Published in EMBO J on May 15, 2000
CTCF: master weaver of the genome. Cell (2009) 15.09
CTCF mediates long-range chromatin looping and local histone modification in the beta-globin locus. Genes Dev (2006) 6.32
Identification and characterization of cell type-specific and ubiquitous chromatin regulatory structures in the human genome. PLoS Genet (2007) 5.93
We gather together: insulators and genome organization. Curr Opin Genet Dev (2007) 5.81
Transitions in histone acetylation reveal boundaries of three separately regulated neighboring loci. EMBO J (2001) 4.28
Position-effect protection and enhancer blocking by the chicken beta-globin insulator are separable activities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 3.46
A complex chromatin landscape revealed by patterns of nuclease sensitivity and histone modification within the mouse beta-globin locus. Mol Cell Biol (2003) 3.09
Developmentally dynamic histone acetylation pattern of a tissue-specific chromatin domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2000) 2.83
Conserved CTCF insulator elements flank the mouse and human beta-globin loci. Mol Cell Biol (2002) 2.69
Distinctive signatures of histone methylation in transcribed coding and noncoding human beta-globin sequences. Mol Cell Biol (2006) 2.68
The insulation of genes from external enhancers and silencing chromatin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002) 2.60
Architectural roles of multiple chromatin insulators at the human apolipoprotein gene cluster. EMBO J (2009) 2.56
Protein:protein interactions and the pairing of boundary elements in vivo. Genes Dev (2003) 2.23
The replacement histone H2A.Z in a hyperacetylated form is a feature of active genes in the chicken. Nucleic Acids Res (2005) 2.08
CTCF interacts with and recruits the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II to CTCF target sites genome-wide. Mol Cell Biol (2007) 2.07
Insulation of enhancer-promoter communication by a gypsy transposon insert in the Drosophila cut gene: cooperation between suppressor of hairy-wing and modifier of mdg4 proteins. Mol Cell Biol (2001) 2.00
Role of CTCF binding sites in the Igf2/H19 imprinting control region. Mol Cell Biol (2004) 1.79
Flanking HS-62.5 and 3' HS1, and regions upstream of the LCR, are not required for beta-globin transcription. Blood (2006) 1.65
How cohesin and CTCF cooperate in regulating gene expression. Chromosome Res (2009) 1.62
Identification of a conserved erythroid specific domain of histone acetylation across the alpha-globin gene cluster. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.57
An endogenous suppressor of hairy-wing insulator separates regulatory domains in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2003) 1.56
A test of insulator interactions in Drosophila. EMBO J (2003) 1.53
Functional phosphorylation sites in the C-terminal region of the multivalent multifunctional transcriptional factor CTCF. Mol Cell Biol (2001) 1.48
Accumulation of heterochromatin components on the terminal repeat sequence of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus mediated by the latency-associated nuclear antigen. J Virol (2004) 1.34
An activation-independent role of transcription factors in insulator function. EMBO Rep (2001) 1.32
Replication of the chicken beta-globin locus: early-firing origins at the 5' HS4 insulator and the rho- and betaA-globin genes show opposite epigenetic modifications. Mol Cell Biol (2003) 1.31
Genomic mapping of Suppressor of Hairy-wing binding sites in Drosophila. Genome Biol (2007) 1.29
Switch recombination and somatic hypermutation are controlled by the heavy chain 3' enhancer region. J Exp Med (2009) 1.29
Patterns of histone acetylation suggest dual pathways for gene activation by a bifunctional locus control region. EMBO J (2000) 1.28
Expression-state boundaries in the mating-type region of fission yeast. Genetics (2002) 1.23
Detection and characterization of silencers and enhancer-blockers in the greater CFTR locus. Genome Res (2008) 1.21
An insulator element 3' to the CFTR gene binds CTCF and reveals an active chromatin hub in primary cells. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 1.19
Chromatin-dependent cooperativity between site-specific transcription factors in vivo. J Biol Chem (2006) 1.19
Identification of an insulator in AAVS1, a preferred region for integration of adeno-associated virus DNA. J Virol (2003) 1.18
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Epigenetics of beta-globin gene regulation. Mutat Res (2008) 1.15
A DNA insulator prevents repression of a targeted X-linked transgene but not its random or imprinted X inactivation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 1.13
Inactive X chromosome-specific histone H3 modifications and CpG hypomethylation flank a chromatin boundary between an X-inactivated and an escape gene. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 1.11
Transcriptional silencing of a novel hTERT reporter locus during in vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Mol Biol Cell (2006) 1.09
The 3' region of the chicken hypersensitive site-4 insulator has properties similar to its core and is required for full insulator activity. PLoS One (2009) 1.07
A reliable method to display authentic DNase I hypersensitive sites at long-ranges in single-copy genes from large genomes. Nucleic Acids Res (2006) 1.05
Loss of the insulator protein CTCF during nematode evolution. BMC Mol Biol (2009) 1.02
Shared long-range regulatory elements coordinate expression of a gene cluster encoding nicotinic receptor heteromeric subtypes. Mol Cell Biol (2006) 1.01
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Differential repression of human and mouse TERT genes during cell differentiation. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 0.95
Novel regulatory mechanisms for the CFTR gene. Biochem Soc Trans (2009) 0.94
Functional regulation of pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox interacting protein 1 (PBXIP1/HPIP) in erythroid differentiation. J Biol Chem (2011) 0.93
The gypsy insulator of Drosophila affects chromatin structure in a directional manner. Genetics (2001) 0.90
Defining the functional boundaries of the Gata2 locus by rescue with a linked bacterial artificial chromosome transgene. J Biol Chem (2008) 0.87
Deletion of an X-inactivation boundary disrupts adjacent gene silencing. PLoS Genet (2013) 0.85
Studying human telomerase gene transcription by a chromatinized reporter generated by recombinase-mediated targeting of a bacterial artificial chromosome. Nucleic Acids Res (2009) 0.85
Functional mimicry of the acetylated C-terminal tail of p53 by a SUMO-1 acetylated domain, SAD. J Cell Physiol (2010) 0.84
Insulation of the chicken beta-globin chromosomal domain from a chromatin-condensing protein, MENT. Mol Cell Biol (2003) 0.84
High-level genomic integration, epigenetic changes, and expression of sleeping beauty transgene. Biochemistry (2010) 0.81
Spatial organization of the chicken beta-globin gene domain in erythroid cells of embryonic and adult lineages. Epigenetics Chromatin (2012) 0.80
Distribution of histone3 lysine 4 trimethylation at T3-responsive loci in the heart during reversible changes in gene expression. Gene Expr (2012) 0.79
A cluster of noncoding RNAs activates the ESR1 locus during breast cancer adaptation. Nat Commun (2015) 0.79
A transformation booster sequence (TBS) from Petunia hybrida functions as an enhancer-blocking insulator in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Rep (2009) 0.78
Mapping and functional characterisation of a CTCF-dependent insulator element at the 3' border of the murine Scl transcriptional domain. PLoS One (2012) 0.78
Transgenes of the mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain locus, lacking distal elements in the 3' regulatory region, are impaired for class switch recombination. PLoS One (2013) 0.77
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Conservation of sequence and structure flanking the mouse and human beta-globin loci: the beta-globin genes are embedded within an array of odorant receptor genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1999) 2.39
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