 1.46
Discovery and development of aurora kinase inhibitors as anticancer agents. J Med Chem (2009) 1.45
Brg1 is required for murine neural stem cell maintenance and gliogenesis. Dev Biol (2005) 1.38
Schwann cell hyperplasia and tumors in transgenic mice expressing a naturally occurring mutant NF2 protein. Genes Dev (1999) 1.37
Evidence of a four-hit mechanism involving SMARCB1 and NF2 in schwannomatosis-associated schwannomas. Hum Mutat (2008) 1.34
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes: two heads are not better, just different. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2008) 1.33
Interferon-gamma-induced chromatin remodeling at the CIITA locus is BRG1 dependent. EMBO J (2002) 1.32
Interaction of E1 and hSNF5 proteins stimulates replication of human papillomavirus DNA. Nature (1999) 1.29
Structure-function analysis of integrase interactor 1/hSNF5L1 reveals differential properties of two repeat motifs present in the highly conserved region. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.28
Clinical features of schwannomatosis: a retrospective analysis of 87 patients. Oncologist (2012) 1.27
Spinal and cutaneous schwannomatosis is a variant form of type 2 neurofibromatosis: a clinical and molecular study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1997) 1.26
Frequent hSNF5/INI1 germline mutations in patients with rhabdoid tumor. Clin Cancer Res (2011) 1.24
Germline SMARCB1 mutation and somatic NF2 mutations in familial multiple meningiomas. J Med Genet (2010) 1.23
P0 promoter directs expression of reporter and toxin genes to Schwann cells of transgenic mice. Neuron (1992) 1.23
The SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex subunit SNF5 is essential for hepatocyte differentiation. EMBO J (2005) 1.23
Familial occurrence of schwannomas and malignant rhabdoid tumour associated with a duplication in SMARCB1. J Med Genet (2009) 1.21
A masked NES in INI1/hSNF5 mediates hCRM1-dependent nuclear export: implications for tumorigenesis. EMBO J (2002) 1.21
Physical and functional interaction of DNA methyltransferase 3A with Mbd3 and Brg1 in mouse lymphosarcoma cells. Cancer Res (2005) 1.17
SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is obligatory for BMP2-induced, Runx2-dependent skeletal gene expression that controls osteoblast differentiation. J Cell Biochem (2005) 1.16
Specificity of interaction of INI1/hSNF5 with retroviral integrases and its functional significance. J Virol (2004) 1.14
Quantitative assessment of whole-body tumor burden in adult patients with neurofibromatosis. PLoS One (2012) 1.13
Promoter-specific targeting of human SWI-SNF complex by Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2. J Virol (2000) 1.11
SWI/SNF complexes, chromatin remodeling and skeletal myogenesis: it's time to exchange! Exp Cell Res (2010) 1.10
The requirement for SNF5/INI1 in adipocyte differentiation highlights new features of malignant rhabdoid tumors. Oncogene (2007) 1.10
The integrase interactor 1 (INI1) proteins facilitate Tat-mediated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transcription. Retrovirology (2006) 1.09
Schwannomatosis associated with multiple meningiomas due to a familial SMARCB1 mutation. Neurogenetics (2009) 1.08
Somatic instability of the NF2 gene in schwannomatosis. Arch Neurol (2003) 1.08
Aurora kinase inhibitors. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol (2009) 1.08
Rates of loss of heterozygosity and mitotic recombination in NF2 schwannomas, sporadic vestibular schwannomas and schwannomatosis schwannomas. Oncogene (2010) 1.07
Frequency of SMARCB1 mutations in familial and sporadic schwannomatosis. Neurogenetics (2012) 1.06
Epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor arising in a schwannoma, in a patient with "neuroblastoma-like" schwannomatosis and a novel germline SMARCB1 mutation. Am J Surg Pathol (2012) 1.06
The ins and outs of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in budding yeast: biophysical and proteomic perspectives. Biochim Biophys Acta (2007) 1.04
Akirin links twist-regulated transcription with the Brahma chromatin remodeling complex during embryogenesis. PLoS Genet (2012) 1.03
The tumor suppressor hSNF5/INI1 modulates cell growth and actin cytoskeleton organization. Cancer Res (2004) 1.03
SMARCB1/INI1 germline mutations contribute to 10% of sporadic schwannomatosis. BMC Neurol (2011) 1.02
Rhabdoid tumor growth is inhibited by flavopiridol. Clin Cancer Res (2008) 1.02
Hybrid neurofibroma/schwannoma is overrepresented among schwannomatosis and neurofibromatosis patients. Am J Surg Pathol (2012) 1.02
Targeting cyclin D1, a downstream effector of INI1/hSNF5, in rhabdoid tumors. Oncogene (2006) 1.01
The mouse ortholog of the human SMARCB1 gene encodes two splice forms. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (1999) 1.01
Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nature (2007) 29.23
Low-penetrance susceptibility to breast cancer due to CHEK2(*)1100delC in noncarriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. Nat Genet (2002) 9.71
PALB2, which encodes a BRCA2-interacting protein, is a breast cancer susceptibility gene. Nat Genet (2006) 9.17
Association of risk-reducing surgery in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers with cancer risk and mortality. JAMA (2010) 8.93
Meta-analysis identifies 29 additional ulcerative colitis risk loci, increasing the number of confirmed associations to 47. Nat Genet (2011) 7.98
Truncating mutations in the Fanconi anemia J gene BRIP1 are low-penetrance breast cancer susceptibility alleles. Nat Genet (2006) 7.72
Genome-wide association study identifies five new breast cancer susceptibility loci. Nat Genet (2010) 7.62
Newly discovered breast cancer susceptibility loci on 3p24 and 17q23.2. Nat Genet (2009) 7.30
Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2011) 6.77
ATM mutations that cause ataxia-telangiectasia are breast cancer susceptibility alleles. Nat Genet (2006) 6.67
Differential effects of oncogenic K-Ras and N-Ras on proliferation, differentiation and tumor progression in the colon. Nat Genet (2008) 5.07
A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in the general population. Nat Genet (2010) 4.96
Implementing genomic medicine in the clinic: the future is here. Genet Med (2013) 4.89
The Merlin/NF2 tumor suppressor functions through the YAP oncoprotein to regulate tissue homeostasis in mammals. Dev Cell (2010) 4.47
Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer. Nat Genet (2013) 4.35
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of individuals with neurofibromatosis 1. J Med Genet (2006) 4.23
Assessing women at high risk of breast cancer: a review of risk assessment models. J Natl Cancer Inst (2010) 3.94
Hearing improvement after bevacizumab in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2. N Engl J Med (2009) 3.85
Association between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and survival in women with invasive epithelial ovarian cancer. JAMA (2012) 3.85
Nf2/Merlin controls progenitor homeostasis and tumorigenesis in the liver. Genes Dev (2010) 3.77
Effect of aspirin or resistant starch on colorectal neoplasia in the Lynch syndrome. N Engl J Med (2008) 3.76
Membrane organization and tumorigenesis--the NF2 tumor suppressor, Merlin. Genes Dev (2005) 3.59
Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy for the prevention of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated breast and gynecologic cancer: a multicenter, prospective study. J Clin Oncol (2008) 3.54
MRI breast screening in high-risk women: cancer detection and survival analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2014) 3.46
Common breast cancer-predisposition alleles are associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Am J Hum Genet (2008) 3.41
Autosomal recessive colorectal adenomatous polyposis due to inherited mutations of MYH. Lancet (2003) 3.24
Genomic sequencing of meningiomas identifies oncogenic SMO and AKT1 mutations. Nat Genet (2013) 3.19
Neurofibromatosis type 1 revisited. Pediatrics (2009) 3.06
Cancer risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from prospective analysis of EMBRACE. J Natl Cancer Inst (2013) 2.93
Practical data acquisition method for human brain tumor amide proton transfer (APT) imaging. Magn Reson Med (2008) 2.93
Proteasomal and genetic inactivation of the NF1 tumor suppressor in gliomagenesis. Cancer Cell (2009) 2.73
Clinical and mutational spectrum of neurofibromatosis type 1-like syndrome. JAMA (2009) 2.72
Germline BRCA mutations are associated with higher risk of nodal involvement, distant metastasis, and poor survival outcomes in prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol (2013) 2.71
Effect of short-term hormone replacement therapy on breast cancer risk reduction after bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: the PROSE Study Group. J Clin Oncol (2005) 2.70
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 phosphorylates kinesin light chains and negatively regulates kinesin-based motility. EMBO J (2002) 2.70
Mosaic PPM1D mutations are associated with predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. Nature (2012) 2.66
NF2 deficiency promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis by destabilizing adherens junctions. Genes Dev (2003) 2.55
Germline loss-of-function mutations in SPRED1 cause a neurofibromatosis 1-like phenotype. Nat Genet (2007) 2.55
Safety and efficacy of diaphragm pacing in patients with respiratory insufficiency due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (DiPALS): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Neurol (2015) 2.51
A critical role for peptidoglycan N-deacetylation in Listeria evasion from the host innate immune system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 2.46
Hyaluronan accumulates in demyelinated lesions and inhibits oligodendrocyte progenitor maturation. Nat Med (2005) 2.46
Exposure to diagnostic radiation and risk of breast cancer among carriers of BRCA1/2 mutations: retrospective cohort study (GENE-RAD-RISK). BMJ (2012) 2.44
Genome-wide association study in BRCA1 mutation carriers identifies novel loci associated with breast and ovarian cancer risk. PLoS Genet (2013) 2.39
Merlin/NF2 suppresses tumorigenesis by inhibiting the E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4(DCAF1) in the nucleus. Cell (2010) 2.38
A genome wide linkage search for breast cancer susceptibility genes. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2006) 2.35
X-linked bulbospinal neuronopathy: Kennedy disease. Arch Neurol (2002) 2.21
Gene-environment interaction modulated by allelic heterogeneity in inflammatory diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 2.16
Cell cycle arrest and repression of cyclin D1 transcription by INI1/hSNF5. Mol Cell Biol (2002) 2.15
Common variants in LSP1, 2q35 and 8q24 and breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Hum Mol Genet (2009) 2.13
Conservation of hotspots for recombination in low-copy repeats associated with the NF1 microdeletion. Nat Genet (2006) 2.11
Downregulated microRNA-200a in meningiomas promotes tumor growth by reducing E-cadherin and activating the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. Mol Cell Biol (2009) 2.06
Arrested oligodendrocyte lineage maturation in chronic perinatal white matter injury. Ann Neurol (2008) 1.99
Pathology of breast and ovarian cancers among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA). Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2011) 1.99
The Angelina Jolie effect: how high celebrity profile can have a major impact on provision of cancer related services. Breast Cancer Res (2014) 1.97
Results of annual screening in phase I of the United Kingdom familial ovarian cancer screening study highlight the need for strict adherence to screening schedule. J Clin Oncol (2012) 1.90
Common breast cancer susceptibility alleles and the risk of breast cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: implications for risk prediction. Cancer Res (2010) 1.90
Identification of a BRCA2-specific modifier locus at 6p24 related to breast cancer risk. PLoS Genet (2013) 1.88
Plexiform and dermal neurofibromas and pigmentation are caused by Nf1 loss in desert hedgehog-expressing cells. Cancer Cell (2008) 1.86
A clue to the therapy of neurofibromatosis type 2: NF2/merlin is a PAK1 inhibitor. Cancer J (2004) 1.85
Neurofibromin-deficient Schwann cells secrete a potent migratory stimulus for Nf1+/- mast cells. J Clin Invest (2003) 1.85
Surveillance for familial breast cancer: Differences in outcome according to BRCA mutation status. Int J Cancer (2007) 1.84
MEK inhibition exhibits efficacy in human and mouse neurofibromatosis tumors. J Clin Invest (2012) 1.83
Colorectal cancers in a new mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis: influence of genetic and environmental modifiers. Lab Invest (2004) 1.82
Human neural stem cells induce functional myelination in mice with severe dysmyelination. Sci Transl Med (2012) 1.82
NF1 is a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma that determines retinoic acid response and disease outcome. Cell (2010) 1.81
Maintenance of primary tumor phenotype and genotype in glioblastoma stem cells. Neuro Oncol (2011) 1.80
Large-scale molecular comparison of human schwann cells to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor cell lines and tissues. Cancer Res (2006) 1.80
Hemorrhagic complications in patients with advanced hematological malignancies followed at home: an Italian experience. Leuk Lymphoma (2009) 1.80
NF2/merlin is a novel negative regulator of mTOR complex 1, and activation of mTORC1 is associated with meningioma and schwannoma growth. Mol Cell Biol (2009) 1.78
Mammographic density and breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Cancer Res (2006) 1.77
Germline RAD51C mutations confer susceptibility to ovarian cancer. Nat Genet (2012) 1.76
GRIF-1 and OIP106, members of a novel gene family of coiled-coil domain proteins: association in vivo and in vitro with kinesin. J Biol Chem (2005) 1.72
Merlin/neurofibromatosis type 2 suppresses growth by inhibiting the activation of Ras and Rac. Cancer Res (2007) 1.71
Arrested preoligodendrocyte maturation contributes to myelination failure in premature infants. Ann Neurol (2012) 1.71
Stability of BAT26 in tumours of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer patients with MSH2 intragenic deletion. Eur J Hum Genet (2006) 1.71
A pilot study of compositional analysis of the breast and estimation of breast mammographic density using three-dimensional T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2008) 1.70
FOXL2 and BPES: mutational hotspots, phenotypic variability, and revision of the genotype-phenotype correlation. Am J Hum Genet (2003) 1.70
SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling factors induce changes in DNA methylation to promote transcriptional activation. Cancer Res (2005) 1.68
Molecular pathogenesis of multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors in NF1 patients. Hum Mol Genet (2006) 1.68
CD44 expression identifies astrocyte-restricted precursor cells. Dev Biol (2004) 1.66
A randomized placebo-controlled prevention trial of aspirin and/or resistant starch in young people with familial adenomatous polyposis. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2011) 1.64
How does the Schwann cell lineage form tumors in NF1? Glia (2008) 1.63
Evaluation of Fanconi Anemia genes in familial breast cancer predisposition. Cancer Res (2003) 1.62
Forward genetic screen for malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor formation identifies new genes and pathways driving tumorigenesis. Nat Genet (2013) 1.60
Depletion of peripheral macrophages and brain microglia increases brain tumor titers of oncolytic viruses. Cancer Res (2007) 1.60
Transfusions at home in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Leuk Res (2012) 1.59
Immunohistochemical analysis supports a role for INI1/SMARCB1 in hereditary forms of schwannomas, but not in solitary, sporadic schwannomas. Brain Pathol (2008) 1.59
Interaction between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase and integrase proteins. J Virol (2004) 1.58
Variants in CHEK2 other than 1100delC do not make a major contribution to breast cancer susceptibility. Am J Hum Genet (2003) 1.58
Common genetic variants and modification of penetrance of BRCA2-associated breast cancer. PLoS Genet (2010) 1.56
Coordinate control of axon defasciculation and myelination by laminin-2 and -8. J Cell Biol (2005) 1.56
Germline SMARCB1 mutation predisposes to multiple meningiomas and schwannomas with preferential location of cranial meningiomas at the falx cerebri. Neurogenetics (2011) 1.56
Dissecting and targeting the growth factor-dependent and growth factor-independent extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway in human schwannoma. Cancer Res (2008) 1.55
miRNA-7 attenuation in Schwannoma tumors stimulates growth by upregulating three oncogenic signaling pathways. Cancer Res (2010) 1.54